

Effects of Different Irrigation Regimes on Grain Yield,Water Use Efficiency and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Winter Wheat

【作者】 贾殿勇

【导师】 贺明荣;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在田间试验条件下,以冬小麦多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18为供试材料,设置4种灌溉模式:不灌水(W0)、拔节水+开花水(W2)、越冬水+拔节水+灌浆水(W3)、拔节水+越冬水与灌浆水实施交替灌溉的交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)。研究了不同灌溉模式对冬小麦籽粒产量、水分利用效率和氮素利用效率的影响。研究结果如下:1不同灌溉模式对冬小麦籽粒产量及其构成因素的影响多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个品种冬小麦籽粒产量均随灌水量的增加而提高,不同灌溉模式显著影响冬小麦籽粒产量,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)与常规灌2水(W2)相比,灌水量相同,但交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)的籽粒产量显著提高;交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)与常规灌3水(W3)相比,灌水量减少1/3,但交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理的籽粒产量降低不显著。从产量构成因素上分析,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)与常规灌2水(W2)相比较,单位面积穗数显著提高。随灌水量的增加,各灌水处理的千粒重随之降低,其中常规灌3水(W3)处理显著低于交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理和常规灌2水(W2)处理。多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个品种的收获指数均以交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理的最高,且交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理的收获指数显著高于常规灌3水(W3)处理。表明交替隔畦灌溉方式能够通过提高小麦的收获指数,保持较高的籽粒产量。2不同灌溉模式对冬小麦水分利用效率的影响随灌水量的增加,多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个冬小麦品种,不同灌水处理对土壤贮藏水的消耗量呈现逐渐降低的趋势,不同灌溉模式显著影响冬小麦对土壤贮藏水的吸收利用,其中常规灌2水(W2)处理的土壤贮藏水消耗量显著低于交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理。随灌水量的增加,两个冬小麦品种整个生育期内总耗水量呈增加的趋势,相同灌水量条件下,常规灌2水(W2)处理的总耗水量显著低于交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理。随灌水量的增加,多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个冬小麦品种的水分利用效率均呈现降低的趋势。灌水处理间相比较,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理的水分利用效率和灌溉水利用效率显著高于常规灌2水(W2)处理和常规灌3水(W3)处理。表明在本试验条件下,交替隔畦灌溉的灌水方式是兼顾高产和高效的最佳灌水处理模式。3不同灌溉模式下影响水分利用效率变化的因子不同灌溉模式下影响作物水分利用效率变化的因子主要包括土壤棵间蒸发量,作物光合特性,土壤水消耗,旗叶的生理生化指标。2009/2010冬小麦生长季,开花到成熟这段时间内,不灌水(W0)处理的总积累蒸发量显著低于灌水处理。灌水处理间比较,各灌水处理的总积累蒸发量关系为W3> W2> AFI。表明土壤蒸发是土壤水分损失的重要途径之一,而交替隔畦灌溉可以减少土壤表面蒸发损失的三分之一。而且土壤蒸发主要是通过灌水畦损失的,不灌水畦的土壤蒸发损失量仅占总土壤蒸发量的30%左右。说明采用交替隔畦灌溉通过减少地表湿润面积可明显地降低棵间土壤蒸发量。本研究表明,随灌水量的增加,多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个冬小麦品种生长季内0~200cm各土层的土壤贮水消耗量呈减少的趋势。W0处理0~200cm各土层的土壤贮水消耗量最高,表明干旱提高了冬小麦对土壤水的消耗。灌水处理间比较,常规灌3水(W3)处理0~120cm各土层的土壤贮水消耗量显著低于其他处理,表明常规灌3水(W3)处理不利于提高土壤水利用效率;在相同灌水量条件下,常规灌2水(W2)和交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理0~60cm各土层的土壤贮水消耗量差异较小,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理60~140cm各土层土壤贮水消耗量显著高于常规灌2水(W2)处理,表明交替隔畦灌溉能更有效的利用土壤水,尤其是深层土壤贮水,从而提高水分利用效率。泰农18品种2009/2010和2010/2011两个生长季内,光合水分利用效率在整个灌浆期内呈现逐渐下降趋势。浇灌浆水前,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理的光合水分利用效率显著高于常规灌2水(W2)处理,与常规灌3水(W3)处理差异不显著;浇灌浆水后,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理的光合水分利用效率显著高于常规灌3水(W3)处理。结果表明,与常规灌溉方式相比,交替隔畦灌溉方式能保持相同净光合速率,但可以减低蒸腾速率,因此能提高光合水分利用效率。与常规灌2水(W2)处理相比较,灌水量相同,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理的旗叶水势、渗透势和相对含水量显著高于常规灌2水(W2)处理;交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)与常规灌3水(W3)处理相比较,灌水量减少,但是二者水势和渗透势差异不显著。表明交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理在灌水量减少的条件下,既能节约水资源,又能够使冬小麦旗叶保持较高的水势、渗透势和相对含水量,提高了旗叶的渗透调节能力,避免植株水分胁迫的危害。4不同灌溉模式对冬小麦氮素利用效率的影响本试验研究表明,随灌水量的增加,,多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个冬小麦品种,植株氮素总积累量呈增加的趋势,与灌3水处理相比较,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)虽然植株氮素总积累量显著降低,但是由于交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)显著提高了氮素吸收效率、氮素收获指数和氮肥偏生产力,促进了冬小麦对氮肥的吸收利用及向籽粒的分配,能够协调冬小麦籽粒产量和氮素利用率的关系,获得高产高效。利用15N同位素示踪法,本研究表明,多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个冬小麦品种,植物氮素总积累量中来自肥料氮的比例为33.76%~40.49%,来自土壤氮为59.51%~66.24%。随灌水量的增加,植株氮素总积累量、来自肥料氮的量和来自土壤氮的量均呈现增加的趋势。在相同灌水量条件下,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理对肥料氮的吸收量显著高于常规灌2水(W2)处理,表明交替隔畦灌溉方式更有利于对肥料氮的吸收,提高肥料氮的回收利用率。随灌水量的增加,多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个冬小麦品种不同灌水处理的氮素总积累量、氮素利用效率、氮肥利用率和氮肥偏生产力均呈增加的趋势,不灌水(W0)处理显著低于其他灌水处理。说明灌水有利于增加氮素在植株中的积累总量,提高对肥料氮的回收效率和增加肥料氮所能生产的作物籽粒产量。相同灌水量条件下,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理的氮素总积累量、氮肥生产效率和氮肥利用效率均显著高于常规灌2水(W2)处理。氮素收获指数反映成熟期氮素在籽粒和营养器官中的分配状况,随灌水量的增加,氮素收获指数呈降低的趋势。表明在本试验条件下,交替隔畦灌溉方式提高了提高对肥料氮的回收效率和增加肥料氮所能生产的作物籽粒产量,促进了冬小麦对氮肥的吸收利用及向籽粒的分配,能协调冬小麦籽粒产量和氮素利用率的关系,获得高产高效。随灌水量增加,多穗型品种山农15和大穗型品种泰农18两个冬小麦品种,成熟期0~200cm土层土壤硝态氮积累量呈降低趋势,灌水量相同条件下,交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理土壤硝态氮积累量显著高于常规灌2水(W2)处理。随灌水量增加,0~100cm土层土壤硝态氮积累量占0~200cm土壤硝态氮总积累量的比例逐渐减小,其中交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理显著高于常规灌2水(W2)和常规灌3水(W3)处理;100~200cm土层土壤硝态氮积累量占0~200cm土壤硝态氮总积累量的比例逐渐增大,其中交替隔畦灌溉(AFI)处理显著低于常规灌2水(W2)和常规灌3水(W3)处理。表明随着灌水量和灌水次数的增加,土壤硝态氮从0~100cm土层迁移到100~200cm土层中的量增加,而交替隔畦灌溉能够有效减少土壤硝态氮向100cm以下土层的淋溶。

【Abstract】 The field experiment was carried out at Shandong Agricultural university, Tai’an,Shandong province, China (36°09′N,117°09′S) in the growing seasons of2009/2010and2010/2011. The experimental design was a complete randomized block design with threereplicates. The experimental winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars, Shannong15(SN15) and Tainong18(TN18), were sown on9and10October in2009and2010, respectively,at a seeding rate of270seeds m-2as part of a larger experiment. Four irrigation levels wereused:(1) W0, no irrigation was applied.(2) W2, irrigating at jointing and anthesis.(3) W3,irrigating at before-wintering and jointing and grain filling.(4) AFI (alternate furrowirrigation), irrigating at jointing, before-wintering and grain filling was alternately irrigatedbetween the two neighboring plot (one of the two neighboring plots irrigating before-wintering and jointing, the other one irrigating at jointing and grain filling.). Effects ofdifferent irrigation regimes on yield, water use efficiency, and nitrogen use efficiency ofwinter wheat were investigated. The main results are shown as follows:1The effects of different irrigation regimes on grain yield and its componentsWith the increase of irrigation, the spike numbers and kernel numbers of per spikeincreased, but1000-grain weight decreased in the treatments. The spike numbers in the AFItreatment was significantly higher than that of W2treatment with the same irrigation amount.1000-grain weight in AFI treatment was significantly higher than that of W3treatment.With increasing amount of irrigation, the grain yields increased. The grain yield intheAFI treatment was significantly higher than that of W2treatment, and there was nosignificant difference in grain yield between AFI and W3. The results indicated that the AFImethod could maintain the same grain yield as that of conventional irrigation with highirrigation amount. 2The effects of different irrigation regimes on water use efficiencyWith the increase of irrigation amount, total water consumption amount and ratio ofirrigation amount to total water consumption amount both increased significantly, but theamount of soil water was decreased. The variation coefficient of proportion of soil waterconsumption amount to total water consumption amount was significantly higher than that ofprecipitation to total water consumption amount, and this indicated that the regulation rangeof soil water use efficiency was relatively larger. The proportion of soil water consumptionamount to total water consumption amount of treatment AFI was significantly higher than thatof treatments W2and W3.With increasing amount of irrigation, the water use efficiency (WUE) decreased. The WUE oftrearment AFI was significantly higher than those of other irrigation treatments, whichirrigation water use efficiency was also rather higher. The results above indicated thattreatment AFI was the best irrigation treatment that got high yield and high efficiency.3Factors affecting water use efficiency of different irrigation regimesThe changes of water use efficiency (WUE) in different irrigated winter wheat plantingcould be attributed to amount of soil evaporation, photosynthetic characteristics, soil waterconsumption and physiological and biochemical indexes of flag leaf. In two growing season,from anthesis to maturity, the cumulative evaporation in treatmemt W0was significantlylower than that of other irrigation treatments. The difference in the total accumulatedevaporation of two cultivars was observed among different irrigation treatments with the rankof W3> W2> AFI. Results showed that soil evaporation is one of the important ways to soilmoisture loss, and alternate irrigation can reduce soil surface evaporation loss1/3, soilevaporation mainly through the loss of irrigation furrow. The alternate irrigation by reducingthe surface humid area can significantly reduce soil evaporation among plants.With the increase of irrigation water, soil water consumption of wheat growing season in0-200cm soil layer decreases. Soil water consumption in treatment W0was the highest, andtreatment W3was the lowest. The results showed that water deficit increased soil waterconsumption of wheat, and waterlog is not conducive to improving the use efficiency. Nosignificantly difference of the soil water consumption amount of0~60cm soil layer betweentreatments W2and AFI, and the soil water consumption amount of60~140cm soil layer intreatment W2was lower than that of treatment AFI. Alternate irrigation can make moreeffective use of soil water, especially in deep soil water storage, to improve water useefficiency.Photosynthesis water use efficiency (WUEphoto) in the whole grain filling stage decreasedgradually. Before irrigation at grain filling, photosynthesis water use efficiency in treatment AFI was significantly higher than that of treatment W2, and there were no significantlydifference between treatments AFI and W3. After irrigation at grain filling, photosynthesiswater use efficiency in treatment AFI was significantly higher than that of treatment W3. Theresults show that alternate irrigation method can keep the same photosynthetic rate, but canreduce the transpiration rate, thus can enhance photosynthesis water use efficiency.Compared to treatment W2, the same irrigation amount, the water potential, osmoticpotential and relative water content of flag leaf in treatment AFI was significantly higher thanthat of treatment W2; but there was no significant difference between treatments AFI and W3.The results suggested that alternative irrigation reduce the amount of irrigation, saving waterresources, and make the wheat flag leaves maintained higher water potential and osmoticadjustment ability.4The effects of different irrigation regimes on nitrogen use efficiencyThe total nitrogen accumulation amount of plant derived from fertilizer proportion is33.76%~40.49%, derived from soil proportion59.51%~66.24%. With the increasing ofirrigation amount, total nitrogen accumulation amount, nitrogen accumulation amount derivedfrom fertilizer and soil increased. Compared to treatment W2, the same irrigation amount, thederived from fertilizer amount in treatment AFI was significantly higher than that of treatmentW2, but there was no significant difference between treatments AFI and W3. The derivedfrom fertilizer proportion in treatment AFI was significantly higher than that of treatment W3.The results showed that alternate irrigation is more conducive to the absorption of nitrogenfertilizer, to improve the utilization rate of fertilizer nitrogen.With the increase of irrigation amount, the total nitrogen accumulation, nitrogenproductive efficiency and nitrogen uptake efficiency increased significantly, while thenitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen harvest index decreased. The total nitrogen accumulation,nitrogen productive efficiency and nitrogen uptake efficiency in treatment AFI weresignificantly higher than that of W2treatment, the nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogenharvest index in treatment AFI were significantly higher than that of treatment W3. Theresults showed that the alternate irrigation increased N uptake efficiency, nitrogen harvestindex and nitrogen fertilizer production efficiency, promote the wheat to nitrogen uptake andutilization and to the distribution of grain, energy utilization rate of the relationship betweengrain yield and nitrogen in wheat, obtain high yield and high efficiency.With increase of amount irrigation, the soil NO3--N content of irrigation treatments in0~200cm soil layer gradually reduces with increasing the soil depth. In the same irrigationamount,0~200cm soil NO3--N accumulation in treatment AFI was significantly higher than that of treatment W2. With increasing amount of irrigation, the soil NO3--N content ofirrigation treatments in0~100cm soil layer significantly reduces with increasing amount ofirrigation, but increases in varying degrees in100~200cm.0~100cm soil NO3--Naccumulation in treatment AFI was significantly higher than that of treatments W2and W3. Itshowed that, alternate irrigation reduce the content of soil NO3--N leaching from0~100cmsoil layer to100~200cm soil layer.
