

Research on the Loosening Blasting Fully Mechanized Longwall Mining Technology in Hejiagetai Bauxite

【作者】 于伟

【导师】 康立勋;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的高速发展,近几年我国铝土矿资源消耗速度大大超过世界平均水平,目前我国浅部铝资源逐步开发殆尽,国内铝资源的开发开始转入深部,铝土矿地下开采刚处于起步阶段,仅有的几个矿井仍沿用有色系统传统的房柱法进行开采,该方法生产效率低,资源回收率低、浪费严重,而目前煤炭行业综合机械化采煤方法已经非常成熟,若能把该方法引入铝土矿的地下开采,必将大大提高生产效率和资源回收率。为此本文提出了铝土矿长壁松动爆破综合机械化开采新技术,研究了实施该技术所面临的的一系列技术问题。虽然长壁综合机械化开采在有色金属矿山还未曾有过先例,但铝土矿采用综合机械化开采势必成为铝土矿地下开采一个总的发展趋势。论文以兴县贺家圪台铝土矿地下开采为主要研究对象,采用现场取样、实验室试验、理论分析、数值模拟、方法比选和现场试验等方法,对兴县贺家圪台铝土矿矿石层赋存状况、地质构造发育及分布状况、矿石特征、采矿方法等方面进行系统研究,提出了一种全新的铝土矿地下开采方法,即铝土矿长壁松动爆破综合机械化开采方法。并进行了支撑该方法的松动爆破、矿山压力控制及设备配套等方面的探索性研究。主要研究成果如下:(1)通过现场取芯及实验室试验,明确了铝土矿及顶底板岩层分布状况、各岩层物理力学性质,为铝上矿地下开采采矿方法的合理选择提供了原始基础依据。(2)针对贺家圪台铝土矿赋存条件,结合矿山开采设计的基本原则,对贺家圪台铝土矿地下开采的采矿方法进行科学、合理的分析,确定了本矿可采用的采矿方法有房柱式采矿法和长壁单层崩落法,并创造性的提出了一种全新的方法—长壁松动爆破综合机械化开采方法。结合理论分析,确定了各种开采方法的主要技术参数及回采工艺。通过比选,长壁单层崩落法和长壁松动爆破综采法比房柱采矿法单工作面产量大,生产效率和回收率高,经济效益明显,其优越性大大超过其它的采矿方法。(3)在分析岩石的破碎机理和裂隙岩体的强度特征的基础上,提出了采用综合反映岩块和裂隙性质的准岩体强度作为评价矿体可切割性的指标,该指标可通过测量矿体中的超声波传输速度进行计算,解决了爆破松动岩体的可切割性评价问题。(4)在研究岩体节理裂隙分布规律和爆破块度的分形分布的基础上,提出了确定爆破块度和爆破参数关系的回归分析方法,为根据爆破块度要求确定爆破参数提供了依据。并通过松动爆破原理分析,提出了针对贺家圪台地下开采条件松动爆破参数计算方法。(5)通过现场爆破试验,利用松动爆破可切割性的评价指标和评价方法对爆破效果进行了评价分析。得出松动爆破后的矿体整体强度可以减弱到岩块强度的1/4,对于贺家圪台铝土矿强度为87.64MPa,合理松动爆破后强度可降低到21.91MPa。试验结果为滚筒采矿机在铝土矿开采中使用得以实行,为实现铝土矿长壁综合机械化开采提供了现实依据。(6)理论研究了铝土矿长壁综合机械化开采采场顶板结构的基本形式,采场矿压显现特征。(7)针对贺家圪台铝土矿及顶底板赋存条件,综合运用直接顶载荷倍数估算、理论计算、数值模拟等方法,确定了铝土矿长壁松动爆破综合机械化开采工作面液压支架的合理支护强度,支护强度不应小于0.56MPa。进行液压支架立柱防砸装置设计,解决松动爆破飞石损坏支架立柱的问题。(8)贺家圪台铝土矿采区巷道围岩特征为“两软一硬”,针对该类巷道的围岩强度特征,给出了贺家圪台铝土矿长壁松动爆破综合机械化开采采区巷道支护方案及支护参数。(9)进行铝土矿长壁松动爆破综合机械化开采工作面设备选型与总体配套设计,确定滚筒采矿机、工作面刮板运输机、顺槽转载机和破碎机、顺槽可伸缩带式输送机主要技术参数,为实现铝土矿长壁松动爆破综合机械化安全高效开采提供了主要技术和安全保障。总之,本文较深入、系统地研究了贺家圪台铝土矿长壁松动爆破综合机械化开采技术,解决了铝土矿长壁综合机械化开采中存在的主要技术难题,为今后铝土矿长综合机械化的开采、设计提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 As the rapid development of China’s economic in recent years, the consumption rate of China’s bauxite resources has been much faster than the world average. Currently, China’s shallow bauxite resources are gradually exhausted, so the exploitation of bauxite resources begins to turn to the deep. The underground mining of the bauxite is just in its infancy; only a few bauxite mines still use traditional room and pillar mining method which is low productivity, low resource recovery rate and serious waste. Meanwhile, now fully mechanized mining technology in coal industry has been very mature. If this method can be applied to the underground mining of bauxite, it will greatly improve production efficiency and resource recovery. Therefore this paper puts forward the new technology of long-wall loosing blasting fully-mechanized mining which researches a series of technical problems of implementing this technology. Although the application of loosing blasting fully mechanized longwall mining technology to the non-ferrous metal ore has not yet a precedent, the use of mechanized mining of bauxite is bound to become a general trend.The paper takes the underground mining of bauxite in Hejiagetai in Xing county as the main research object, using field sampling, laboratory test, theoretical analysis, numerical simulation, comparison and selection methods and field test and so on, researching systematically occurrence state, development and distribution of geological structures, ore characteristics, mining methods of bauxite ore layer in Hejiagetai.It proposes a new method of underground mining of bauxite, namely loosing blasting fully mechanized longwall mining technology of the bauxite, exploratory research of the loose blasting, strata pressure control and equipments have been launched, which support this method. The main results are as follows:(1) By site coring and laboratory tests, we clear the distribution of the roof and floor rock, and physical and mechanical properties of the rock, which offers the basic theory to the reasonable choice of the underground mining of bauxite mining method.(2) In connection with the occurrence state of bauxite in Hejiagetai and with the basic principles of mining design, scientifically and rationally analyzing the underground mining method of bauxite in Hejiagetai, we establish that the mining methods are room and pillar mining and long-wall single caving, and put forward creatively a new method:long-wall loose blasting fully-mechanized mining. Combined with theoretical analysis, we establish the main technical parameters extraction technology of the various mining methods. By comparison, long-wall single caving method and long-wall loose blasting fully-mechanized mining have larger face production, higher production and recovery efficiency, more obvious economic benefits than room and pillar mining. Its advantages are far more than any other mining methods.(3) On the basis of analyzing the rock crushing mechanism and the strength characteristics of fractured rock, we regard the rock mass strength of the nature of the fractured rock as an evaluation of the cutability of the ore, which can be calculated by measuring the transmission speed of the ultrasonic wave in ore. Thus, the cuttability evaluation of the loose blasting rock can be solved(4) On the basis of studying the distribution of the jointed rock mass and blasting fragmentation, we propose the regression analysis of determining the relationship between blasting fragmentations and blasting parameters, which provide the basis on the blasting parameters which are determined by the blasting fragmentation requirements. And we also propose the calculation method of loose blasting parameters against the underground mining conditions in Hejiagetai by the analysis of loose blasting principle.(5) By the field bursting test and the cuttability evaluation and method of the loose blasting rock, we evaluate and analysis the blasting effect. We conclude that the ore strength can be weakened to1/4of the rock strength. To the bauxite in Hejiagetai, the bauxite strength is87.64MPa and the strength can be reduced to21.91MPa after reasonable loose blasting. Because of the test results, the drum mining machine can be used in the bauxite mining, which provides a realistic basis for the realization of long-wall mechanized mining in bauxite.(6) We study the basic forms of the stope roof structure and strata characteristics by long-wall mechanized mining in bauxite.(7) Against the occurrence state of the roof and floor of the bauxite in Hejiagetai, using synthetically immediate roof load factor estimates, theoretical calculations, numerical simulation analysis method, we determine the reasonable support strength of hydraulic support by long-wall loose blasting mechanized mining, and the strength is not less than0.56MPa. Meanwhile, we solve problem that loose blasting rock may damage the support column by designing the smashing device of the hydraulic support column.(8) The roadway characteristics of the bauxite mining area in Hejiagetai is "two soft and a hard". In connection with the surrounding rock strength characteristics of this roadway, we get the roadway solutions and support parameters of mining face by long-wall loose blasting mechanized mining in Hejiagetai. (9) Through the equipment selection and overall design of the bauxite mining face by long-wall loose blasting mechanized mining, determining the drum mining machine, face scraper conveyor, crossheading transfer machine and crusher, crossheading scalable belt conveyor, it provides the main technical and security for the realization of the safe and efficient mining of the bauxite by long-wall loose blasting mechanized mining.In conclusion, by more in-depth and systematic study of long-wall loose blasting fully-mechanized mining technology of the bauxite in Hejiagetai, we solve the main technical challenges of the fully-mechanized mining of the bauxite, which provides a scientific basis on the fully-mechanized mining and design of the bauxite.
