

The Study on Realization Mechanism for Key Segments of a Green Food Sustainable Supply Chain

【作者】 李英

【导师】 朱庆华;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 环境管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国社会经济的快速发展和人们生活水平的提高,普通食品已经不能满足消费者越来越高的要求。接二连三的食品安全事件(如“苏丹红”和三鹿奶粉事件)使得政府、企业和广大消费者开始逐渐关注食品的安全和品质问题,同时也促使绿色食品甚至有机食品的需求日益增加。早在1999年我国农业部就开始推广“绿色食品”,并对其名称、标准及标志进行了规定,鼓励我国企业生产无污染、优质、安全的食品。2009年6月1日,我国政府在整合现有法律法规的基础上,正式实施了《中华人民共和国食品安全法》,进一步对食品加工管理过程中的卫生与安全问题进行了规范。在此背景下,对于中国食品企业而言,为满足政府日益严格的法律法规要求和消费者快速变化的需求,如何努力构建和保证食品供应链的正常运行、发展绿色食品和有机食品以有效地保证食品的质量和安全是目前食品企业所面临的重要问题。然而,由于绿色食品具有易腐易损和季节性等特点,绿色食品供应链也相应地存在供应商特殊、物流困难、供应不稳定以及结构复杂等问题。因而,建立安全、高效、快速反应的可持续的绿色食品供应链模式,实施绿色供应链管理减少环境影响,控制整个供应链的各个环节保证食品安全,才能以优质的产品和服务赢得竞争优势,实现整条食品供应链的共赢。因此,绿色食品供应链的可持续通常体现为经济、环境、社会三方面维度,即在经济方面上保持企业可持续的盈利能力并在供应链的各个环节合理分配利润;在环境方面提高资源使用率、减少环境污染;在社会方面上保证高品质、安全、无污染食品的正常供应以满足消费者的需求。我国自1990年发展绿色食品产业以来,在可持续供应链实践上与国外领先企业相比有着显著的差距。国外研究表明食品供应链是由生产商和消费者共同驱动的非线性系统,并且贯穿“田间到餐桌”全过程。而在中国,政府部门发挥着非常重要的驱动作用,绿色食品的供应链是政府、企业、消费者多驱动的系统。因此论文以中国绿色食品可持续供应链关键环节为研究对象,一方面基于理论研究和绿色食品可持续生产创新扩散现状进行分析,构建了绿色食品可持续生产创新扩散的Bass模型;同时通过统计学的实证研究,剖析了消费者绿色食品消费意愿和行为的影响因素和影响因素之间的关系;通过灰数DEMATEL方法,提出了绿色食品可持续供应链实现的三个关键途径。论文对绿色食品可持续供应链的研究,对绿色食品产业的可持续发展具有重要的参考价值。首先,基于绿色食品供应链中生产商的视角,对绿色食品生产的创新扩散现状进行研究,通过分析得出绿色食品生产创新扩散的机理。建立了基于创新扩散理论的绿色食品可持续生产Bass模型,基于历年的统计数据进行了分析。其次,基于绿色食品供应链中非常重要的末端驱动因素消费者的视角,对绿色食品消费的机理进行研究。对绿色食品消费意愿和行为的影响因素,通过统计分析方法对影响因素的外部影响因素、内部影响因素以及情境因素进行研究,对中介变量和调节变量进了检验。最后,本文借助灰数DEMATEL方法对绿色食品可持续供应链的障碍因素及实现途径进行了实证研究。采用理论研究和专家经验相结合的方法,识别出绿色食品可持续供应链实现的主要障碍因素。采用DEMATEL方法建立了影响绿色食品供应链可持续发展的障碍因素间的影响矩阵,并通过灰数区间数解决了数据模糊性的问题。在对绿色食品可持续供应链的专家访谈基础上,对障碍因素进行了因果关系分析和敏感性分析。根据因果关系分析得出的原因和结果因素以及中心度,分别得出绿色食品可持续供应链实现的长短期以及重点措施。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the China’s rapid social and economic development as well as people’s living standards improvement, normal food has been unable to meet the increasing demands of consumers. The series of food safety incidents (such as "Sudan" and the Sanlu milk powder) push governments, businesses and consumers to concern about food safety and quality issues, and at the same time promote the increasing demand of green food even organic food. Since1999, the Ministry of Agriculture has begun to promote green food, and its name, standard and logo have been provided to encourage Chinese enterprises to produce pollution-free, high-quality and safe food. On June1,2009, based on the integration of existing laws and regulations, the Chinese government officially implemented the Food Safety Law to further regulate health and safety issues in food processing. In this context, in order to meet increasingly stringent government laws and regulatory requirements as well as rapidly changing consumers’ demands, enterprises have faced important issues such as on how to build and ensure the normal operation of the food supply chain, and how to develop green food and organic food to effectively ensure food quality and food safety.However, green food is easy to be decayed and seasonal, hence accordingly green food supply chain suppliers have met some problems like speciality of suppliers, difficult logistics, instability and structural complexity of the supply. Thus, to achieve the win-win situation in the whole food supply chain by quality products and services to gain a competitive advantage, it is important to establish a safe, efficient sustainable green supply chain model with rapid response to reduce environmental impact and control food safety in all aspects of the entire supply chain to ensure. Therefore, sustainability of green food supply chains include economic, environmental and social dimensions, namely, maintaining sustainable profitability and the rational allocation of profits in each link; improving resource use and reducing environmental pollution; ensuring the normal supply of high quality, safe, pollution-free food to meet consumers’ demands.Since China developed the green food industry in1990, the development of green food industry in the supply chain has a significant gap compared with foreign leading companies. Overseas studies of green food supply chain show that it is a typical process "from the field to the folk" and an obvious nonlinear system mutually driven by producers and consumers. However, in China, the government need play a very important driving role. Green supply chain is a multi-driven system by governments, businesses and consumers. Thus the thesis studies key links of green food sustainable supply chain, studies green food sustainable production of China based on theoretic analysis and empirical studies of the current status with a Bass model. Meanwhile through the empirical research, the relationships between external/internal factors of customers’ green food consumption intention and behaviors are elaborated. By using the Grey-DEMATEL method, it proposes three critical measures to realize green food sustainable supply chains. The research on sustainable supply chain of green food could hopefully provide valuable references to ensure sustainable growth in green food.First, based on the enterprise’s perspective, it studies the status of innovation diffusion of green food production to obtain the mechanism of innovations diffusion. Then the thesis establishes the Bass model of green food sustainable manufacturing by analyzing annual statistics.Second, based on the perspective of consumers, it studies the mechanism of green food consumption on green consumer willingness and behavior factors through statistical analysis. It further studies the affecting factors such as the external factors, internal factors and situational factors with the research on the mediating variables and manipulated variables.Finally, the thesis studies the realizing measures of green food sustainable supply chain management by the Grey-DEMATEL method. Based on the theories and experiences of green food sustainable supply chain management experts in the green food industry, this thesis identifies barrier factors of green food sustainable supply chain. The thesis developed a cause-effect matrix of the barrier factors to make cause-effect analysis and sensitivity analysis. By introducing the grey numbering range, it resolves the numeric fuzzy issue. The research concludes with the long-term, short-term and essential measures of green food sustainable supply chain realization according to the cause factors, the result factors and the centrality.
