

Properties of Oil Shale In-situ Pyrolysis and Coupling Process of Underground Coal Gasification

【作者】 赵丽梅

【导师】 梁杰;

【作者基本信息】 中国矿业大学(北京) , 化学工艺, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 将煤炭地下气化技术理论引入到油页岩原位开采应用中,针对我国油页岩多与煤互层伴生的特点,提出并研究了油页岩与煤地下共气化原位开采油页岩技术,在实现油页岩的原位开采的同时提高气化煤气的热值和品质,提高能源综合利用效率。基于油页岩与煤地下共气化的过程特点,采用微观实验手段研究了油页岩原位热解特性,通过模型试验及数值模拟研究了共气化的过程中油页岩层及煤层的温度场演化规律、油气组分互动特性及共气化过程的热流固耦合特征,从而构建了油页岩与煤地下共气化工艺。研究结果表明,300~550℃是油页岩中有机质集中析出的温度区间;400~600℃油页岩中孔隙数量和孔隙体积增长最快的区间,油页岩及半焦孔隙结构具有明显的分形特征,油页岩及600℃半焦分形维数最低;油页岩随着热解温度的升高渗透性先升高后降低,400℃时渗透率最大,孔隙压力增大使渗透率降低;随着油页岩粒径的增大,最大产气量下降,最大产气量对应温度点向高温区移动,页岩油中烷烃含量逐渐降低,芳香族化合物含量逐渐升高;油页岩与煤地下共气化过程中,氧气浓度为40-45%时,煤层升温速率为7℃/min,气化面的扩展速率为0.036m/h,油页岩层与煤层的升温速率一致且进展稳定,煤气中不饱和烃含量增加,热值提高;随着气化温度的升高,煤层与油页岩层的压力梯度逐渐增大。

【Abstract】 and coal resources associated in our country,the technology of in-situ mining oil shaleby underground co-gasification coal and oil shale was creatively put forward.Thistechnology can realize in-situ mining oil shale, improve heat-value and quality of gas.Based on the process characteristics of underground co-gasification of the oil shaleand coal,adopting microscopic experiments, the thermal properties of oil shale werestudied and analized systematically; Adopting model test and numerical simulation,the evolution law of temperature field of oil shale layer and coal layer, interactivefeatures and oil and gas and heat fluid solid coupling characteristics duringco-gasification were studied; Combining the results of experiment and model test, theunderground co-gasification technology of oil shale and coal was constructed.Theresults show that:(300~550℃)is the main phase in which most of organic matter wasreleased. pore volume and quailities increase fastly in400℃~600℃; oil shale andsemicoke have obvious fractal characteristic, oil shale and semicoke of600℃havethe lowest fractal dimensions.the permeability of oil shale increases first and thendecreases, corresponding temperature of peak is400℃, with increasing of porepressure, permeability decline; With the increasing of oil shale particle size, themaximum gas production declined, the temperature corresponding to the maximumgas production moved to the high temperature zone. whenφ(O2)is40-45%,temperature-rising rate is7℃/min、extend rate of gasification face is0.036m/h, theextend of temperature field is continuous and stable, the temperature change of oilshale and coal are synchronously. With the increase of temperature, the pressuregradient of coal and oil shale layer improve.
