

Study on Seismic Behavior of Composite Shear Wall with Double Steel Plates and Infill Concrete with Binding Bars

【作者】 刘鸿亮

【导师】 蔡健;

【作者基本信息】 华南理工大学 , 结构工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 超高层建筑结构的剪力墙往往要承担巨大的竖向荷载和地震作用,若采用普通钢筋混凝土剪力墙,其墙体过厚,导致成本增加及结构整体控制困难。因此,研发出承载力高、延性耗能好且施工简便的组合剪力墙是解决此难题的有效途径。本文中提出一种新型带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙,并采用试验研究、理论分析、数值模拟相结合的方法对其力学性能和抗震性能进行了研究,具体开展了以下几方面的研究工作:(1)进行了11个带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙在低周往复荷载作用下的试验研究。试验考察的主要参数为:约束拉杆间距、约束拉杆布置方式、轴压比、剪跨比。分析了上述各个参数对组合剪力墙的破坏形态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、强度及刚度退化、位移延性系数及耗能等抗震性能的影响。结果表明,带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙具有良好的承载力、延性和耗能能力,是一种抗震性能良好的新型组合构件。(2)采用纤维模型法,基于MATLAB平台,自编程序建立了带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙在压弯状态下数值仿真模型。利用试验结果验证了数值模型,在此基础上,分析了混凝土强度、钢板强度、含钢率、端柱和墙身钢板比例、截面高度、混凝土板厚度、约束拉杆直径、约束拉杆屈服强度、墙身约束拉杆间距、边缘端柱约束拉杆间距等参数对组合剪力墙压弯承载力的影响。最后通过数值回归分析,提出了带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙压弯承载力简化计算公式。(3)提出了适用于ABAQUS分析带约束拉杆方形、矩形钢管混凝土柱的混凝土应力-应变关系式,并基于ABAQUS平台,编写了能考虑多种材料泊松比在整个受力过程变化的子程序USDFLD,完善了材料的本构模型,分析了带约束拉杆方形、矩形钢管混凝土柱的工作机理。基于前面基础,建立了带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙有限元分析模型,并利用试验结果验证了此模型。在此基础上,研究了组合剪力墙的工作机理并进行了混凝土强度、钢板强度、截面含钢率、墙体剪跨比等参数的分析。基于承载力叠加原理,提出了带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙抗剪承载力简化计算公式。(4)在试验所获得滞回曲线和骨架曲线的基础上,采用试验拟合法,建立了带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙的骨架曲线,给出了骨架曲线各个关键点的计算公式。通过刚度退化数据的回归分析给出了刚度退化计算公式和基于试验所得滞回曲线的分析描述了强度退化规律,得到了组合剪力墙的滞回规律。基于简化三折线骨架曲线和滞回规律,建立了带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙恢复力模型。

【Abstract】 The core wall in super high-rise buildings is usually subjected to high axial compressiveforce and seismic effect. If the traditional RC structural wall is used for core wall,the wallthickness would be excessively thick. The excessively thick wall may result in the increase ofconstruction cost and the difficulty of structural design. Therefor, one effective way to solvethis problem is to develop new forms composite shear wall which show good strength,deformability, energy dissipation capacity and simple construction.A new type of composite shear wall with double steel plates and infill concrete withbinding bars (CSW) is proposed. The mechanical behavior and seismic performance of CSWare studied by experimental method, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation method.The main research work is as follows:(1) Eleven CSW specimens were tested under lager axial compressive force and reversedcyclic lateral load. The main parameters varied in the tests were binding bars spacing, bindingbars setting, axial compressive ration and shear-span ration. The influences of theseparameters on failure characteristics, hysteretic curve, skeleton curve, strength degradation,stiffness degradation, ductility and energy dissipation capacity of the specimens wereobserved. The results indicate that the CSW shows good strength, ductility and energydissipation capacity. The CSW has great seismic performance.(2) Based on the MATLAB platform and the fiber model method, the numericalsimulation model of CSW under compression-bending state was built up by self-compiledprograms. The numerical simulation model was validated by experimental results. The mainparameters varied in the analysis were concrete strength, steel strength, steel ration, theproportional steel of column and wall, depth of section,thickness of concrete wall, diameter ofbinding bars, yield strength of binding bar,binding bars spacing of wall, binding bars spacingof column. The influences of these parameters on the compression-bending capacity of CSWwere investigated. Through regressive analysis of the results of numerical calculation, asimplified formula to calculate compression-bending capacity of CSW was proposed.(3) The constitutive model of core concrete was proposed, which was suitable for finite element (FE) analysis of square and rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) columnswith binding bars. Based on the ABAQUS FE platform, the USDFLD subroutine wascompiled, which could consider the changing of Poisson ratio of many materials in loadingprocess. The material models were perfected. The mechanical behavior were analyzed forsquare and rectangular CFST by ABAQUS. The FE model of CSW was built up and validatedby experimental results. The main parameters varied in the analysis were concrete strength,steel strength, steel ration, shear-span ration. The influences of there parameters on shearcapacity of CSW were observed. The mechanical mechanisms of CSW were then analyzed byABAQUS. Through regressive analysis of the results of numerical calculation, a simplifiedformula to calculate shear capacity of CSW was provided.(4) On the basis of the test data (hysteretic curve and skeleton curve), the simplifiedskeleton curve was provided by fitting method. The formulas of key points on the simplifiedskeleton curve were given. Through regressive analysis of the results of degradation ofstiffness, a formula to calculate degradation of stiffness was proposed. A restoring forcemodel of CSW was built up with degradation of strength and stiffness taken into account.
