

【作者】 付明银

【导师】 段尔煜;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 民族政治与公共行政, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 我国是一个统一的多民族国家,民族自治地方面积占到全国国土面积的64%,因而民族问题始终是建设中国特色社会主义过程中必须处理好的一个重大问题。而在知识经济时代背景下,民族自治地方人才的素质状况直接影响民族区域自治的效果和民族自治地方政府的管理效能。对于经济和社会发展一直相对落后的民族自治地方来说,建设一支高素质的人才队伍,更是民族自治地方加快发展当地经济、文化和各项社会事务的首要基础。针对民族自治地方各项事业发展相对落后和人才队伍整体素质相对偏低的实际,《宪法》、《民族区域自治法》等相关法律赋予了民族自治地方自治机关采取特殊措施促进人才发展的“人事管理自治权”,这一自治权包括四个方面的内容:一是自治机关干部民族化,二是优先招录自治权,三是人才培养自治权,四是人才使用自治权。民族自治地方自治机关依法行使人事管理自治权,创造性地采取各种灵活措施进行育才、选才、用才、留才的实践过程,便是民族自治地方人事管理自治的内容。对于民族自治地方自治机关干部民族化,其制度安排主要是:民族自治地方人民政府负责人由自治民族的公民担任;民族自治地方人民代表大会常务委员会由自治民族的公民担任主任或副主任;民族自治地方人民政府其他组成人员和自治机关所属工作部门的干部,应尽量配备少数民族人员并占相应的比例。从实践上来看,当前少数民族干部队伍迅速发展、自治机关少数民族干部比例不断提高、自治机关领导干部民族化成效明显、自治机关干部队伍的文化素质也明显提高。但是也还存在一系列问题,主要是自治机关民族干部比例仍显不足、自治机关民族干部队伍结构不尽合理、民族干部素质有待提高、自治机关干部民族化中潜伏着族群意识与国家认同的张力、对民族干部监督管理力度不够。因此,应该在进一步提高对自治机关干部民族化认识的基础上,发展民族教育从源头解决少数民族干部的基础问题,努力提高少数民族干部的整体素质,大力培养高素质的少数民族后备干部,强化自治机关干部民族化的法制建设,加强民族自治地方“公民”政治文化的培育。对于优先招录自治,其制度安排主要包括四方面,一是高校招生对少数民族考生政策倾斜,二是公务员录用对少数民族的优先照顾,三是企事业单位招收人员时少数民族优先,四是民族干部选拔专项照顾政策。从实践情况来看,以上四方面的优先招录都取得了很多成绩。但是也存在很多问题,一是民族自治地方优先招录自治意识不够强,二是少数民族考生优惠政策过于简单化,三是公务员制度实施带来的“入口难”,四是企事业单位优先招收少数民族人员缺乏制度保障。从完善优先招录自治的对策来说,一是要增强自治机关优先招录自治的意识,二是要完善少数民族考生优惠政策,三是要在民族自治地方有所变通地实施公务员制度,四是要完善优先招录自治的法制保障。对于人才培养自治,其制度安排主要包括五方面,一是扶持民族教育自主发展,二是给予更灵活优惠的人才引进政策,三是多措施扶持当地人才培训,四是选调少数民族干部挂职培养,五是干部双向交流培养机制。从实践情况来看,民族自治地方人才培养自治取得了很多成效,一是民族教育体系基本形成,二是人才引进政策不断完善,三是人才培训机制不断健全,四是挂职培养规模逐年扩大,五是干部交流力度不断加大。但也存在一系列问题,一是民族教育相对落后,二是人才引进困难重重,三是人才培训质量有待提高,四是挂职干部选派管理不够规范,五是交流制度不够健全。结合这些问题,为提高民族自治地方人才培养自治水平,一是要内外结合促进民族教育整体发展,二是要扬长避短灵活引进人才,三是要健全完善人才培训长效机制,四是要规范挂职干部的选派和管理,五是要拓展思路提高干部交流制度执行力。对于人才使用自治,其重点任务主要包括五个方面,一是营造良好的人才发展环境,二是提供良好的人才公共服务,三是健全人才评价机制,四是建立有效的人才激励机制,五是健全人才保障机制。从实践现状来看,民族自治地方人才发展环境有所优化、人才公共服务能力有所提升、人才考评机制初步建立、人才激励机制初见成效、人才保障措施不断完善。从存在的问题看,一是环境欠佳限制了人才才智的发挥,二是人才公共服务深层问题逐渐凸显,三是缺乏分类科学的差异化人才考评机制,四是人才激励形式单一且执行不力,五是人才保障立法滞后并面临资金瓶颈。针对存在的问题,为提高民族自治地方人才使用自治水平,一要优化发展环境激活人才活力,二要加强人才公共服务能力建设,三要健全民族自治地方的人才评价机制,四要改革优化人才激励机制,五要健全人才社会保障和法律保护机制。

【Abstract】 China is a united multi-nationality country with the national autonomous areas accounted for64%of the country’s land area, which therefore makes the nationality issues always being a major issue to be well handled with during the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the era of knowledge economy, the local talent quality status of national autonomous areas has a direct impact on the effect of regional national autonomy and management performance of local government in national autonomous area. To some national autonomous areas where economy and social developments has being in the less developed state, the cultivation of a high-quality talent group is the priority to develop local economy, culture and various social affairs.In allusion to the fact that various undertakings development in national autonomous areas is relatively backward and low overall quality of the personnel, Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy as well as other laws endow local organs in national autonomous areas with certain measures to promote personnel management autonomy for personnel development. The autonomy includes four aspects:cadre indigenization in the organs of self-government, the autonomy of priority recruit, the autonomy of personnel development and the autonomy of using personnel. In national autonomous areas, personnel management autonomy means local organs of self-government exercises personnel management autonomy within the framework of the law and takes various and flexible measures to have talent selection, training, appointing and retention a in a creative way.Concerning of cadre indigenization in the organs of self-government in national autonomous areas, the institutional arrangement of which focuses on that the principal cadre in people’s government of a national autonomous area should be chosen from among citizens of the nationality exercising regional autonomy, that the chairman and vice-chairmen of the standing committee of the people’s congress of a national autonomous area shall be one or more citizens of the nationality exercising regional autonomy in the area and that other posts in the people’s government of an autonomous region should be assumed by people of the nationality exercising regional autonomy with appropriate proportion. Regarding of this institutional arrangement, it shows a rapid development in number of ethnic minority cadres, an increasing proportion of ethnic minority cadres in self-government organs, a remarkable result of cadre indigenization in the organs of self-government and improvement of cadres’quality in self-government organs. However, there are a range of imperfection coexist mainly as that insufficient proportion of ethnic minority cadres in self-government organs, that lack of rationalization of cadres structure in self-government organs, that the quality of ethnic minority cadres to be improved and that latent fighting of "Party" and "Ethnicity" among cadres in self-government organs. Therefore, it is necessary to further improve the understanding of cadre indigenization in the organs of self-government as the priority, to develop education of ethnic minorities so as to solve the basic problems of ethnic minority cadres from the source, to strive to improve the overall quality of ethnic minority cadres, to make great efforts to train high-quality backup cadres, to strengthen the legal system construction of cadre indigenization in the organs of self-government and to enhance the political culture training on "citizens" in national autonomous areas.The institutional arrangement of the autonomy priority recruiting includes that minority candidate policy of college enrollment, that preference for minority candidates in civil service recruitment, that preference for minority candidates in enterprises and public institutions and that special policy of personnel selection for minority candidates. From the applying, it showed positive results in priority recruitment. Still, there are many problems as well. Firstly, it is insufficient to process priority recruitment. Secondly, the policy of college enrollment has been oversimplified. Thirdly, it is not an easy access to civil service system. Last but not least, there is no system guarantee in preference for minority candidates in enterprises and public institutions. To consummate this policy, there are four aspects to be concerned. On the one hand, it is necessary to enhance the awareness of priority recruitment in self-government organs. On the other hand, it is a must to consummate the policy of college enrollment for examinees. Moreover, it is important to apply flexible system of civil service in national autonomous areas. The last one is to build up legal system to guarantee the autonomy of priority recruitment.The institutional arrangement of the autonomy of personnel development consists of five points, namely, support to independent development of minority education, flexible policy of talent introduction, multi measures on local talent training, temporary post development of selected minority personnel and mechanism of cadre two-way practice. The autonomy of personnel development in national autonomous areas has achieved a lot in practice. Firstly, minority education system has basically been established. Secondly, the policy of talent introduction has been constantly improving. Thirdly, the mechanism of personnel training has been improved. Moreover, the temporary post development has been gradually expanded. Lastly, the efforts on cadre practice have been strengthened. Despite all that, some problems appears. For instance, the minority education has lagged behind; the talent introduction bristled with difficulties; the personnel training remains to be improved; the management of temporary post selection needs to be standardized and cadre practice system is unsound. To deal with those problems and to improve the level of autonomy of personnel development in national autonomous areas, it is necessary to strive to accelerate integral development of minority education, to enhance the talent introduction, to complete a sound and perfect long-term mechanism of personnel training, to regulate the dispatch and administration of cadre temporary post operation and to enhance the execution of cadre practice system by developing measures. With regard to autonomy of using personnel, there are five aspects to be concerned. The first one is to set up proper environment for the talents. The second one is to provide favorable public service for talents. To build a sound evaluation system of talents is also important. Moreover, to establish effective incentive system for talents and to have a perfect guarantee system for talents are necessary as well. According to the running condition, it is obvious to see that there is improvement in personnel development environment in national autonomous areas, that the ability of personnel public service has been promoted, that evaluation system of talents has been initiatorily established, that incentive system for talents has achieved initial success and that guarantee system for talents has been constantly improving. However, there are some problems in practice such as talent ability display is restricted due to surroundings; deep-seated problems of talent public service emerged in endlessly; there is a lack of classified differentiation talent evaluation mechanism; the way of talent motivation is simple and less executive and legislation of talent guarantee lags behind and has bottleneck problem of fund. In allusion to the problems as well as to improve the autonomy of using personnel, it is a must to take necessary measure in national autonomous areas, listed as to strive to optimize environment for the talents, to improve public service for talents, to build a sound evaluation system of talents, to innovate incentive system for talents and to consummate guarantee system for talents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】D633
  • 【下载频次】392