

The Research on the Implementation and Optimization of Agricultural Machinery Purchase Subsidy Policy in Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 朱志猛

【导师】 王慧军;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 农业是经济繁荣、社会安定和国家自立的基础,是稳民心、安天下的战略产业。我国农业成就瞩目,但是代价很大,问题依然突出。实施农机购置补贴政策促进农业机械化发展,是解决农业问题的重要举措。黑龙江省是我国重要的商品粮基地,农业地位举足轻重,实施农机购置补贴政策对实现农业机械化、现代化,进而保证粮食持续增产、农民持续增收至关重要。本研究以新时期我国“工业反哺农业”、行政与市场互补实施农业补贴政策为基本背景,运用相关经济学理论综合研究了黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策的实施与优化,目的在于揭示出政策设计机理、找到问题成因和效率影响因素,提出优化政策的基本对策和建议,有针对性地设计我国粮食主产区农机购置补贴政策,丰富我国农机购置补贴政策理论。本研究具有重要的理论意义和现实指导意义。理论意义包括:(1)分析农机购置补贴政策的演进历程和设计机理,明确政策实施的必要性,为政策制定提供理论支撑。(2)分析黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策实施现状、作用、问题及成因,提出政策优化对策,深化粮食主产区农机购置补贴政策的理论。(3)计算政策综合效率、技术效率和规模效率,并对效率进行评价,丰富政策研究的内容和方法,为政策评价提供理论指导。现实意义包括:(1)研究黑龙江省农机购置补贴的政策问题、影响因素及对策,解决政策存在的问题,为政府制定政策提供依据。(2)可以提高政府对政策的重视程度,加大扶持力度,建设以现代农机合作社为主的基层农技推广体系。因此本研究按照理论研究、实证分析、综合评价、经验借鉴、政策优化的思路,以产业扶持、技术增长、政治博弈、福利经济学、制度经济学和发展经济学为理论基础,运用文献资料与实地调相结合、定性分析与定量分析相结合等研究方法,研究了黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策实施与优化,揭示了政策设计机理和规律,利用DEA方法模型计算出政策综合效率、技术效率和规模效率,借鉴美国、日本、巴西和韩国的先进经验,提出优化政策的基本对策和建议。具体研究内容主要包括以下几部分:(1)相关概念界定及理论基础。本部分主要阐述了基本概念和基础理论。在区分农业支持、农业保护、财政支农和农业补贴的基础上,明确了农机购置补贴政策含义,厘清了其在农业补贴政策体系中的位置和作用。阐述了产业扶持理论、技术增长理论、政治博弈理论、福利经济学理论、制度经济理论和发展经济学理论,奠定了本研究的理论基础。(2)我国农机购置补贴政策演进历程、设计机理及执行效果。本部分主要回顾了四个不同阶段我国农业机械化状况、经济背景和政策安排的主要特点,厘清了政策演进历程,概括出我国农业机械化政策实施总况。从政策对农户行为的影响、政策对农机作业服务需求的影响、政策对福利和农户合作及基层农技推广体系的影响三方面分析了政策的直接效果,在政策诱致下,间接效果也很明显,提高了劳动生产率、促进了农村劳动力转移、提高了粮食产量、增加了农民收入,促进了农业发展、提高了农民生活水平,推动了“三农”问题的解决、保证了国家的粮食安全。(3)黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策实施现状。本部分总体阐述了黑龙江省农村和垦区农机购置补贴政策实施的现状和效果。客观分析了政策发挥的作用,深度挖掘了政策存在的问题,重点剖析了问题成因,找到了政策缺陷的根源。(4)黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策效率评价。本部分提出对农机购置补贴进行效率评价的必要性,并运用DEA方法,计算了政策的综合效率、技术效率和规模效率。分析了影响政策效率的主要因素,为优化政策奠定了基础。(5)国外经验借鉴。本部分总结了美国、日本两个发达国家和巴西、韩国两个发展中国家农机补贴政策的基本特点和对黑龙江省的启示。在完善农机化立法、提供低息贷款、支持农户组织化发展、促进农机科研推广等政策安排下,黑龙江省农村和垦区应采取不同的农机购置补贴政策。(6)优化黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策的基本对策和建议。本部分明确了优化黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策的指导思想,在遵循科学可行、技术优先、公平效率、协调稳定等原则的基础上,提出了完善政策实施机制、强化政策运行保障机制和构建政策运行长效机制的政策优化目标,并提出了优化政策的具体对策。通过上述内容的研究,本研究得出具体结论如下:(1)农机购置补贴资金可以有效地拉动农民对农机的投入,促进了农机总动力的增长、综合机械化程度的提高和以农机合作社为补充的农技推广体系的壮大。同时,由于农机总动力的快速增长,大量现代农机被广泛应用于黑龙江省农业生产中,提高了农业劳动效率,促进了劳动力转移,实现了粮食产量和农村居民人均纯收入“九连增”。(2)补贴资金与各项评价指标均呈现出正向相关关系。政策效果表明,农机购置补贴政策有效地促进了黑龙江省农业机械化,因此农机购置补贴政策不仅要长期稳定实施,还要依据财力适度增加资金规模、扩大补贴范围。(3)国家工业化程度和经济水平与本国农业机械化的支持水平呈现出正向相关关系。农机化结构及发展受土地等自然资源影响较大。因此黑龙江垦区应借鉴美国、巴西的经验,重点补贴发展大型农机具,建设现代化大农业;黑龙江农村应借鉴日本、韩国的经验,重点补贴发展中小型、轻便、高效、操作简单的农机具,因地制宜,发展规模农业。(4)黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策是有效的,基本都实现了当年最大的技术效率。但是由于政策的滞后性、配套设施落后、缺少工作经费和实施细则等因素的限制,政策的综合效率、技术效率和规模效率呈现出下降趋势。(5)从优化政策宏观环境、促进农机化发展、加大政策执行力度和提高农民组织化程度四方面提出优化的对策和建议。这些对策和建议对优化完善黑龙江省农机购置补贴政策具有一定的现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 Agriculture is the foundation of a nation’s economic prosperity and social stability as well as independence, meantime it is a strategic industry to make people peace and make country stable. Agriculture of China has already gotten a great success, but it paid a huge cost and it is facing some serious problems. To promote the development of agricultural mechanization by carrying out of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy is the important measure to solve agricultural problems. Heilongjiang province is the important commodity grain base in our country, whose status is vital. The implementation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy is crucial to realize agricultural mechanization and modernization, and then to ensure continued increase in grain production and sustained increase in rural incomes. This study is based on a series of backgrounds such as carrying out a policy of industry re-feeding agriculture and implementing of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy, which is in the complement with administration and market each other. The author researched the implementation and optimization of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Heilongjiang province by using the relevant economic theory, whose aim is to reveal a mechanism of policy design and to find the problem causes and affecting factors so that the author can put forward basic countermeasure and suggestions to optimize policies which is useful to design our country’s agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy and to rich theories of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in China.This study has important theoretical and realistic guiding significance. Its theoretical significance include:(1)analyzing a evolution course and design mechanism of farm machinery purchase subsidy policy, define the necessity of implementation of policy to provide theoretical support for policy setting.(2)analyzing the current situation\role\problems and reasons of implementation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Heilongjiang province, putting forward policy optimization countermeasures, deepening the relevant theories of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in major grain producing areas.(3) Computing policies comprehensive efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency, and then evaluating its efficiency, enrich the contents and methods of policy research in order to provide theory guidance.Its realistic guiding significance includes:(1)researching of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy problems, influencing factors and countermeasures in Heilongjiang province,solving policy problems to provide the basis for government making policies.(2)It can improve the government’s attention degree, increasing more support, building basic-level agr-technique extension system, which is giving priority to with modern agricultural machinery cooperatives.Thus,according to the theoretical research and empirical analysis, comprehensive evaluation and the experience for reference, the thinking of policy optimization, this study,with the industrial support, technical growth, political game, welfare economics, institutional economics and development economics as the theoretical basis, is using some study methods such as the document literature and field research, the combining methods of qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis.The author researched the implementation and optimization of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Heilongjiang province in order that he revealed the mechanism of policy design and rule and computed the comprehensive efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency by using DEA method.At the same time, he took some successful example from America\Japan\Brazil and South Korea,then he set some basis countermeasures and suggestions for optimizing policy. The concrete research content mainly includes the following sections:(1) Relevant concept definition and theoretical basis.This section mainly set forth the basic concepts and basic theory.On the basis of distinguishing between agricultural support with agricultural protection, financial support and agricultural subsidies,this part cleared about the implications of the farm machinery purchase subsidy policy and its role and status,meanwhile, stated the industrial support theory, technology growth theory, political support economic game theory, welfare economics theory, system theory and the theory of development economics and established the theoretical basis of this study.(2) Evolution course, mechanism design and implementation effect of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in our country.This part mainly reviewed the current situation of agricultural mechanization, economic background and the main characteristics of policy arrangement in the four different stages in our country and cleared the policy evolution course as well as outlined the overall situation of China’s agricultural mechanization policy implementation. From effect of policy to peasant household’behavior and demand for agricultural machinery operation services, the author analyzed the direct influence of policy,along with effect of policy to welfare and the farmer cooperation and basic-level agr-technique extension system.Especially,its indirect influence is remarkable too.It raised labor productivity, promoted the transfer of rural labor force, improving the food production, increased the farmers’ income, promoted the agricultural development, enhanced the farmers’ living standards, promoted the "three agriculture" problem solving and ensured the national food security.(3)The current situation of implementation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Heilongjiang province.This section mainly stated the situation and effects of implementation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in rural and reclamation area in Heilongjiang province.This part analyzed the policy role objectively, digged policy problems deeply,analyzed the cause of problems intensively, found the root causes of policy defects. (4) Efficiency evaluation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Heilongjiang province.This part put forward the necessity of efficiency evaluation of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy and calculated comprehensive efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the policy by DEA method,meantime, analyzed the main factors which affected the policy efficiency in order to lay foundation for optimizing the policy.(5) Foreign experience for reference.This part summarized the basic characteristics of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy between the two developed countries, America and Japan, with two developing countries, Brazil and South Korea,and got some enlightenment for Heilongjiang province.Rural and reclamation area of Heilongjiang province took different farm machinery purchase subsidy policy which is based on the background of perfecting the legislation of agricultural mechanization, providing low-interest loans,supporting the development of the farmers organized and promoting agricultural machinery research and extending,(6) Optimize the basic countermeasure and the suggestion of agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Heilongjiang province. This section cleared the guiding ideology to optimize agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Heilongjiang province.According to principles such as scientific and feasible, technology first, fair and efficiency and so on,the author put forward to goal and concrete countermeasures to improve the operating mechanism and strengthening the safeguard mechanism and building the running a longterm mechanism.Through researching on the above content, specific conclusions are as follows:(1) Farm machinery purchase subsidy funds may effectively drive farmers investment to agricultural machinery, promoted the growth of the total power of agricultural machinery,improved the degree of comprehensive mechanization and strengthen the agricultural technology promotion system. At the same time, as a result of growing rapidly of the total power of agricultural machinery, a large number of modern agricultural machinery is widely used in agricultural production in Heilongjiang province, which is improving agricultural labor efficiency and promoting the labor transfer, achieving nine times growth on the output of grain and per capita net income.(2)Subsidies and various evaluation indexes show positive correlation.The policy effect show that farm machinery purchase subsidy policy effectively promoted the mechanization of agriculture in Heilongjiang province,so farm machinery purchase subsidy policy should not only keep long-term stability, but also scale up moderately on the basis of funds and should expand the scope of the subsidies.(3) It is presenting positive correlation between a country’s industrialization level and economic level and the support level to agricultural mechanization. Structure and development of agricultural mechanization are greatly influenced by land and other natural resources.So Heilongjiang should learn good experience from America and Brazil to pay attention to subsidies for large agricultural machinery development and build modern agriculture. Meantime, Heilongjiang should study from successful experience of Japan and South Korea to focus on subsiding to develop small and medium-sized, light, high efficiency, simple operation of agricultural machinery, adjusting measures to local conditions to develop scale of agriculture.(4) Agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy is effective in Heilongjiang province,it basically achieved the biggest technical efficiency.However,due to the policy lag,outmoded supporting facility,lack of work fund and rules for the implementation, policy’s comprehensive efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency present a downward trend.(5) Put forward countermeasures and suggestions from four aspects:optimizing macro environment, promoting the development of agricultural mechanization, intensifying policy execution and improving the farmers’ organizational level. These countermeasures and suggestions have a certain realistic guiding significance for optimizing the agricultural machinery purchase subsidy policy in Heilongjiang.
