

Research of Satellite Attitude Control Intelligent Algorithm

【作者】 刘汉敏

【导师】 戴光明;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 地学信息工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 卫星在科学研究、国防建设和国民生产等领域发挥着重要作用。随着航天技术的发展,功能强大、技术复杂的大型卫星虽然满足了一定程度上的应用需求,但也存在投资大、风险高以及研制周期长等问题。微电子、微机械以及新材料等高新技术迅猛发展,为卫星技术提供了更广阔的发展空间。80年代中期以来,微小卫星的研制热潮在世界范围内迅速兴起,由于其具有重量轻、体积小、成本低以及研制周期短等一系列优点,可以在通讯、遥感、军事、行星探测、工程技术实验等领域发挥重要作用,具有潜在的战略价值和市场前景,同时微小卫星的研制毋需大型系统设施支撑,可分散于大学、科研所的实验室中进行,从而整体上有利于降低研发成本。微小卫星不仅受到航天大国的重视,也被许多中等发达和新兴发展中的国家作为发展航天技术的切入点。微小卫星任务的实现一方面依赖于所搭载仪器的性能,另一方面决定于卫星姿态控制的精度,所以高精度、高性能的姿态控制系统(ACS)是其高效工作的前提。从国际发展的趋势来看,ACS作为微小卫星的核心部分,其研制经费约占总费用的40%,是微小卫星发展中的最关键技术。微小卫星由于质量、功耗以及体积等限制,其高性能ACS的实现途径,一是要利用新技术,发展轻型化、高性能的姿态测量敏感器件与执行部件,二是要从系统设计的角度入手,进行整体优化,一物多用充分挖掘各器件的潜能,来提高微小卫星的功能密度,尤其是后者,研究新的姿态确定信息融合算法和控制方法,通过软件补偿来降低对硬件的需求,是有效而又更具有实际意义的措施。在卫星技术及应用领域,卫星的姿态控制问题得到了密切的关注和广泛的研究。卫星姿态控制系统是卫星系统的诸多分系统中的一个非常重要的子系统,是卫星的核心部分,在考虑使用相同传感器进行姿态确定的情况下,控制算法设计的好坏直接影响到其性能指标的优劣。随着对应用卫星高精度、长寿命、高可靠性的发展趋势,对姿态控制系统的要求也越来越高。卫星姿态控制系统是一个典型的复杂非线性系统,随着非线性控制理论的日渐成熟,越来越多的学者研究将非线性的一些控制方法应用到卫星的姿态控制系统中,不同程度地解决了卫星姿态控制任务。卫星姿态控制系统是卫星系统中的重要组成部分。卫星姿态控制的精度不仅取决于姿态控制系统硬件配置的性能与精度,还与所采用的姿态控制算法密切相关。本文针对卫星的姿态控制问题,从理论和应用的角度对姿态控制算法作了深入细致的研究。本文在相关课题的研究背景和相关项目的支持下,主要进行了基于智能算法的小卫星姿态控制算法的研究。主要工作与创新之处如下:(1)提出了自适应正交遗传算法,新算法通过截断选择和负相关配对结合的选择算子保证了正交交叉的全局搜索能力,简化的PBX交叉和重复个体剔除策略保证了种群的多样性,正交变异算子有保证了算法的自适应性,精英选择策略保证了算法的收敛速度,我们提出的算法混合使用了多个从性能上能够进行相互补充的算子,因而使算法在全局搜索能力上具有一定的优势;在此基础上,还提出了基于自适应正交遗传算法的卫星姿态控制算法,为三轴卫星姿态控制参数优化设计提供了新的思路。对提出的姿态控制算法进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明:所设计的卫星姿态控制算法是有效可行的;(2)对传统的粒子群优化算法进行了分析,在此基础上,提出了一种精英粒子群优化算法,相比于标准PSO算法,新算法做出了两方面改进:1、通过引入一个新的更新函数,使粒子向着与最好个体位置和最好粒子群位置相反的方向移动,因而扩大了全局搜索空间,并且降低了粒了陷入局部最优的可能性;2、通过引进精英选择策略,在保持较高收敛速度的同时,降低了陷入局部最优的可能性。和标准PSO算法相比较,新算法扩大了搜索空间,并且复杂度也不高。基于一些多峰基准函数的实验结果和之前记录的研究结果相比较,证明了新算法的有效性,高效率和鲁棒性;在此基础上,还提出了基于精英粒子群优化算法的卫星姿态控制算法,为三轴卫星姿态控制参数优化设计提供了新的思路。对提出的姿态控制算法进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明:所设计的卫星姿态控制算法是有效可行的:(3)提出了改进的文化算法,新算法主要对更新涵数进行了改进,并对最优个体单个基因进行了改变和微调。和标准文化算法相比较,新算法扩大了搜索空间。通过对一些基准涵数的实验结果和之前记录的研究结果相比较,证明了新算法的有效性,高效率和鲁棒性:在此基础上,还提出了基于改进文化算法的卫星姿态控制算法,为三轴卫星姿态控制参数优化设计提供了新的思路。对提出的姿态控制算法进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明:所设计的卫星姿态控制算法是有效可行的。综上所述,本文比较全面地研究了卫星姿态控制的原理、方法、性能评价和相关算法,并在深入研究的基础上提出了相关的智能算法,并通过大量的实验样例验证了所提出的这些新的方法的有效性,实验结果表明:提出的这些新方法具有良好的性能,这些方法的提出对以后的研究工作和工程应用都有积极的意义。

【Abstract】 Satellites in scientific research, national defense and national production and other areas play an important role. With the development of space technology, powerful, technically complex large satellites although to some extent to meet the application requirements, but there are also large investment, high risks and long development cycle and other issues. Microelectronics, micro-mechanical as well as the rapid development of new materials such as high-tech as satellite technology to provide a broader space for development. Since the mid-1980s, small satellite development boom in the world is rising rapidly, due to its light weight, small size, low cost and short development cycle, a series of advantages, in communications, remote sensing, military, planetary exploration, engineering and technology experimental and other areas play an important role, with potential strategic value and market prospects, while small satellite development facility without large systems support, can be dispersed in universities, research laboratories, lab, which helps reduce overall development costs. Microsatellite attention not only by the space powers, but also by many medium-developed and emerging developing countries as an entry point for the development of space technology.The realization of small satellite missions are equipped with one hand depends on the performance of the instrument, on the other hand depends on the accuracy of satellite attitude control, so the high-precision, high-performance attitude control system (ACS) is a prerequisite for its efficient work. From the international development trend, ACS as a core part of small satellites, and its development funding accounts for about40%of the total cost, small satellite development is the most critical technologies. Small satellites because of the quality, power and volume and other restrictions, ACS ways to realize its high performance, it is necessary to take advantage of new technologies, the development of lightweight, high-performance attitude measurement sensitive devices and execution units, and second, from the perspective of system design start, the overall optimization, a multi-purpose fully tap the potential of each device to increase functional density micro-satellite, especially the latter, study of new information fusion algorithm attitude determination and control methods, compensated by software to reduce hardware requirements is effective and more practical measures.Satellite attitude control system is the important part of the satellite system, the accuracy of attitude control system depends not only on the performance of the hardware of the measurement, but also on the attitude control algorithm. In this dissertation, the attitude control algorithms are deeply studied theoretically and practically for the attitude control of the satellite.In this paper, the relevant research background and related projects, supported mainly carried out based on intelligent algorithm for small satellite attitude control algorithm. Main work and innovations are as follows:(1) proposed adaptive orthogonal genetic algorithm, the new algorithm by truncating the selection and combination of negative selection operator pairing ensures orthogonal cross global search capability, simplified PBX excluded individuals overlap and duplication strategy ensures the diversity of the population sex, orthogonal mutation operator has to ensure the adaptive algorithm, elitist selection strategy ensures the convergence rate, we proposed hybrid algorithm using multiple from the performance can be mutually complementary operator, thereby algorithm global search capability has certain advantages; On this basis, also proposed a genetic algorithm based on adaptive orthogonal satellite attitude control algorithm for three-axis satellite attitude control parameter optimization design provides a new way of thinking. On the proposed attitude control algorithm for the simulation experiment results show that:the design of satellite attitude control algorithm is feasible and effective;(2) the traditional PSO analyzed, on this basis, we propose a particle swarm optimization elite, compared to the standard PSO algorithm, the new algorithm makes improvements in two aspects:one, by introducing a the new update function, so that the particles toward the individual with the best location and the best swarm position opposite direction, thus expanding the global search space, and reduces the possibility of local optimum particle;2, through the introduction of the elite selection strategy, while maintaining a high convergence speed, while reducing the likelihood of falling into local optimum. And compared with standard PSO algorithm, the new algorithm is to expand the search space, and the complexity is not high. Multimodal benchmark functions based on some experimental results and the results of previous studies comparing records to prove the effectiveness of the new algorithm, efficiency and robustness; On this basis, it was proposed based on particle swarm optimization elite satellite attitude control algorithm for three-axis satellite attitude control parameter optimization design provides a new way of thinking. On the proposed attitude control algorithm for the simulation experiment results show that:the design of satellite attitude control algorithm is feasible and effective;(3) propose an improved cultural algorithm, the new algorithm is mainly on the update function has been improved, and the best individual for a single gene changes and fine-tuning. And standard cultural algorithm compares the new algorithm to expand the search space. By some experimental results of benchmark functions and the findings recorded before comparison proved the effectiveness of the new algorithm, efficiency and robustness; On this basis, also presented cultural algorithm based on improved satellite attitude control algorithms, for the three-axis satellite attitude control parameter optimization design provides a new way of thinking. On the proposed attitude control algorithm for the simulation experiment results show that:the design of satellite attitude control algorithm is feasible and effective.In summary, this more comprehensive study of the satellite attitude control of the technical principles, methods, performance evaluation and related algorithms, and in-depth study based on the proposed associated with intelligent algorithm, and verified through a large number of experimental samples of the proposed methods the effectiveness of these new experimental results show that:the new proposed method has good performance, these methods are proposed for future research and for engineering applications of remote sensing image processing have a positive meaning.
