

A Study of Influence of Collegiate Parks to Urban Development in China

【作者】 刘宁

【导师】 靳润成;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 中国大规模的大学园区建设始于21世纪初,此后各地便纷纷兴起了建设大学园区的热潮。虽然在中国辽阔的国土面积上各地区各城市存在着极不均衡的经济发展水平与高等教育资源分布状况,但是对大学园区建设的热情与巨额投入却是不相上下的。虽然各地对绝大部分新建的大学园区都冠以“大学城”的称号,然而通过对大学城概念的辨析以及世界范围内大学与城市关系的案例分析,可以发现国内目前建设的多所大学新校区的空间集聚即大学园区和国外的大学城或科学城有很大区别。大学园区现象是一种中国独有的大学在城市中的存在形式。由于中国特有的经济与社会发展模式与特殊的发展阶段,所以中国的城市与大学的发展方式也有其自身特色,自然中国的大学对城市发展的影响方式也就不同于国外。将郊区城市化以及提升城市竞争力的问题与大学园区建设联系起来是知识社会城市发展的必然要求。本文试图通过梳理大学园区与城市社会、经济、文化等诸多方面的发展关系,解读大学在城市生产、生活等各方面所发挥的作用,并在此基础上探究大学园区建设与城市化进程、城市竞争力提升之间的内在规律,使大学园区更好的促进城市发展。本论文共分7章。第1章导论提出问题。指出在当今中国城市化与高等教育大发展的背景下,研究大学园区与城市发展之间关联的意义。对中国的大学园区建设做了回顾与总结。对本研究所涉及到的相关概念进行了辨析。对关于大学与城市相互作用问题的国内外研究成果做一梳理和总结。并提出本论文的主要内容与创新之处。第2章提出本研究所需要的理论方法。包括集聚理论、人力资本理论、创新体系理论、增长极理论,以及与城市发展直接相关的城市化理论和城市竞争力理论。并阐述了这些理论在大学园区对城市发展发挥影响中的应用。第3章从大学园区对城市有形的影响进行分析,即大学园区建设推进城市化发展进程。提出大学园区改变了土地的使用方式,促进了大规模交通基础设施建设,并改变了区域产业结构从而提升了城市化水平。分析了大学园区推动的城市化地区的特点并提出大学园区建设成为我国城市化的一种模式。还建立了一个大学园区选址的定量化综合评价方法。通过构建基于层次分析法的模糊评价方法用于对是否适宜作为大学园区选址的问题进行科学的定量评价。并针对天津海河教育园区的选址实践进行了评价。还分析了廊坊东方大学园区由于选址不当在发展中产生的问题作为反例。第4章从城市竞争力的角度分析大学园区对提升所在城市竞争力的重要意义。大学园区主要从人力资本形成以及对高科技产业的支持、居住与游憩环境的优化提升、城市社区多样性与包容性、城市文化品位提升以及城市品牌塑造几个方面对所在城市的竞争力产生影响。此外针对大学园区知识共享机制创建了进化博弈模型。经过分析得出影响大学园区知识共享的主要因素。第5章首先概括介绍了一些欧洲大学与城市发展关系的案例,随后详细介绍了英国剑桥、美国斯坦福、日本筑波这三个非常具有代表性并经过多年发展的大学与城市相互作用的案例。英国剑桥是大学校园与城市社区高度融合的典范,也是大学城发展成为现代高科技城市的典型代表。以美国斯坦福大学研究园区为基础发展的硅谷是大学与高技术产业相互促进的最成功案例。日本筑波学园都市是以大学和研究机构为依托开发建设新城的典型案例。它们的发展经验和教训可以给中国大学园区的发展以借鉴和启示。第6章是对大学园区与城市发展关系的具体案例分析。以天津市正在建设中的大学园区即海河教育园区为例研究其与天津城市联动发展的关系。海河教育园区有效的促进天津的城市化,并且提升天津的城市竞争力。更进一步提出海河教育园区如何从大学园区向大学城的发展方向迈进。第7章是全文的主要结论,总结了大学园区在城市发展中起到的积极作用和需要解决的问题。认为大学对中国的未来发展必将起到重要的作用。本论文的不足之处在于:由于中国大学园区建设与发展的时间不长,所以一些问题尚未显现,因此未能对大学园区与城市发展之间的关系进行更深入更本质化的研究。今后将继续跟踪研究各主要大学园区及其与所在城市联动发展的新现象和新问题。

【Abstract】 Started at the beginning of21st century, continuous construction of large scale collegiate parks has been making a tendency in China mainland. Although there is various and discrepant regional economic development and unbalanced distribution of educational resources among the areas, great enthusiasm and huge investment to the construction bears no obvious difference. What is more, despite that these collegiate parks were labeled by "College Town", as a unique university existence form in their related city, much gap between the parks and their so called overseas counterparts may be found through both the discrimination of educational conceptions and especially due of case studies of symbiosis development between university and city all over the world as well.For China’s hitherto exclusive economic development experience, the development models of both Chinese universities and cities have their own characteristic. Naturally, the symbiotic and reciprocal development between academic institutes and their cities differs from that of abroad. Therefore, in view of that knowledge based society demands a tight connection among the construction of collegiate parks, the urbanization of metropolitan cities and enhancement of urban competitiveness, the positive role of collegiate parks to the development of cities was concerned by this dissertational thesis. And consequently, by exploring and explicating the relationship between universities and their cities’ social, economic and cultural development, the roles of universities to cities’economic productivity and daily life activity were presented, and inherent regulations of collegiate parks to cities urbanization and competitive strength were forwarded.This thesis consists of7chapters:In Chapter1, the introduction to this dissertation, the backgrounds of this research were given. Not only a review of the construction of collegiate parks in China mainland, but also some literature review of this field was outlined. Then, with a comparison and contrast to some related definitions, the main content of the dissertation and the research scale were accounted.In Chapter2, various backup and referential theories to the research, such as the theory of Human Capital, the theory of Growth Pole, the theory of Agglomeration, the theory of Innovation, the theory of Triple Helix and the theory of Triple-zone Symbiosis, were illuminated and enlightened. And serial theories concerning the urbanization and urban competitions were specified.In Chapter3, the thesis carries on the analysis from the visible influence that collegiate parks make on cities. By changing the way of land use, boosting mass construction of traffic infrastructure and changing regional industrial structure, the collegiate park does great help on the process of urbanization. With the analysis to the characteristics of the collegiate parks’promotion to urbanized area, it is suggested that the construction of collegiate parks might be a feasible way to China urbanization. According to the development strategies of city, we determine the factors affecting location of the college town to form the index system about evaluation. The index weight is calculated using AHP to establish a fuzzy evaluation model about evaluation of the college town’s location. Based on fuzzy AHP method, we evaluated the location of Tianjin Haihe college town. Lang fang Oriental Collegiate Park is also analyzed as a counterexample of wrong location choice of collegiate park.To assert the significant and foremost role of collegiate parks to the enhancement of cities’ competitive strength, an analysis was conducted in Chapter4. As a partial conclusion, collegiate parks may give various effects to the strength from the angle such as the accumulation of human capital, adaptation to high-tech industry, optimization of living and amusement surrounding, the diversity and containing ability of community, and identification awareness to due region. We established an evolutionary game model of knowledge-sharing mechanism in university town. We also analysed its evolutionary procedure on the view of evolutionary game theroy. Morever, key factors such as cultural absorption ablility and its profit, the differences of konwledge between universities are researched in this paper.To provide Chinese collegiate parks some international illuminations and experience, some foreign university-city relationship analysis and three typical long time running university-based world famous scientific parks, the Cambridge in England, Stanford in America, and Tsukuba in Japan were case studied in Chapter5. The Cambridge is a typical example of harmonious town-gown relationship and developed into modern hi-tech city from traditional college town. The Stanford Research Park from which the well-known Silicon Valley originated is the most successful case of university-industry synergy. The Tsukuba Scientific City is the typical case of new city construction based on university and research institutes.Chapter6is about a typical case study on symbiosis between collegiate park and city. The Haihe Educational Park is located between central urban area and coastal urban area of Tianjin. This collegiate park in Tianjin could effectively boost the urbanization and promote the urban competitiveness. The problem about "how could Haihe Educational Park develop from a Collegiate Park into a College Town" is also discussed.Chapter7is the conclusion of the whole dissertation. The positive effect that China collegiate parks make on city and the problems to be solved is summarized. It is believed that the future China collegiate parks are to become an important part of metropolis.The deficiency of this dissertation is that since China’s Collegiate Park construction has not last for long enough time so it’s not easy to make deep research on this topic. Follow-up study on new phenomena and problems of symbiosis between Collegiate Parks and cities will be continued.

  • 【分类号】G646;F299.27
  • 【被引频次】25
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