

The Spatial Organization Evolution and County Management of China’s Coastal Cities under the Marine Development Strategy

【作者】 申立

【导师】 林拓;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当前,中国沿海城市正进入海洋发展的关键时期。十八大报告提出“建设海洋强国”,十二五规划提出“陆海统筹”,近年来80%以上国家级区域规划聚焦海洋经济与陆海联动发展,54个沿海城市90%以上提出海洋发展等地方战略,海洋已经成为新时期我国沿海城市经济社会发展的重要动力。在这一背景下,沿海城市空间组织正在多个层面展开重塑,但却又不同程度地存在着空间冲突、空间争夺等诸多问题。如何优化沿海城市空间组织,进而推进我国沿海城市海洋发展,是本研究的中心问题,其中,区县作为沿海城市经济发展和海洋功能区划编制等的基本主体,正在发挥日益重要的作用。本研究力求探索沿海城市空间组织优化的基本路径及其区县管理策略,分为八章逐层展开。第一章是研究的绪论部分,阐述了本研究的背景与问题,并界定了本研究的关键概念,如海洋发展、城市空间组织、区县管理、海洋功能区等,围绕本研究问题的逐层展开,对海洋发展、城市空间组织、行政区划改革、区县管理等进行研究综述,为研究展开提供理论准备。第二章、第三章分别从城市层面与组团层面探讨海洋发展与空间组织演化的进程和机理,为优化城市空间组织提供依据。首先,考察城市层面的演化,根据沿海城市设立时初始区位的不同,我国54个沿海城市空间组织演化可以被抽象为“近海—T型结构”(33个)、“滨海—带状组团”(18个)、“海岛—陆域联动”(3个)等三种模式,其中,资源禀赋、中西方博弈、技术进步、行政调控等成为推动城市空间组织演化的重要因素。其次,深入城市空间组织演化中各个功能组团的内部,生活功能组团(海洋生态城等)、生产功能组团(海洋产业园区等)、游憩功能组团(滨海旅游区等)的空间组织彼此各异,背后反映着不同功能组团对海洋资源依赖程度的差异。总体来看,我国大多数沿海城市正进入空间组织演化的关键阶段,亟待空间组织优化的探讨。第四章力求揭示沿海城市空间组织演化中的潜在问题,并明确空间组织优化的基本方向。从中发现,海洋发展下的我国沿海城市空间组织演化面临着城市形态、地域形态、陆海关系的三大转变,其中潜藏着形态培育、管理协调和陆海冲突等三大问题。而破解上述问题的关键层面就在于区县管理创新。第五、第六、第七章分别聚焦区县管理的基础问题(行政区划改革)、关键问题(海洋功能区划)、重点问题(管理体制与政策)等展开沿海城市空间组织优化的研究。就行政区划改革而言,当前沿海城市行政区划的调整数量、规模、区位等均深受海洋发展的影响,并呈现显著的南北分异和阶段差异。优化城市空间组织必须优化相应的区县政区格局,发挥区县行政中心、行政边界对城市空间组织优化的集合效应等。就海洋功能区划而言,区县是编制海洋功能区划的基本主体,要在我国海洋发展的总体进程中把握海洋功能区的发展历程和重要地位,当前我国不少海洋功能区的生态环境现状已不容乐观,依据海洋功能区的功能取向、时空结构、管理体制等特征,探讨海洋功能区划影响下的区县管理调适的路径,力求破解陆海统筹难题。就区县管理体制与政策而言,体制层级性和体制协调性的研究至关重要,体制层级性的研究发现,各类功能组团的发展离不开行政层级的合理设置;而体制协调性的研究又发现,组织机构的有效设置、利益相关者的实质性参与等有助于破解海洋发展下管理协调的难题。在此基础上,进一步以滨海新区为例,提出促进形态培育与功能提升、夯实管理能力与服务能力、统筹海洋开发与生态保护等区县管理创新的若干政策建议。第八章是本研究的结论与讨论部分。进一步讨论了沿海城市空间组织演化的模式与机理,并提出区县行政区划的改革、城市陆海冲突的化解、区县管理体制和政策创新的基本策略,力求优化沿海城市空间组织,为海洋发展及陆海统筹国家战略的推进提供科学依据。

【Abstract】 At present, China’s coastal cities are entering the critical period of marine development. After the report of18th National Congress of CPC put forward the marine powerful nation, the Twelfth Five-Year Plan put forward land-sea development. More than80%of the regional planning at the national level focus on the development of marine economy and land-sea development, over90%of the54coastal cities have put forward marine development strategy, marine development has become an important driving force of economic and social development in China in new era. In this context, the coastal cities’ spatial organization are not only evolving in multiple levels, but also exists space conflict, space competition and many other issues. How to optimize the spatial organization of coastal cities, and promote the marine development of China’s coastal cities, is the core issue of this research. As the basic unit of the coastal cities’economic development and marine functional zoning compilation, County management plays an important role. This study are looking forward to exploring the optimization of the coastal cities spatial organization and the strategy of the county management.The first chapter is the introduction part, it will explain the background and the main question of the study, and define the key concepts of this study, such as marine development, urban spatial organization, county management, the division of marine functional zonation. This chapter also makes the literature review which focus on the marine development, the organization of urban space, district and county management, marine functional area. It will provide a theoretical preparation for the study.The second and the third chapters will explore the evolution process and mechanism of the coastal cities spatial organization from the city level and the group level. On city level, according to the difference of the coastal cities’ initial location, the evolution of54coastal cities spatial organization can be divided into three models,"Inland-T type Structure"(33cities),"Coastal-ribbon Group"(18cities),"Land-island Interaction"(3cities). Among them, resource endowments, China and the West struggle, technological progress, administrative regulation become an important factor in promoting the evolution of the spatial organization. On group level, the life functional groups (marine eco-cities,etc.), the industrial functional groups (marine industrial zone, etc.) and the recreation functional groups (coastal tourist areas, etc.) have different spatial organization, which reflect the differences in the degree of dependence on marine resources. Overall, the majority of54coastal cities are entering the critical period of spatial organization evolution, it need to have more discussion on the optimization of spatial organization.The forth chapter are prepare to reveal the potential problems in the evolution of coastal cities’ spatial organization. The paper have find that the Chinese coastal cities’ spatial organization evolution faces three changes, such as the urban form, the regional form and the relationship of land-sea, in which hidden three problems such as form cultivation, manage coordination and land-sea conflict. The critical aspect to solve the problem lies in the county management innovation.The fifth, sixth and seventh chapters expand the study of the urban spatial organization optimization respectively, which focus on the basic issue (the reform of administrative divisions), the key issue (marine function zonation), the important issue (management system and policies) of the county management. In terms of administrative divisions reform, the quantity, scale, location of administrative divisions of the current coastal cities are influenced by marine development and show a significant north-south differences. To Optimize the urban spatial organization, we must optimize the pattern of the counties administrative region, make the administration center and the administrative boundary play the collective effects on the spatial organization. In terms of the marine function zonation, the environment of marine functional zones in China is not optimistic. We will explore the path of the urban spatial organization optimization under the influence of marine function zonation. Base on the function, structure, system and other features of the marine functional zonation, we analysis the path of county management in order to solve the problem of the land-sea conflict. In terms of the system and policy, the research of the institutional level and institutional coordination are essential. The development of various types of functional groups can not be separated from the administrative level.The effective setting of the organization, the stakeholders’ substantive participation will help crack the problem of the land-sea management coordination under marine development. On this basis, we take the Binhai New Area as an example, and put forward some policy such as promoting form and function enhancement, consolidating the management ability and service ability, coordinating marine development and ecological protection etc.The eighth chapter is the conclusion and discussion part of this study. It further discusses the evolution and the mechanism of the costal cities’spatial organization, the reform of the county administrative divisions, the resolution of land-sea conflict, the innovation of system and policy. The study is expected by optimizing the coastal cities’ spatial organization, provide a scientific basis for marine development and promotion of land-sea coordinate strategy.

  • 【分类号】TU982.2
  • 【下载频次】723