

Research on Extra-curricular Activities in Normal Universities and Colleges of China

【作者】 庄瑜

【导师】 徐斌艳;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在“教师教育”研究热潮的大背景下,我国不断推进教师教育改革各项措施。教师教育的改革推动着“教师角色”的变化。师范生培养是高等师范院校教师教育的重要组成部分,教师的培养越来越专业化与多元化。教师教育的发展牵动着高等师范院校培养模式的转变。有关师范生培养的研究就大都集中在师范生培养的政策和模式、师范生课程设置和教育实习上。本研究则探讨师范生培养的另一途径——课外活动,主要包括从理论分析高等师范院校的课外活动的涵义、特点、原则、目的和分类。通过客观的数据统计结果和丰富的师范毕业生访谈分析课外活动对师范生知识与专业能力养成的影响,进一步探究课外活动在师范生培养上起的作用。再从“社会学习网络”角度探讨高等师范院校课外活动的新视野。最后依据量化研究与质性研究的发现总结我国高等师范院校课外活动开展的意义、困境,并提出对高等师范院校课外活动的未来展望。论文的结构如下:第一章:分别叙述了研究缘起、研究问题、研究目标与思路、研究方法及研究框架。第二章:对本研究作了文献综述。从教师教育的历史发展和不同学科下对教师教育的诠释,思考我国高等师范院校在师范生培养上的定位。从师范生培养的内容、价值取向和培养途径,思考课外活动在师范生培养上的适合角色。从课外活动的历史发展、理论依据和影响研究,聚焦我国高等师范院校课外活动的研究现状,思考本研究的方向。第三章:从活动理论、发现学习理论、情境理论、非正式学习理论和终身学习理论角度奠定了研究的理论基础,并以四类高等师范院校的培养目标作为研究的实践基础。之后界定了我国高等师范院校课外活动的涵义、特点、开展目的和基本原则,并结合实例,对我国高等师范院校的课外活动做了分类与描述。第四章:依托X大学“中国高等师范院校师范生培养状况调查(2011)”课题组采集的来自全国27所高等师范院校13个专业的6624个在读师范生样本数据,经过数据处理与统计,分析课外活动开展、组织、参与和教师专业能力养成的情况,并与高等师范院校的类型、师范生的专业、性别、学业成绩、干部与否作交叉比较。并就师范生教师专业能力的养成,同课堂教学与教育实习作横向比较。第五章:使用质性研究方法中的“访谈法”,从高等师范院校课外活动的分类和中小学实际工作需要两个维度出发,与不同类型高等师范院校、不同师范专业的毕业生访谈,进一步探究课外活动对师范毕业生入职后的影响。第六章:从学习型社会和终身学习的角度,通过“社会学习网络”的工具打开高等师范院校课外活动的新视野,基于开放教育资源、社会性网络服务工具、高校周边书店和高等师范院校博物馆进行高等师范院校课外活动的设计,并分析它们对师范生培养所起的作用。第七章:依据量化研究与质性研究的发现,总结高等师范院校课外活动开展的意义和困境,并结合案例提出高等师范院校课外活动的未来发展方向。

【Abstract】 With the surge of research into teacher education, the reform of teacher education in China improves with varies of polices. The reform pushes forward the change of teachers’ role as well as the change of the student teachers’cultivation in normal universities and colleges so that the teacher education becomes more professional and diversified. The student teachers’ cultivation is the main part of teacher education in normal universities and colleges, the research of which focuses more on the policy, mode, curriculum and practicum. This dissertation does the research on the extra-curricular activities in normal universities and colleges with the multi-views including the research theory, definition, characters, principles and classification. With the quantitative research and qualitative research, it does more analysis of the effect of extra-curricular activities on student teachers. Then it does the discussion in the point of social learning network. In the end, it takes the conclusion of the advantages and problems of extra-curricular activities in normal universities and colleges based on the findings of quantitative research and qualitative research, and also to make suggestions for its future development with cases. The structure of this dissertation is as the followings.Chapter Ⅰ is to illustrate the origin, questions, intention&thinking, methodology and framework of research respectively.Chapter Ⅱ is to does the literature review in the aspect of teacher education, student teacher training and extra-curricular activities. It helps to think over the student teacher training’s position in normal universities and colleges as well as the role of extra-curricular activities on student teachers’ cultivation. Based on the research of history, theory and effect of extra-curricular activities, it focuses on them in normal universities and colleges and thinks over the research orientation of this dissertation.Chapter Ⅲ is to lay the theory foundations with activity theory, discovery learning theory, situational theory, informal learning theory and life-long learning theory meanwhile to make the practical foundations based on goals of student teachers’ cultivation in four kinds of normal universities and colleges. Then it describes research theory, definition, characters, principles and classification in order to present the overview of extra-curricular activities in normal universities and colleges of China.Chapter IV is to use the quantitative research method based on the "National Survey for Student Teacher Training in Normal Universities and Colleges(2011)" by X university. The data is collected from the database including6624student-teacher samples in13subjects of27normal universities and colleges. It analyzes the organization, attendance and effect of extra-curricular activities as well as does the comparison with classroom teaching and educational practicum. It also makes the crosstabs with student teachers’ major, sex, academic achievements and leaders or not.Chapter Ⅴ is to make interview with student-teacher graduates in order to testify the effect of extra-curricular activities on their jobs from two views. One is the classification of extra-curricular activities and the other is the requirements of secondary and primary schools.Chapter Ⅵ is to open a new way for extra-curricular activities based on the concept of "Social Learning Network" in the background of learning society and life-long learning. It designs the extra-curricular activities based on open educational resource, social network service, museums and bookstores as well as analyzes the effect of them on the cultivation of student teachersChapter Ⅶ is to take the conclusion of the importance and difficulties of extra-curricular activities in normal universities and colleges based on the findings of quantitative research and qualitative research, and also to make suggestions for its future development with cases.

  • 【分类号】G652.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1016