

Acculturation of Li Nationality:Characteristics、Influencing Factors and Theoretical Model

【作者】 王挺

【导师】 徐光兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 黎族文化适应的特征和相应的影响因素一直以来较少受到学术界的关注。本研究关注个体水平上,文化适应的特征及其与相关的个体差异和社会环境影响因素的关系。参照跨文化心理学家Berry提出的文化融入与心理适应理论及其文化适应模型,结合文化适应研究的最新进展和黎族独特的文化情境,本研究提出了黎族文化适应的假设理论模式;基于该整体构想,采用量的研究和质的研究相结合的方法,考察了黎族文化适应的结构特征和动态发展特点,探讨了人格特质、应对方式和社会支持及相关人口统计学因素对文化适应的影响,在此基础上综合讨论并验证了假设,形成了黎族文化适应的理论模式。本研究主要分为三个方面的内容。研究一根据国内外最新研究成果,通过深度访谈(26名被试)、开放式问卷调查(74名被试)和问卷调查(第一批302名被试,第二批676名被试)自编了黎族文化适应问卷(LNAS),用来测量黎族的文化适应类型;通过探索性和验证性因素分析发现问卷结果支持了文化适应的二维结构(即对黎族文化和汉族文化的适应倾向)。黎族的文化适应类型可区分四种,分别是同化型、整合型、分离型和边缘型;与其他少数民族文化适应的不同之处在于同化型突出,并存在边缘型。问卷具有良好的信度和效度和较稳定的特征,同时较符合黎族文化适应的实际情况,是理想的测量工具。研究二基于量的研究考察了676名成年黎族人,从地区、性别和代际差异以及各影响因素间相互作用的角度,探讨了黎族文化适应的一般性特征及其与相关影响因素的关系,并建构了人格特质、应对方式和社会支持对文化适应影响的直接效应模型和中介效应模型。结果表明黎族对汉族文化的适应程度较高,其适应类型以同化型得分最高,整合型次之;黎族文化适应受性别、年龄、地区、语言熟练度、受教育程度、工作状况、婚姻状况和收入等人口统计学变量的影响;人格特质、社会支持、应对方式与文化适应显著相关,并能够有效地预测文化适应的四种类型;人格特质、应对方式和社会支持对文化适应具有直接和间接影响作用,且人格特质、应对方式和社会支持互为中介变量间接作用于文化适应,其中以社会支持为中介变量的间接影响作用最具考察意义;当前黎族的社会支持对文化适应的正面影响大于人格特质和应对方式,对文化适应有利。研究三通过质的研究方法(个案访谈法、罗夏墨迹测试法和绘画作品分析法)多层次、多维度综合性地揭示了黎族文化适应的特征及影响因素。个案访谈研究深入细致地考察了9名黎族人在文化适应过程中的内心体验,以及文化适应与其影响因素的关系模型在日常生活中的具体表现。研究依据扎根理论对资料进行逐级编码,通过类属分析和情境分析从理论上总结出黎族文化适应的动态特征,以及人格特质、应对方式和社会支持等因素影响文化适应的规律性特点。罗夏墨迹测试案例研究尝试绕过被试的心理防御,更客观地测查了4名黎族人的心理反应和人格特征,深入探索了文化适应过程中心理不适应者的文化适应特征,探究了人格特质、应对方式和社会支持等因素促进黎族个体积极适应、维护身心健康的积极意义。绘画心理学研究通过21幅具有代表性的绘画作品的心理分析,探索了黎族个体文化适应过程中的心理适应性特点,以及潜意识表达的人格特质、应对方式和社会支持等因素影响文化适应的深层意义。质的研究结果表明,黎族文化适应具有多样化发展的特点,总体上以同化型为主,并呈现由同化性的单文化认同转向整合性的双重文化认同趋势,同时存在由被动性逐渐转向主观能动性、地区与代际不平衡性加剧、适应内容由行为层次转向精神层次等动态特点;分离或边缘型容易导致个体文化适应问题。随着文化的变迁,黎族人格特质的朴素性减少、防御性增强;较强的心理防御机制易导致适应的被动性和内在不适应;外向性有利于黎族个体融入汉族社会,外向性与防御性结合的人格特质易产生内在与外在适应的不平衡,使文化适应呈现矛盾性;原有的“及时行乐”和逃避的应对方式难以适应现代经济大潮的冲击,易导致新的适应问题出现;“神灵庇佑”和“一方有难八方支援”的原有社会支持体系正发生改变,新的社会支持体系尚未完全形成,容易引发个体的心理失衡;研究还发现,农村的黎族青年男女性比例失调和孩子教育问题突出,城市的黎族个体感觉隐形歧视和缺少社会支持。乐观、悠然自得、有情趣、对美好生活的向往等心理适应性特点有利于积极文化适应,而抽象思维单一、不自信、缺乏安全感、依赖性及刻板等心理适应性特点与茫然无目标、无力感、压力过大、对外界反应减弱、生活圈狭隘或人际沟通不良等适应问题存在一定的关联性。良好的社会支持、解决问题/求助的应对方式有利于增加人格特质对文化适应的正面影响,并减少当事人不良适应问题的发生,对促进黎族个体适应环境、维护自身健康具有积极作用。结果验证了自编的黎族文化适应问卷和文化适应影响因素的中介效应模型的合理性和可适用性。最后根据研究结果,结合相关文献研究和假设模式,形成了黎族文化适应的理论模式,综合探讨了黎族文化适应的特征及其与相关影响因素的作用机制,以及积极应对、建立有效社会支持系统的可行性,最终目标服务于黎族在新时代多元文化情境中的心理适应。将模式与黎族的实际情况进行联系,研究还提出了促进黎族文化适应的对策与建议。本研究结果可能对中国政府部门中的少数民族相关的研究或政策制定、促进黎族的文化适应具有一定的理论和实用意义。

【Abstract】 The characteristics and influencing factors of Li nationality’s acculturation is seldom attracted attention by the academic field. This study based on the individual level of Li nationality’s acculturation, according to Berry’s cultural diffusion and psychological adaptation theory, combined with the updated development of the acculturation research and Li’s unique cultural situation. This study puts forward the hypothesis model of Li nationality’s acculturation. Based on the whole conception, qualitative and quantitative research methods were both used in this study to explore the relationship between Li nationality’s acculturation model and social psychological factors. Study investigated the structural characteristics and dynamic development characteristics of Li nationality’s acculturation. After that, we explored the effects of personality traits, coping style and social support and its demographic factors to the acculturation. On the basis of the above study, we formed the theoretical model of Li nationality’s acculturation by the fully discussed and hypothetic verification.The study including three parts:Research One according to the domestic and oversea’s updated research achievements, through the method of in-depth interviews (26subjects), open-ended questionnaire (74subjects) and the questionnaire (the first batch302subjects, the second batch676subjects), compiled the Li nationality acculturation questionnaire (LNAS), Used to measure the Li nationality acculturation models, through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to the questionnaire, its results supported a two-dimension structure of acculturation (the adaptive tendency to Li culture and Han culture). The Li’s acculturation models can be distinguished as four types, they are integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization type; Compared with other nationality’s acculturation models, Li nationality have the obviously assimilation type and existed the marginalization type. The questionnaire has a good reliability, validity, and stable characteristic, more in line with the actual situation of the aspects of the Li’s acculturation, which means it is a ideal measurement tool.Research Two through the method of quantitative research investigated676Li nationality adults from the interaction angle including region, gender and intergenerational differences, explored the relationship between acculturation general characteristics and its influencing factors. Then, we constructed the intermediary effects and direct effect model of personality traits, coping style and social support to the acculturation. The results showed that the Li have a higher level of acculturation, in its acculturation models the assimilation type scored highest, however, integration type’s scores is lower than the assimilation type. The Li’s acculturation is effected by gender, age, district, language proficiency, education level, work status, marital status, and income and other demographic variables; It significantly related personality traits, social support, coping style and acculturation model, and be able to predict the four acculturation types; The study also found that personality traits, coping style and social support have a directly and indirectly effect to acculturation. Each of them act as mediating variables indirectly effect to acculturation, especially, the social support has a study significance. At present, the social support positive impact to Li is higher than personality and coping style, it has a favorable effect to acculturation.Research Three through the method of qualitative research (including case interview, Rorschach inkblot plate test and paintings psychological analysis) revealed the characteristics and influencing factors of Li’s acculturation. Case interview with a thorough investigation to the inner experience of9Li during the acculturation process, as well as the relationship between acculturation model and its related influencing factors among the Li’s daily life. The study based on the grounded theory encoded the data progressively, through generic analysis and scenario analysis summarized the Li’s acculturation dynamic characteristics in theory, the regular characteristics of acculturation effected by personality traits, social support, coping style and others influencing factors. Rorschach inkblot plate test case studies try to bypass the psychological defense to measure the4Li nationality’s psychological reaction and personality characteristics objectively, to explore the acculturation characteristics of uncomfortable people in psychology during the acculturation process. The results showed that the personality traits, coping style and social support and other factors in promoting individual actively adaptation and maintain the physical and mental health have a positive significance. Paintings psychological analysis through21representative paintings psychological analysis, explore the Li’s psychological adaptation characteristics during the acculturation process and personality traits, coping style, social support and other factors expressed by subconscious, which have a deep meaning and effected the acculturation.The qualitative research results showed that the Li’s acculturation has the diversified development characteristics. In general, Li’s acculturation type is mainly assimilation, and it take on a trend from assimilation of single cultural identity to the dual cultural identity. At the same time, it take on a dynamic characteristics such as passive turn to initiative gradually, area and intergenerational imbalance intensified, the adaptation contents shift from behavioral level to the spiritual level. The type of separation and marginalization can be easily leaded to the problem of acculturation. With the change of culture, the Li’s simplicity of personality traits takes on reduction, however, theirs defensive takes on enhanced. The relatively stronger defensive mechanism of psychology can be easily leaded to passive adaptation and inner uncomfortable, extraversion is favorable to Li’s individual integrate into the Han nationality society. The personality traits combined with extraversion and defensive can be easily leaded to unbalance between inner adaptation and external adaptation. The original "enjoy pleasure in good time" and escaping coping style is difficult to adapt to the modern economic tide, and can be easily lead to a new adaptation questions arise. The original social support system such as "God blessed" and "if one side in difficulty, the help will comes from all quarters" are changing, however, the new social support system is not yet fully formed, it also can be easily cause the individual psychological unbalance. This study also revealed that in rural, Li’s serious problems are the disproportionality of young men and young women and education of children. However, in city, Li’s problems are that they fell some invisible discrimination and lack of social support. Characteristics of optimism, carefree and content, have fun, yearning for a good life are beneficial to positive acculturation. By contrast, characteristics of single abstract thinking, unconfident, lack of security, dependence and stereotypes and other psychological adaptability characteristics have a certain relationship with adverse adaptation such as at a loss without target, powerlessness, the pressure is too large, weaken, reaction to outside life circle is narrow or not good at interpersonal. Good social support, problem-solving/coping style for help, early prevention and intervention can effectively mitigate the psychological impact caused by cultural changes, it has a positive effect for them adapt to the environment, maintain their own health. Results confirmed the rationality and applicability of LNAS and the model of intermediary effects of acculturation influencing factors.Finally, according to the research results, combined with literature research and model assumptions, we formed the theory model of Li acculturation. In addition, we discussed the mechanism of acculturation characteristics and influencing factors each other. At the same time, it discussed the feasibility for coping and establishment of an effective social support system. The ultimate goal is servicing for the Li’s psychological adaptation under the new era multicultural context. The model contact with the Li’s actual situation, the study also put forward some countermeasures and suggestions for promoting Li’s acculturation. The results of this study may have a certain theoretical and practical significance for the Chinese government departments related to minority research or policy making, and promote the Li nationality’s acculturation.
