

The Development of China Customs Higher Education under the Background of Globalization

【作者】 童话

【导师】 朱益明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中外教育关系, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 从海关的性质和任务来看,作为国家的进出境监督管理机关,海关是国家唯一赋予对进出境货物、物品实施监督管理的职能部门,是国家主权的体现和国门的象征,担负着维护国家经济利益和安全的神圣使命。随着海关深度参与全球化的进程,海关非传统职能的范围不断扩大,机构或面临重大变革,新情况、新问题、新挑战不断显现,海关队伍规模受到编制所限不会大幅扩张,所以必须应用新的管理理念、技术装备、措施方法以不断适应全球经贸形势的变化。管理理念的更新、监管技术装备的应用、监管措施方法的实施都离不开海关的能力建设,归根结底依赖于海关人才队伍的建设,依赖于如何教育和培养适应国际形势变化的海关人才。因此,海关的现代化,最终是海关人的现代化,海关人的现代化离不开对人才的教育与培养。海关高等教育的发展与变革理应顺应行业的这一发展趋势,培养出具备全球视野、适应形势发展需要的专业人才。海关在我国参与经济全球化的进程中发挥了重要作用,其工作具有鲜明的涉外属性。中国海关队伍的质量关系到社会、经济、安全和主权的重大国家性事务,关系到中国在国际上的海关力量与水平间的竞争。同时,海关高等教育迎来重要发展契机,包括国际海关专业标准的推出、国家重视行业高等教育发展及其国际化、院校自身发展和系统内部的迫切需求。以上均对海关高等教育的发展提出了新要求和新挑战。教育全球化是经济全球化的产物,国家放宽在经济领域的市场准入条件同时,教育机构也无法避免来自教育全球化的各种影响和竞争。受此影响,高等教育处在一个史无前例复杂而多层的系统里,关键是高校如何能在大趋势中获取并追寻长期的动态平衡,走出自己的道路。尤其是高校和国际组织之间的联系愈加紧密、全球高等教育市场已经形成、全球课程的国际多元标准化和以英语为主的语言传播互相交织,构建出丰富又复杂的发展态势。这应该从更长远的角度去思考,从全球化的视野去考虑未来的高等教育是何走向,该如何调整发展。全球海关高等教育的实践也反映出了这一趋势:全球海关类院校及学术机构在21世纪初蓬勃兴起。从国内对海关高等教育的研究成果来看,总体上对海关高等教育的研究还有很大的探索空间,尤其是对国际海关高等教育的研究较少。亟需加强对国外海关高等教育的研究,不断加深对国际海关高等教育发展趋势、特点、模式和最佳实践等领域的了解。海关面临着新的变革趋势,在全球经贸环境、技术革新、管理理念、海关发展战略发生重大变化的背景下,对海关高等教育如何发展,以及如何培养专业化的人才提出了严峻的挑战。作为涉外性很强的海关行业,本身就处于迅猛的经济、政治、金融全球化进程中,其定位、职能、责任不断更新、拓展,对国家的政治、经济、生态、文化安全产生重大影响。世界海关组织通过《21世纪海关》战略文件提出了未来海关重点发展的十大趋势。因此,海关对培养具有全球视野并能参与全球竞争的专业人才的需求十分迫切。此外,由于国内没有同类可比海关高校,因此也必须将目光放眼全球,寻找和了解全球范围内海关高等教育变革的新趋势。近年来,国际海关学术界在世界海关组织能力建设项目下组成了学术联盟,搭建了海关教育项目探索和研究的国际平台,并针对海关人员专业化和学术研究出台了专业标准。世界上有部分海关类高校占据了先机,获得了世界海关组织认证,在其教学、课程体系中融入了海关专业的国际标准,满足了全球海关界对能力建设和知识更新的强烈需求,对培养国际化的海关专业人才产生了很大影响。各国的海关高等教育机构模式、课程设置、办学特色蕴藏丰富内涵,对我国海关高等教育机构的国际化发展具有重要的借鉴意义。我国海关高等教育历经变迁,具有悠久的行业办学历史。清末,有识之士认识到专门人才培养对国家收回关权的重要性,倡导并创办了税务学堂,在民国发展为税务专门学校,培养了大批通晓关务的人才。解放后,海关设立上海海关学校,在20世纪80年代在全国设立上海海关专科学校、秦皇岛海关学校、海关管理干部学院等教育机构。当前,海关类高校主要代表是海关总署直属的上海海关学院。近年来,上海海关学院在学历教育和在职培训领域取得很大发展。升本成功、专业硕士教育即将开办、建成海关总署党校以及世界海关组织亚太培训中心等一系列标志性事件,使得作为唯一系统设置海关类学科专业的上海海关学院拥有了良好的发展资源和平台。站在新的历史节点上,海关院校如何发挥后发优势,深入剖析存在问题,创新服务行业的路径与策略是海关高等教育可持续发展的关键。因此,必须站在全球和国家层面的更大视野来思考海关未来的变革和发展所需要的人才,在积极借鉴国内外经验的基础上,走出具有本土特色的海关高等教育国际化发展道路。为此,本研究提出了五项加速我国海关高等教育发展战略建议:首先是实施国家战略人才储备计划。培养服务海关发展的管理、国际组织、研究、语言和边境事务人才,建立起全球海关人才基地,实现覆盖“职前职后”全过程的人才培养;第二是实施院校国际化战略。根据国家经贸战略、“多重角色”院校以及重点发展领域选择战略合作伙伴,全方位地开展国际合作,提升国际影响力,构建起评价海关高校国际化水平的指标体系;第三是基于国际专业标准改革现有的海关课程体系。通过整体设计和单门课程的剖析,对改革现有的课程体系以及更新国际标准本身提出针对性建议,创新中国海关院校的最佳实践,为世界海关组织教育项目未来发展作出贡献;第四是构建海关学的学科体系,进一步加强海关领域的研究。国际上相关高校的学科设置,以及海关领域的选题都值得学习借鉴。应当积极吸收国际海关学术前沿的最新成果,跟上形势的发展,创新研究视域与思路。最后提出建立国内外对接的海关专家体系,建设高水准的师资队伍。国内外海关专家的衔接和发展是推进海关专业化的重要方面,院校应当成为培养海关专家的重要人才基地,最终使海关人员的专业化得到国际资质的认可,使海关真正地在世界范围内成为一种专业。并且海关专家和师资资源可以有序转化,互相促进,有利于建设高水平的专业师资队伍。总之,抓住机遇,迎接挑战,结合国际海关最新的专业标准和发展战略,不断加大人才培养的力度,是海关高等教育实现变革的关键路径。

【Abstract】 Judging from tasks to manage import and export cargoes and articles, Customs is the only authorized functional department of country. Being the embodiment of national sovereignty and the gateway of country, customs affords mission to maintain national economic interests and security. Through involvement into globalization process, Customs untraditional function scope has been expanded unceasingly. The organization chart is facing to great changes, such as new situation, unexpected challenges and problems. Customs team size will not expand so quickly for formulated set limits, so we must adapt new management measures, technologies, ideas and equipments to fulfill the requests raised by global economy constant changes. Technology applications, management idea updates and regulation implementations are all basic concepts of customs capacity building program, which depends on the construction of customs talent team and methods to cultivate talents who can meet the socioeconomic situation changes in global scope. Therefore customs modernization is ultimately customs employees’modernization. Customs modernization can not proceed without talent training and education. The development of customs higher education and its reform should conform to industry trend. Moreover, it’s necessary to cultivate the talents who are adaptable to constant changing situation with global views.Customs plays an important role in the process of China participating in global economy globalization. A distinct property of customs work is its involvement in foreign elements. The quality of China customs team has relations with national critical affairs such as society, economy, security and sovereignty. And it is also related to China international competence on customs strength and capacity level. Meanwhile customs higher education is also facing to important development opportunities, such as the international customs professional standard release, the great importance China have attached on higher education internationalization and the urgent demands of colleges and universities on their development and internal system adjustment. Above all raise new requests and challenges to local customs higher education.Education globalization is the product of economic globalization. While the country relaxes market access conditions in economy field, local education agencies can not avoid the impact and competition from education globalization. Being in an unprecedented complex and multi-layered system, the key tasks for local higher education are to pursue a long-term dynamic balance in this trend and find out its own way to develop. Especially under the circus toms that global higher education market has been formed by the closer connection between universities and international organization, the international diversification and global courses standardization intersect with languages (mainly English) build up an abundant and complex development situation. We should think on a long-term view, and consider from global perspective about the future of higher education. How to adjust our own development? The global customs higher education practice also reflects this trend, e.g. we can find the booming of global customs colleges and academic institutions at the beginning of the21st century. According to domestic study results on customs higher education, overall we have a great space to explore in this field, especially on international higher education aspect. We need to strengthen the research on foreign customs higher education, deepen the understanding of its international development trend, patterns, characteristics, best practices and etc.Under the background of great changes in global economy environment, management concept, technological innovation and customs development strategy, what should higher education do to cultivate professional talents to fulfill the demands of customs, how should college develop under globalization, both are severe challenges proposed to us. Involving in the midst of rapid economic, political, and financial globalization, customs industry should revise and expand its positions, functions and responsibilities accordingly, which will impact on local economy, policy, ecology and cultural security. WCO adopted a strategy document "Customs in the21st Century", which showed the priority of cultivating senior professional talents with global views, and the urgent demands of these competitive talents in global scope.In addition, we have to look around the world because we do not have similar colleges or universities to compare with in local customs educations. We need to look worldwide to find and understand the latest customs higher education trend. International customs academics have set up an academic union under WCO Capability Building program in recent years. They have also set up an international platform for the exploration and research of customs education programs, and initiated a professional standard for customs staff professionalism and academic research. Some customs higher education institutions in the world have already applied these advantages by introducing WCO relevant certifications and standards into their own curriculum system, which will meet the huge demands of global customs for professional talents and greatly affect international customs specialists’training in education industry. We can also value other customs higher education patterns, curriculum settings and their rich connotation as important references to the internationalization of customs higher education in our country.China customs higher education has undergone changes. And it has a long history of industry education. In late Qing dynasty, a group of far-sighted people recognized the importance of talents cultivating to safeguard national customs right in foreign trade, promoted and set up Tax College, which later developed as tax special school in the republic of China, cultivated a large number of talents with customs affair knowledge. China customs set up Shanghai Customs School after the liberation. During1980s in the20th century Shanghai Customs College, Qin huangdao Customs School, Customs Management Institute and other education institutions were built. Now China customs higher education is mainly represented by Shanghai Customs College which directly reports the general administration of China customs. In recent years, Shanghai Customs College has got great developments in the field of academic education and in-service training. Some symbolic events like the success of undergraduate college application, the launch of professional master degree education, party school establishment under general administration of customs and the set up of WCO Asia Pacific training make Shanghai Custom College, the only professional institute of systematic customs courses in China, owns good resources and platform to develop. Standing on historical circumstances, the key points for higher education sustainable development is how to play advantages to get a thorough analysis on existing problems and create strategies and paths for better service.Therefore, we must consider customs reform and talents development in the future on global and national levels. Based on the reference from home and abroad, we need to work out customs higher education internationalization development path of local features. Therefore, this study proposes five strategies to accelerate China customs higher education development.First of all is the implementation of national strategic talent reserve plan. We need to raise talents to better service international customs organization developments in the fields like language, research and border affairs, establish global customs talent base, and achieve the whole process of talent training to cover from "pre-service" to "after-service" stage.Second is to implement college internationalization strategy. According to national economy and trade strategy, we need to select suitable strategic partners, cooperate comprehensively with international cooperation, promote our international influence and build up an evaluation system for internationalization level of customs higher education.Third is to reform existing curriculum system based on international professional standards. We need to propose specific suggestions on our current curriculum system reform, update international standards through studies on overall design and single courses. Then we can create best practices in China Customs Colleges and make great contribution to the future development of WCO education project.The forth step is to build up an academic system for customs study, which will further strengthen research in this field. We can take reference from international relevant university academic settings, as well as the worth-learning parts of studies in this field. We should actively absorb the latest achievements of international customs academic frontier and keep up with the updated development, innovative research and thinking.Last step is to propose an interconnection of professional systems between domestic and international institutions, as well as enhance the construction to reserve good teachers. It is an important thing to develop the cohesion of international and Chinese customs experts. College should become the important talent base, make customs officers be professional and acquire international qualification recognition. All of these will finally make customs really become a profession worldwide. Customs experts and teachers can transform orderly and promote by each other, which is conducive to the construction of high-level professional team.In all, in order to realize customs higher education revolution, we must seize opportunities, meet challenges, adjust according to the latest customs international professional standards as well as development strategies, and continue to strengthen our talents trainings.
