

Research on the Construction and Application of the Evaluation Framework of the Competence in Discipline of Science (CDS) in the Stage of Compulsory Education(Grades7-9)

【作者】 龚伟

【导师】 王祖浩;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 长期以来,科学教育一直重视对学生进行能力培养和基于能力的评价。但由于科学教育工作者对能力实质与具体表现认识模糊,科学教育实践中的能力培养与基于能力的测评并没有统一的客观标准而一直处于经验探索阶段。科学教育的最终目标是提高学生的科学素养,而学生科学素养提高的本质在于其科学学科能力的提高,这就使得科学教育研究必须关注:科学学科能力是什么?科学学科能力结构如何?如何准确测评学生的科学学科能力?初中生科学学科能力发展状况如何?初中科学试题中学科能力的考查情况如何,是否能够合理诊断学生的学科能力?初中科学教师对学生如何进行学科能力培养,是否能够有效促进学生的学科能力发展?本论文以“科学学科能力”为线索展开研究:第1章是研究概述。能力培养与评价是科学教育的核心内容,要提高科学课堂教学效率和准确测评学生学科能力发展状况,科学学科能力的相关研究成为了科学教育的研究热点。追溯以往国内外科学教育研究成果和国际重大科学测评项目发现,从学科层面来探讨与测评能力的研究值得开展。本研究立足已有研究启示和本国实际构建义务教育阶段(7-9年级)科学学科能力测评框架,为有效培养与测评初中生科学学科能力作出探索,为深化科学课程改革提供有意义的参考。第2章是理论研究。本部分依次阐述了“能力”、“学科能力”、“科学学科能力”的内涵,认为科学学科能力是“学生在学习科学课程知识和进行科学探究活动过程中形成和发展起来的,并在这些活动中所表现出的稳定的心理结构”。本研究基于科学学科本质特征、当代发达国家科学课程标准、已有科学学业水平评价实践经验及相关研究成果,从五个学习领域规定了科学学科能力学习要求:“科学概念”、“科学符号”、“科学模型”、“科学实验”、“科学计算”;继而借助学习进程理论立足我国实际构建了义务教育阶段(7-9年级)科学学科能力测评框架,以此作为后续科学学科能力测验工具开发与优化、初中生科学学科能力水平进行测试与分析以及探析初中科学试题学科能力考查倾向与初中科学教师学科能力教学特点的理论依据。第3章是科学学科能力测验工具的命制与优化研究。本部分基于第2章所构建的义务教育阶段(7-9年级)科学学科能力测评框架,以Rasch测量模型和“四基石”框架为理论依据,并借鉴已有实践经验编制了测查初中生科学学科能力状况的测试工具。测试工具涵盖了五个学习领域的学科能力要求,进行了两轮试测,并运用Winsteps Version3.72.0软件对测试结果进行分析,检验结果表明本研究所命制的科学学科能力测验工具具有较好的信度与效度,可用于大样本测试。第4章是初中生科学学科能力水平发展状况测评研究,测试在A、B两地7~9年级同时展开。通过相关数据分析发现初中生科学学科能力的发展存在年级、地区、性别差异:随着年级的提升,学生的科学学科能力是不断发展的,且每个年级间的差异具有显著性;科学学科能力发展的地区、性别差异也存在一定的特殊性;科学学科能力水平与数学、物理、化学等学科的学业水平具有一定的正相关。第5章是对当下初中科学试题中学科能力考查倾向进行分析。研究结果发现:中考科学试题比较注重科学概念学习领域学科能力的考查,对学生科学计算学习领域学科能力考查要求过高;随着课程改革的深入,中考科学试题中学科能力考查情况总体上变化并不大;平时各类考试学科能力考查受中考科学试题学科能力考查要求影响较大;以上都反映了当下的初中科学学业水平测试仍以知识评价为主。第6章是对当下初中科学教学实践中学科能力教学特色进行分析。研究结果发现:初中科学教师比较注重科学概念学习领域学科能力的培养,而忽视了科学模型学习领域学科能力的培养;在学科能力层次方面,初中科学教师过多关注较低层次学科能力的培养,而忽视学生学科能力的全面发展;在教与学活动方式选择方面,初中科学教师并不给予学生过多的机会让他们自己主动建构知识从而实现学科能力的发展;这些现象的存在是由于初中科学教师缺乏学科能力培养意识所造成的。本研究从学科层面上较为系统地探讨了科学学科能力内涵与外在表现,构建了义务教育阶段(7-9年级)科学学科能力测评框架,并依据该框架测评了我国初中生科学学科能力发展状况、分析了初中科学试题学科能力考查倾向以及初中科学教师学科能力教学特点,对我国义务教育阶段(7-9年级)学生科学学科能力水平发展及其培养有了一个大致的了解,这为对学生进行能力培养与评价提供了有意义的参考。但本研究尚属探索阶段,在理论分析、实验设计、实验开展以及实验结果获得与处理等环节还存在一些瑕疵,这需要进一步的深入研究。

【Abstract】 Ever since a long time ago, science education has always attached great importance to cultivating and evaluating the students’competence. However, due to the vague understanding of the competence’s essence and specific performance, the cultivation and evaluation of the students’competence in discipline of science (CDS) in science education has no uniform objective standards and been in the exploratory stage. The ultimate goal of science education is to imporve students’scientific literacy, and the development of the students’CDS is defined as the core element and the major target of scientific literacy, which becomes the new focus of the research in science education:What is CDS? What is the structure of CDS? How to evaluate the students’CDS accurately? What is the development of the Junior Middle School students’CDS? How to evaluate the students’CDS in the Science Examination paper of High School Entrance Examination? How to help the students develop their CDS in the classrooms of the Junior Middle School? Based on competence in discipline of science, this thesis is divided into6chapters as follows:Chapter1is the overview of the research. The cultivation and evaluation of students’ competence is considered as the core of science education recently, which requires that we commit ourselves to improve the teaching efficiency in science classroom and evaluate the students’CDS accurately. Therefore, the researches on CDS are becoming the focus of science education. In retrospect to the domestic and foreign researches in science education and the major international scientific evaluation project, the research about cultivation and evaluation of the students’CDS from the discipline level is worth carrying out. In this study, based on revelation of the existing researches and our practical situation, we construct the evaluation framework for the students in the range of grades from7to9in the stage of compulsory education to explore the effective methods of training and evaluating the students’ CDS and provide some meaningful references for deepening the reform of the science curriculum in our country.Chapter2is the theoretical study. This section firstly expounds the meaning of ’competence’,’competence of discipline’,’competence in discipline of science’in turn. We consider the CDS is a stable psychological structure developing and formed in the process of students’ learning science knowledge and conducting scientific inquiry activities. According to the essential characteristics of science curriculum, contemporary science curriculum standards in some developed countries, the experience from the practical evaluation, and the existing research results, we define CDS in five learning areas:’scientific concept’,’scientific symbol’,’scientific model’,’scientific experiment’and’scientific calculation’. Guided by the theory of learning progression (LPs), we construct the evaluation framework for the students of grades from7to9in the stage of compulsory education, which support the development and refinement of the assessment instrument of CDS, the evaluation of the students’CDS and the final analysis and discussion of the findings and the applications based on the evaluation framework.Chapter3is the construction and optimization of the assessment instrument of CDS. In view of the evaluation framework for the students of grades from7to9in the stage of compulsory education constructed in Chapter2, the Rasch measurement model, the’Four Building Blocks’framework and the existing practical experience, we design the assessment instrument of CDS for the students of grades from7to9in the stage of compulsory education. The assessment instrument covers all the requirements of CDS in five learning areas, which are received two trial tests. In our study, we use Winsteps Version3.72.0model and analyze the data to test the validation of the assessment instrument, which shows the assessment instrument has good validation and verification and could be used for a large sample test appropriately.Chapter4is the evaluation of the Junior Middle School students’CDS. We conduct the large scale test in the areas of A and B simultaneously, the obtained data indicate that there are significant differences existing between grades, areas and genders in development of the students’ CDS. With the upgrading of the grade, the students’CDS is developing continuously, which results in the significant differences between each grade; there are also a certain difference between areas and genders. To a certain extent, there is a positive correlation between the development of CDS and the mathematics, physics or chemistry academic level of the students. Chapter5is an application of the evaluation framework for the students of grades from7to9in the stage of compulsory education. According to the evaluation framework, we analyze the assessment items of students’ CDS in the Science Examination paper of High School Entrance Examination. The results demonstrate that Science Examination paper of High School Entrance Examination pay a great attention to the CDS in the learning area of scientific concept and overemphasize the evaluation of the CDS in the learning area of scientific calculation; with the deepening of the curriculum reform, there is no remarkable difference of the evaluation of students’ CDS in the different periods; all kinds of the controlled works are greatly affected by the accouts of the Science Examination papper of High School Entrance Examination; which reflects knowledge-orientation evaluation is still dominated in the Science Examination in Junior Middle School.Chapter6is an another application of the evaluation framework for the students of grades from7to9in the stage of compulsory education. According to the evaluation framework, we analyze the practical instructions on students’ CDS supplied by their science teachers in the classrooms. The results demonstrate that the sicence tearchers also pay a great attention to the CDS in the learning area of scientific concept and ignore the importance of scientific model in students’ learning process; the scienece teacher overemphasize the basic CDS and neglect the integrated development of CDS; the science teachers prefer to choose the traditional methods of instruction, which results in that the students couldn’t well construct their knowledge structures and develop their CDS by themselves; which reflects knowledge-orientation instruction is still dominated in the science education in the range of grades from7to9in the stage of compulsory education.This study analyzes the essential and specific performance of the CDS from a more systematic discipline level, constructs the evaluation framework for the students of grades from7to9in the stage of compulsory education, evaluates the Junior Middle School students’ CDS in some areas of China, analyzes the assessment items of students’ CDS in the Science Examination paper of High School Entrance Examination and the instructions on students’ CDS supplied by their science teachers in the classrooms in the light of the evaluation framework, which provides certain valuable references for the cultivating and evaluating the students’CDS in the stage of compulsory education. However, this study is still in the stage of exploration and there are also some flaws in the respects of theoretical analysis, experimental design, how to experiment, and how to obtain the experimental results, which leads to the further research in the future.
