

Study on the Printed Chinese Characters of Successive Dynasties and Related Standardization

【作者】 王泉

【导师】 臧克和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 印刷汉字是近代汉字的重要组成部分,属于楷字范畴。印刷汉字的研究价值首先是其在汉字规范领域所起到的作用,即一般认为的“印刷体总还可以作标准用的”。此看法流于主观。只有将印刷汉字放到汉字规范的视野之下,分析二者关系,厘清其中问题,才能充分发掘印刷汉字的价值,完善近代汉字的研究体系。汉字规范须具有官方背景。以此为标准,唐代为开成石经;五代十国时期亦为开成石经;宋代为宋本《玉篇》、《类篇》、《集韵》、《广韵》所构成的体系;明代为《洪武正韵》;清代为《康熙字典》。在此基础上,以一代汉字规范为标准,分析一代所抽样印刷字形的正俗,由此得到每一件印刷汉字的俗字率。之后,根据俗字率依次分析唐、五代十国、北宋、南宋、明、清六代印刷汉字与汉字规范之间的具体关系。最后进行整体总结,得到两个主要结论:第一,严格说来,只有五代十国时期刻印“九经”以及建国后颁布《印刷通用汉字字形表》之后的印刷汉字在一定程度上可被当作汉字规范;宽松来说,北宋、南宋的监本书籍由国家最高教育机构刊刻,俗字率普遍非常低,基本上也可以代表国家的汉字规范;至于明、清的监本,则不尽然。古代的活字印刷汉字俗字率参差不齐,也不能作为汉字规范,不过它在技术手段层面上促进了印刷汉字与汉字规范的合流。第二,印刷汉字在汉字规范传播与定型的过程中,起到了很大作用。五代十国时期刻印“九经”,促使了唐代所形成的汉字规范定型,基本确立了以后各代汉字规范的基本面貌。明代《洪武正韵》吸收了一些适于雕版印刷的字形,将之作为汉字规范。后来,这些字形与明代中后期形成的印刷宋体字合流。这种局面为清代《康熙字典》所继承,最终导致了汉字体系的一次转型:由原来手写汉字为主导的汉字体系转变为手写汉字体系与印刷体汉字体系并存的格局。这对之后的汉字规范乃至汉字整体的发展都产生了一定的影响。

【Abstract】 The printed character belongs to the regular script category, and it is an important part of modern Chinese characters. The most important value of it is the role it played in the field of standardization of Chinese characters, which is general conceited as "Printed characters probably can be used as the standardization of Chinese characters". This concept is subjective. Only if put the printed characters into the vision of standardization of Chinese characters, analyze the relationship of them, and clarify the problems of them, the value of printed characters can be fully exploited and made modern Chinese characters research system completely.The standardization of Chinese characters must have official backgrounds. According to this standard, the standardization of Tang Dynasty is scriptures on rocks of Kaicheng; and so is the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms; and the system of the books of Songben Yupian, Leipian, Jiyun, Guangyun of Song dynasty; and Hongwu Zhengyun of Ming dynasty; Kangxi Zidian of Qing Dynasty.According to them, we can determine whether the font of characters is standard or vulgar. Then analyze the relationship between the standardization and the printed characters based on the vulgar characters rates of each dynasty. Finally, two main conclusions can be drawn:First, strictly speaking, only the characters of printed Jiujing in the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms and the printed characters after promulgation of the table of standard printed characters can probably be used as standard characters. If not strictly speaking, the rates of vulgar characters of Jianben books of Northern and Southern Song dynasty which were printed by the country’s highest educational institutions are very low. The characters of those books can represent the standard characters, but the Jianben books of Ming and Qing dynasty arc not in the same condition. The rates of vulgar characters of the ancient typography were uneven, so it can not be used as standardization. But on the level of technical method, it promoted the unification of the printed Chinese characters and standardization of Chinese characters.Second, the printed characters played a significated role in the process of the communication and stereotype of standardization of chinese characters. Printing Jiujing in the period of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms caused the stereotypes of the standardization formed in the Tang dynasty, which established the main content of the standardization of chinese characters of each dynasty after it. As the standardization of Chinese characters of Ming dynasty, Hongwu Zhengyun chose some fonts suiting for printing as the standard fonts. Then those fonts were blended with the Song typeface formed in the middle of Ming dynasty. This situation is received by Kangxi Zidian of Qing dynasty, which caused the transformation of the Chinese characters system:from one writing characters system to the two coexisting system of printing characters system and writing characters system. And this transformation brought some influences to standardization of Chinese characters and the development of Chinese characters.
