

Green Airport Evaluation System Research Based on Sustainable Development

【作者】 吴聪

【导师】 夏自谦;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,可持续发展观指导下的绿色经济发展战略已成为世界各国、各地区经济和社会发展的大趋势。中国民航把全面推进节能减排工作列为民航系统“十二五”期间五大任务之一,提出了建设绿色机场的主张。基于我国民航绿色机场建设现状和国内外民航可持续发展的大背景,论文确定了“基于可持续发展的绿色机场评价体系研究”的选题,研究目的是从理论上揭示绿色机场的形成机理,建立符合民航实际的绿色机场评价指标体系,寻求科学的评价方法,发现建设和运营绿色机场的普遍规律,探索提升我国绿色机场建设的有效途径。该研究有助于推动我国绿色机场理论研究,提高机场建设及运营的可持续发展能力。论文坚持理论与实际结合、先进性与可行性结合的基本导向,立足于环境经济学的外部性理论、可持续发展经济理论和统计学的指标设计理论三大理论基石,采用了规范研究与实证研究相结合的研究方法。首先,在归纳、总结国内外有关绿色建筑、绿色机场研究成果的基础上,研究了民航机场的运营特征,尤其是结合机场规划、建设和运行不同阶段特点,分析了绿色机场形成与发展的内涵与基本要素,构建了绿色机场形成机理概念模型。随后,根据绿色机场形成与发展过程的影响因素,运用统计学相关理论与方法,设计并筛选出能够全面反映绿色机场水平与影响因素的评价指标体系,并本着科学性与简便易行性相结合的原则,研究建立适合于民航绿色机场评价的数学模型,增强评价方法的可操作性。最后,本文收集了我国有代表性的不同类别的民航机场数据,进行绿色机场评价实证研究。根据实证研究结果,本文分析了影响我国绿色机场建设的主要因素,提出了提高我国绿色机场建设实力的途径与对策。论文的创新之处主要有:一是规范研究绿色机场评价,紧密结合机场实际,分析机场在规划建设、生产运营整个生命周期的相关要素,形成全面、系统的评价指标体系;二是规范运用评价理论对绿色机场评价指标进行分析,形成较为适宜的绿色机场评价办法。创新提出绿色机场评价综合指数、机场资源节约指数、机场生态环境保护指数和绿色机场隐患指数的概念,采用了规范研究与实证研究相结合的研究方法,选取了我国有代表性的十个机场进行实证研究,利用评价模型分析了各机场存在的问题,应用绿色机场改进矩阵按照轻重缓急对机场提出改进建议措施。绿色机场评价数据及应用论证了本文评价指标与方法的可行性。

【Abstract】 In recent years, the green economy theme focusing on sustainable development with regard to both economic and social aspect has become the tide of the times in various countries and regions around the world. As the12th Five-year Plan for Civil Aviation development officially released by CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China) in2011, focusing on energy consumption and emission reduction, specifically speaking, building up green airports has been listed as one of the five main tasks during that period. Considering the status of sustainable development in civil aviation inbound and outbound as well as the green airport building progress now in China, Study on Systematic Evaluation of Sustainable Green Airport has been set as the subject for this article. It aims at explaining the forming mechanism of green airports; establishing a string of evaluation indicators for green airports that meet day-to-day operation demands; discovering the general rule on green airports construction and operation; searching for effective measurements on building green airports in China. Achieving these will promote the China green airport development in both theory and practice by enhancing sustainability in airport construction and operation as well as facilitating the healthy development of the industry.The article throughout is based on three theories, namely externality theory of environmental economics, sustainable development economic theory and statistic indicator theory. It adopts methods that combining both normative and empirical research, taken into consideration of a series of advanced theories and feasible practices. Firstly, based on analysis of research findings with regard to green building especially green airports, the article studies the operation characteristics of civil aviation airports in the different phases of planning, construction and operation. In addition, it specifies the connotation and basic elements related to the forming and development of green airports and the concept model of its formation mechanism. Secondly, setting a string of evaluating indicators that would measure green airports and its influence factors in an all around manner via various statistical theories and methods. Then building up a mathematical model for green airport evaluation considers both its scientific nature and applicability. Necessary computer program design should be added in to increase the maneuverability of this evaluation method. Finally, there is an empirical research on green airports evaluation with data collecting from different classes of Chinese civil aviation airports, which could reflect the status of green airports in China at the moment and prove the viability of the evaluation indicators mentioned in this article. Based on the results of this research, the article clarifies the main influence factors affecting the green airport development in China and discusses in details on how to speed up the progress in this regard.The creativity of this paper lies in:Firstly, to review green airport in lie with reality in a systematic way; analysis relevant elements throughout the life cycle of airport, including planning, construction and operation so as to build up a series of evaluation indicators in an all around manner. Secondly, to establish a systematic method to evaluate green airport via analyzing the evaluation indicators mentioned above; creatively brings about the notions of a number of indicators in the field of overall airport review, airport resource saving, airport ecological environment protection and hazards in green airports. Insist in balancing advanced theory and viable practices by research and study on ten typical airports using professional models with matrix which priorities the corrective measures needed. All these above proved the viability of the evaluation indicators selected and the method applied.
