

Research on Curriculum of Teacher Education in Modern China

【作者】 周宁之

【导师】 石鸥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 师范教育的目的在于培养教师,而教师的质量直接关系全民族的教育水平。因此,师范教育在整个教育体系中占有举足轻重的地位。师范教育涉及方方面面,而师范教育课程是其中最重要的问题,因为师范教育最终是通过课程来实现的。课程是知识与技能的载体,是道德修养的指南,师范教育通过课程的实施来培养合格的教师。那么,师范教育究竟应该如何设置课程,为什么要设置这些课程,设置的课程如何教授给学生,又如何评判课程教授和学生掌握的程度,这一系列具体的问题对于提高师范教育水平,并进而提高整个基础教育水平,提高国民素质,有着至关重要的意义。中国近代师范教育始于1897年南洋公学师范院的创立;而系统的师范教育课程,则始自1904年清政府颁布的《奏定学堂章程》。在到1949年新中国成立的近五十年岁月中,师范教育课程伴随着近代中国思想解放以及民主和科学观念的引入,完成了从萌芽到成型的演变过程。其间虽历经波折,但总体上不断发展完善,取得了令人瞩目的成就,培养出大批优秀的教师,为近代中国科学文化发展和民族素质的提高做出了重要贡献。回顾这段历史,探寻近代师范教育课程发展的特点、规律、经验教训以及对当代师范教育的启示,成为本文立足与研究的焦点。本文以近代中国师范教育课程相关历史文献,包括法律法规、课程标准、师范教材、近代学者教育专著和文章等为研究基础,以现代教育学课程论视角,深入分析、挖掘这些历史资料的教育学内涵和意义,并从课程的五个要素,即课程目标、课程结构、课程内容、课程实施和课程评价对近代师范教育进行分门别类地分析归纳,最后得出对当代师范教育有益的经验教训和启示。按照这个思路,全文分为八章展开,每章主要研究内容如下:第一章为引论部分。在阐述本文选题的理论和现实意义之后,对本文研究的范围和关键词做出了界定。借鉴前人在该论题研究上已取得的成果、经验和存在的不足,设定了本文的研究思路和方法。第二章基于师范学制和课程,将近代中国师范教育课程的发展演变历程分为萌芽、初步发展、曲折发展和复兴四个时期,并对各个时期师范教育制度、高等师范和中等师范课程进行了梳理。第三章探讨了近代中国师范教育课程目标的发展和制定流程。师范教育课程的目标,自然以培养教师,满足国家社会师资需求为首要任务。但是否能兼顾到其他方面,则经历了一个从“国家中心”到“兼顾国家社会个人”的演进过程。通过对各时期课程目标制定流程的研究,本文发现并揭示了其中的一些规律,包括制定者的选择从专制走向民主;制定目的同时满足质和量的需求;目标来源和资料收集从“拿来主义”到“审视社会需求”;价值取向从“社会本位”到“兼顾社会知识人”;形式取向偏向于普遍性目标和行为目标;目标的具体要求重视认知领域等发展规律。第四章关注近代中国师范教育课程结构的发展。清末和民国初期的师范教育课程结构都源于甚至直接抄袭日本。随着1922年“壬戌学制”的颁布,师范教育被削弱,课程结构也有了较大的变化。南京国民政府成立后,国家出台了一系列与师范教育相关的法律法规和课程标准,对课程结构进行了多次调整和完善。在这一发展演变过程中,课程结构具有如下特点,政治性随国家政治思想变化而改变;既依照国家统一的要求,又考虑各地不同的经济和教育水平而留有一定弹性空间;课时总量一直较为繁重;从各类课程的比例关系上看,选修课程从无到有,逐渐完善;公共基础课程一贯被高度重视;教育专业课程和学科专业课程则在不断的改革和发展中日益完善。第五章对近代中国师范教育课程内容进行了研究。近代师范教育课程内容被高度概括在各个时期的课程标准中,同时更详细地体现在依据课程标准而编写的师范教材中。因此本文不仅分析了各个时期的师范课程标准,还对近代师范教材的发展历程进行了深入的研究,从而发现近代中国师范教育课程内容与近代中国思想演变有着紧密的联系,深刻体现了不同时期的国家政治思想、爱国主义思潮、思想解放进程和民生主义气息。另一方面,近代师范教材也具有显著的学术特点,包括重视教育理论与实践的结合,注意向世界各国学习,对教师教授和学生学习留有充分自由发挥的空间。第六章聚焦于近代师范教育课程实施。萌芽时期的师范教育课程实施侧重学术知识,在随后的发展进程中,逐步开始重视师范专业技能训练,最终在知识与技能并重的前提下将教育专业精神的培养也作为师范课程实施的核心内容之一。而且,从追求快速培养师资力量,到逐渐重视师资质量,最终在数量质量之外还对专业性提出了明确要求。在半个世纪的发展历程中,近代中国师范教育课程实施具有重视教育实习课程,注重教学法和各学科的协调,教具日益丰富以及重视音体美等素质类课程的特点。第七章探讨了近代中国师范教育课程评价的规律和特点。在近五十年的发展中,师范教育课程评价视角日趋多样化,评价取向兼顾到了效率和过程,具有评价时间延长化,评价内容扩大化和评价形式多样化的特点。可见,近代师范教育课程评价走过了一条由“片面单一”到“丰富多样”的发展之路。第八章,也是本文的最后一章,基于对近代中国师范教育课程演进发展规律和特点的认识,结合我国师范教育课程建设发展现状,以及对当前师范教育课程诸要素现状的评析,提出了近代师范教育在课程目标的制定、课程结构的确定、课程内容的确立、课程实施的促进和课程评价的规范等方面对当今师范教育课程建设的若干启示。

【Abstract】 Teacher education aims to train teachers, and the quality of teachers is directly related to the education level of the whole nation. Therefore, teacher education plays a decisive role in the education system. Teacher education involves many aspects and teacher education curriculum is one of the most important issues, because teacher education is ultimately achieved through it. Curriculum is the carrier of knowledge and skills and also a guide to morality. Teacher education trains qualified teacher through the implementation of the curriculum. However, how should the curriculum be set? Why should these curriculums be set? How can it be taught? How can students’performance be evaluated? The answers to these specific questions have essential meanings to improving teacher education, and thus to improve the overall level of basic education and the quality of the nation.Teacher education in Modern China began in Nanyang Public Normal College created in1897, while systematic teacher education curriculum can date back to "the School Charter Proved by Emperor" in1904by the Qing Dynasty. By1949, when New China was founded, during the nearly five decades, teacher education curriculum along with the ideological emancipation of modern China as well as the introduction of the concept of democracy and science, completed the evolution from embryo to the forming. Despite the twists and turns, continuous development and improvement in the mass, has made remarkable progress, cultivating a large number of outstanding teachers, which made important contributions to the development of modern Chinese science and culture and the improvement of the quality of people. In retrospect, to explore the characteristics, rules, lessons of development of modern teacher education curriculum and the inspiration to contemporary teacher education has become the focus of the thesis.In this thesis, the research is based on historical documents related to teacher education curriculum in Modern China, including laws and regulations, curriculum standards, teacher textbooks, education monographs and articles of modern scholars, and so on. From the perspective of modern pedagogy curriculum, the writer excavates the meaning and significance of these historical data, categorizes modern teacher education according to five elements of curriculum, namely, curriculum objectives, curriculum structure, curriculum content, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation. Draw useful lessons and inspiration to contemporary teacher education finally. This paper is divided into eight chapters, and the main contents of each chapter are as follows:The first chapter is introduction. This chapter elaborates the theoretical and practical significances of the research, defines the scope of the research and some key words. Based on the review of previous research on this topic, this chapter sets up a guideline of the whole research and the research methods.Chapter Two divides the development and evolution of Modern teacher education curriculum into four stages based on teacher education system and curriculum, that is, embryonic stage, preliminary stage, tortuous stage and resuscitation stage. Further, it sorts out the teacher education system, the curriculum of Higher Normal Colleges and Secondary Teacher School in each period.Chapter Three studies the development and making process of teacher education curriculum objectives in Modern China. The primary task of teacher education curriculum objectives is training teachers to meet the needs of national and social demands. However, it experienced evolution from the "nation-centered" to "nation-society-person" when it comes to taking other aspects into account. After studying the making process of teacher education curriculum objectives in each period, it discovers and reveals the following rules in this chapter:the selection of makers from dictatorship to democracy, making purposes satisfy quality and quantity, target sources and data collection from Copinism to "examining social demand", value orientation from "social standard" to "society-knowledge-person", form orientation leans to both general objective and behavioral objective, the specific requirements of the curriculum objectives emphasize cognitive domain.Chapter Four concerns the curriculum structure of teacher education in Modern China. The curriculum structure of teacher education in late Qing and early Republican China was even directly copied from Japan. With the "Renxu Educational System" was promulgated in1922, teacher education was weakened, curriculum structure also changed a lot. After the establishment of the Nanjing National Government, the state promulgated a series of laws, regulations, and curriculum standards related to teacher education, thus curriculum structure was adjusted several times and improved. During this evolution process, the course structure had the following characteristics:the political changes follow the country’s political and ideological changes. It was not only in accordance with the requirements of national unity, but also left some space to different places with different economic and educational levels. The total number of classes was more onerous. From the point of view ratio between the various courses, elective courses from scratch, and improved gradually; public basic courses were valued highly consistently; teacher education programs and academic curriculum was in constant reform and development; special education courses and special subject courses increasingly in progress.Chapter Five researches on the curriculum content of teacher education in Modern China. Because it has been summarized in curriculum standards of each period and also reflected in normal textbooks written in reference to curriculum standards in more detail, this chapter not only analyzes the normal curriculum standards in each period, but also in-depth research on the development of normal textbook in Modern China. Consequently, it has found that curriculum content of teacher education in Modern China and the evolution of Modertn Chinese Thought has intimate relationship, which profoundly reflects the country’s political ideology, patriotic ideas, the process of emancipation and Livelihood atmosphere in different periods. On the other hand, normal textbooks in Modern China have outstanding academic features, including paying great attention to combination of theory and practice, noting to learning from the world, and allowing sufficient space for teachers and students to play freely.Chapter Six focuses on curriculum implementation of teacher education in Modern China. At embryonic stage, it puts particular stress on academic knowledge, and gradually begins to pay attention to teacher professional skills training in the following development, takes cultivating professional spirit of education as one of core of it on the premise of knowledge and skills at last. Moreover, from the pursuit of training teacher rapidly to the increasing emphasis on the teacher quality and, ultimately, putting forward specific demands to the specialty besides quantity and quality. Nearly half a century of development, the curriculum implement of teacher education in Modern China gets characteristics as follows, emphasis on education internship programs, focusing on pedagogy and coordination of various disciplines, increasingly diverse teaching aids and emphasis on such qualities as music education, physical education and art.Chapter Seven discusses the rules and characteristics of curriculum evaluation. During the nearly five decades of development, curriculum evaluation perspective of teacher education is becoming more diverse, to evaluate both the efficiency and the process, with the extension of evaluation time, the expansion of evaluation contents and diversification of evaluation forms. It is obvious that curriculum evaluation of teacher education in Modern China gone through a development route from "single-sided" to "rich and varied".The last chapter of this paper is Chapter Eight bases on the understanding about above rules of evolution and development and characteristics, combined with China’s development status of teacher education, with comments on current status of various elements of curriculum for contemporary teacher education, it proposes that the curriculum of teacher education in Modern China has many enlightenment for the course construction of today’s teacher education at aspects of the development of cumculum objectives, the determination of curriculum structure, the established of curriculum content, the promotion of curriculum implementation and the norms of curriculum evaluation.

【关键词】 近代师范教育课程启示
【Key words】 Modernteacher educationcurriculumenlightenment