

Research on the Innovation Mechanism of Mass Work of Communist Party of China

【作者】 苗政军

【导师】 孙堂厚;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 对于一个国家、一个政党、一个政府而言,面对新形势下群众工作的各种问题与挑战,要想得到广大人民群众的拥护和支持,最重要的选择应是建立一套比较完善的群众工作机制。我们党执政63年的经验表明,群众工作作为贯穿党和国家工作各个领域各个方面的工作,必须要有良好的机制来保障群众工作的正常开展和运行。社会主义市场经济经过多年的发展,在带给人民生活水平提高的同时,党的群众工作面临空前的挑战。群众工作是不断提高党的执政能力和风险抵御能力的根本,因此,党的群众工作机制就绝不能削弱,要始终坚持群众路线,坚持继承与发展党在不同历史时期积累的群众工作机制宝贵经验,勇于突破,不断创新。因此,在新的历史条件下,探索中国共产党群众工作机制的研究,成了时代与现实的需要,具有重要的理论与实践意义。中国共产党群众工作机制的研究不并非一蹴而就,而是一个需要长期深入研究的系统工程。因此,本文在研究过程中从党的群众工作机制实际出发与马克思主义群众工作理论相结合,把握时代的内涵,进行群众工作理论、机制、方法和载体的创新。党的群众工作机制涉及政治、经济、文化等多个领域,需要以宽阔的视野运用多学科的理论知识和方法进行综合分析。同时,本文开放性的运用机械科学、自然科学关于机制理论的内容,以增加本文研究的理论深度。本文由前言、正文和结束语构成,各部分主要内容如下:引言部分主要介绍论文选题背景与依据,国内相关领域研究现状,论文研究的基本方法,论文基本框架、结构及其主要论述内容。正文部分主要阐述了,第一章论述了中国共产党群众工作机制的理论基础的。本章首先对中国共产党群众工作机制的相关概念进行界定,如机制的概念,群众工作的概念,群众工作机制的概念以及机制与制度,机制与方式、方法间的区别联系问题。其次论述了群众观点的基本内涵:人民群众是历史的创造者的内涵;全心全意为人民服务的内涵;向人民群众学习的内涵;对党负责和对人民负责相一致的内涵;要依靠群众又要教育和引导群众的内涵。最后论述了群众路线思想的基本内容。第二章论述了中国共产党群众工作机制的形成与发展及其历史经验。本章通过分析中国共产党在探索群众工作机制形成与发展的几个时期,从而总结出群众工作机制的历史经验。因此,我们要在坚持马克思主义唯物史观,要始终坚持党的群众路线;在实践中必须牢记和坚持党的根本宗旨,保持党同人民群众的血肉联系;必须高度重视党的作风建设,不断树立党的良好形象;必须不断根据时代发展和实践的要求,建立健全良性的群众工作机制的经验下,进行群众工作机制的创新。第三章论述了中国共产党群众工作机制创新面临的新形势及其存在的现实问题。新时期党群众工作面临的新问题很多,总结来说有三个方面,分别是国际形势层面、国内形势层面以及中国共产党自身发展层面。通过对这些形势的剖析,对党的群众工作机制创新面临的新问题的动因进行综合分析,本文发现社会转型的人民内部矛盾多发期;一些党组织和部分党员干部存在的问题;原有的群众工作的方式、方法与形式和任务不相适应;政策、法规和制度间的冲突与不完善是党在群众工作机制创新过程中较突出的问题。因此,本文力图找出问题的关键所在,从而合理的构建解决这些问题的相关群众工作机制。第四章论述了中国共产党群众工作机制创新的目标选择与基本原则。本章主要论述了党群众工作机制创新的目标选择,如人民利益至上;全心全意为人民服务;与时俱进和与坚持以人为本;坚持依法办事;坚持群众主体;坚持实践创新的基本原则。第五章论述了中国共产党群众工作机制的实践创新。本章主要论述了中国共产党群众工作的运行机制、决策机制、长效机制和监督机制的基本内涵和创新实践问题。第六章论述了完善中国共产党群众工作机制的举措与思考。本章根据中国共产党群众工作机制创新面临的新形势及其存在的现实问题,从而提出完善中国共产党群众工作机制的若干建议。结语部分主要是总结了本文研究成果,并对研究不足进行分析,希望给下一阶段的研究工作提供相关参考建议。

【Abstract】 Under the new condition, a country, a Party or a government, facing various problemsand challenges with the mass work, establishes a set of relatively rational mechanism ofmass work is a primary choice to obtain the support of people. With the evidences of theParty’s sixty-three year’s governance experiences, mass work as one kind of workthroughout various fields and aspects of the Party and government’s affair must has aproper mechanism to safeguard the operation. The development of socialist marketeconomics is not only bringing up an significantly improvement of the people’s livingstandard but also leading to an unprecedented challenge for the Party’s mass work. Thus,with the aim to constantly improve the Party’s art of leadership and governance, raise itsability to resist corruption and prevent degeneration and withstand risks, it is required thatthe Party’s mass work mechanism cannot be weekend. In particular, it must be alwaysadhere to the mass line, adhere to the inheritance and the development of the Party’sprecious experiences of mass work mechanism accumulated in different historical period toboldly break through and continuously innovation. Therefore, under the new historicalconditions, the research on mass work mechanism of the Communist Party of China hasbecame the need of times and reality which possessing important theoretical and practicalsignificance.Due to the research on mass work mechanism of the Communist Party of China is along-term,systematic and in-depth work rather than a research accomplished at onestroke.Therefore, this paper is conducted from the reality of the Party’s mass workmechanism through combining the mass work of Marxism theory and actual mass workmechanism to grasp the connotation of the times for the sake of innovation in theory,mechanism, methodology and carrier. Since the mechanism of the Party’s mass workinvolves politics, economy, culture and various fields, thus, a comprehensive analysisadopting multidisciplinary theories and methods with wide fields of vision is required.Meanwhile, the utilization of the mechanical science and natural science referring to thetheory of mechanism could enhance the theory of depth of this paper.This paper consists of introduction, body and the conclusion, the main contents of eachpart are as follows:The introduction part mainly introduces the background and the basis of the paper’sselected topic, domestic related research status quo and the paper’s the basic researchmethodology, framework, structure and the main content.Body part mainly elaborates as follow:The first chapter is referring to the basic theoryof the mass work mechanism of the Communist Party of China. This chapter firstly makes adefinition of the concepts regarding to the working mechanism of the communist Party ofChina such as the concept of mechanism, mass work, the mass work mechanism, the relationship and difference among system, mechanism and methodology. Secondly, itexplains the basic connotation of the mass viewpoint including people are the creator ofhistory, being dedicated to serve people, learning from the people, being responsible to thepeople and the Party are consistent, not just relying on people but educating and guidingpeople. Finally, the fundamental content of mass line is demonstrated.In the second chapter, it is involved in the formation, development and historicalexperiences of the mass work mechanism of the Communist Party of China. This chapter isdealing with the historical experiences of the mass work mechanism during the process ofexploring the foundation and development of the mass work mechanism of the CommunistParty of China in several periods. Therefore, it must be uphold Marxism MaterialisticHistoricism, keep in mind the Party’s fundamental purpose; adhere to the Party’s massline; maintain the closest possible ties with the masses of the people; strive to improve theParty’s style of work; build an outstanding image of the Party; to establish and perfect theexperiences of mass work mechanism according to the requirement of time, developmentand practice and make effort to engage in innovating on mass work mechanism.The third chapter is relative to the innovation of the mass work mechanism of theCommunist Party of China when it comes to the new condition and the existing realisticissue. In the new condition, the Party’s mass work is confronted with plenty of new issues,it mainly focuses on three aspects like international circumstances, domestic new situationand the development of Communist Party of China. Through a comprehensive analysis onthe circumstances and the motivation in terms of the new issues confronted during theprocess of innovation on the mass work mechanism, the prominent issues have been figuredout in this paper, namely the issues of the Party organizations and partial leading Partycadres exist in the period of the contradiction among people taking place excessively duringsocial transformation; the original methodologists are not accommodating to the situationand task; and the conflict and imperfection among policy, legal and system. Therefore, thispaper endeavors to figure out the key points of the issues for the sake of resolving them bythe construction of rational mechanism relating to the mass work.The fourth chapter is regarding the target selection and the basic principle with theinnovation of mass work mechanism of Communist Party of China. This chapter mainlydiscuses the target selection in terms of the innovation of mass work mechanism ofCommunist Party of China such as giving top priority to the interest of the people; servingpeople wholeheartedly keeping up with the times,the fundamental principle like puttingpeople first, acting in accordance with law, people’s principal position, practicalinnovation.The fifth chapter is mainly dealing with the innovative practice of the mass workmechanism of the Communist Party of China. This chapter mainly discusses basicconnotation and innovative practice with the reference to operating mechanism,decision-making mechanism, long-term mechanism and supervision mechanism related tothe mass work mechanism.The sixth chapter is focusing on the measures and thoughts to improve the mass workmechanism of the Communist Party of China. In this chapter, a great number of proposals for improving the mass work mechanism have been put forward in according to the newcircumstance and the excising realistic issues the innovation of mass work mechanismbeing confronted.In the conclusion part, it is summarized the research achievements of the paper as wellas analyzed deficiencies and shortcomings during the process of making research with thepurpose of affording references to further research.
