

A Study on American School-to-work Vocational Education Reform in the1990s

【作者】 张艳蓓

【导师】 梁茂信;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代,美国联邦政府制定并实施了“面向就业的教育机会”(School toWork Opportunity)政策。这一政策源自密歇根、威斯康星以及加利福尼亚等州对地方职业教育的局部问题所进行的改革实践,理论上以情境教育理论与职业生涯发展理论为指导。随着1994年《面向就业的教育机会法》(School to Work Opportunity Act)的颁布和实施,面向就业的教育机会项目在全美范围开展起来。面向就业的教育机会政策提出,职业教育要面向所有学生,通过多种途径整合已有课程资源,加强中等教育与中等后教育的联系,促进学生的升学与就业;认为,职业教育活动包括学校学习、工作学习、联系活动,号召雇主、学校、教师、家长、社区机构、教育专家等职业教育的多个相关者以及相关单位建立合作伙伴关系。这项改革性政策取得了诸多成效。然而,随着2001年《面向就业的教育机会法》到期以及克林顿政府任期结束,面向就业的教育机会项目于全国范围内逐渐落幕。此后,从学校到职业生计(School to Career)项目作为面向就业的教育机会政策的延续在各州和地方推行开来。本文分为八个部分:前言;第一章,面向就业的教育机会政策制定的背景;第二章,1994年《面向就业的教育机会法》的出台和主要内容;第三章,对不同层面的政策实践进行案例式分析;第四章,研究政策实施过程中的参与主体——企业雇主与学校;第五章,研究政策参加项目实施的家长、学校顾问和青年项目问题;第六章,总结政策效用,提出面向就业的教育机会政策实施中存在的问题,并对其进行评价;结语。前言中,就美、中两国学者对面向就业的教育机会法的相关研究作了综述性介绍,指出,美国学者的研究是点面结合、各种观点的综合体,其中包括美国联邦政府、智库以及大学教授们的研究。此外,还对本选题的意义、研究方法以及资料来源作了简要说明。第一章,考查面向就业的教育机会政策制定的时代背景。首先对80年代里根以及90年代初老布什总统时期的教育改革进行了简要的梳理。进入90年代后,青年失业率和辍学率居高不下,经济全球化和信息化带来的新经济因素以及美国社会各界对80年代职业教育改革的反思促成了教育改革的新进展。同时,对克林顿的教育思想及其实践加以考察。第二章,对1994年《面向就业的教育机会法》的制定与主要内容进行了研究。从该法的主要内容出发,可以看到这场职业教育改革不同于以往改革的特点所在:强调“联结”的作用。第三章,分别以加州和费城学区为个案,对不同层面的面向就业的教育机会政策的实施情况进行详细的分析。从这些具有地方特色的政策实践中,我们可以窥见全国的大致情况。第四章,分析了参与政策实施的两个重要主体——企业雇主和学校对改革进程的影响。就企业雇主而言,无论是其出于慈善还是盈利的目的,企业的参与都为政策实施注入了强大活力,为学生顺利实现从学校向就业的过渡提供了保障。而学校参与其中,则从根本上保证了学生们的基本技能与学识。第五章,分析了参加政策实施的另外两个主要的主体——家长和学校顾问,对青年学徒机会和和青年过渡项目进行了重点分析。第六章,对政策成效做出总结,并作简要评价。认为,面向就业的教育机会政策对学生以及教师、企业都有着积极影响。然而,与此同时,新的政策也不可避免地遭遇到社会阻力。而参与改革项目的学生数目有限、企业的参与具有不稳定性以及政策的可持续发展等则成为改革继续发展面临的问题。在结论中,评价了美国面向就业的教育机会政策,探讨了影响教育机会政策体系的关键性要素,并且指出了面向就业的教育机会项目与传统职业教育的不同之处。

【Abstract】 In the1990s, the Federal Government started a vocational education policy, School-to-WorkOpportunity policy. This policy initiated in few states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Californiawhere vocational education were comparatively advanced. In the aspect of theory, it wasguided by the theory of contextual learning and career development. With the development of theSchool to Work Opportunity Act of1994, this reform spread to the whole nation. STWOA aimedto help every student further his/her study, found the first high salary job by integratingvocational and academic curriculum, strengthening relationships between secondary andpost-secondary schools. It insisted that every student should receive vocational education,school-based learning, work-based learning, and connecting activity that consist of vocationaleducation activities, states should build up partnerships of employers, schools, teachers, parents,communities, and education specialists. This reform has large number of achievements. However,with the end of the deadline of the School to Work Opportunity Act of1994and the ClintonAdministration, the nationwide policy came to an end. After that, as the development of STWO,School to Career policy was scheduled by different states and districts.This paper has eight sections: preface; Section I states the background of this policy;Section II discusses the education conception of Clinton, the making process and the implementof the policy. Section III analyses the different aspects of the measurements of the policy by thecase study. Section Ⅳ discusses the role of the employers and schools during thereform.SectionⅤsummarizes the achievements and some disadvantages of the reform. SectionⅥresearches the STC policy.In the preface, this paper surveys the American and Chinese studies of the STWOA. Itpoints out that the American studies of the STWOA is very comprehensive which have involvedstudies of American policymakers, think tanks, and intellectuals in the university. The basis forthe selection of the thesis proposal and its realistic significance is discussed.In the Section I, this paper looks for the background of this policy. As the policy has the sameorigin, it firstly discussed the educational reform during the Reagan-Bush years. After the1990s,with the high dropout rate of the young man, the new economic factors that led by globalizationand informatization and the reflection of the social from all walks of life to vocational education,the educational reform has a new opportunity to achieve new development.In the Section II, this paper analyses the conception and the practices of the ClintonAdministraton. Moreover, it discusses the main contents of the School to Work Opportunity Actof1994which was the role of junction. In the Section III, this paper does case studies on California and the Philadelphia SchoolDistrict. It discusses the measurements in different aspects of the STWOA.In the Section IV, it analyses the impact of the employer and school during the reform. Inthe aspect of the employer, whether the intention for participating in this reform is charity or not,the employer’s attending gives a strong support to this reform. It gives the students a smoothpath that makes them transform school to work successfully. The schools guaranteed theacademic abilities of these students who attend the project of the reform.In the Section V, it analyses the impact of the parents and school counsolers during thereform and the Youth programs of this reform.In the Section VI, it discusses the achievements and the disadvantages of this policy.Meantime, it gives an evaluation for this reform. It argues that STWOA has a positive impact onthe teachers and the employers. But, the reform suffers the social oppositions. The limitation ofthe number of the students who attended the reform projects, the unsteady of the participation ofthe business and the sustainable development of the reform become the serious problems thatSTWO programs must deal with.In the conclusion, it summarizes ten critical elements that have profound impact on theSTWO system.It also points out the difference between traditional vocational education and theSTWO system.
