

Coupling of Schema Theory and the "Book of Songs" Decoding Research

【作者】 牟秀文

【导师】 傅亚庶;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 选题的源起及其整体思路:选题源起于哲学的语言学转向以来的一系列事件。首先是索绪尔提出了一个以能指与所指为核心的二元对立的符号学系统,奠定了结构主义符号学的基础,并形成了格式塔心理学、发生认识论等结构主义分支;其次是胡塞尔提出了“搁置先见”与“还原现象”的现象学主张,奠定了生存论的本体论基础,并分蘖出海德格尔的存在哲学、伽达默尔的阐释哲学、梅洛—庞蒂的肉身哲学等生存论分支;第三就是德里达打着“解构”的旗号,一方面将矛头直指西方传统的逻各斯中心主义,另一方面又对现象学和结构主义大加斥责,并有针对性地提出诸如“稀奇古怪的现在”①、“僭越的能指”②等质疑和批判。德里达的解构是有道理的,可是他的问题是将那些建筑物上的缺陷揭示出来之后就放任自流,不去治理,而且用“延异”这个概念表达了对于任何建构的敌视。悖论就出现在这里,“延异”本身也是一种理论,而且是一种更加“稀奇古怪”的理论,用它来指导的艺术鉴赏,就成为没有任何约束的“千面英雄”,放任那“一千个读者心中的一千个哈姆莱特”自消自灭。其实,即便是“千面英雄”也有一定之规,在种种变形之下,有一个“原型”存在,那就是英雄历险途中的“皇家之律”,指导着千面英雄殊途同归③。哲学的本体论是提供逻辑预设的,为所有艺术文本的阐释提供编解码机制。哲学的语言学转向则将这种逻辑预设和赋值机制直接移植给语言符号本身了,而语言符号的核心内容就是提供信息。雅各布森就一针见血地指出:指向信息本身乃是语言的诗的功能。④而信息的本质,恰恰就是“诗言志”中的那个“志”,代表着基因意向性。因此,当务之急,我们必须从哲学的语言学转向之后所形成的“语言是存在之家”这个哲学本体论入手,本着维度还原的原则(区别于胡塞尔的现象还原),建构起一个兼容所有维度的耦合图式,以应对艺术文本的解码需要——尤其是轴心时代以前的拥有“复数之志”的诗歌文本。论文总体上分成两大部分进行阐述和论证:前半部分是“耦合图式”的理论建构,后半部分是在该理论指导之下的《诗经》文本的解码研究和应用。“耦合图式”的理论建构主要是从康德单一维度的“图式”概念入手,通过“正反合”的维度建构,分蘖出多维图式来;再以康德的“先验时空”概念为节点,通过引入观察者视角的方式,分蘖出三个不同的时空相态来。人类的耦合图式是在不断进化中成长起来的,经历了三个预备阶段:第一个预备阶段是康德之前的反向维极拓展:从肉体这个正极拓展出精神这个反极(初民时代的泛灵论),从表感这个正极拓展出理念这个反极(柏拉图的洞穴隐喻),从主体这个正极拓展出客体这个反极(哥白尼革命);第二个预备阶段是康德与黑格尔的“正反合”维度整合,从一系列的正反悖论中发现耦合要素项;第三个预备阶段是时空节点的分蘖,这导致了康德的先验时空一分为三:一个是天文学和物理学意义上的场相态时空(康德图式的耦合节点),一个是生态学意义上的境相态时空(皮亚杰图式的耦合节点),一个是遗传学意义上的模相态时空(威尔逊图式的耦合节点)。我们所要做的工作是:在此基础上进行一系列维度还原。经过系统的维度还原之后,以语言符号为核心的人类耦合图式就呈现出来了:在各个意向维极上是不断生成着的意向码位,三个时空相态则构成了具体文本信息的重要激活机制。于是,充分利用耦合图式,针对《诗经》文本的耦合解码工作就可以顺利进行了。论文具体内容安排如下:第一章用四个部分来系统阐释耦合图式理论的建构过程、语言符号的耦合图式特性、作为“复数之文”的诗歌文本中所蕴含的多维耦合着的诗性智慧、耦合图式理论的价值和意义。其具体的逻辑思路是:基于胡塞尔“现象学还原”的方法,提出“维度还原”的主张,并以康德的“图式”理论为出发点,系统地借鉴黑格尔“正反合”和老子“反者道之动”的辩证法思想,提炼出“正反耦”这个三位一体的维度范式,将所有这些维度耦合在拥有不同相态的“先验时空”这个坐标原点之下,就建构起“耦合图式”的立体坐标系来,它彻底打破了传统上二元对立的思维模式,把人们的关注视野引导到“耦合节点”上来;而在哲学的语言学转向的共识背景之下,一切哲学问题都呈现为语言问题,索绪尔意义上的符号能指和所指这个二元对立的系统必将被三位一体的“能所耦”所取代,沟通二者的耦合介质正是耦合图式的“维极意向性”,从而“所指”就不再是单一的“概念”,而是被维极意向性所赋值的“意向码位”,意向码位被不同相态的“先验时空”所激活,就构成具体文本的语符能指链所呈现出来的语用信息,从而实现语言信息的传递与解码;轴心时代之前的古代诗歌文本作为语言符号的编码系统,构成人类的初始母语,蕴含着维度丰盈的语用信息——也就是耦合意向性,因此,必须充分利用在维度还原基础上所重建起来的“耦合图式”,才能实现系统解码。某个民族的古代诗歌文本,由于受到封闭的地域文化局限,不可能都拥有耦合图式的全部耦合意向,一旦纳入耦合图式坐标参照系中,自身的盲区和遮蔽也会自然显现出来。第二章是应用耦合图式理论来分析《诗经》文本在物实码位上被场、境、模三个时空相态和物灵原型激活所形成的耦合意向性。具体选择了“在”、“置”、“归”、“采”四个动词作为激活标记引导出物实意向性在《诗经》文本中的呈现状态,随机选取个别篇章为例,进行耦合解码。着重阐释了巫术感应与形态共振之间的关系,以及各种物实维极上的耦合意向性所形成的审美体验的生理与心理依据。第三章是应用耦合图式理论来分析《诗经》文本在象表码位上分别被三个时空相态和象灵原型激活所形成的耦合意向性。着重从表象、喻象、拟象、兴象四个角度,重新阐释“立象以尽意”的内在激活和赋值机制,并对某些具体篇章形成全新的阐释。第四章是应用耦合图式理论来分析《诗经》文本的征信码位上分别被三个时空相态和信灵原型激活所形成的耦合意向性。着重从文学的“白日梦”意义上去搜寻各种“梦境”的征兆以及相关的推理机制,具体论证了作为原型的“皇家之律”,并从正梦、类梦、反梦三个角度,对诗歌文本进行“释梦”性耦合解码。第五章是应用耦合图式理论来分析《诗经》文本的绎理码位上分别被三个时空相态和理灵原型激活所形成的耦合意向性。分别从场耦激活的越阈表达、境耦激活的谐音相关、模耦激活的神话蕴含三个方面对一些具体篇章进行耦合解码,最后着重从神谕——谶语这个原型的角度阐述从《诗经》文本中所发现的中国文化传统特色和朝代更迭的历史周期律问题。

【Abstract】 The topic is the origin and the way of argumentation:Topic originated in a series of events since the linguistic turn of philosophy. First,Saussure put forward a signifier and signified as the core of a series of binary oppositionbetween the two semiotic system, laid the foundation for the structural semiotics, and theformation of Gestalt psychology, epistemology and structuralism branch; followed by Husserlput forward the "use" Prejudice "and" reduction "phenomenon phenomenology advocates,laid the foundation of existential ontology, and the existential philosophy, Gadamer wasHeidegger’s hermeneutic philosophy, Melo Ponty’s philosophy in the flesh, existential branch;third is Derrida under the banner of" Deconstruction "banner, hand will be directed at thetraditional Western logocentrism, on the other hand the phenomenology and structuralismcastigate, and pertinently put forward such as" strange and eccentric now "," assuming that"question and critique. Derrida’s deconstruction is justified, but his problem is the defect ofthose buildings revealed will follow one’s own inclination, not to control, but also with the"differance" the concept for any construction of hostility. But the paradox appears here,"differance" itself is a kind of theory, but also a more "strange and eccentric" theory, artappreciation and use it to guide, become no constraint "hero with a thousand faces", let the"one thousand readers one thousand Hamlet" self extinction of suicide. In fact, even if is "thehero with a thousand faces" also has a fixed pattern, in all sorts of deformation, the existenceof a "prototype", that is the heroic adventure "real law," the hero with a thousand faces thesame guide.Ontological philosophy is to provide logical presupposition, encoding and decodingmechanisms to provide all the interpretation of artistic text. The linguistic turn of philosophyis the logic presupposition and assignment mechanism directly transplanted to the languageitself, and the core content of language symbols is to provide information. Jacobsen pierce tothe heart of the matter that: point to the information itself is the language functions of poems.But the nature of information, is precisely the "poem" of the "Zhi", representing the geneintentionality.Therefore, a pressing matter of the moment, we have formed after the turn ofphilosophical linguistics "language is the home of" the philosophical ontology, based ondimension reduction principle (reduction from the Husserl phenomenon), the construction of acompatible type coupled map of all dimensions, to decode the text needs to art, especially isthe text poetry axial age before have "more". This paper is divided into two parts: the first half part is the construction of "couplingschema theory", the second half is in the theory under the guidance of "book of songs" textdecoding research and application."Coupling schema" theory mainly embarks from the single dimension of Kant’s conceptof "schema", through the "pros and cons" dimension construct, tillering multidimensionalschema, and then from Kant’s "transcendental space" concept, through the introduction of theobserver angle of approach, tiller out three different temporal phase.Coupling schema of human is growing up in evolution, has experienced three stages: thefirst stage ready reserve is the reverse dimension Kant before extremely expand: from thebody the positive develop spirit of the reverse polarity (beginning times of animism), from thetable feeling this anode exhibited the reverse polarity (concept extension the cave metaphor ofthe axial age), expand the object the reverse polarity from the main body the cathode(Copernicus revolution); second preparatory stage is Kant and Hagel’s "pros and cons"dimension integration, found the coupling elements from a series of positive and negativeparadox; third preparatory stage is tillering time node, which leads to Kant a priori spacetimeis divided into three: one is a state space astronomy and physics sense (coupling node Kantschema), is an exit state space of ecology meaning (coupling node Piaget schema), is a modaltemporal genetic sense (coupled nodes Wilson schema).We have to do is work: a series of dimension reduction based on. After reduction systemdimension, human coupling schema symbols of language is the core of the present in out: inevery intention of dimensional pole is constantly with intent code bit, three temporal phaseconstitutes an important mechanism of activation of specific text information. So, make fulluse of coupling for coupling schema, decoding work every poem text can be carried outsmoothly.The paper is organized as follows:The first chapter uses four parts to explain the coupling system of schema theoryconstruction process, language schema, as a "complex coupling characteristics of the" poetrytext contained in the multi-dimensional coupling of poetic wisdom, coupling schema theoryvalue and significance. The logic is: Husserl "phenomenological reduction" based on theproposed "dimension reduction," claims, and to Kant’s "schema" theory as the starting point,the system from "pros and cons" Hagel and me "on the move" dialectics thought, refining outof "positive and negative" this is the Trinity dimension paradigm, all of these dimensionsunder coupling in different phase of "transcendental space" the origin of coordinates, itconstructs "coupling schema" three-dimensional coordinate system, it has broken thetraditional two dualistic mode of thinking, to guide people’s attention to the "coupling node".In the philosophy of linguistics; to the consensus of the background, all philosophicalproblems appear as the language problem, Saussure symbol signifier and signified system will be the binary opposition between the two is the trinity of "positive and negative coupling" isreplaced, the coupling medium of communication of the two coupling schema dimension isvery intentional, thus "means" it is no longer single "concept", but by the dimensional poleintentionality that value intention code bit, intention symbols are different phase of"transcendental space-time" activated, it A specific text code can refer to semantic informationchain are presented, so as to realize the language information transmission and decoding; theaxial age before the ancient poetry text as the coding system of language symbols, constitutethe initial language, contains rich semantic information dimension--is also coupledintentionality, therefore, must make full use of in the dimension reduction based on thereconstruction of "coupling schema", can realize the decoding system. A nation’s ancientpoetry text, due to geographical and cultural limitations of closed, may not have all thecoupling coupling schema intention, once into the coupling schema coordinate referencesystem, their own blind spots and shielding will naturally emerge.The second chapter is the intentional application of coupling coupling schema theory tothe analysis of "the book of songs" text in real code by field, environment, mode three timephase and activation of prototype by the formation of the spirit. The specific choice of "在","置","归","采" four verbs as the activation marker to guide the real intention in "the book ofsongs" in the text of the present status of the individual chapters, randomly selected as anexample, the coupling of decoding. This paper explains the relationship between witchcraftinduction and morphic resonance, and a variety of complex real dimensional polar couplingintentionality formed the aesthetic experience of physiological and psychological basis.The third chapter is the application of schema theory to analyze the coupling of "thebook of songs" text in the table bit respectively by three time phase and the like couplingintentionality Ling activation of prototype form. On the imagery, metaphor, iconicity, XingXiang four angles, re interpretation of "image to make meaning" intrinsic activation andassignment mechanism, and form a new explanation of the specific text.The fourth chapter is the intentional application of coupling coupling schema theory tothe analysis of "the book of songs" text credit code respectively by three time phase andfaithful spirit activation of prototype form. Mainly from the literary "daydream" meaning tosearch various symptoms and the related reasoning mechanism, we discussed as a prototypeof the "royal law", and from the dream, the dream is kind, anti dream three angles,"Dreams"type coupling to decode the poetry text.The fifth chapter is the application of schema theory to analyze the coupling of "the bookof songs" text Yi coupling intentionality code respectively is three time phase and the physicalprototype is activated by the formation of the spirit. Separately from the field couplingactivation analogy, exit coupling activated homophonic, mode coupling activated myth threeaspects to some specific chapter of coupled decoding, finally emphatically from the Oracle prophecies--this prototype perspective of historical periodic law problems found from the"book of songs" in the text of the Chinese cultural tradition and the change of dynasties.

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