

The Study on the Control of Kuomintang on the Students’ Movement (1919-1949)

【作者】 柳轶

【导师】 程舒伟;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以1919年至1949年国民党对学生运动的控制为研究对象,通过梳理30年间学生运动产生发展的历史脉络,检思国民党学生运动政策在“五四”运动、第一次国内革命、抗日战争、解放战争等历史时期的发展变化;在对各类文献资料进行系统整理与合理筛选的基础上,使国民党与学生运动的政策互动关系在这一历史时期的面貌展现出来;然后,以历史唯物主义观点为指导,对这一时期国民党学生运动政策进行多角度、全方位的概括描述,对其控制失败的本质原因进行深入分析,从而力求在这方面的研究上有所突破,并得出客观公允的研究结论。按照这一逻辑结构本文设计了六个章节的内容。第一章,我国现代学生运动的概况。重在通过追溯五四运动时期、抗日战争时期和解放战争时期我国学生运动的发生原因、演变过程和历史影响,梳理和把握我国现代学生运动产生发展的历史线索和基本特征。整体来看,学生运动是中国现代历史特定条件下的产物,反映了时代发展的潮流,推动了社会的进步,是中国革命运动的重要组成部分,是反帝反封建斗争的一条重要战线,在新民主主义革命运动史中占有重要地位,具有特殊意义。第二章,国民党学生运动的政策探索和方针确立。重在探讨从1919年五四运动到1931年“九·一八”事变前夕国民党学生运动政策的基本立场和具体措施。在五四运动时期,国民党尚未取得全国政权,作为一个企图完成国家统一的资产阶级革命党,它对于学生运动整体秉持了一种相对支持的立场,并且受最初进步性的民众政策影响,甚至曾一度努力为学生运动创设相对宽松的政治文化环境。但是随着20世纪20年代后期全面清党活动的展开,国民党开始反思早期积极的民众政策,学生运动政策也相应得到调整,开始倾向于收紧、限制。但是在国民党内部以民众训练委员为代表的一方仍主张积极的民众政策,主张支持学生参加政治运动。最终随着国民党的内部派系关系的调整和重组,特别是民众训练委员会力量遭到逐渐排挤,国民党学生运动政策便确立了基本的原则方向,并通过全国教育大会和中央党部具体机构的有关文件确定下来。这就使国民党的学生运动政策的总体方针得以确定,为接下来十余年的国民党学生运动政策奠定了思想基础。第三章,“九·一八”事变后国民党对学生运动的控制。重在探讨从1931年“九·一八”事变到1937年卢沟桥事变国民党与学生运动的相互间关系。进入20世纪30年代的前五年,随着日本加紧侵华的步骤和力度,中日之间的民族矛盾暂时取代国内阶级矛盾上升为社会主要矛盾,民众的反日情绪不断高涨,青年学生一次又一次在民族危机的紧要关头,挺身而出,学生运动此起彼伏,波澜壮阔。这一时期学生运动的突出特点是以爱国主义和民族主义为运动主题,斗争的矛头直接指向日本帝国主义的侵略行径,对国民党则采取了相对缓和而非直接对立的立场。这样以来,国民党和学生运动之间的紧张关系暂时得以缓解,相关政策也不像前一个时期那么强硬,但是国民党对学生运动所坚持的收紧、控制的原则却一直没有放弃。第四章,全面抗战时期国民党对学生运动的控制。重在探讨从1937年全面抗战爆发到1945年抗日战争胜利国民党学生运动政策的调整。抗战八年,面对亡国灭种的全面民族危机,几乎很少出现大规模的对抗国民党当局的学生运动。在这段特殊的历史时期,国民党学生运动政策在延续战前大的思路的前提下,将之与抗战救国紧密联系起来,努力维持战前的教育体制,在学校内部继续推行党化教育,建立训育制度强化学生对当局的认同和支持。成立旨在收拢管控青年学生的特殊政治组织——三青团,该组织以组训全国青年为目标,服务于国民党抗战建国的整体规划,在调动青年学生抗战热情、监控学生政治倾向、防范学生运动发生、处置学生运动演变等问题上,发挥了重要作用。第五章,解放战争时期国民党对学生运动的控制。重在探讨解放战争时期国民党学生运动控制走向强力高压的历史进程。随着抗日战争的全面胜利,我国社会主要矛盾由民族矛盾变成了阶级矛盾。青年学生在共产党反内战、反压迫、反专制、要民主、要自由的号召下,迅速连接起来,组建成与第一条战线相互辉映的第二条战线,积极投身反对国民党当局的革命运动之中。在此情况下,国民党学生运动政策再次发生了变化,开始采取更加严格、更趋强硬的高压手段。第六章,国民党学生运动控制失败的原因分析。从国民党自身来看,其学生运动政策失败的根本原因在于内外政策的失利、学生运动政策的僵化性、对学生运动意义、价值的错误判断以及军事失利、经济失控的客观影响。从外在原因来看,国民党学生运动政策的失败在于社会各界对学生运动的广泛支援与共产党对学生运动的有效组织及引导。

【Abstract】 The study on the history of students’ movement, which has always been one of the traditional topics in history field, also falls into the scopes of China modern history and China revolution history.There are currently abundant studies on the topic, most of them, however, concentrated on the period before the1990s. Since the new centry, less and less attention was drawn to the students’ movement. Although the fruits of the traditional research are rather rich, they are lacking in deeper exploration. In addition, due to the constraints of the China modern history, most researchers chose to study the topic from the perspective of the China Communist Party and the literature they reviewed is similar. Therefore, it is both original and meaningful to reexamine the students’movement history from fresh perspectives, based on the literature of other fields.The academic works available on the students’ movement, which were published relatively early, depict the basic form of it from the macro level. New research methods and fresh perspectives are needed to interpret the topic. The main features of the studies on students’ movement in academia are:First, the macro description of the historic facts of students’ movement is rather thorough and systematic. Second, the views and the literature are similar, which calls for improvement on them. Third, the studies were mostly conducted from the angle of the Communist Party’s leadership in the students’ movement, with new perspective waiting to be explored. Forth, there has been almost no new study on the topic in a decade. Based on the above background, the research question focuses on the interactionbetween Kuomintang and the students’ movement, with the title of "The study on the control of Kuomintang on the students’ movement." First, in terms of research perspective, the dissertation focuses on the interactional relationship between Kuomintang and the students’ movement. Second, the period of the study in question is from1919to1949.Third, the research contents include the strategies and measures taken by Kuomintang as regard to the students’ movement and the basic attitudes adopted by Kuomintang governments’ toward the movement. There are six chapters in the dissertation.Chapter one, the macro state of the history of students’ movement. It traces back to theMay4th,1919and summarizes the stages of students’ movement in China Modern history. Chapter two, the exploration and the establishment of Kuomintang’s policies on students’movement. The period from1919to the eve of anti-japan war witnessed the policy groping stage of Kuomintang on students’movement. When Kuomintang was first founded, the students’ movement was granted the relatively stringent environment due to the positive influence of civil policies. After the purge, Kuomintang started to reflect on the civil policy and made some corresponding adjustments. On the one hand, the party advocated more strict policies, while on the other band, represented by the civil training committee, party members who adopted more positive civil policies were in favor of students’ involvement in politics. Finally, after the adjustment of the relationship among different sides and the gradual expulsion of the leftists, the direction of the students’ movement was finally established through the national education conference and some documents issued by the relevant organizations in the party. In the following several decades, the Kuomintang’s policies on students’movement had been in line with the principles.Chaper three, policies adopted by Kuomintang on students’movement before the anti-Japan war. In the first five years of1930s, Japan’s invasion into China aroused the intense national conflicts in the two countries. The youths in China stepped ahead and organized many movements to criticize and fought against the invasion. The theme of the movements in this period centered on patriotism and nationalism, without directly opposing the Nanjing government. To some extent, the relationship between Kuomintang and the students improved and the policies were not tough. Meanwhile, Kuomintang also stuck to the general principles and could not loosen the control of students’movement. Thus Kuomintang was trapped in a peculiar historic circle:on the one hand,the high anti-Japan spirits led to more students’ movement, on the other hand, the government had to control the students’movement.Chapter four, the policies on students’ movement during the anti-Japan war. In the eight years of anti-Japan war, there were barely big students’movement against the government. Kuomintang continued to follow the principles before the war and the policies on students’movement were closely related to the educational policies. Guided by the general principle of Kuomintang, both the war and the foundation of the country were considered to be the priority. Kuomintang tried to maintain the education system and carried out party education through lectures inside the school. At the same time, the students’activities were futher restrained for better control. And this part slso includes the effects of three people’s principles youth league in the students’ movement. As a special political organization of Kuomintang, three people’s principles youth league developed close relationship with the students’movement and gradually represented the Party to deal with the movement.Chapter five, the policies on students’movement in Kumintang-ruled districts after the war. Despite the victory of anti-Japan war, the social conflicts were still fierce. As the strategic situation of Kuomintang and Communist Party changed, it is necessary for Kuomintang to suppress the students’movement advocating peace and no civil war with high-pressured policies.Chapter six, This part analyzes and evaluates Kuomintang’s policies on students’movement through reviewing the policies in different periods of time.

【关键词】 国民党学生运动控制
【Key words】 KuomintangStudents’ movementControl