

Sublation of Feuerbach’s Philosophy in Marx’s Philosophy of "New Materialism"

【作者】 潘峻岭

【导师】 林剑;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 自1845年马克思在《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》中,将自己的哲学称为“新唯物主义”以后,中外学术界关于到底什么是马克思“新唯物主义”、马克思“新唯物主义”新在何处的争论,经常成为马克思主义哲学研究领域的热点。本文认为应将马克思“新唯物主义”哲学本质归于实践唯物主义。马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的繁茂大树植根于“实践唯物主义”基础,“实践唯物主义”是马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的根本特征。理论界将马克思“新唯物主义”哲学本质归于辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义、实践思维方式的几种论断,虽不能简单的判断为错误,但至少是不准确、不深刻、不全面的。它们从不同的侧面揭示了马克思哲学的一般特征,而没有揭示出本质特点。因此,只能这样说:马克思“新唯物主义”是一种新的社会历史观,却不止于一种全新的社会历史观;马克思“新唯物主义”是一种新的人学理论,却不止于一种人学理论;马克思“新唯物主义”引发了一场新的思维方式变革,却不止于一种思维方式的革命。实践范畴是马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的理论基石,是马克思哲学的本质特征。马克思“新唯物主义”哲学是实践唯物主义哲学。作为德国古典哲学的唯物主义代表,费尔巴哈哲学思想在德国哲学史上独树一帜,他在19世纪宗教神学和思辨哲学大行其道的德国重新恢复了唯物主义。其很多哲学思想都曾经对马克思恩格斯产生过深刻影响。本文以费尔巴哈哲学与马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的关系为视角,运用文献研究、比较研究、历史分析、逻辑分析、统计分析等方法进行理论研究,从自然观、人本学、认识论、异化思想、历史观、哲学的功能和使命等几个方面,比较费尔巴哈哲学与马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的差异,厘清费尔巴哈对马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的启示,再现马克思“新唯物主义”哲学形成的过程,以帮助澄清对马克思哲学根本性质的错误认识,深化对马克思“新唯物主义”哲学本质的理解,并有力反击国内外所谓“两个马克思”、“青年马克思问题”、“人道主义的马克思”等混淆视听的错误理论,纠正蓄意歪曲马克思主义、肢解马克思主义错误做法,回到真正的马克思,坚定人们的共产主义信仰。全文包括引言、七章、结语与附录共十个部分。引言。阐述选题的缘由、研究价值,国内相关研究综述,本文研究的思路、方法、内容、重点、难点及创新之处。第一章,费尔巴哈及与马克思恩格斯的交集。主要介绍费尔巴哈生平,主要哲学思想,所取得的主要成就和历史贡献,梳理其人生轨迹及与马克思恩格斯的交集。第二章,费尔巴哈感性自然观对马克思“新唯物主义”自然观的启示。以实践唯物主义视角,通过比较费尔巴哈感性自然与马克思“新唯物主义”人化自然差别、两者对人与自然关系的不同看法,析明两者在自然观上的差异,揭示费尔巴哈对马克思“新唯物主义”自然观的启示。第三章,马克思“新唯物主义”人学理论对费尔巴哈人本学的超越。站在实践唯物主义立场上,比较分析费尔巴哈对象性存在的人和马克思“新唯物主义”对象性活动的人,阐释两者在对人的本质问题上的理解差异,以及他们走上不同的人类解放道路的必然性。第四章,费尔巴哈认识论与马克思“新唯物主义”认识论的差异。费尔巴哈认识论是唯物主义的直观反映论、辩证的可知论,但也存在主观能动性不足、唯物主义立场不彻底等缺陷。马克思“新唯物主义”以实践为中介,扬弃了费尔巴哈认识论。第五章,马克思“新唯物主义”对费尔巴哈宗教异化理论的扬弃。通过分析费尔巴哈宗教起源、宗教本质和宗教异化思想,阐述费尔巴哈宗教异化观的进步意义和历史局限,揭示他的宗教异化思想对马克思“新唯物主义”劳动异化理论的启发作用。第六章,马克思“新唯物主义”对费尔巴哈历史观的超越。通过比较马克思与费尔巴哈对社会本质的理解,对社会存在与社会意识关系的认识,对人类社会历史发展规律的看法,阐释马克思“新唯物主义”对费尔巴哈历史观的超越。第七章,费尔巴哈哲学与马克思“新唯物主义”在哲学的功能和使命上的差异。包括费尔巴哈哲学在内的一切旧哲学,对哲学的价值和作用的理解在于解释世界。费尔巴哈将虚幻的神学归于他的世俗基础后即停止不前,马克思“新唯物主义”哲学完成了费尔巴哈没有完成的任务,将解释世界和改变世界的哲学功能辩证的统一起来。结语,马克思“新唯物主义”哲学在当代的价值彰显。对全文进行了概括性的总结,提出了本文的研究成果以及成果的社会价值,指出了研究的不足之处和今后改进的方向。附录,提供费尔巴哈、马克思、恩格斯对照年表,供阅读者参考。本文的创新之处:一是本文从马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的实践本质入手,探讨费尔巴哈哲学与马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的关系,厘清费尔巴哈哲学对马克思“新唯物主义”哲学建立产生的影响;二是对费尔巴哈与马克思“新唯物主义”哲学的关系,即不能夸大费尔巴哈对马克思“新唯物主义”的影响,又不能贬低这种影响,而应实事求是的客观评价,前者对后者起到了一种灯塔似的思想指引作用。

【Abstract】 Since Marx named his own philosophy "New Materialism" in Theses on Feuerbach, Chinese and foreign philosophers have been heatedly discussing on what is Marx’s "New Materialism" and what is new in Marx’s "New Materialism". The dissertation argues that the philosophical essence of Marx’s "New Materialism" should be attributed to practical materialism. The flourishing tree of Max’s "New Materialism" rooted in practical materialism, and the latter is the fundamental philosophical characteristic of the former. Some theorists believe that the philosophical essence of Marx’s "New Materialism" belongs to dialectical materialism, or historical materialism, or practical ways of thinking. Though their conclusions cannot be simply judged as errors, they are at least not accurate, not profound, or not comprehensive enough. They reveal from different aspects the general characteristics of Marxist philosophy, but have not revealed its essential feature. Therefore, I would rather assume that Max’s "New Materialism" is a new concept of social history, but more than the new concept; Max’s "New Materialism" is a new anthropological theory, but beyond the new anthropology; Max’s "New Materialism" has triggered a revolution of way of thinking, but will not stop at the revolution. It is the category of practice that is the theoretical cornerstone and essential feature of Marxist philosophy. Max’s "New Materialism" is a philosophy of practical materialism.As a representative figure of materialist, Feuerbach presented unique theories in the history of German philosophy. He restored materialism in the19th century when religion, theology and speculative philosophy enjoyed their extensive popularity. Many of his philosophical thoughts gave Marx and Engels great impact. From the perspective of the relationship between Feuerbach’s philosophy and Max’s "New Materialism", this dissertation, aims to compare the two philosophies from the aspects of view of nature, humanism, epistemology, alienation, historical view, function and mission of philosophy, etc., clarify the inspiration Feuerbach brought to Marx and reproduce the formation process of Max’s "New Materialism". The dissertation will also help clear up the misunderstanding of Marxist philosophy, deepen the understanding of the nature of Max’s "New Materialism", strike back the erroneous ideas like so-called "two Marx","problem of young Marx" and "humanitarian Marx", correct the wrong practice of deliberately distorting or dismembering Marxism, go back to a real Marx and strengthen people’s faith in Communism. The dissertation adopts methods of literature review, comparative studies, historical analysis, logical analysis and statistical analysis. It is made up of nine parts including an introduction, seven chapters, a conclusion and an appendix.Introduction:this part explains why the topic is chosen and introduces the research value, the literature review home and abroad, the methods, the content, the key points, the difficulties and the innovations.Chapter One:Intersection of Feuerbach, Marx and Engels. This chapter presents Feuerbach’s life, his main philosophical ideas, his achievements and contributions as well as his intersection with Marx and Engels.Chapter Two:Enlightenment Max’s "New Materialism" Gained from Feuerbach’s Perceptual Conception of Nature. From the perspective of practical materialism, this chapter compares Feuerbach’s sensible view of nature with Marx’s concept of humanized nature in his "New Materialism". Feuerbach and Marx held different views about the relationship between men and nature. This chapter, by analyzing their different concerns, reveals the enlightenment Feuerbach cast on Marx’s "New Materialism".Chapter Three:Marx’s Anthropology in His "New Materialism" Surpassing Feuerbach’s Humanism. In the position of practical materialism and through comparing Feuerbach’s human as objective being with Marx’s human as objective activities in his "New Materialism", this chapter illuminates their different understandings on human nature and the inevitability for them to seek different paths for human emancipation.Chapter Four:Distinctions Between Feuerbach’s and Marx’s Epistemology. Feuerbach’s epistemology is a kind of materialistic intuitive theory of reflection and a dialectical cognosciblism. It has defects like insufficient subjective initiative and incomplete materialistic stand. Marx sublated Feuerbach’s epistemology via practice.Chapter Five:Marx’s Sublation to Feuerbach’s Theory of Religious Alienation. By analyzing Feuerbach’s belief about the origin, nature and alienation of religion, this chapter elaborates the significance as well as the historical limitations of Feuerbach’s theory of religious alienation, and it also brings to light the inspiration that Feuerbach’s theory of religious alienation brought to Marx’s theory of labor alienation.Chapter Six:Marx’s "New Materialism" Surpassing Feuerbach’s Historical View. Through comparing their different understandings toward the nature of society, the relationship between social being and social consciousness, and the law of historical development of human society, this chapter focuses on how Marx’s "New Materialism" surpasses Feuerbach’s historical view.Chapter Seven:Different Functions and Missions of Feuerbach’s philosophy and Marx’s "New Materialism". The value and function of all the old philosophies, including Feuerbach’s philosophy, lie in explaining the world. After attributing illusory theology to secular foundation, Feuerbach’s philosophy remained standstill. Marx’s "New Materialism" finished the task that Feuerbach did not. It achieved a dialectical unity of philosophy’s functions both as explaining the world and changing the world.Conclusion:Contemporary Value of Marx’s "New Materialism". This part sums up the whole dissertation, puts forward the research achievement and the social value of the dissertation. At the same time, it points out the inadequacies of the research and the prospective improvement.The appendix provides the chronologies of Feuerbach, Marx and Engels for readers’ reference.The innovation of the dissertation consists in two aspects. Firstly, from the point of view of practice, the essence of Marx’s "New Materialism", this dissertation discusses the relationship between Feuerbach’s philosophy and Marx’s "New Materialism", clarifying the former’s influences to the latter. Secondly, the dissertation proves that the influences from Feuerbach to Marx can neither be overstated nor understated, the objective evaluation should be that the former played a role as a lighthouse for the latter’s ideology.

  • 【分类号】B516.36;A811
  • 【下载频次】666