

Research on Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms Era

【作者】 王保成

【导师】 徐在国;

【作者基本信息】 安徽大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 三国吴简文字是三国时期汉字的典型代表,正处在汉字发展史上承前启后的重要时期。吴简文字隶书楷化,楷书得以长足发展,汉字字形大为改变、篆隶草行楷多体兼备、字体结构大大调整,其中俗体字、异写字特别突出,代表中古汉字发展中十分典型的环节。本文以三国吴简文字为对象,从纯文字学的角度对其进行了综合研究。本文是在完成《长沙走马楼三国吴简文字编》的基础上撰写而成,由正文和附录两部分组成。正文分为八章,第一章综述了三国吴简的特质及其意义以及学界对三国吴简所进行的研究,概述了本文研究的内容以及相关研究的现状,提出了本研究的理论基础,构拟了研究的思路方法,揭示了本研究的现实意义。第二章着重从字量、字频、常用字、次常用字、通用字与生僻字等方面对三国吴简文字的用字情况进行了测查。第三章从类型统计、构形方式以及新增字结构类型例说等三个方面对三国吴简文字进行了调查,比较全面的描写了三国吴简文字结构类型的动态演变。第四章从三国吴简文字的历史继承与流传两个方面进行了较为深入的探讨,梳理了三国吴简文字对古文形体的历史继承,考察了三国吴简文字的历史承用字量以及其流传情况。第五章从简化、繁化、讹变、讹混、类化、异化、糅合、行草书楷化、移位、替换等十个方面来考察三国吴简文字的部件演变,较为深入的探析了隶楷阶段汉字部件的演变规律。第六章从微观的角度对三国吴简文字的笔画进行了探究,揭示了三国吴简文字在笔形、笔画组合与笔顺等方面的基本特征及其变异情况;揭示了三国吴简文字笔画数量的变化与其使用频次及其自身繁简程度之间的关系,展示了三国吴简文字在使用过程中的简化程度。第七章从异写字、异构字以及异写与异构的关系等方面来揭示三国吴简文字异写与异构的演化规律。第八章重点考察三国吴简文字中的未释字和误释字,囿于篇幅,本章选释了吴简中的一些古文字和一些俗讹字。我们以黄德宽老师的“动态理论”为指导,对所发布的三国吴简文献资料进行了全面细致的梳理,编撰了《长沙走马楼三国吴简文字编》,在此基础上,新释了简文618个,不计重复达381个,按册制作了新释字表附于文末。附录是正文的有机部分。附录一是长沙走马楼三国吴简文字字用情况调查总表,附录二是《嘉禾吏民田家莂》新释字表,附录三是《竹简·壹》新释字表,附录四是《竹简·贰》新释字表,附录五是《竹简·叁》新释字表,附录六是《竹简·肆》新释字表。

【Abstract】 The paper is a system arrangement and research for the characters which have been released by the groups who are in the charge of arranging bamboo slips of Wu period unearthed in Changsha, Hunan.Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom, appearing in the pase-future period of the history of the development of the Chinese characters, is the typical representative. Bamboo makes clerical script develop into formal script gradually so that the formal script can get tremendous development. The shape of Chinese characters changed a lot, seal script, clerical script, cursive script, semi-cursive script and formal script coexist, the structures of characters were adjusted a lot, especially the nonstandard forms of characters and the different forms of a character, which represent thetypical link of the development of the Medieval Chinese characters.The paper has a comprehensive study on Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom from the pure literature. On the basis of The Collection of Characters from Changsha Zuomalou Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom in the Three Kingdoms Era, the paper is written and it consists of body and appendix. The body includes eight chapters.The first chapter tells the particularity and significance of Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom and the research on it in the field. In this part, it summarizes the content of the research and the interrelated research status, point out the theoretical basis of the research, work out the methods of thinking, and reveal the actual significance.The second chapter investigates the usage situation of the Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom from the quantity of the characters, the frequency of usage, general service words, vice-general service words, universal characters and rarely-used Chinese characters.The third chapter studies Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom from the statistics of types, the ways of forming and the structure types of new words and describes the dynamic changement of it totally.The fourth chapter studies Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom from its historical inheriting and spreading, teases out origins of the form and structure of its ancient characters, researches its historical use and spreading situation.The fifth chapter investigates the change of the parts of Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom from its simplification, complication, erroneous transformation, mixed, apperception, mix together, the tendency from semi-cursive script and cursive script to formal script, translocation and replacement and offers an in-depth analysis on the change rules of Chinese characters’parts in the development period of clerical script and formal script.The sixth chapter researches the strokes of Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom from a microscopic point of view and reveals the basic features and the change situation of Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom from the forms, combinations and orders of strokes.The seventh character shows the evolutional rules of Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom’s variant forms of the same character and variant constitutions of the same character from variant forms’ characters, variant constitutions’ characters and the relation between the both.The eighth chapter studies the unknown characters in Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom. It investigates and explains some ancient characters in Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom, meanwhile, also studies some popular but wrong characters.Appendix is a useful complement to the body.Appendix Ⅰ is a general table recording the characters’ usage situation of Bamboo Slips of Wu Kingdom.Appendix Ⅱ is a new table to explain new characters for "Jia He Li Min Tian Jia Bie".Appendix Ⅲ is a new table for to explain new characters for "Bamboo Slips (Ⅰ)".Appendix Ⅴ is a new table for to explain new characters for "Bamboo Slips Ⅲ)".Appendix Ⅵ is a new table for to explain new characters for "Bamboo Slips Ⅴ)". Appendix Ⅳ is a new table for to explain new characters for "Bamboo Slips(Ⅱ)".

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 安徽大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 06期
  • 【分类号】H121;K877.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】726
  • 攻读期成果