

Research on the Key Technologies of Distributed Mobility Management for ID/Locator Separation Mechanism

【作者】 易李

【导师】 周华春;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 传统互联网协议体系中的IP地址具有身份和位置双重语义,在路由可扩展性、移动性、安全性等方面产生了严重的弊端。身份与位置分离机制的主要思想是对IP地址的双重语义进行解耦,目前已经逐渐为国内外学者接受,并成为未来互联网的研究热点之一。虽然身份与位置分离机制对移动性的支持具有天然优势,但如何更高效的实现移动性管理仍然是待研究的关键技术问题。目前移动性管理技术已经开始从传统的集中式向分布式进行演进,以减轻迅猛增长的数据流量对网络的影响。本文基于身份与位置分离机制,对分布式移动性管理的关键技术问题进行研究。论文主要工作包括:1.为了分析分布式移动性管理的适用场景和应用模式,提出一种基于流长的分析方法。针对分布式移动性管理流量本地转发的特性,按照新接入移动锚点对切换前流量的处理方式,将其分为两类:多级隧道模式和直接隧道模式。引入了两个新的衡量移动性管理性能的指标,即隧道封装比和流传输开销。出于分析的需要,通过抓取校园网的实际数据,对Internet上的流长进行了统计,概括了Internet流长的特征,并给出其累积分布函数。性能分析结果表明,分布式移动性更适用于低速不频繁切换的移动场景,且直接隧道模式比多级隧道模式更高效。2.针对传统移动性管理方法中,迅猛增长的流量会对家乡移动锚点的稳定性管理产生不利影响,提出了一种基于控制平面与数据平面分离的分布式移动性管理方法。该方法采用了直接隧道模式,将传统移动性锚点分为控制锚点和数据锚点,一个控制锚点可以统筹多个数据锚点进行管理域内的流量转发。此外,由于本地接入网关需要为移动节点选择数据锚点,提出一种数据锚点选择算法。性能分析在系统容量、服务阻塞概率、切换时延和传输开销上对该方法与传统移动性管理方法进行了比较。3.针对传统移动互联网可扩展性差,依然存在用户位置信息和身份信息绑定的弊端,在结合了分布式移动性思想的基础上提出了基于分离机制的移动互联网总体框架,将移动互联网分为接入网与核心网,实现了身份与位置分离,控制平面与数据平面分离。核心思想是将基于网络的移动管理协议代理移动IPv6部署在一体化标识映射网络的接入网中,充分利用成熟的代理移动IPv6技术为用户提供移动性服务,而在接入网与核心网之间实现分离映射机制。实验平台的实际测试数据和性能分析结果都表明了该框架的可行性和高效性。4.针对本文提出的分布式移动性管理方法,以及分离机制移动互联网总体框架,提出一种适合于控制平面与数据平面分离架构的路由优化机制。通过引入了代理绑定请求消息和代理请求应答消息,实现移动接入网关对管理域内移动节点位置的查询,使得相同管理域内的移动节点可以通过移动接入网关直接建立通信连接。在流体流动模型中,比较了该路由优化机制与代理移动IPv6及其路由优化机制的信令开销、传输开销以及总开销。

【Abstract】 In the traditional Internet protocol architecture, IP address with identity and location dual semantics leads to dramatically drawback in the aspects of routing scal-ability, mobility and security. ID/Locator separation mechanism is to split the dual semantics of IP address, and now it has been gradually accepted by scholars as one of the hot investigation in future Internet research field. Although supporting mobility is the natural benefit of ID/Locator, the efficient mobility management is still the key technical issue. Currently mobility management has started the evolution from centralized to distributed to alleviate the effects of rapid growth of data traffic. The thesis is to do research on the key technology issue of distributed mobility management based on ID/Locator separation. The main contributions are summarized as follows:1. To analyze the applicable scenario and the applied mode of distributed mobility management scheme, the thesis proposes an analytical method based on flow duration, as well as analytical model. According to the process procedure of mo-bility anchor after handover occurred, distributed mobility management scheme can be divided into two types:multiple layer tunnel mode and direct tunnel mode. Two new parameters which are ratio of flows encapsulated in tunnel (R) and flow delivery cost are introduced to evaluate the performance of distributed mobility management scheme. For analysis purpose, the real Internet data is dumped from campus network edge router to obtain statistical feature of Inter-net flow such as Cumulative distribution function. Performance analysis results show that, distributed mobility management is more applicable to low-speed sce-nario which leads to seldom frequent handover, and the direct tunnel mode is more efficient than the multiple layer tunnel mode.2. To overcome the disadvantage caused by extremely grown of mobile traffic vol-ume in the traditional mobility management schemes, the thesis proposes a new distributed mobility management scheme, which follows the direct tunnel mode, based on control and data plane separation. The main idea is to split the tra-ditional mobility anchor into two parts:control plane anchor and data plane anchor. A single control anchor can manage many data plane anchor to forward traffic volume within the domain. Since the mobility access gateway should choose data plane mobility anchor for every accessed MN, a data plane anchor selection algorithm is also introduced. On comparison between the new proposed scheme and traditional mobility management scheme, performance analysis is based on system capacity, handover delay and packets delivery cost.3. Considering the poor scalability of traditional mobile Internet and the disadvan-tage of double binding of use’s identifier and location, the thesis proposes the architecture of mobile Internet supported for separation mechanism. The archi-tecture divide the Internet into access network and core network, to achieve the separation of identifier and location separation, the separation of control plane and data plane as well as the separation of access and core network. To lever-age the proven proxy IPv6technology to provide users with mobile services, the main idea of architecture is to integrate the network based mobility manage-ment scheme proxy mobile IPv6into the access network of Universal Identifier Networks; however the separation mapping mechanism is implemented between access network and core network. The prototype of such mobile Internet archi-tecture supported for separation mechanism had been accomplished in the real test-bed, and the experimental data and performance analytical results both illustrate the feasibility and efficiency of such mobile Internet architecture.4. For distributed mobility management scheme and mobile Internet architecture proposed in the thesis, a route optimization mechanism is introduced supporting for control plane and data plane separation mechanism. By new defined Proxy Binding Query message and Proxy Query ACK message, Mobile Access Gateway can inquiry the location of MN within the same domain, leading to the directly communication between MNs through Mobile Access Gateway. In the Fluid Flow model, thesis compares the proposed route optimization mechanism with traditional route optimization mechanism for proxy mobile IPv6in signaling cost and packets delivery cost.
