

The Study of Competencepromotion System for Worker at the Production Line in Advancedmanufacturing Industry

【作者】 王金健

【导师】 林玳玳;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 知识经济时代,制造业企业基于物质资本的竞争优势正在不断减弱,产品、技术、经营模式等也正在以越来越快的速度被行业企业或者有志于进入该行业的企业模仿而趋于同质化,企业明显感觉到市场竞争由“蓝海”变为“红海”的速度越来越快。与此同时,具有很强的背景依赖性和路径依赖性的专业知识和经验能力的人力资本,非常难以被复制,成为了企业持续性竞争优势的重要来源。因此,提升员工素质,尤其是培养和提升一线员工素质,成为增强企业核心竞争力的现实需要,也是顺应宏观经济形势、技术发展的大势所趋。但我国制造业企业在开展一线员工素质提升的人力资本投资过程中大都还没找到恰当方式和有效的途径,有心无力的情况屡见不鲜。因此,面对企业的现实需求,本文以我国先进轮胎制造企业为例,综合运用经济学和管理学的基本原理和思想,借助素质模型理论、人力资本理论和人力资源管理方法和工具,针对先进制造业企业构建一线员工素质提升体系的原则、流程、方法、工具进行系统性理论和实证研究,期望能够为扩展素质模型、人力资本理论应用范围的同时,为先进制造业企业的现实经营提供借鉴和依据,促进我国先进制造业企业的健康发展和有效运行。在研究过程中,本文创新点如下:1、根据素质模型理论和构建原则、方法,具体针对先进轮胎制造企业一线员工构建素质评价模型,探讨素质模型在具体行业、职种中的应用方法,提升模型的实用性,避免了大而空的理论推演。2、构建了一线员工素质提升体系的理论框架。在素质模型的基础上,系统研究一线员工素质提升体系的设计、构建、实施及评价方法。通过构建有针对性的员工素质模型,发现员工素质提升的重点方面;然后结合人力资源管理方法构建实施方案。3、在构建提升体系过程中,将人力资本理论与人力资源管理方法进行结合,以经济学的概念为指导,采取管理学的具体方法,重视实际操作性。

【Abstract】 In the era of knowledge economy, manufacturing enterprisescannot maintaincompetitive advantage just based on physical capital, products, technology, or business model and the HR became an important resource of sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore, pay attention to improve staff quality, especially of worker at the production line, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprisesand conform to the general trend of the national macro-economic and political situation.But there is not an effective way for our advanced manufacturing industry to develop the worker at the production line to upgrade the quality of the human capital investment process. So this paper from the perspective of economics and management, through the dual perspective, with our country advanced tire manufacturing enterprise as an example, based on the competence model theory, aiming at constructing manufacturing staff to enhance the quality of system are the key problems for the systematic analysis and research, strive to provide theoretical system add bricks and tiles at the same time, for the manufacturing enterprise to employee of a gleam of human capital quality system construction is decision-making provide reference and basis.The innovation of this perper is clicked as follows:1, According to the competence model theory and the construction principle, method, specific to advanced tire manufacturing enterprise quality evaluation model of construction workers, quality model in a specific industry, job application method, enhance the practicality of the model, to avoid the large empty theories.2, Constructed theworker at the production line ofadvanced tire manufacturing enterprise to enhance the quality of system theory. On the basis of competency model, system research staff to enhance the quality of system design, construction, implementation and evaluation method. Through the construction of targeted staff competency model, found to improve staff quality the key aspects; then combines human resource management method to build implementation plan.3, Inpromoting the process of system, human capital theory and human resource management method combined with the concept of economics, as the guidance, take the management of specific methods, pay attention to the actual operation.

  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】3
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