

Research on Telecom Enterprise Managers’ Competence and Its Influence on Enterprise Performance

【作者】 李开新

【导师】 叶龙;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 我国电信行业的快速发展对电信企业管理人员提出了更高的素质要求,尤其是在以“动荡、变革”为特征的3G时代,企业管理人员素质的重要性变得尤为突出,其素质水平对企业绩效的高低产生重要的影响。目前,我国电信业处于转型、转折的重大机遇期。3G时代电信业的迅猛发展创造着前所未有的机遇,同时也使其面临着巨大的挑战。快速剧变的产业环境、日趋激烈的市场竞争、不断涌现的新知识,都需要管理者胜任素质与之适应。因此,管理者到底应该具备怎样的胜任素质,以创造更佳绩效,增强企业的核心竞争能力,既是心理学、人力资源管理和组织行为学领域关注的热点问题,又是行业发展和企业竞争的需要。探索管理者在变化的情境中如何表现优异、取得成功的胜任素质模型,已成为组织行为学和人力资源开发的理论研究和实践探索的全球性问题之一。论文从电信行业的特点和环境出发,运用行为事件访谈等方法,获取了电信企业管理人员胜任素质指标。运用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,构建了我国电信企业管理人员胜任素质模型。该模型由品质维度、能力维度、素质维度、知识维度4个维度的14项胜任素质构成。根据我国资源配置的区域差异,我国电信运营企业划分为:(1)北方电信+南方联通;(2)北方联通和南方电信;(3)中国移动三种市场类型。通过专家评析得出三类市场类型的电信企业管理人员对胜任素质四维度的具体要求有一定差异。论文选取BSC平衡计分卡与KPI关键绩效指标两种方法进行有效的结合,建立了基于平衡计分卡的电信企业绩效指标体系,该体系包括财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长四个维度。并基于此,建立了电信企业关键绩效指标和电信企业管理人员绩效考核指标。经过对电信企业管理人员胜任素质和个人绩效数据进行多层面数据加总检验得出,二者与企业绩效间具有较好的一致性,可进行下一步的研究。因此,将电信企业管理人员胜任素质模型的4个维度要素与企业工作绩效进行相关和回归分析。分析得出:电信企业管理人员胜任素质各维度与其绩效的4个指标存在显著相关,说明电信企业管理人员的胜任素质是影响其绩效的重要变量。此外,通过对电信企业管理人员胜任素质与企业绩效影响机理研究中得出:电信企业管理人员胜任素质与企业绩效在大部分维度上都存在着显著的正相关关系,且个人绩效起到了部分中介作用,而胜任素质模型中的素质维度和绩效之间的相关关系受到了市场类型的调节作用。论文最后基于电信企业管理人员胜任素质模型,建立了电信企业管理人员管理体系,包括电信企业管理人员的招聘甄选、考核、薪酬管理、培训和职业生涯设计,用于提升管理人员队伍素质和人力资源管理工作的科学性。此外,围绕电信企业管理人员的胜任素质构成要素,提出了电信企业管理人员胜任素质提升的基本路径。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of China’s telecommunications industry put forward higher requirements for the quality of the managers, particularly in the3G era which is characterized by "turmoil and change". The quality of the managers has significant influence over the level of business performance. At present, our telecommunications industry is in the major turning point. In the3G era, the rapid development of the telecommunications industry creates a hitherto unknown opportunity and faces some enormous challenges. The rapid development of the3G era telecommunications industry has created unprecedented opportunities, at the same time makes it face the huge challenge.The industry environment of the rapid dramatic changes, the increasingly fierce market competition and the emerging new knowledge all require manager competency quality to adapt to.Therefore, what kind of competency the managers in the end should have in order to create a better performance, and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, is both a hot issue in psychology, human resource management and organizational behavior field and the need of development of the industry and enterprise competitivenessTo explore a manager competency model how to performance well and make success in the context of changes has become one of the most global problems of theoretical study and practical exploration on organizational behavior and human resource development. Starting from the characteristics of the telecommunications industry environment and using the methods of behavioral event interview will access to the telecommunications enterprise’s management personnel competency indicators. The use of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis will construct a Chinese telecommunications enterprise management competency model. The model consists of4dimensions and14competencies, including the quality dimension, capacity dimension, quality dimensions and knowledge dimension. According to the regional differences based on allocation of resources in China, Chinese telecom enterprises are divided into3types,(1) Northern telecom and southern unicom,(2) Northern unicom and southern telecom,(3) China mobile. Experts believe that the telecom managers of these three types markets have some differences in the specific requirements of the4-dimension competency model.In addition, it selects the BSC balance scorecard and key performance indicator to make effective combination of the two methods and establishes the telecom enterprise performance index four-dimension system based on the balanced scorecard which includes financial, customer, internal process, learning and growth. Based on this, it established a telecommunications enterprise key performance indicators and telecommunications enterprise management personnel performance appraisal indicators. The article makes correlation and regression analysis on the four dimensions factors of telecom enterprise management personnel competent quality model and corporate performance.Through testing telecom enterprise management personnel competency and individual performance multidimensional data, the results show that the consistent between the two and enterprise performance is well.According to the analysis, it reveals the four dimensions of the telecom enterprise management personnel competent quality exist significant correlation with the four indicators of its performance, and the telecommunications enterprise management personnel quality is the important variable to affect its performance. Furthermore, it makes conclusion from the research on the effect mechanism by which telecommunications enterprise management personnel quality affects the enterprise performance that it exists significant positive correlation between telecommunications enterprise management personnel quality and enterprise performance on most dimensions and the individual performance plays a partial mediator role in them. The correlation between the quality dimension of competency model and performance is regulated by the type of market.The article based on the telecom enterprise management personnel competence quality model, established a telecommunications enterprise management personnel management system, including the telecommunications enterprise management personnel recruitment selection, assessment, salary management, training and career design, in order to enhance the scientific quality of the management team and human resources management work. In addition, around the telecommunication enterprise management personnel the competent quality form elements, it puts forward the basic route of telecommunication enterprise management personnel quality promotion and the mechanism of performance promotion based on the telecom enterprises quality promotion.

  • 【分类号】F626;F272.92
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1257
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