

Research on the Innovation Mechanism of Creative Industry Clusters Based on Ecology

【作者】 付永萍

【导师】 刘春红;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 创意产业是世界进入新经济时代,文化、科技与经济相互融合的一种新经济现象。作为经济社会高度发展的产物,创意产业不仅已经成为世界各国促进国民经济发展的支柱产业,而且也是实现我国经济由高污染、高能耗、高成本、低附加值的劳动密集型产业向低污染、低能耗、低成本、高附加值的智力密集型产业转型的有效途径。创意产业的规模已成为衡量一个国家或地区产业结构、经济活力和消费水平的重要标志之一。本文借鉴生态学理论,结合经济学、管理学等学科知识,展开对创意产业集群创新机制的理论与实证研究。本文在研究过程中,结合当前经济社会发展的客观实际以及创意产业集群在全球迅猛发展的现状,明确本文研究创意产业集群创新机制的目的与意义,通过对近年来理论界对创意产业集群研究现状的梳理,结合生态学理论系统构建了创意产业集群创新生态系统的基本理论框架,本文认为创意产业集群创新生态系统是指一定创意区域空间内,创新主体及其支撑体系相互作用,并与生态环境相互影响,通过资源交换、知识学习、信息传递等手段,实现持续创新的复杂系统和有机整体。文章将创意产业集群创新生态系统的构成要素与自然生态系统的构成要素进行了对比,揭示了创意产业集群创新生态系统的生态学特征和生命周期特征,进一步得出创意产业集群创新生态系统是有机关联的统一整体,具有动态演化的生态性,是一个自我调控、相对稳定的复杂生态系统。其次,文章结合生态位理论基本内容和创意产业集群企业创新过程,深入研究了创意产业集群创新生态系统企业创新的作用机制。文章认为,创意产业集群是一个由企业、政府机构、中介组织等共同构成的生态系统,生态系统中各个不同主体等同于自然生态系统中的种群,创意产业集群中不同主体的分布类似于自然生态系统中的生态位,因此,运用生态位理论可以较好地解释创意产业集群企业创新机制。然后,文章分析了创意产业集群创意企业生态位重叠、生态位分离与企业创新的内在关系,提出了创意企业生态位的创新战略。再次,文章结合生态学理论中的生物种群理论分析创意产业集群创新生态系统种群创新机制。根据经典的Logistic模型,通过对创意产业集群内创意企业种群之间交互竞争关系及稳定均衡条件的分析,分别探讨了单一创新种群竞争模型和多创新种群竞争模型,分析得出了创新种群发展趋势取决于不同创新主体对创新资源的竞争能力。然后,根据Logistic模型分析,文章认为针对创意产业集群内创意企业种群合作共生的特点,对于实力不对称的创新种群创新能力的相对地位决定了它们之间的互补力度;对于实力对称的创新种群,保持竞争主体的差异性有利于创新的推进和平衡。接着对创意产业集群创新生态系统种群创新的协同进化机制进行了研究,阐明了各创新种群通过整合各种创新资源,进行有效的资源配置,合理的分工和协作,实现知识共享和学习,在竞争与合作创新活动中实现协同进化效应。此后,文章结合前面所构建的理论体系,创造性提出了创意产业集群创新生态调节平台的构建。首先对创意产业集群创新生态系统的平衡性进行了分析,认为创意产业集群创新生态系统是一个动态复杂的有机系统,系统各组分在结构和功能上的配合在发育过程中逐步完善起来,创意企业、创新种群间形成自我调节,然而自我调节有其局限性,当系统的内外部压力超过了系统的自我调节能力,系统就出现了生态失衡。在此基础上,进一步提出了创意产业集群创新生态调节平台的构建,探讨了创意产业集群创新生态调节平台的调节原则和调节机制,分析了创意产业集群创新生态调节平台的功能,认为创意产业集群创新活动的开展要依赖于创新生态调节平台的支持和推动,而区域政策对于创新的支持也要基于创新生态调节平台来进行传播和发挥作用。然后,文章选取张江文化科技创意产业基地作为实际案例,结合本文构建的创意产业集群创新生态系统的基本框架,从自然生态禀赋,产业功能定位,创新服务平台,创新文化培育四个方面探讨了张江文化科技创意基地创新生态系统的特征,设计了张江文化科技创意基地创新生态系统创新能力评价指标,运用因子分析方法,得出影响张江文化科技创意基地创新能力的5个因子,并结合模糊综合评价方法在实证检验的基础上,得出初步结论。最后,文章提出促进我国创意产业发展的对策。通过分析创意产业集群发展过程中地方政府的市场替代行为极其合理性,认为在创意产业集群发展初期,政府很有必要介入到这一尚未成熟的产业中来,政府充分发挥这只看得见的手的作用,可以更好地整合各种优势资源,以便更好地促进创意产业集群发展,认为政府应该成为创意产业集群发展的规划师、引导者和火车头,针对我国创意产业尚处于发展初期,创意产业发展尚不成熟等现状,提出我国各地方政府应该在创意产业集群发展中积极实施产业引导战略、产业培育战略、产业扶持战略和产业保护战略。

【Abstract】 Creative industry is a new economic phenomenon of integration of culture, technology and economy, as the world entered the era of new economy. As the result of highly developed business world, creative industry not simply has been turning into a dominant section to boost the national economy across all countries, but also the effect approach which can transform China economy from the labor-intensive of high pollution, high-energy consumption, high-cost, low value-added to the intelligence-intensive of low-pollution, low-energy consumption, low-cost, high value-added industry. The rise of creative industries becomes one of the important sign of weighing a national or regional industrial structure, economic vitality and consumption level. In this paper, by using the ecology theory, combined with economics, management studies, taking creative industry clusters as an ecological system, we carry out the theoretical and empirical research on innovation mechanism of creative industries, by demonstrating the similarity between creative industry clusters innovation and natural ecosystem evolution on their mechanism.According to the current situation of social economy and rapid development of creative industry in the world, this research makes it clear of the objective and significance of creative industry clusters innovation mechanism, point out the potential theoretical basis during the research, and build a basic theory system of creative industry clusters innovation ecosystem according to the recent theoretical research. In the creative space, innovation main body and its supporting system interact, which influence ecological environment, through the exchange of resources, knowledge learning, information and value flow and other means, to realize the continuous innovation of whole complex and organic systems.Secondly, based on niche theory and creative industry clusters enterprise innovation process, the paper has in-depth study of mechanism of action of CIES enterprise innovation. According to the paper, the creative industry clusters is an ecological system, composed of enterprises, government agencies and intermediary organizations and the different main body in the ecological system is equal to the population of natural ecology system. The distribution of the different main body of the creative industry clusters is similar to the ecological niche of natural ecological system and thus, using the ecological niche theory can well explain enterprise innovation mechanism of the creative industry clusters. And then the paper analyzes innovation mechanism caused by creative industry clusters enterprise niche overlap and separation and puts forward the innovation strategy of enterprise niche separation.Again, the paper based on the population ecology further analyses CIES population innovation mechanism. According to the classic Logistic model, by analyzing interaction competition and stable equilibrium condition of creative enterprises population in the creative industry clusters, the paper respectively discusses the single innovation population Logistic competition model and more innovation population Logistic competition model, coming to a conclusion that innovation population developing trend depends on the different main body competition capacity of innovation resources. Then in view of the cooperative symbiosis characteristics of creative enterprises population of creative industry clusters, according to the Logistic model analysis, for asymmetrical strength innovation populations, relative position of innovation ability determines the complementary strength between them and for symmetric strength innovation populations, differences kept by competitive body is conducive to promote and balance innovation.Then the co-evolution mechanism of CIES population innovation was studied and clarified the realization of co-evolution effects in the process of competitive and cooperation innovation activities of the innovation population, by integrating all sorts of innovation resources, effective allocation of resources, reasonable division of labor and cooperation, to realize knowledge sharing and learning.Since then, based on theoretical system constructed above, this paper puts forward the construction of creative industry clusters innovation ecological regulation platform. First, creative industry clusters innovation ecosystem CIES was analyzed, expounding equilibrium and self regulation of CIES. CIES is a dynamic complex organic system, and the structure and function of each component of the system in the process of development gradually improve. Self-regulation is formed between creative enterprises and innovation population. Then the paper proposes construction of creative industry clusters ecological regulation platform for innovation, discusses adjustment principle and adjustment mechanism of the CERPI and analyzes function and structure of the CERPI. It concludes that development of the innovation activities in the creative industry clusters rely on support and promote of CERPI, and support of regional policy for the innovation activities also should be based on transmission and function of CERPI.Then, this paper selects Zhang Jiang culture creative industry base as an example, combing the basic framework of the creative industry clusters innovation ecosystem and discussing the characteristics of innovation ecosystem of Zhang Jiang culture science and technology base from four aspects, such as the natural endowment, industry functional orientation, innovation service platform and the cultivation of innovative culture. The paper designs the evaluation index of innovation ability of Zhang Jiang culture science and technology innovation base innovation ecosystem, using the factor analysis method to come to the conclusion that there are five factors to influence the innovation ability of Zhang Jiang. On the basis of empirical testing, the paper draws the preliminary conclusion, combined with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.Finally, the paper puts forward countermeasures to promote the development of creative industry in china. Through the analysis of rationality of local government alternative market behavior in the process of creative industry clusters development, it considers that early in the development of creative industry clusters, the government is necessary to intervene in the immature industry and government gives full play to the role of visible hand, integrating of various resources in order to promote the development of creative industries. The government should become planner, guide and locomotive, of the creative industry clusters development. The development of creative industry is not yet mature, our local government should actively implement the industry guidance strategy, industry nurturing strategy, industrial support strategy and industry protection strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】F719;G124
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1120
  • 攻读期成果