

【作者】 邹巍

【导师】 傅维利;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 目前国内关于组织公民行为的研究尚处于起步阶段,关于大学生组织公民行为的系统研究更为不足。本文结合国内外相关研究成果,阐释了我国大学生组织公民行为的概念、内容、维度、现状及影响因素。在对大学生组织公民行为构成维度进行研究的基础上,探寻大学生组织公民行为的相关影响因素,提出大学生组织公民行为的教育对策。通过对大学生学习、生活情况的观察,对在校大学生、教师、社会用人单位领导及成功人士进行访谈等方法收集组织公民行为项目,在文献研读和问卷调查、观察、访谈、分析的基础上,采用探索性因素分析方法编制组织公民行为量表等研究工具。首先选取3所高校共210名大学生作为抽样对象进行预测试,采用项目分析、因素分析以及信度检验等统计学方法对调查结果进行处理,以形成正式量表,并归纳出大学生组织公民行为四维结构,即组织忠诚、组织维系、组织认同和组织参与。用正式量表对17所高校2000名大学生进行正式测试,并采用方差分析、相关分析、回归分析等统计学方法对调查结果进行分析和讨论。研究结果显示,首先,大学生在组织维系维度上表现出最好的组织公民行为。差异分析结果显示女性大学生比男性大学生表现出更多组织公民行为;“985”院校、“211”院校组织公民行为得分低于一般本科、专科院校;大一学生组织公民行为高于大二、大三,大四高于大三;班级规模越小组织公民行为表现越好;既有辅导员也有班主任的大学生组织公民行为得分明显大于没有辅导员或班主任的大学生;学习成绩越好,组织公民行为得分越高;担任学生干部组织公民行为得分高于普通同学;来自城镇的大学生组织公民行为得分低于城市;重点初中、重点高中毕业大学生组织公民行为高于普通初中、普通高中。其次,大学生组织公平知觉较好,并且对互动公平感知程度最高,对分配公平感知程度最低。组织公平与组织公民行为各维度都呈显著正相关。再次,大学生个人背景变量、人格特质和组织公平三个变量同时对大学生组织公民行为进行预测,达到显著性。其中,组织公平中的分变量“程序公平”最有预测力。程序公平通常是分配公平与否的前提。在总结现阶段我国大学生组织公民行为表现方式、程度、特点、影响因素的基础上,提出促进大学生组织公民行为的有效教育建议,从而为我国高校教育管理提供理论与实践依据。

【Abstract】 At present, domestic research about Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OBC) is still in its infancy, not to mention the systematic research about college students’organizational citizenship behaviors. Combining with the relevant research achievements at home and abroad, this thesis explains our college students organizational citizenship behaviors from five aspects:the concept, content, dimension, current situation and the influencing factors. Based on the study of the composing dimension of college students’ organizational citizenship behaviors, the thesis explores the relevant influencing factors of college students’ organizational citizenship behaviors and puts forward the educational strategies about college students’ organizational citizenship behaviors.The author collects the project of organizational citizenship behaviors by observing college students’learning and living situation and interviewing undergraduates, teachers, leaders and successful people. What’s more, on the basis of literature study, questionnaire investigation, observation, interview and analysis, this thesis employs the exploratory factor analysis method to develop organizational citizenship behaviors scale. Firstly, select210college students from3universities as the sample to advanced test and use some statistical methods, such as item analysis, factors analysis and reliability test, to deal with the findings so as to forming the formal scale and inducing the four-dimensional structure of college students’ organizational citizenship behaviors:organizational loyalty, organizational maintenance, organizational identity and organizational participation. In addition, conduct a formal testing among2000college students from17universities and use other statistical methods, like variance analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to analyse and discuss the result of investigation.Research results show that, first of all, college students’organizational citizenship behaviors are best in organizational maintenance dimensions. Variance analysis results show that female college students show more organizational citizenship behaviors than male students; the score of college students’organizational citizenship behaviors in "985" and "211" is lower than general undergraduate school; the organizational citizenship behaviors of freshman are higher than sophomore and junior, but senior are higher than junior; the smaller the class size is, the better the organizational citizenship behaviors are; the score of college students’ organizational citizenship behaviors with a college counselor and a head teacher is much higher than those without a college counselor and a head teacher; the better the students’achievements are, the higher score of organizational citizenship behaviors can get; the score of organizational citizenship behaviors of student leaders is higher than ordinary students; the score of organizational citizenship behaviors of students who come from countries is lower than from cities; the score of those who graduated from key middle school and high school is higher than those from ordinary school. What’s more, college students organizational justice perception is good, and the degree of interactive justice perception is highest and the degree of distributive justice perception is lowest. Organizational justice is positively correlated with each dimension of organizational citizenship behaviors. Besides, three variables, students’ personal background variable, personality traits and organizational justice variable, have significant effects on the prediction of organizational citizenship behaviors. Among them, procedural justice in organizational justice variable is most predictive and it is also the premise of distributive justice.Based on the summary of the performance way, the degree, the characteristics and the influencing factors of college students’ organizational citizenship behaviors at the present stage in our country, this thesis raises some effective educational suggestions to promote college students’organizational citizenship behaviors, thus provides theoretical and practical basis for higher education management in China.

  • 【分类号】G645.5
  • 【下载频次】345