

Study on the Cultivation of Foreign Language Majors in Chinese Modern Universities

【作者】 肖玮萍

【导师】 张亚群;

【作者基本信息】 厦门大学 , 教育史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 人才培养是高等教育的重要职能,它反映了大学的办学理念和管理特色。中国近代大学外语专业人才培养始于19世纪末20世纪初西方高等教育模式的引入,并逐渐形成专业教育和通识教育的两大特性。外语专业人才培养过程中受到近代中国政治、经济和文化教育等因素的制约和影响,在人才培养理念、课程设置、师资队伍和校园文化等方面形成自身特点,培养出大批优秀外语专业人才,为近现代中国众多领域的发展做出了重要贡献。深入研究近代大学外语专业的人才培养模式、制度建设以及办学成效,有利于总结外语专业人才培养的有益经验,加深对大学人才培养规律的认识,对于当前中国大学外语人才培养改革具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。本论文从通识教育的视角,围绕外语专门人才培养的主题,系统考察和分析中国近代大学外语专业人才培养理念、模式和保障制度的变迁、总结外语专业人才培养的特点与规律,为当今外语专业人才培养模式的改革与发展提供有益借鉴。全文共分六章。第一章绪论,简要论述论文选题的缘由与意义、界定相关概念,综述国内外相关研究现状,厘清研究思路与方法。第二章探讨中国近代大学外语专业人才培养的理念嬗变。从洋务外语学堂的“中体西用”人才观,到清末确立以“端正趋向,造就通才”为办学宗旨是理念演变的第一阶段。民初《大学令》提出“硕学闳才”的教育宗旨是第二阶段。到二十年代美国大学通识教育理念的输入是第三阶段。1938年共同必修科目表的颁布与推广,标志着通识教育理念的最终确立。第三章具体考察近代大学外语专业人才培养模式。通过对不同大学组织模式的外语专业人才培养要素(培养目标、课程设置、课外活动和师资队伍)进行论述,阐明人才培养模式的基本框架。第四章探究近代大学外语专业人才培养的制度保障,论述教学管理制度和师资管理制度对外语专业教育的作用与影响。第五章以清华大学外文系教育模式为个案,探讨外语专业人才的培养目标、模式及实施特点。第六章是成效分析。从五个职业领域探讨外语专业人才的成就与特点,并剖析其成才原因。第七章为理论探讨。运用高等教育基本理论阐释制约近代大学外语专业人才培养的政治、经济和文化因素,归纳其在人才培养理念、课程设置、师资队伍以及校园文化等方面的特点,为当今大学外语人才培养改革提供有益借鉴。通过历史考察与理论分析,本文得出以下主要结论:第一,中国近代大学外语专业教育是在西学东渐背景下产生和发展的,它注重通识教育,适应了近代社会发展需要,是中国高等教育近代化的重要组成部分。第二,在教育理念与培养模式上,中国近代大学外语专业教育经历了从培养“中体西用”专门人才到培养“会通中西”人才的变革过程,最终形成通才教育的模式。通过文理兼习的共同必修课与以文学课程为主的专业课相结合,以及营造人文教育氛围,达到培养知识面宽广、人文素养深厚的外语通才的目的。第三,在教师选聘和教学管理方面,采用教师聘任制、导师制、教师兼课制和教授学术休假研究制,实施选科制、学分制、评价制度和转学转系制,为外语专业人才培养提供了高水平教师队伍和制度保障,促进外语专业的人才培养和学科发展。第四,中国近代大学外语专业教育人才辈出,通识教育发挥了不可替代的作用。通识教育理念拓展了大学外语专业教育的发展空间,通才教育模式为外语专业学生成才奠定了基础,高水平的大学外语师资队伍为外语人才培养提供了有力保障。第五,中国近代大学外语专业人才培养的历史启示在于:大学外语人才培养应以人文通识教育为基础,“通”、“专”结合,加强“通识”师资建设,改进通识教育课程结构,构建以文学和文化类课程为主的专业课程体系,完善教学管理与评价制度,开展丰富多彩的课外活动,促进外语专业人才的全面发展。本论文的主要创新之处在于:第一,从通识教育的视角,系统考察中国近代大学外语教育理念嬗变的轨迹,以及外语专业人才培养模式变迁,有助于认识中国近代大学外语专业教育的发展趋势;第二,通过实证研究,凸显中国近代大学外语专业教育特色,揭示通识教育的重要作用;第三,总结近代大学外语专业人才的群体特点,分析其成才经验,对当今改革和完善大学外语专业人才培养模式具有重要的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Training of professionals is an important function of higher education, and it reflects a university’s educational philosophy and management features. Chinese modern universities’training of foreign language professionals began in the late19th century and early20th century when western higher education paradigm was introduced in, and two approaches were used-professional education and general education. Conditioned and influenced by political, economic, and cultural environment of that time, modern China’s training of foreign language professionals had its own characteristics in training conception, curriculum setting, faculty team and campus culture. A large number of foreign language professionals got their education then and made important contribution to development of many fields. A study of training pattern, system and effectiveness of modern China’s education of foreign language professionals could be useful to researchers and educators who want to better understand foreign language professionals training in universities and colleges, and is of important theoretical and practical significance for the education reform of foreign language professionals in nowadays Chinese universities.This study, therefore, reviews revolution of training conception and pattern, and educational features of foreign language professionals’training in modern Chinese universities.This dissertation is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter provides a brief introduction about the rationale for the study, followed by definition of key terms, literature review and research design. The second chapter reviews the training conception revolution of foreign language professionals’education in modern Chinese universities. The first stage is from "traditional Chinese system combined with westernized methods and ideas" of colleges of foreign language learning to "correcting ideology, training generalist" as an educational mission at late Qing dynasty. The second stage is featured with training of "knowledgeable and professional talents", which is putted forward by "Act of University" in the Republican Period. It’s in the third stage that the idea of general education was introduced from the U.S.A in the1920s’. The issue of common compulsory subjects in1938marked the recognition of general education. The third chapter focuses on training pattern of foreign language professionals’education in Chinese modern universities. Based on a review of elements of foreign language professionals’ education (training goals, curriculum setting, extracurricular activities, and teachers’ quality) of different organization patterns of universities, it clarifies the basic pattern of foreign language professionals’education. The fourth chapter is about the system guarantee-the function and influence of teaching administration system and teachers’ management of foreign language professionals’education. The fifth chapter takes the foreign language education practice of Tsinghua University as a case, and discusses its training goals, patterns and characteristics. Chapter six is an effectiveness analysis-how and why foreign language professionals at that time were successful. Chapter seven is a theoretical discussion-applying higher education theories to explain how political, economic and cultural factors have influenced foreign language professionals’education in modern Chinese universities, and summarizes characteristics of its training conception, curriculum setting, faculty team and campus culture, in hope of providing useful information for the education reform of foreign language professionals in nowadays Chinese universities.Through historical investigation and theoretical analysis, it was found that:First, Foreign language professionals’education in Chinese modern universities’ started and developed during the eastward transmission of western sciences. It focused on general education and adapted to the needs of modern social development, and played an important part in China’s higher education modernization.Second, in terms of educational philosophy and training pattern, foreign language professionals’education of Chinese modern universities experienced the reform period from education of "Traditional Chinese System Combined with Westernized Methods and Ideas" to the education of "Blending Chinese and Western", ultimately formed general education pattern-the education combining liberal-arts compulsory courses and specialized literature courses, creating a humanistic educational atmosphere, and nurturing knowledgeable foreign language professionals.Third, in terms of teachers’hiring and teaching administration, teacher appointment system, tutorial system, part-time teacher system, professors’sabbatical research system, and major choice, credit system, teacher evaluation and transmission system were adopted, which guaranteed teacher quality, education quality and discipline development.Fourth, achievements of foreign language professionals from Chinese modern universities could be taken as evidence of general education’s indispensable role. General education philosophy broadened the scope of foreign language education, laid foundation for students’success, and guaranteed teaching quality.Fifth, the policy implication of foreign language professionals’education of Chinese modern universities lies in:to promote the comprehensive development of foreign language professionals, college foreign language education should be based on general education;"general area" with "specialized area" should be combined; teachers for general courses should be supplemented and curriculum should be reset. Curriculum system should be featured in literature and culture; teaching administration and evaluation system should be improved; various extra-curricular activities should be provided.The major innovations of this dissertation are:First, it provides a systematical review of the evolution of training conception and pattern of Chinese modern universities from the perspective of general education, which is helpful for understanding of the historical trends of foreign language education in Chinese modern universities.Second, through a case study, it highlights the Chinese modern universities’ foreign language education characteristics, and reveals the important role of general education.Third, it summarizes characteristics of foreign language professionals from Chinese modern universities. The analysis of their experiences could be taken as reference of today’s foreign language education and reform.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 厦门大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】G529
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1624