

Study on the Control Technology of Optimal Automatic Shift and Energy Recuperation for Electric Vehicle

【作者】 张志森

【导师】 吴百海;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 电动汽车产业是国家战略性新兴产业当中新能源战略的重要组成部分,大力开发电动汽车技术对于实现国家新能源战略具有重大现实意义。当前,在我国电动汽车技术领域存在许多亟待解决的技术问题,如:电动汽车自动变速控制、电动汽车制动能量回馈利用及与之相关的控制算法、控制理论、实现技术等。机械自动变速(AMT, Automated Manual Transimission)系统是在传统机械变速系统的离合器与变速箱上加装自动离合器执行机构、选换挡执行机构以及转速、挡位、油门位置等各类传感器,通过变速箱控制器(TCU, Transmission Control Unit),分析从传感器、CAN (Controller Area Network)总线等获得的有关油门踏板、车速、行驶加速度、制动踏板、电机转速与控制电流、发动机或电动机转矩等各种信息,以计算最佳的换挡时刻,控制换挡执行机构完成自动换挡。机械自动变速AMT系统作为汽车自动变速解决方案之一,目前已在不同种类、不同规格型号汽车中展开应用,但由于对其内在规律的认识尚不到位,加之被控对象的多样性与复杂性,在该技术领域还有许多亟待解决的技术问题,如:换挡控制规律及换挡过程控制关键技术、制动动能回馈利用及其控制技术、整车综合控制策略等。本文采用理论分析、计算机仿真模拟实验及台架或道路测试验证的方法,对电动汽车最优自动变速控制技术、电动汽车能量回馈利用及其控制进行系统的理论与实验研究,其中自动变速最优控制是本文的主要研究内容,论文进行了以下主要研究工作:(1)针对电动公交汽车AMT驱动系统特点,进行了三挡机械自动变速AMT系统开发,包括:整车动力系统布置、主驱动电机选择、三挡机械变速箱传动比确定、AMT系统选换挡驱动电机选择与执行机构设计、变速控制单元TCU构成及整车通信系统构成等;针对机械自动变速AMT系统的特点,重点分析了当前AMT系统控制理论、换挡控制影响因素、换挡控制具体内容及换挡品质评价等内容。(2)结合电控机械自动变速系统的特点,分析在变速控制过程中影响控制目标的因素,充分利用车辆行驶过程参数及驾驶员行驶意图等信息,在模糊控制理论指导下,进行换挡控制规律研究,形成多参数模糊换挡控制规律,用以指导机械自动变速AMT系统的具体换挡过程;针对AMT系统换挡控制过程复杂、控制对象多变的特点,对纯电动公交汽车进行了主驱动电机建模、整车动力学建模、三挡AMT选换挡电机控制建模与选换挡过程建模仿真。对多挡AMT系统,完成其选换挡执行机构数字化模型设计,应用线性二次型最优控制方法对选换挡驱动电机位置及挤同步过程进行最优化控制,在离合器动力学模型及接合过程分析基础上,应用自适应控制方法对离合器的接合过程进行最优控制。(3)鉴于能量存储技术在电动汽车研究中的重要地位,对动力电池充放电控制进行了研究,对单体电池进行了均衡实验研究;同时,由于电池SOC估算对整个电池管理系统控制策略的制定具有重要影响,进行了动力电池SOC估算的HPPC测试方法与状态空间法研究。(4)在制动力分配控制理论分析及能量回馈控制策略指导下,作者应用“后向/前向”混合仿真,且以“后向”仿真方法为主,在ADVISOR软件环境下,对混合动力汽车能量回馈利用控制过程进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,在新欧洲行驶工况(NEDC, New Europe Driving Condition)下,整车动能回收利用效率可达16.27%,燃油消耗为6.1L/100km,为混合动力汽车能量存储利用控制设计提供了仿真依据;分析了混合动力电动汽车能量综合管理策略,分别应用动态规划(DP, Dynam ic Programming)理论和模型预测(MPC, Model Predict Control)方法对能量回馈控制过程中,挡位变化及SOC变化情况进行仿真。仿真显示,挡位权重系数对混合动力汽车换挡过程影响显著。(5)完成了机械自动变速AMT系统软硬件平台搭建、AMT系统台架测试及实车道路行驶测试研究。通过对所开发的多挡AMT系统进行了系统的台架实验研究,作者获得了机械自动变速AMT换挡过程离合器控制、发动机同步控制及选换挡控制分析曲线,验证了所开发系统的可行性与可靠性;通过数据通信系统与实车行驶数据采集系统构建,对所开发的纯电动公交汽车三挡AMT系统进行道路行驶测试研究,获得AMT系统换挡过程控制曲线。

【Abstract】 The electric vehicle industry is the important part of the state strategical new prosperous industries; it is of great reality significance to develop the electric vehicle technologies. At present, some technological problems are badly needed to be solved in the field of EV (Electric Vehicle) technology, such as automated manual transmission, brake kinetic energy recuperation, and the control algrithom, control theories, complement techniques related to the ablove problems.Automated manual transimission (AMT) system is based on the traditional manual transmission which varies with the traditional one by mounting the automated mechanism on the clutch and transmission. The automated mechanisms include the automatic select and change gear actuators, a variety of sensors about rotation speed, gear state, throttle position etc. The transmission control unit (TCU) controls the accomplishment of gear change by calculating the proper change gear moment after it analyzed the information about acceleration pedal position, vehicle speed, vehicle acceleration, brake pedal position, motor rotation speed, engine or motor torque etc through controller area network (CAN) bus.As one of the vehicle’s automated transmission solutions, the AMT systems have been used in a variety of vehicles with different specification and type. Due to the lack of the knowledge about the inner law of the transmission process as well as the variety and complexity of the control objects, many technological problems such as change gear laws and the key techniques of gear changing process controlling, brake kinetic energy recuperation and its control, the whole vehicle control etc are remaining not being solved.By adopting the techniques of theoretical analysis, computer simulation, rig tests and road tests, this thesis studies the optimal automatd manual transmission control techniques and the energy recuperation technology while the AMT optimal control comprises the main parts of the thesis. The main researching work is as follows.(1) By the features of the AMT system in electric bus, a3-gear AMT system has been developed. The work done includes the whole driving system layout design, the choosing of the main driving motor, the specification of the transmission ratio, the change gear motor selection, the actuator mechanism design, transmission control unit configuration and the whole communication system establishment. Some AMT system control theories, the influential factors on the gear changing, shift control contents and shift control quality are discussed as well.(2) Incorporated with the features of AMT system, the factors which influences on the control goals during the shift process were analyzed. By the guiding of the fuzzy theory, the control regulations were sdudied while using parameters such as the driving variables and the intents of the driver, the multi-parameter control law about the AMT control was formed which can be used as a guide to control shift process in the AMT system. Due to the complexity of shifting process and the variability of the controlled objects, this thesis tried models the main driving motor used in an EV and the whole vehicle dynamic, after that, the simulation of the change gear autuators and the3-gear shift process were carried out. For the multi-gear AMT system, the shift mechanisms were digital modeled. The linear quadratic optimal contrl methods were employed for the position control of change gear motors and the synchronous process. The auto adaptive methods were employed in the clutch engagement control.(3) Due to the importance of the energy storage system in electric vehicle technology, the battery charge/discharge control was investigated and the battery balancing technique was carried out. Meanwhile, for the magnificient impact of state of charge of the battery on the energy management system, the hybrid pulse power characterization was obtained by tests.(4) By applying the "back and fro" hybrid simulation method while the backforward is the main part, the ADVISOR simulation of energy recuperation process in hybrid electric vehicle were studied under the theories of brake force distribution and the energy recuperation control strategies. The simulation results show that the kinetic energy recuperation rate is16.27%; the fuel rate is6.1L/100km under the NEDC (New Europe Driving Condition) which can help providing some foundation for the energy storage and utility application in the hybrid electric vehicles. The energy comprehensive management strategies in hybrid electric vehicle were analyzed. The simulation of SOC variation and gear change states were carried out by using the dynamic programming theory and model predictive control method respectively, the results show that the gear change state weight has significant influence on the vehicle’s shift process.(5) The test platform of AMT system was built and the rig and road tests were carreed out for the validation of the AMT system. The systematic rig test were put on the developed multi gear AMT system in order to aquire the curves about clutch control, engine synchrozing and shift controlling while AMT shifting. The rig tests validated the feasibility and reliability of the developed AMT system.This thesis is sponsored by the Provincial or Ministerial Universityindustry Cooperation on Guidance Projects (No.2010B090400521). The researching results can provide supports for the development of the state strategical prosperous energy industry.
