

A Comparative Study on Semper’s Formal Principles in Three Texts

【作者】 王丹丹

【导师】 丁沃沃;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 《风格论》是森佩尔建筑理论最重要的成果。它奠定了森佩尔在建筑理论界的地位,同时,关于森佩尔建筑理论的诸多争议也多由这本书引发。在诸多争议中,立场最多样并且涉及建筑议题最多的是对森佩尔建筑理论和各时期关系的争论。本文认为,只有找到森佩尔建筑理论中可以涵盖诸多议题的基本主题,并且将研究对象拓展到《风格论》之前的文本,同时还要纳入更广阔的背景才能获取对森佩尔建筑理论正确且相对全面的理解,进而对诸多争议作出不偏颇的评判。由此,本文提取出“形式原则”作为主题,选取《风格论》之前的《彩饰初论》、《四要素》,对三个文本的形式原则进行比较研究。根据森佩尔文本和其同时代形式原则讨论的总体关系,可以将形式原则分为结构形态原则、非结构形态原则和表面属性原则三大类。本文的第二、三、四章分别讨论了这三类形式原则。在各章之中,都遵循先分别讨论森佩尔文本的形式原则以及各时期相关议题,再讨论森佩尔文本和各时期相关议题的关系,继而揭示森佩尔文本之间关系的论述顺序。对各类形式原则作分别论述后,本文的第五章将形式原则视作整体,讨论各类形式原则之间的关系、森佩尔文本形式原则论证和考古实证的关系、森佩尔文本和同时代成果的关系。第五章的讨论起着承上启下的作用,其中揭示的问题说明需要将论述作进一步提升,而第六章正是在更高的观念层面讨论森佩尔文本的形式原则。本文论述最显见的成果是阐明森佩尔不同时期文本在不同层面上和各时期建筑思想的关系,以此揭示出森佩尔三个文本之间延续和变化的具体关系,得出森佩尔建筑理论的发展脉络。此外,论文有三个主要结论。第一:《彩饰初论》在形式原则设定对象、形式原则的立场以及形式原则的论证方式上都和后两个文本有密切的关联。并且,森佩尔最初建立编织术和围合要素的关系以及古希腊文化和非欧文化的关系都和彩饰论证明有关。第二:森佩尔建筑理论相对于同时代建筑界的诸多“特性”,实质上却源于对同时代其他学科诸多“共性”的更积极回应。第三:森佩尔建筑理论所呈现的“超前”于同时代建筑思想的特征,一部分源于探求历史原貌的强烈意图,一部分源于对传统建筑学学科界定方式的回归。换言之,这些“超前”的特征居然源于“滞后”于同时代发展的森佩尔个人思想。最终,论文回到研究缘起中关于森佩尔建筑理论和各时期关系的讨论,对它们的拓展性评判再次证明了将研究回归到森佩尔文本自身的重要性。论文全文约253,000字(其中正文约231,000字),插图165幅。

【Abstract】 The most influential book of Semper is Der Stil. It establishes Semper’s position in the circle of architectural theory. However, many controversies about Semper’s theories also arise from this book.The most frequently disputed issue is the relations between Semper’s theories and architectural features of different periods of time.This study takes "formal principles" as the theme that could cover a great many controversies and compares the theme in three texts (Preliminary Remarks on Polychrome, the Four Elements, Style). By putting Semper’s theories into more profound background, we can get a relatively comprehensive and accurate understanding of those theories and make fair judgments on controversies.After analyzing the relations between Semper’s theories and contemporary formal principles, we can categorize formal principle into structural shape principle, non-structural shape principle and surface attribute principle, which are discussed respectively in Chapter Two, Chapter Three and Chapter Four. In the three chapters, firstly, the author discusses Semper’s formal principles and related issues, and then analyzes their relations in order to reveal the connection among Semper’s three books. In Chapter Five, the author takes formal principle as a whole, and conducts a deep analysis, which leads to discussions on Semper’s formal principles on a higher level in Chapter Six.This study reveals the interconnection among Semper’s three books, by demonstrating relations between Semper’s theories and general architectural thoughts in different periods of time. Three main conclusions can be drawn. First, Preliminary Remarks on Polychrome is closely related to the other two books in terms of target, stand and way of argumentation of formal principle. Moreover, in this book, Semper initially established the relations between textile and enclosure, and the relations between ancient Greek culture and African-European culture. Second, the so-called "idiosyncrasies" of Semper’s architectural theories actually originate from the "common features" of different subjects. Lastly, Semper’s "avant-garde" architectural theories arise from his keen search for true history and regression to traditional science.In the end, further discussion is conducted on the relations between Semper’s architectural theories in different periods of time, which proves that it is crucial to study texts themselves. The dissertation contains253,000(231,000for the main body), and165illustrations.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】TU-86
  • 【下载频次】468