

The Review and Countermeasures of Chinese Organized Crime Criminal Governance

【作者】 罗明海

【导师】 许发民;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 刑法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 有组织犯罪是当前国际社会面临的严峻挑战,也是危害我国社会秩序的日趋严重的问题。为了有力地惩治有组织犯罪,1997年通过的修订的刑法,在分则中规定了组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织犯罪,正式开启了我国有组织犯罪刑事治理的序幕。从我国有组织犯罪治理的历史进程而言,我国有组织犯罪治理实质上是在狭义有组织犯罪概念——黑社会性质有组织犯罪语境下展开的,因而理论上可以将有组织犯罪治理划分为三个阶段:“前打黑时代”、“打黑时代”和“后打黑时代”。但是,比较域外有组织犯罪刑事治理经验和检讨我国有组织犯罪治理历程,我们不难发现:我国有组织犯罪概念既没有与联合国《打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》精神相协调,又未能切实反映我国有组织犯罪本土特征;在不均衡的刑事政策和“不明事理的有组织犯罪立法”①指导下,我国有组织犯罪犯罪刑事治理偏执一端,最终不仅导致司法实践出现“打黑过剩而未尽其余”的尴尬结局,并间接造成非暴力有组织犯罪得以迅猛的发展的恶果。鉴于此,本文立足于域外借鉴和本土检讨,从刑法学、犯罪学、刑事政策学的角度出发,采用历史分析法、比较研究法,以问题为中心,提出旨在提高我国有组织犯罪刑事治理效率的基本对策。全文除导言外共分五章,约16多万字。第一章,国际有组织犯罪概念及其刑事规制。在国际社会层面,以意大利、美国、俄罗斯以及联合国《打击跨国有组织犯罪对策》为研究重点。意大利是黑手党的发源地,有着丰富而又深刻的有组织犯罪治理的经验和教训,特别是其有组织犯罪二元化刑事治理模式,既强调对传统黑手党类型有组织犯罪进行重点打击外,又不忽视对新型非暴力有组织犯罪的打击,这一点尤其值得我国借鉴;美国是有组织犯罪概念的发源地,由于受黑手党模式化认识的长期误导,美国从20世纪初到20世纪60年代,在有组织犯罪治理方面一直成效甚微。经过学者Smish等学者积极的呼吁以及总统委员会的认真调研下,70年代黑手党神话破灭,狭义有组织犯罪观念刑事司法支配地位不复存在,美国开启了有组织犯罪治理的新时代;俄罗斯有组织犯罪被当今国际社会公认为为“发达的”,因为当今俄罗斯有组织犯罪从苏联解体后发展、壮大得十分迅速。“乱盛治衰”是俄罗斯有组织犯罪治理的基本经验,为转型国家提供了有益的借鉴。俄罗斯刑法加强了对有组织犯罪的刑法规制的力度,明确了有组织犯罪的加重罪原则并在刑法分则上进行细化;经济全球化的形成使各国之间的联系日益密切,也为跨国有组织犯罪提供了良好的契机,鉴于此,在国际社会的努力下,2000年联合国通过了《打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》,《公约》吸取美国以及其他国家有组织犯罪治理的经验和教训,对有组织犯罪概念和基本制度达成的基本共识;《公约》根本目的在于:一是消除各国在刑事立法和司法制度方面存在的差距,这些差距曾对各国间的司法协助活动造成障碍,二是为各加入国的国内立法树立标准,以便这些国家能够更为准确、更为有效地打击有组织犯罪。第二章,我国港澳台地区有组织犯罪概念及刑事规制。我国港澳台地区有组织犯罪治理卓有成效,但是三个地区由于历史、文化以及法律制度的差异,有组织犯罪概念极不统一、各有千秋,但是这种差异却为我们提供多元的分析视角,具有重要的研究和借鉴价值。香港有组织犯罪包括三合会组织犯罪和普通有组织犯罪,《社团条例》和《有组织及严重罪行条例》是香港反有组织犯罪两部重要法律。香港刑法并没有使用黑社会犯罪的概念,只规定传统三合会犯罪和一般有组织犯罪。前者是主要由香港《社团条例》规定,后者由《有组织及严重罪行条例》规定。在有组织犯罪现象这一问题上,由于历史的原因,香港法律中存在三合会和有组织罪行这两个意义不完全相同但又紧密相关的法律概念。香港有组织犯罪的法律定义是概括式和列举式相结合的定义。近年来,随着香港社会、政治、经济的快速变迁,香港有组织犯罪的犯罪状况也发生了深刻变化。由于香港执法当局注重对传统三合会等犯罪组织的打击,传统犯罪组织的犯罪比较优势不复存在,生存空间越来越小,所以,以三合会为背景的犯罪活动逐渐减少,而临时成立、结构松散的犯罪组织在香港有组织犯罪的组织类型中占据着越来越大的比重。澳门惩治有组织犯罪的法律规范体系主要由《有组织犯罪法》、《澳门刑法典》、《澳门刑事诉讼法典》及其他单行刑事法律构成。其中《有组织犯罪法》是澳门目前惩治有组织犯罪的核心法律。对于有组织犯罪概念,澳门地区对有组织犯罪的定义也是概括式和列举式相结合的定义。根据澳门《有组织犯罪法》,有组织犯罪概念和黑社会概念等同使用,这一点是澳门有组织犯罪法律文化的一大特色。实质上,澳门黑社会实质是广义有组织犯罪概念,而非狭义的暴力性有组织犯罪概念。澳门所谓的“黑社会罪行”,对我国大陆来讲,其实并不“黑”、甚至说并不严重,只是一般比较严重的犯罪而以。台湾地区刑法对于有组织犯罪的规定采用了刑法典与单行反有组织犯罪法规相结合的形式,主要包括了《刑法》、《检肃流氓条例》和《组织犯罪防制条例》,除上述法律外,台湾地区的《洗钱反制法》、《枪炮弹药刀械管制条例》、《证人保护法》也被认为是台湾地区反有组织犯罪的重要法律。在台湾,有组织犯罪概念使用极为混杂。有组织犯罪法定概念为“组织犯罪”,与之相关的概念还有黑道、黑社会、不良帮派组合。组织犯罪和不良帮派组合是《组织犯罪防制条例》和《检肃流氓条例》分别规定的概念,是正式法定概念。根据法律规定,台湾有组织犯罪是犯罪组织实施的犯罪,所以,犯罪组织是界定概念的前提。第三章,我国有组织犯罪发展及其刑事治理的历史回顾。从我国有组织犯罪发展历程来看,建国以来,我国有组织犯罪发展大致经历:黑社会犯罪销声匿迹时期(50年代-70年代末)、有组织犯罪多元化形成时期(80年代初一90年代末)、黑社会性质组织衰落和非暴力有组织犯罪兴起时期(2000年至2012年)三个阶段。但从与此对应的刑事治理来看,这一期间,我国有组织犯罪的刑事治理实质上以狭义有组织犯罪概念——黑社会性质有组织犯罪为语境下展开的,因而理论上本文将有组织犯罪刑事治理划分为与有组织犯罪发展阶段相对应的三个时代,即“前打黑时代”、“打黑时代”和当下的“后打黑时代”。第四章,我国有组织犯罪刑事治理之检讨。概念是一种观念的体现。有组织犯罪概念是有组织犯罪治理的逻辑起点,不同的有组织犯罪概念意味着不同的有组织犯罪治理路线。如果概念错误,那么有组织犯罪治理的大前提、治理方向、刑事政策、刑事政策等都会发生错误。所以,本文把有组织犯罪概念作为检讨之首;刑事政策是对犯罪采取的各种刑事措施和对策的总和。有组织犯罪刑事治理应在刑事政策的指导下进行,但是,我国有组织犯罪刑事政策指导功能弱化甚至存在误区,具体表现在:基本刑事政策与具体刑事政策关系误读,执法刑事政策、非暴力有组织犯罪刑事政策中缺位,刑事政策对黑社会性质组织的异变的规制存在盲区;有组织犯罪是一种严重的犯罪形式,所以,严打是有组织犯罪治理的应有之义。从有组织犯罪治理的角度来看,严打在狭义有组织犯罪观念的引领下,锋芒一直偏向暴力有组织犯罪犯罪一端,呈现方向性错误;立法是有组织犯罪刑事治理的重要环节。现实中,纵然有先进的治理理念,而没有与时俱进的立法和法制制度作支撑,那么,有组织犯罪治理虽有效率之名而无法治之实。从立法资源供给与需求之间的关系来看,我国有组织犯罪立法急需解决以下问题:一是立法资源不能满足有组织犯罪整体评价的需求;二是有组织犯罪立法重实体、轻程序的倾向;三是宽严相济的刑事政策精神贯彻不彻底;四是刑罚机制重对行为人制裁轻组织利益剥夺等问题。第五章,我国有组织犯罪刑事治理之对策。关于我国有组织犯罪治理对策,本文采取问题主义路径,对症下药,紧紧围绕有组织犯罪治理的司法实践中检讨出的问题为中心,立足本土、放眼世界,提出有针对性的刑事治理之对策。对策的基本思路是实现“一元化”治理向“多元化”治理转变,对策的主要任务是迅速遏制当下迅猛发展的非暴力有组织犯罪。对策的基本思路:一是合理界定有组织犯罪概念及其本质;二是准确认识我国有组织犯罪发展本土特征及其演进规律;三是合理划分我国现实有组织犯罪类型;四是严密法网、科学立法、构建有组织犯罪罪名二元结构模式;五是依法、科学严打;六进一步加强黑社会性质组织犯罪的规范理解。

【Abstract】 Organized crime is the current challenges facing the international community, but also endanger Chinese social order of the increasingly serious problem. In order to effectively punish organized crime, the Criminal Code amended and adopted in1997to provide that the organization, leading or participating in organized crimes, Criminal governance of Organized Crime in China officially opened the prelude. From our historical process of organized crime in terms of governance, the governance essentially of organized crime in the narrow concept of organized crime-"mafia-style syndicates"(criminal groups with mafia characteristics)expanded context, and thus can theoretically be divided into Organized Crime Control three phases:"Times before hitting mafia-style syndicates、The Times of hitting mafia-style syndicates and Times after hitting mafia-style syndicates". However, comparison of extraterritorial criminal organized crime management experience and review of Organized Crime in governance process, we find that:Neither the concept of Chinese Organized Crime response the spirit of harmon of the U.N. Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, nor has effectively reflect the local characteristics of Chinese organized crime. In the guidance of uneven criminal policy and the "unreasonable organized crime legislation", Governance of Organized Crime in Criminal paranoid and Eventually led to the judicial practice the embarrassing outcome of "Hitting mafia-style syndicates surplus and the remaining deficiencies ", And indirectly led to the consequences of rapid development of violent organized crime. In view of this, this paper based on the reference and local review of extraterritorial, from the perspectiv of the criminal law、criminology and criminal policy, By means of the historical analysis, comparative research and withing problem-centered, proposes basic countermeasures to improve governance efficiency of Organized Crime. Full except the Introduction illocutionary divided into five chapters, about15million words.The first chapter:The View of Urisdictions outside the control of organized crime concept. The international community level, with a focus on Italy, the U.S., Russia and the U.N. Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime. Italy is the birthplace of the Mafia, has a rich and deep organized crime governance experience and lessons, especially its criminal organized crime dualistic governance model, placing emphasis on the traditional Mafia-type organized crime crackdown outside and without neglecting the new non-violent fight against organized crime, which is particularly worthy of our reference. The United States is the birthplace of the concept of organized crime, mafia mode of understanding due to the long-term misleading, The American from the20th century to the1960s, in the governance of organized crime has been little success. After scholars Smish other scholars active call and careful research under the Presidential Commission1970s, mafia shattered, the narrow concept of organized crime domination no longer exist, the United States opened a new era of governance organized crime; Russian organized crime is recognized as the "developed" in the international community today,because growth of today’s Russian organized crime from the post-Soviet was very rapid."Thriving on the decline and decay in the governance" is the Russian organized crime basic experience providing a useful reference for countries in transition. Formation of economic globalization to make closer links between countries, but also for transnational organized crime provides a good opportunity to view of this.In the international community’s efforts, in2000the United Nations adopted the "Convention against Transnational Organized Crime","Convention" lessons the United States and other countries organized crime governance experience and reached a basic consensus to the concept of organized crime and the basic system."Convention" fundamental purpose:First, eliminate the gaps of the national legislative and judicial systems in criminal, which these gaps had handicaped judicial assistance activities between countries, the second is for the domestic legislation of each accession countries to set the standard and more accurately and more effectively combating organized crime.Governance of organized crime in the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions is effective, but three areas due to historical, cultural as well as differences in legal systems, the concept of organized crime is not very uniform, is different, but this difference did provide us with multivariate analysis perspective, an important study and learning. Hong Kong organized crime, including organized crime and triad ordinary organized crime,"the Societies Ordinance" and "Organized and Serious Crimes Ordinance"is the two important law of Hong Kong law against organized crime. In recent years, as Hong Kong’s social, political, rapid economic changes, Hong Kong’s organized crime crime situation has undergone profound changes. As Hong Kong law enforcement authorities such as focusing on the traditional triad of combating organized crime, traditional organized crime offenses comparative advantage no longer exist, getting smaller and smaller living space. So, in order to triad background of criminal activity gradually decreased, and the temporary establishment of loosely structured criminal organizations in Hong Kong organized crime type of organization to occupy an increasingly large proportion. Macau punish organized crime system of legal norms primarily are make up of the "Organized Crime Law","Macao Penal Code","Macao Criminal Procedure Code" and other single criminal composition. The "Organized Crime Law" is now punishing organized crime in Macau core legal. For the concept of organized crime, Macao definition of organized crime is also a generalization enumerated type and combination of definition. According to Macau "Organized Crime Act",the concept of organized crime and triad concept is equivalent to use, and this is the major culture feature of Macau legal of organized crime. Macau-called "dark society ", on the Chinese mainland in terms of, is not "dark", and even that is not serious, but generally more serious crimes. Taiwan, the provisions of Criminal Code for Organized Crime Criminal Code adopted anti-organized crime legislation with single combined form, including the "Criminal Code","check Gansu rogue Regulations" and "Organized Crime Prevention Act". Legal concept of organized crime as "organized crime", and Including its associated concepts:"underworld","bad gang combinations". Organized crime and gangs bad combination,"Organized Crime Control Act" and the "Inspection Gansu rogue Regulations" provisions of the concept, respectively, is a formal legal concept. By law, the Taiwan organized crime is a criminal organization offenses, therefore, is to define the concept of criminal organization prerequisite.Chapter Ⅱ. Governance of organized crime simple historical review. From the course of the development of organized crime, since the founding of our country has gone through the development of organized crime:mafia-style syndicates disappeared period (late1950s-70s), organized crime diversified formation period (late90s early80s), mafia-style syndicates decline and the rise of non-violent period (2000-2012) three stages. But criminal governance perspective, governance essentially of Organized Crime in order to narrow the concept of organized crime for the expanded context, and thus theoretically organized crime can be divided into three stages of governance, that is,"before-hitting mafia-style syndicates era","hiting mafia-style syndicates era" and the current "post-hitting mafia-style syndicates era".Chapter Ⅲ. Chinese organized crime governance review. Concept is a manifestation of the concept. Organized Crime Organized Crime Control concept is the logical starting point, a different concept of organized crime, means different route of the governance. If the concept of error, then the premise of organized crime, governance, governance orientation, criminal policy, criminal policy, will occur an error. Therefore, this paper, the concept of organized crime as a review of the first; Criminal policy is to take a variety of measures and countermeasures combined to criminal offense. Criminal governance should be carried out under the guidance of criminal policy, but policy guidance of Organized Crime in Criminal function weaken or even the existence of errors; Specific features:basic criminal policy is be in conflict with the specific criminal policy and law enforcement criminal policy, non-violent criminal policy is be in the absence of criminal policy; Organized crime is a serious form of crime, therefore, organized crime crackdown is the proper meaning of governance. From the point of view of governance, organized crime crackdown in narrow concept under the guidance of cutting edge has been biased to one end of violent crime organized crime, showing the wrong direction; The criminal legislation is an important part of governance. In reality, even with advanced management concepts, without advancing legislative and regulatory system for support, then the efficiency of organized crime in the name of governance, although no real rule of law. Resources from the legislative relationship between supply and demand, China’s organized crime legislation needed to solve the following questions:First, legislative resources can not meet the overall needs of organized crime; Second, the legislation, of organized crime legislation has a tendency of lighting program; Third, the criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency implement the spirit of not complete; forth, penalty mechanism is heavy sanctions against perpetrators organizational interests with lighting deprivation and other issues.Chapter IV. Governance of Organized Crime in Criminal Measures. About Countermeasures of Organized Crime, adopted this doctrine path which prescribing a treatment focus on organized crime.Based on the local and world, propose targeted criminal governance countermeasures. The measures of the basic idea is to achieve "unification" of the treatment to the "diversification" governance changes, the main task is to quickly measures to curb the rapid development of non-violent moment of organized crime.Measures base path:First,Making easonable definition of the concept and nature of organized crimes; Second,Having an accurate understanding of Organized Crime in developing the local characteristics and the law of evolution; Third, Having a rational division of reality organized crime type; Fort,Formulating rigorous french and scientific legislation, building dual structure of organized crime accusation; Fifth, Launching law crackdown on the track of the rule of law through on scientific means.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期