

An Integrated Innovation Model for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises from An International Perspective

【作者】 卢志森(Andrew Lo)

【导师】 周南;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 市场营销管理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 中小型企业的创业模式一直是理论界和实践界关注的焦点。其中自主创新是企业特别是中小企业发展的驱动力。现有关于自主创新模式的研究主要集中于利用内部研发和依托于强大的品牌资产两点。在我国占有重要经济地位的中小企业,如果照搬以上的创新模式进行创业存在一定的问题。那么中小企业如何根据自身的特点制定一套合适的创业模式?中小企业能否整合各方的资源?成为本研究的重点。本文采用案例研究方法来探究中小型企业的整合型创新创业模式,研究对象为中小企业整合型创新创业过程,将研究范围定位在广播电视设备制造业。在具体样本企业选择上,本研究选取了CG公司、AT公司、LH公司三家企业,其中通过分析CG公司创业的过程,构建模型,通过AT和LH公司创业的案例验证模型验证模型。本文通过对小型广电设备制造商CG公司的创业历程进行案例分析,剖析了该公司社会资源整合下的“产学研结合的自主创新+品牌国际化”的创业模式,构建出国际化视角下的“自主创新+品牌国际化”与社会资源整合相结合的整合型创新创业模型。即通过社会资源来整合技术层面的自主创新资源和市场层面的品牌国际化资源,以品牌国际化开发国际市场,以产学研结合的自主创新方式实现企业的技术创新,从而实现自身的健康快速发展,构建了整合型创新创业模型。以AT公司和LH公司案例对模型做出验证,揭示了将社会资源整合与自主创新和品牌国际化结合在技术创新过程中的重要性,分析了社会资源与自主创新和品牌国际化之间的交互作用,即分析产学研结合方式的社会资源整合和国际化资源整合方式在实际企业创业实践中的应用,也分别从技术和市场的角度验证了整合型中小企业创新创业模型四种分类中的技术整合型创新创业和市场整合型创新创业。本研究认为在科技型中小企业创业过程中,社会资源整合的作用影响巨大,而技术创新能力与市场开发能力,也是促进创业成功的关键要素。研究结论对发展中国家中小企业创业具有积极的借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 Innovation model of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has been focused by theory and practice scholar for a long time. Independent innovation is the driving force for the development of enterprises, especially for SMEs. The exised research concentrates mainly on two points:relying on internal R&D or related to valuable brand equity. But how to build a business model according to the characteristics of SMEs and how to integrate useful resources for the SMEs? The questions fell into the focus of this study.This study explores integrated innovation model for SMEs by case study approach, takes the entrepreneurial journey of SMEs as the examing objective, and circles the radio and television equipment manufacturing industry as the research scope. The study electes three companies in the broadcast industry-CG, AT and LH as the sample companies, and builds the integrated innovation model by analyzing the entrepreneurial process of company CG and validates the model by company AT and company LH.This research studies a small radio and television broadcasting equipment manufacturer called CG’s entrepreneurial journey, analyzes the company’s "production-study-research combination independent innovation+brand internationalization" entrepreneurial model, and leads to an integrated innovation model-independent innovation+brand internationalization" for SMEs from an international perspective under social resources integration. CG integrates independent innovation resources of technology level and international resources of marketing level, developing international market by brand internationalization, completing independent innovation by "production-study-research" combination and achieving business rapid development by this integrated innovation model. This model is validated by case studies of another two similar company AT and LH. The paper reveals the importance of social resources integration and analyzes the interaction between social resources and independent innovation and brand internationalization, and validates the technological integrated innovation business model and market integrated innovation business model of the four basic models in integrated innovation business model theory, respectively from the view of technology and market.In conclusion, the study indicates that the role of social resources integration has enormous impacts on SMEs’ entrepreneurial journey and the capability of technological innovation and market development also are the key elements for the success. The research findings can provide something positive for SMEs in developing countries to draw on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期