

On Collation and Annotation of Weili Zhiguan Ji Qianshou(《為吏治官及黔首》)and Shu(《數》)from Qin Bamboo Slips in Yuelu Academy

【作者】 许道胜

【导师】 陈伟;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 历史文献学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文综合运用简牍学、古文字学、文献学、历史学等的基本方法,分别对《岳麓书院藏秦简(壹)》所刊《为吏治官及黔首》,既及《岳麓书院藏秦简(贰)》所刊《数》二篇文献作了校释。通过校释,取得了一些成果,下面加以分述。一、《为吏治官及黔首》探寻了本篇简文内部及其与岳麓秦简其他诸篇之间的关职如关於简书的抄写年代,就是结合《质日》简纪年“卅五年”以及本篇中具有断代意义的用词“黔首”、“馄”、“端”等而作出判断。在简文的解读方面,如指出:(1)59(2176+1501)“水[潦不]通”与60(0854)“[毋]池其(?)所”可能有关,意思是:因大雨、大水导致道路等不通却不加以疏通(结果不好)。(2)61(1528)“门户难开”与62(1529)“昂驯禽(钥)不利”应有关联,很可能两者是因果关系,也可能是并列关系。注意本篇与同类文献睡虎地秦简《为吏之道》、北京人学秦简《从政之经》等的对读,勾稽了其与睡虎地秦简(《秦律十八种》、《效律》、《秦律杂抄》、《法律答问》)、里耶秦简牍、张家山汉简(《二年律令》)等出土文献与相关传世文献的关联,试图从多方面寻求对简文的理解。如:(1)62(1529)“它县毋传”,似与公文传递有关,或可理解为“(察觉伪造的文书後)那个县就不要再传递(给下一个县)了”。睡虎地秦简《法律答问》:“‘发伪书,弗智(知),赀二甲。’今成阳发伪传,弗智(知),即复封传它县,它县亦传其县次,到关而得,今当独咸阳坐么赀,且它县当尽赀?咸阳及它县发弗智(知)者当皆赀。”简文应与此记载有关。(2)79(0925)“[毋]朵不年别”,“朵”疑读作“琛”,似用作粮食等堆积的单位。年别,疑与计量谷物的规定有关。参睡虎地秦简《秦律十八种·仓律》:“程禾、泰口□□□以书言年,别其数,以禀人。”二、《数》根据简上留存的收卷残痕并结合《为吏治官及黔首》、《梦书》等篇篇名书写位置,指出整理本的首简1(0956)实际可能是《数》的末简。在分篇上有较大调整,如:(1)据数书特点与简文内容,剔除了“赀、马甲”类简及217(1657)後一段残简。(2)新增了几枚残片。(3)将“衡制”三简归入“租税”类。(4)将原单列的“营军之术”改归“其他”类。(5)原单列“合分与乘分”,今新增“径分”,改作“合分、径分与乘分”,归入“面积”类。(6)47(0842)、48(0757),原归“租税,,类,改入“衰分”类。(7)141(1853)原入“衰分”类,212(1655)原入“赢不足”类,并改归入残简。补释了一些重要语词。如(1)5(0388)“为之述(术)”,“为”匐I*求取。(2)187(0818)“乘方亭术”,“乘”訓计算。(3)180(0767)“投城之述(衔)”,“投”训致,致訓求取。(4)147(0946)“端贾”即“正价”,疑是“平价”,意为政府平抑的价格。在缀合、编连与简序复原方面,提出了一些意见,如:(1)缀合C060209,C020103,与14(0817+1939)编连。(2)将C410307拼入30(0775)。(3)将110拆分作110(0918)、110(C100102+0882),将111(C140101+1733)拆分作111(C140101)、111(1733),对两组乐(粢)稻简作了缀合、编连与复原。论文对“术”提出了白己的看法,认为术是秦、汉算数书不可或缺的重要组成部分。其作用在於说明算题的土要计算过程,表述类似今大的某些公式或定理,或提示某些算题的解题方法。那些抽象性程度高的术,在一定程度上体现了秦、汉算数书的理论水准。论文分析了“演算细草”类、抽象类和“提示解法”类等3种不同类型的述,指出後一类目前仅见於《数》。论文重新解读了以下算题:(1)对173(1833)“少广”算题作了详细解读。(2)对“营军”算题予以解析。以解读简文“大卒”、“大卒数”、“两”、“和”等关键字为切入点,将“两和”二字连读,使术文自然贯通;将刘一算结果与残存的简文答案对照,两者相合。经复原,“营军”大致是一今军规模的士兵作“两主两翼”编排。(3)与158(0896)合观,且以铁、铜的熔点加以佐证,对159(0983)“锻铜”算题作了解读。认为不应将算题理解为铜的重量与价格的关系问题,而应理解为锻铜的重量与所用炭的重量之间的比例问题。

【Abstract】 This paper collates and annotates Weili Zhiguan Ji Qianshou published in Qin Bamboo Slips in Yuelu Academy(Ⅰ) and Shu in Qin Bamboo Slips in Yuelu Academy(Ⅱ). This thesis mainly takes the literature research method with a combination of means in bamboo slips research, Chinese paleography study, historical research, documentary study and ancient character analysis. Through collation and annotation, lots of achievements have been made as follows.一、Weili Zhiguan Ji QianshouThis collation explores the connection within this piece of Qin bamboo slips and the relevance between the piece itself and the other pieces of Qin bamboo slips. For example, as to the time of Qin bamboo Slips’transcription, the inference is drawn from the consideration of the bamboo slip’s calendar"35years"in Zhi Ri and the words with dating meaning in this paper such as "qianshou"、"zhi"duan". In the aspect of interpretation, for example,(1)59(2176+1501) A Shui liu bu tong (the water is blocked) probably has some connection with60(0854) A Wu chi qi suo(the fields are filled with water and the roads are blocked but with no dredge).(2)61(1528) A men hu nan kai(the door is hard to open)should be related to62(1529) A guan shi bu li(the key is not good to use). Probably some causal relationship or coordinative relation exists between them.The comparative reading between this paper and the same sort of documents such as Wei Li Zhi Dao (Ways of Being Officials)in Shui Hu Di Qin Bamboo Slips, Cong Zheng Zhi Jing (Ways of Being Officers) in Peking University Qin Bamboo Slips should be paid attention to. It describes the relationship between this paper and some unearthed documents such as Shui Hu Di Qin Bamboo Slips(Qin Lv shi ba Zhong、Xiao Lv、Qin Lv Za Chao、Fa Lv Da Wen)、li Ye Qin Bamboo Slips、Er Nian Lv Ling (Second-Year Laws) in Zhang Jia Shan Bamboo Slips of Han Dynasty with the related handed-down documents, trying to interpret and annotate the bamboo slips in all directions.For example,(1)62(1529)"ta xian wu chuan (the other county mustn’t deliver)"seems to be related to the delivery of the official documents. Or maybe it can be understood as "Once we have found out the official document is faked, the county mustn’t deliver it to the next one ". In the Fa Lv Wen Da of Shui Hu Di Qin Bamboo Slips, it says,"After the faked document is opened, but the soldiers don’t find it out, the two guard men should be punished’. Or maybe it can be considered as this——Not knowing the real condition, another county received the faked documents delivered by Xiangyang, after which this county had it delivered to the next county with a new seal. However, one after another, who should be punished? Xiangyang and the next other counties are all supposed to be." The piece of bamboo slips should be connected with these records.(2)79(0925) A Wu duo bu nian bie (every Liangduo should be marked with the year by the government), here "duo" seems to refer to the item used for piling rice. Nian bie(marked with the year) seems to be related to the rules of the measurement of rice. The hints can also be found in the Qin Lv shi ba Zhong. Chang Lv(18kinds of Qin laws.On Rice) in the Shui Hu Di Qin Bamboo Slips, which says cheng he yi shu yan nian, bie qi shu,yi bing ren (the rice should be marked with the year by the official document, counted separately, so it can be given out to people.)二、ShuThe first slip of the collated version1(0956) may be actually the last of Shu from the residual marks in the slips and the writing position of the titles Weili Zhiguan Ji Qianshou and Mengshu.In the division of the chapters, some big adjustments have been made. For example,(1)The related slips of "Cai (the fined money). Ma Jia(a kind of special equipment for protecting the horses)"are deleted according to the characteristics of Shu and its content.(2)Some new residual marks are added.(3)The three slips Heng Zhi(the relationship between the unit of weight)are sorted into "Zu Shui(rent and taxes)".(4) YingJun Zhi Shu (On army and troops)originally listed alone is now sorted to "Qi Ta(others)".(5) He Fen (plus)and Cheng Fen(times), originally listed alone, is changed into the part "He Fen、Jing Fen&Cheng Fen" with the new part Jing Fen(multiple)added. And it now belongs to the sort "Mian Ji (area)".(6)47(0842)、48(0757), originally listed as "Zu Shui(rent and taxes)", now belongs to "Cui Fen(proration)".(7)141(1853),originally listed as Cui Fen, and212(1655),originally listed as Ying Bu Zhu(not win enough), are now in the part of residual marks.The paper gives reasonable interpretations on some important words. For example,(1)5(0388)"wei(do)"in the "wei zhi shu"(the ways of doing something) should be interpreted as "qu"(take);(2)187(0818)"cheng"(multiple) in the "cheng fang ting shu"(method on volume or dimensions) means calculating.(3)180(0767)"tou"in the "tou cheng zhi shu"really means arrive and get.(4)147(0946)"duan gu"should be "zheng jia",or "ping jia", which refers to the state-set fair price.It also gives some suggestions on the combination, connection and the restoration of the slips. For example,(1) C060209and C020103are combined withl4 (0817+1939).(2)C410307is joined with30(0775).(3)110is divided into110(0918) and110(C100102+0882);111(C140101+1733) is split in111(C140101) and111(1733),and it makes a reliable combination, connection and restoration of the two groups of rice slips.The thesis gives perspective on "Shu", holding the belief that mathematics is an indispensable part of the Suan shu Shu (Writings on Reckoning) in Qin and Han Dynasty, with the function of illustrating the procedures, giving formulas or suggesting some problem solving methods. Some abstract "Shu" to some extent reflects the theoretical level in the Suanshu Shu in Qin and Han Dynasty. The paper analyses three different kinds of "Shu":the calculation, the abstract and the prompt, indicating the prompt is only found in Shu.This thesis reinterprets the following computational problems.(1)First, it gives an interpretation to the Shao Guang (getting the width of cuboids)computational problem in detail.(2)Then it works out YingJun Zhi Shu (On army and troops). Taking the accurate interpretation to some key bamboo slips words, such as Da Zu(the soldiers), DaZu Shut (the number of the soldiers), liang(a. unit of weight), He(sum) as the breakthrough point, Liang and He are read together, making the whole part natural and thorough; The result got from the reckoning formulas agrees with that from the writing of the remaining bamboo slips. The recovered troops are approximately a group of soldiers arranged by the form of "two heads and two wings".(3)Finally, it makes an analysis and interpretation to159(0983),by combining and calculating with158(0896), whose conclusion is proved by the melting point of iron and copper. It concludes that what this bamboo slip really tells is not about the relationship between the weight of wrought copper and price but the ratio problem between the weight of wrought copper and the charcoal used.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】K877.5;H028
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】406
  • 攻读期成果