

A Research on the IPO of Chinese Print Media

【作者】 杜民

【导师】 罗以澄;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 新闻学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国已经出现了许多有相当实力的报业集团,一批有条件的报业公司完成了股份制改造,先后上市融资,建立起现代企业制度。报业作为国有企业在文化领域的中坚力量,文化体制改革的过程可以说是近30年国企改革的一个缩影,当改革进入深水区,产权归属成为一个攻坚难点。同时,报业因为其党和政府“喉舌”的职责,比一般国企肩负更重要的社会责任;报社虽然从传统的事业单位转为企业,其经济属性尚未得到充分的认识。上市作为快速融资、实现扩张发展的手段,仍是许多报业公司的首选。然而我们看到的实际情况是,报业上市公司离成为真正有国际竞争力的媒体还有很长的路要走。本文主要运用传媒经济学研究的理论与方法,借助文献研究和个案分析的研究方法,立足于从一线亲历报业改革、亲自操刀报业资本运营的管理者视角,对中国报业企业上市历程及其运营状况进行了全面、系统的梳理和总结,深入破析、揭示了其存在的问题和原因,并探索了其解决之道。以试图回答两个重要的问题:一是影响、制约中国报业企业上市和资本运营的因素有哪些,这将涉及到微观和宏观层面,意识形态和新闻理念,以及经济制度的革新和建立;二是报业上市企业如何克服上述的阻力,实现自身潜力,建立起中国的传媒航母。在此基础上,本文还对中国报业企业上市提出了具体的发展路径与策略。

【Abstract】 Since the Chinese Economic Reform, many strong Chinese newspaper groups have emerged. Many newspaper companies have undergone internal restructuring and undertaken an initial public offering (IPO) and finished fund raising. These companies have established a modern enterprise management system. The newspaper industry has become a central pillar of China’s cultural soft power of the state owned enterprises. The reformation of cultural system has epitomized the reforms of Chinese state owned enterprises during the past30years. However, the issue of property rights has become a central difficulty when the process of reform goes continually deepen. At the same time, since the newspaper industry has a responsibility to serve as the Communist Party and government’s mouthpiece, it takes more important responsibility than other state owned enterprises. Although the newspaper agency has transformed from traditional public served unit to modern enterprise, its economic attributes has not yet been fully recognized. IPO, as a approach of quick fund raising and expansion, is still the first choice of many newspaper companies. However, in reality, these companies have a long way from achieving the goal of becoming globally competitive media companies.This paper mainly utilizes the theory and method of Media Economics, with a review of relevant sources and case studies for analysis. In addition, from the perspective of a manager who has experienced newspaper industry’s reforms and personally implemented its capital operation, by looking back at the history of the IPO process of newspaper companies and analyzing the operating status, this paper has revealed the newspaper companies’problems and causes and tried to explore the solutions. At the same time, the paper will attempt to answer two important questions:1, what are the factors that effected and restricted Chinese newspaper companies going public? This will involve the aspects of micro and macro level, ideology and news concepts, the establishment and innovation of the economic system;2, as a public newspaper company, how to overcome the resistance and achieve its potential, establish a great media group. On this basis, this paper has proposed specific development paths and strategies for Chinese media companies going public.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期