

A Rsearch on the Influence of Mongolian Informal Institution in Administrative Activity

【作者】 乌云高娃

【导师】 徐黎丽;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在行政管理活动中对社会的有序化管理,仅仅靠行政管理正式制度是远远不够的,还需要风俗禁忌、伦理道德、宗教信仰等非正式制度的补充和扩展。这是因为,任何社会的制度都由正式制度和非正式制度组成,而源于人们生产实践活动的非正式制度虽然没有经过正式程序得以形成,但却与正式制度一起调整着人们的各种社会关系,维护着社会秩序。尤其是在民族自治地方,受地理环境、交通、语言、文化传统等因素的制约,行政管理正式制度很难触及社会生活的各个领域。这就需要少数民族风俗禁忌、伦理道德、宗教信仰、宗族意识等非正式制度的补充和扩展。该文通过文献研究方法对蒙古族非正式制度的发展演变的历史进行纵向梳理的基础上,运用制度分析方法、田野调查方法、规范研究方法分析了蒙古族非正式制度对内蒙古自治区行政管理活动所产生的各种消极和积极影响及其运行机制,最后针对蒙古族非正式制度与行政管理正式制度的冲突与不兼容,提出了实现蒙古族非正式制度与行政管理活动兼容的路径及具体的措施。基于以上研究该文得出如下结论:第一,伴随现代国家政权的确立,蒙古族非正式制度逐渐从政治与行政领域退出并回到了它应有位置上,渗透于蒙古族群众社会生活的方方面面,依靠社会舆论和人们内心信念、良知等手段实施,对于调整各种社会关系、为现代社会人提供情感抚慰、社会价值整合、维护社会秩序等方面发挥着行政管理正式制度所难以发挥的重要作用。但同时,在行政管理正式制度“自上而下”地作用于蒙古族社会成员,而广大蒙古族群众仍旧按照其惯性思维“自下而上”地审视行政管理正式制度时,蒙古族非正式制度与行政管理正式制度之间必然产生矛盾冲突,进而不仅阻碍了行政管理活动的顺利展开,而且影响了民族自治地方社会稳定有序发展的进程。第二,只要蒙古族传统畜牧业生存方式这一客观基础存在,蒙古族风俗禁忌、意识形态、宗教信仰等非正式制度就会长期地存在下去,其对行政管理活动所产生的各种积极或消极影响也会相应地长期存在下去,这是我们难以改变的。而无论是积极影响还是消极影响,其影响作用的方式、过程及结果都是无形的,潜移默化的,长久的。第三,蒙古族风俗禁忌、意识形态、伦理道德等非正式制度既是蒙古族传统地方性知识体系,又是蒙古族进行自我管理的内生性制度。如果合理利用这些非正式制度,不仅能够弥补政府职能的不足,实现内蒙古自治区经济社会的和谐有序发展,而且能够实现蒙古族传统非正式制度的传成和发扬,进而能够实现文化传承与制度高效的双重效应。第四,针对内蒙古自治区行政管理活动中法律法规等正式制度与蒙古族非正式制度之间的冲突,一方而,要完善行政管理正式制度,通过转变行政管理理念、完善法律法规、转变政府职能等途径构建具有内蒙古自治区具有地区特色、民族特色的行政管理正式制度,使行政管理正式制度自然而然地溶入蒙古族群众的日常生活和行为中,并以其所体现的价值和要求规范、约束广大蒙古族群众的行为。另一方面,我们要遵循蒙古族非正式制度产生与发展演变的内在规律,对于与行政管理活动耦合的蒙古族非正式制度进行吸收利用,对于与行政管理活动冲突的蒙古族非正式制度进行积极引导,甚至予以废除,从而实现行政管理正式制度与蒙古族非正式制度的兼容,以提高内蒙古自治区行政活动.的效率,达到制度预期的目标。

【Abstract】 As far as administrative activities concerned, it is not enough to only depend on the formal institutions of administration to achieve the orderly management of the society. we also need informal institutions such as custom taboos, ethics, religious beliefs as supplement and expansion. This is because any social institution is composed of formal institutions and informal institutions, and although the informal institutions which originate from people’s life and production activity have not been formulated or recognized by the law procedure, they, along with the formal institutions, contribute to adjusting people’s social relations and maintaining social order. Especially in the national autonomous areas, due to the restrictive factors such as the geographical environment, transportation, language barriers, traditional cultures, etc, formal administrative institutions are difficult to touch each field of social life. This needs the supplement and expansion of informal institutions, such as custom taboos, ethics, religious beliefs, clan’s consciousness of ethnic minority. This paper, first of all, by using literature research methods, elaborates the development and evolution of Mongolian informal institutions from the vertical perspective, and then applying institution analysis methods, field research methods and standardized research methods, it analyzes the negative and positive effects of these informal institutions, and its operating mechanism in the administrative activities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Finally, based on the conflicts between the informal institutions and formal administrative institutions, the present author proposes some routes and specific measures for the compatibility of both sides.Based on the above research this paper comes to the following conclusions:firstly, with the establishment of the modern state power, Mongolian informal institutions gradually exit from the political and administrative field and retreat to its rightful position. These informal institutions permeate every aspect of Mongolian people’s life by way of public opinions and people’s inner conviction, conscience and play an important role where administrative formal institutions are difficult to take an effect on adjusting all kinds of social relations, providing emotional comfort for modern society people, integrating social values, maintaining social order and so on. But at the same time, when administrative formal institutions act on the Mongolian communities from above to below, Mongolian people treat them with their traditional ways of thinking which is from below to above. Thus, the conflicts between the two sets of institutions are unavoidable, which not only hinders the administrative activity from being carried out smoothly, but also affects the process of social stability and orderly development of national autonomous areas. Secondly, As long as animal husbandry, the traditional and objectively basic way of living exists, Mongolian informal institutions such as customs, taboos, ideology, religious beliefs and so on would continue to exist in the long term. Accordingly, its positive or negative impacts on administrative activities will long exist, which is difficult to change. Whether positive or negative, the means, processes and results of the impacts are intangible, subtle and long-lasting. Thirdly, Mongolian informal customs, tattoos, ideology, religious beliefs, etc. not only belong to Mongolian traditional and local knowledge systems, butalso are Mongolianin-born self-management institutions. If used properly, these informal institutions can not only compensate for the inadequacy of government functions, contribute to the harmonious and orderly development of economy and society of Inner Mongolian autonomous region, but also carry forward and further develop Mongolian traditional informal systems, and achieve the double effects of cultural heritage and institutional efficiency. Fourthly, in response to the conflicts between Administrative Formal Institution such as laws and regulations and Mongolian Informal Institutions in administrative activities of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, we should, on one hand, improve Administrative Formal Institutions through changing the concept of administrative management, perfecting laws and regulations, transforming government functions and so on to establish Administrative Formal Institutions of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region with regional characteristics, and ethnic characteristics, integrating them with Mongolian people’s daily life and behaviors, and regulating Mongolian people’s behaviors by its value and requirements. On the other hand, we should follow the inherent law of the generation and evolution of Mongolian Informal Institutions, absorb and utilize those that are harmonious with administrative activities, while guide or even abolish those that conflict with administrative activities. Thus, we can achieve the compatibility of Administrative Formal Institution and the Mongolian Informal Institutions, improve the efficiency of administrative activity of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and achieves its anticipated goal.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期