

Research on Spatial Structure of Tourism Industry of Northwestern Region under Regional Cooperation Perspective

【作者】 南宇

【导师】 杨永春;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 人文地理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 跨区域旅游合作是当今旅游业发展的新趋势之一,可实现区域旅游资源共享、市场协作互补,优化旅游空间结构,尽量避免无序开发、无序竞争、无序管理等突出问题,谋求区域旅游业的可持续发展。西北地区现阶段由于资源的互补性、产品的跨区域性和市场的共享性,有必要进一步加大区域旅游合作,打破地域界限,实现优化配置,加强区域一体化开发,提升和优化区域旅游空间结构,达到资源、市场、产品、信息、人才等多方面的优势互补与分工合作。西北五省区的经济水平、资源禀赋、交通区位、旅游产业政策与发展环境等条件存在一定差异,在空间布局上具有不平衡、异质性与区域性特征,因此其旅游空间结构的形态、功能和效益等具有显著差异。例如,该区域旅游合作缺乏制度化,没有建立起整体的跨区域旅游合作理念,共享型信息平台和多层次合作机制,因而旅游空间结构亟待整合和优化,实现跨区域旅游合作,制定针对性强、行之有效的区域旅游产业调控政策,具有重要的理论和实践意义。实行区域旅游合作,是在承认竞争的前提下,将局部的对立变成更大空间的共存,构建一个和谐统一的整体区域,有利于提高区域整体竞争力,是一个互惠互利、互赢的过程;形成良性互动的竞合机制。竞合模式是区域旅游理想的发展模式,实现区域旅游发展的经济、社会和环境效益最大化。本文对国内外相关研究做了综合述评。阐述了区域旅游合作的基础理论、研究背景、合作趋向、现实意义、列举了实践举措;阐述了跨区域合作的空间结构理论的内涵、机制与模式等;归纳了相关概念以及区域合作的旅游空间结构理论模式,以西北五省区为例,在西北区域旅游现状分析的基础上,由点、轴到网,尝试构建西北区域旅游空间网络和圈层。从理论到实践,从城市旅游竞争力及跨区域旅游线路视角,实践依据包括构建西北区旅游空间网络、拓展西北跨区域旅游线路网络布局、共同推动旅游圈的发展与壮大,即连点成线、交线成网、扩网成面、合网成界;旅游空间网络、圈层结构理论包括城市旅游网络的构建,“点、线、面”空间网络模式的演进机制及模式的实施,西北跨区域旅游网络模式的构建,旅游空间结构的优化整合,构建旅游区与旅游圈。本文运用定性和定量,静态与动态分析相结合等方法,综合运用了西北五省区旅游经济增长贡献率评价分析,五省区旅游产业总体评价分析,五省区旅游客源市场总体评价分析,五省区城市旅游竞争力总体评价分析的研究方法。论文得出了以下几点结论:第一,西北地区旅游产业(企业)发展在空间上呈现出总体不平衡。各省区旅游产业(企业)市场竞争和拓展能力差、处于一种空间上的集中,产业上的离散状态;1999-2011年,本区的各项旅游经济指标总体呈上升趋势,为国民经济增长做出了一定的贡献;旅游业总体不均衡,入境和国内客源市场旅游规模的绝对差异增长迅速,旅游市场规模差异的不均衡、集聚程度越来越显著,且逐年增强,相对差异变化不大,空间分布格局较稳定。第二,采用城市旅游竞争力评价指标体系,划定了西北地区一至四级旅游中心城市,尝试构建一个由西安、兰州、乌鲁木齐等一级旅游中心城市为主导,二级旅游中心城市为支撑,三、四级旅游中心城市为基础,形成结构合理、功能互补的网络化旅游中心城市体系。围绕中心城市体系,构建九大城市旅游经济圈,形成由点及面,多极、多层次的城市旅游圈层结构。第三,西北区旅游景区(点)、客源市场、旅游产业、旅游交通、旅游组织、城市网络等各个子网络共同构成旅游目的地中的互补、协作和竞争的区域大旅游产业体系,实现旅游空间结构的有机整合。拓展西北跨区域旅游线路网络布局,整合旅游线路,突破行政界线,以点带线、带面,连点成线、连线成网;即:围绕中心城市体系和城市梯度旅游圈层建设,通过跨区域、网络化旅游线路设计和整合,立足于“大丝路”,“西北大通道”,构建真正意义上的完整、稳定、紧密的西北跨区域旅游空间网络旅游空间结构层次表现为若干等级层次的旅游合作区域,相互交织,圈层相套。应充分利用区域经济发展的优势和资源,实现区域空间结构和产业结构的优势整合,找到符合自身实际的旅游发展战略和途径。第四,理顺行政体制、以市场为导向,全面加强旅游合作,即构建旅游空间结构优化及实施的策略。主要体现在空间上的整体性,以旅游集散中心为支撑、以旅游区为最基本单元空间结构优化;以旅游线路为纽带的空间结构优化;形成由点及面,层层推进的多极化、多层次的圈层结构。提升旅游企业跨区域合作竞争能力,建立跨省市的旅游企业集团;打造西北区专项旅游产品、精品,打造西北地域、民族特色的旅游商品网,提升西北区旅游品牌竞争力,优化旅游空间结构,构建西北跨区域旅游产品结构网;打破西北区域限制,完善旅游市场运行环境,优化市场结构,构建多层次、开放、竞争有序的西北旅游市场协作网络;完善跨区域合作的支撑体系。包括完善基础设施建设;梯度开发旅游人力资源;实现信息网络一体化。圈层构建九大城市旅游经济圈。西北区旅游空间结构优化应该从“点、线、面”几方面展开,建立合作、互补、均衡、和谐发展的空间关系,实现“城市—区域”与“市场—资源”共轭型的空间结构综合体。逐步构建规模等级完整、职能类型互补、空间结构合理的旅游城市层级体系,采用“点轴推进、纵深辐射、区域联动、网络开发、圈层结构相结合的一区域多极化、多层次、圈层式的旅游联合模式。由“点”到“轴”再到“网”的演进机制,实现西北地区“网络化+多核心+互动”发展态势一体化。

【Abstract】 Regional cooperation in tourism is a trend in modern travel industry. It can realize the tourism resource sharing among different regions, marketing complementary cooperation, and optimize the tourism spatial structure. This way the sustainable development of regional tourism can be achieved and the problems of disorder development, disorder competition and management can also be avoided.The northern region presents great necessity in further regional cooperation due to its resource complementation, the cross-region of the products, the share of market and multi-level of the cities, and to break region barrier, promote and optimize the regional tourism special structure, strengthen the integration development, realize the complementing and cooperating in terms of resources, marketing, products and information. The economical level, resources nature, transportation location, the tourism industry policy and development environment in northwest region are different and present features of imbalance, differentiation, and regionalism, therefore the form, function, and benefit of tourism spatial structure display obvious differentiation. For example, the northwest region is lack of systematical tourism cooperation and the integrated cross-regional tourism cooperation concept, the information-share platform and multi-level cooperation mechanism has not been established, thus it is important and practically meaningful to integrate and optimize the tourism spatial structure, realize cross-regional tourism cooperation, and establish the targeted, effective regional tourism industry policy.Regional tourism cooperation is to change the partial conflicts into co-existence in a larger space, thus a harmony and united integrated region could be formed. This would benefit the whole regional competitive power, therefore the change would be a mutal-beneficial and win-win process; A virtuous and interactive competition and cooperation mechanism would be formed. The competition and cooperation mode is ideal for regional tourism development and is bound to help the maximization of economic, social and environmental effect of regional tourism development.This paper reviewed the research results from both home and abroad. The rationale presents the basic theories concerning regional tourism cooperation, research background, cooperation trend, the practical significance, and practical measures; the connotation, mechanism and mode of spatial structure theory of regional cooperation has also been summarized. Relevant concepts and the mode of spatial structure theory of regional cooperation has been induced. The five north-western provinces are taken as samples to be analyzed. On the basis of analyzing the present conditions of north-western region tourism industry, the paper tries to establish the northwest regional tourism spatial network from point to axis to network both theoretically and practically. From the perspective of urban tourism competitive power and cross-regional tourist routes, the feasibility in practice includes the establishment of north-west tourism spatial network, expanding the tourism routes network, promoting the development of the tourism circle. Points are to be connected into axis, axis to net, net to face and finally nets to scopes; the tourism spatial network, circular structure theory include the establishment of urban tourism network,"point-line-face" spatial network mode evolution mechanism, the mode practice, the establishment of the tourism spatial network, the optimum of tourism spatial structure, and the establishment of tourism area and circle.The qualitative and quantitative methods, the static and dynamic analysis are used in the paper as well the research methods are also used in the paper, such as the evaluating analysis on the north western region tourism economical growth contributing rate, the general evaluating analysis of tourism industry, the general evaluating analysis of tourist market resources and the evaluating analysis of tourism competitive power.The following conclusions have been drawn in the paper:Firstly, the spatial imbalance of the northwest region tourism industry (enterprises) development is presented. The tourism industry (enterprise) is lack of marketing competition and expanding capability, and is not concentrated in space. From1999to2011, the tourism economy index is on the rise generally in the northwest region. The tourism industry development is not in balance; the extreme disparity between the inbound tourism scale and domestic marketing scale increases quickly; the tourism market scale differences and integration become more and more obvious and increases year by year; the relative difference is not obvious and the spatial layout is relatively stable.Secondly, the urban competition grading index is adopted to divide the tourism core cities from first to fourth grade and a net work of tourism core cities which is reasonable in structure and complementary in function is guided by first-grade tourism core cities of Xi’an, Lanzhou, and Urumuqi, supported by second-grade tourism core cities, based on the third and fourth grade cities. The first grade tourism core cities of the northwest region include Xi’an, Lanzhou, Urumqi; the second grade tourism core cities include Baoji, Weinan, Xianyang, Tianshui, Jiuquan(including Dunhuang, Yumen), Aletai, Kashen, Tulufan, Ku’erle, Changji, Kelamayi, Akesu, Hami, Zhongwei, Wuzhong, Haidong, Haixi(including Ge’ermu, Delingha); Centering the core cities, nine-city tourism circle is to be established, thus an urban tourism cirle (level) structure which is formed from spot to face.Thirdly, the tourist areas, source market, tourism industry, tourism transportation, tourism organization and the sub-network of each city form a regional tourism industry system which can complement, cooperate and compete with each other so that an organic integration of tourism special structure could be realized. On this basis, the northwest cross-regional tourism route network layout should be expanded; tourism routes should be reorganized; administrative barrier should be broken; the spots, line, and face should be linked into a tourism network. This network would be the complete, stable and closely-related cross-regional tourism spatial network which centers the core cities and urban gradient tourism circle and is based on the cross-regional network tourism route design and integration, the grand Silk Road and the Northwest Grand Channel.Tourism spatial structure and regional cooperation layers are reflected as tourism cooperation regions with several grades or layers which are connected and involved with each other. The advantages and resources of regional economical development should be used and the advantages integration of regional spatial structure and industry structure could be realized therefore the practical tourism development strategy and methods fitting with the local features would be found.Fourthly, the tourism cooperation which is based on the smooth administrative system and oriented by market should be strengthened. This is also the strategy adopted in establishing the tourism spatial structure. It is mainly reflected in the spatial integrity which is supported by the tourist center, the optimizing of basic unit spatial structure of tourism area, the optimizing of spatial structure connected by tourist routes. This way a multi-polar, multi-level and multi-direction circular level structure from point to axis will come into being. As a result the cross-regional cooperation and competition of tourism enterprises could be promoted; the cross-provincial tourism enterprises group should be established; the cooperation mechanism of the northwest region should be built therefore the enterprise competition could be promoted; the tourism brand could be set up. The special tourism product of the northwest region could be designed. The Quality Northwest and tourism product network with regional and national characteristics can be established to promote the tourism brand competition, optimize the spatial structure, and establish the cross-regional tourism product structure. The northwest tourism market operating environment could be improved; the regional barriers could be broken. Therefore, the market structure could be optimized, the northwest tourism market cooperation network with multi-level could be built and cross-regional cooperation and supporting system. The supporting system includes improving infrastructure, developing tourism human resource, promoting tourism information system and realizing the integration of information network. The concept of circle and layer is to establish an urban tourism economical circle of Xi’an-Xianyang, Guanzhong-Tianshui, Lanzhou-Baiyin, Lanzhou-Xining, Wu-Chang, the circle of Xining, the circle of Ge’ermu, Yinchuan-Wuzhong-Shizuishi, and Xining-Ge’ermu.To optimize the northwest tourism spatial structure should be started from spots to line to face. The spatial structure complex with urban-region and market-resource can be realized. Gradually tourism city gradient system with reasonable structure, complementary functions, and complete grade will be established; the tourism cooperation mode with regional multi-polarization, multi-level, and circular levels will be applied. In this mode spot-axis development, regional cooperation development, network development and circular level will be combined. The developing mechanism from spot to axis to network would realize the development integration of "network+multicore+mutual development" of the northwest region.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期