

Research and Design on Coplanar Waveguide Feed Ultra-Wideband Antennas with Multi-Band-Notched

【作者】 白玉

【导师】 杨晓冬;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 超宽带(Ultra-wideband,UWB)无线通信技术以其高速率、低误码率等优异特性在高速无线通信、雷达跟踪、测距、精确定位制导等领域得到了迅猛的发展,已经成为下一代短距离、高速率商用无线通信系统的研究热点。而天线作为无线通信系统的射频前端,其性能将直接影响通信的品质。因此,对于UWB无线通信系统而言,UWB天线的研究具有极其重要的现实意义和应用价值。为了避免UWB无线通信系统与频段范围内的其他窄带系统信号(如5.15GHz-5.825GHz的无线局域网(WLAN)、3.3GHz-3.8GHz的全球微波互联接入系统(WiMAX)等)产生相互干扰,需要使UWB天线在这些潜在的干扰频段内产生阻断,即具有陷波特性。目前,比较常见的产生陷波特性的方法有嵌入槽孔、加载结构、嵌入枝节等,但是这些方法大多只能在相对狭窄的范围内产生陷波特性,很难实现对种类繁多的潜在干扰信号的抑制,进而难以满足现代UWB通信的要求。针对UWB无线通信技术研究工作中这一迫切要求,本论文对具有多个陷波特性的简单紧凑的小型UWB天线开展了以下研究工作:1.根据UWB无线通信系统对天线的设计参数要求,论文开展了UWB天线的研究设计工作。首先,系统地分析了共面波导馈电的结构与工作机理,得到了共面波导结构的设计公式,在此基础上设计了一种宽带的共面波导馈电微带天线,同时验证了基于共面波导馈电设计宽带天线的有效性。然后,使用共面波导馈电结构,提出了一种共面波导馈电的叉形UWB天线设计方法,利用此方法设计出的天线具有较宽的相对带宽、稳定的增益和较好的全向辐射特性。2.针对UWB频段内潜在干扰覆盖范围较宽的问题,论文开展了具有较宽陷波可调范围的单陷波UWB天线的研究设计工作。首先,使用微带线网络分析理论对嵌入槽孔结构、嵌入缺陷地结构及嵌入枝节结构进行研究,在得出各自谐振条件并解释实现陷波原理的基础上,分别对其加以改进。然后,将改进后的结构分别集成到设计出的共面波导馈电的叉形UWB天线中,得到了一系列具有较宽陷波可调范围的单陷波UWB天线。同时,提出了在整个UWB频段内实现陷波功能的单陷波微带UWB天线的具体设计方法。3.针对UWB频段内多种潜在干扰的问题,论文在上述研究基础上分别开展了具有宽阻带陷波、双陷波、多陷波特性的UWB的研究设计工作。首先,使用缺陷地和L形槽孔的复合结构来完成陷波频段扩展的UWB天线的研究设计,证实了两个技术的复合可以有效地拓宽陷波阻带带宽。然后,分别使用哑铃形缺陷地和十字形枝节谐振结构、三阶开路枝节结构和哑铃形缺陷地结构完成了双陷波及三陷波UWB天线的设计,同时对多陷波生成技术的有效性和可行性进行了验证。这两种天线均具有良好的陷波特性,各个陷波频率的调节相对独立且具有一定的可调范围,可以很好地抑制WLAN、WiMAX、RFID及C/X波段信号的潜在干扰。

【Abstract】 Ultra wideband (UWB) wireless communication technology has attracted considerableattention in the field of short-distance wireless communication systems for next generationsdue to its high transmission speed and low bit error rate (BER), which has been extensivelyutilized and further developed in many significant domains, such as high-speedcommunication, radar tracking, distance measuring, and precision positioning and guiding.On the other hand, antenna has a decisive role in the wireless communication systems; itsproperty influences directly the performance of the whole wireless communication systems.Therefore, research on UWB antennas is definitely of great realistic significance and value ofapplication.In order to effectively mitigate the undesirable interferences generated from othernarrow-band systems within the range of the bandwidth of UWB wireless communicationsystems (like wireless local area networks (WLAN)(5.15-5.825GHz) and WorldwideInteroperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX)(3.3-3.8GHz)), UWB antennas shouldentail band-notch property. Recently, some of the most popular ways involved in band-notchgeneration include embedding slot structure, load structure, and embedding stub structure, etc.,which, however, are seriously restricted to realizing the performance within only a relativelynarrow band-range, and consequently cannot satisfy the requirement of UWB wirelesscommunication systems.In allusion to the problems mentioned above, this thesis conducts profound researchabout simple and compact small-sized UWB antenna with multiple band-notch property. Themain contributions are as follows:1. This thesis puts the highlight on the development and designing of the UWB antennasconforming to series of parameter measurements. Firstly, the structure and workingmechanism of Coplanar Waveguide fed (CPW-fed) system are systematically analyzed, andon the basis of giving the relevant formulas for designing CPW-fed structures, this thesispresents a new type of wideband CPW-fed micro-strip antenna, and verify the feasibility ofthe idea to design a wideband antenna using CPW-fed theory. Then, based on theparameter-designing index, it proposes a designing method for CPW-fed fork-shaped UWB antenna, which can provide wide relative bandwidth, robust gain and excellentomni-directional radiation property.2. In allusion to the problem of a wide coverage of interfering signal on the spectrum ofUWB signals, this thesis presents a designing method, which enables UWB antennas withsingle band-notch property to operate among the full band-range. To begin with, by the use ofmicro-strip network analysis theory, this thesis conducts deep research into three differentband-notch structures, i.e. embedding slot structure, embedding defected ground structure,and embedding stub structure. Then, it presents a novel UWB antenna based on resonanceconditions of those three structures respectively, and gives out a specific designing method onsingle band-notch microtrip UWB antennas, which can support the whole-range singleband-notch on the spectrum of UWB signals.3. This thesis explores the means of designing UWB antennas with dual band-notch andmulti band-notch properties respectively to the question of various underlying interference inUWB frequency range. Firstly, the research begins with designing of UWB antennas, which iscarried out by combing the defected ground structure and L-shaped slot structure with spreadband-notch property. Results show the combination can spread band-notch of UWB antennas.Secondly, the thesis proposes two methods to design the UWB antennas with dual band-notchand triple band-notch property respectively. One is combining the dumbbell-shaped defectedground structure and cross-shaped stub resonance structure, and the other is combing the thirdorder open circuit structure and the dumbbell-shaped defected ground structure. Theeffectiveness and feasibility of the multi band-notch generation technology also have beenverified in this paper. The results show that these antennas possess improved band-notchproperty with each notched bandwidth relatively independent and more flexible-adjusted, andadvanced capabilities of mitigating the interference from WLAN, WiMAX, RFID and C/Xwave-band systems.
