

Research on Quantification and Management Countermeasures of Workplace Emergency Capability of Enterprises

【作者】 杜泽文

【导师】 史丽萍;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 安全生产应急能力是企业应急管理的综合体现,在生产事故应急救援活动中起着关键性作用,已经成为企业关注的焦点。一方面,企业预期有较高的安全生产应急能力,有效应对安全生产突发事故,减少事故造成的损失;另一方面,应急管理并非企业的基本运作系统,其具有辅助运营性质,企业无法过多投入应急资源。在有限的资源约束下,企业面临将应急资源“物尽其用”,最大限度地提高应急管理效率的压力。为解决这一矛盾,企业需要建设与应急需求相匹配的安全生产应急能力。然而,传统的安全生产应急能力管理方式具有一定的主观色彩,以定性方式描述安全生产应急能力,难以准确量化其满足需求的程度。迫切需要转变安全生产应急能力管理方式,实现这种转变的关键是合理量化安全生产应急能力。基于此,本文对企业安全生产应急能力量化及其管理对策展开研究,主要包括以下内容:建立了安全生产应急能力量化管理框架。以安全生产应急能力作为研究对象,界定了安全生产应急能力及其量化管理的内涵,将安全生产应急能力划分为“综合的应急能力”和“人的应急能力”两个研究层面;从供需匹配、全过程动态性和方法的精细化等视角对安全生产应急能力量化管理的特征进行了分析。在此基础上,建立了安全生产应急能力量化管理的总体框架,为论文研究奠定了理论基础。确定了安全生产应急能力需求结构。在分析安全生产应急能力需求概念和特点的基础上,界定了安全生产应急能力需求结构的内涵。从文件梳理、文献统计、案例研讨以及问卷调查等途径,获取安全生产应急能力需求信息。采用KJ法对原始安全生产应急能力需求进行整理归类,以及运用粗糙层次分析法对安全生产应急能力需求重要度进行测度。在此基础上,给出了安全生产应急能力需求的构成。确定了安全生产应急能力供给结构。在分析安全生产应急能力供给概念和特性的基础上,界定了安全生产应急能力供给结构的内涵。从国外典型国家安全生产应急能力理论、管理实践及我国安全生产应急能力建设的实践情况,提炼出安全生产应急能力供给的基本构成,以及集成DEMATEL和ISM方法分析安全生产应急能力供给构成。在此基础上,给出了安全生产应急能力供给的构成。构建了安全生产应急能力供需结构转换模型。针对“综合的应急能力”,运用结构转换工具——质量功能展开(QFD)对其进行量化。鉴于安全生产应急能力供给特性与产品质量特性的差异,改进了QFD模型的需求矩阵、需求权重矩阵及竞争性评估矩阵等。在确定QFD模型参数和系列矩阵基础上,构建了基于QFD的安全生产应急能力供需结构转换模型,为企业提供了安全生产应急能力的量化方法。基于认知实验量化安全生产应急人员能力。针对安全生产应急能力中“人的应急能力”,采用认知实验手段对其进行量化。安全生产应急人员能力量化结果主要以能力分类区间的形式表示,将安全生产应急人员能力划分为高、中等、低应急能力。在此基础上,将认知实验的结果转化成安全生产应急人员能力测度量表形式,为企业提供了安全生产应急人员能力的量化工具。制定了安全生产应急能力量化管理的对策。针对安全生产应急能力管理方式从非量化向量化管理转变的障碍,从管理思想、管理机制和管理方法等视角,分析了安全生产应急能力量化管理实现的难点。为解决上述难点,在管理思想方面,提出了树立供需匹配管理的理念和培养应急人员精细意识的核心措施;在管理机制方面,提出了绩效评估机制和动态改进机制的核心措施;在管理方法方面,提出了安全生产应急能力培育、保持和提升精细化方法的核心措施。在此基础上,给出了安全生产应急能力量化管理实现的基础保障措施。

【Abstract】 Workplace emergency capability which is considered to be comprehensive reflection ofenterprise emergency management plays a key role in emergency rescue activities ofworkplace accidents and becomes the focus of attention of enterprises. On one hand,enterprises expect high workplace emergency capability to respond effectively to unexpectedaccidents of workplace, and reduce loss caused by accidents. On the other hand, emergencymanagement is the auxiliary part, which does not belong to the basic operation system ofenterprises; therefore enterprises should not invest too much on emergency resources. Due tolimited resource, enterprises are facing pressure on how to make the best use of emergencyresources and maximize emergency management effectiveness. In order to solve this problem,enterprises should match workplace emergency capability and emergency demand. However,traditional management styles of workplace emergency capability are subjective. Enterprisesfind it difficult to accurately determine the extent of qualitative workplace emergencycapability to meet the demand. It is urgent to change management style of workplaceemergency capability. The key point of this transition is to reasonably quantify workplaceemergency capability. Therefore, this thesis researches on quantification and managementcountermeasures of workplace emergency capability of enterprises. The main contents includesix parts presented in different papers as follows.This paper establishes quantitative management framework of workplace emergencycapability. Workplace emergency capability is considered to be the object of study. The paperdefines the meaning of workplace emergency capability and its quantitative management.Workplace emergency capability is divided into integrated emergency capability andemergency personnel capability. The paper analyzes characteristics of workplace emergencycapability quantitative management based on perspective of matching supply and demand,dynamics of the whole process and refinement of method. Besides this, quantitativemanagement framework of workplace emergency capability is established in order to providetheoretical basis for the thesis.This paper researches on workplace emergency capability demand structure. Based onanalysis of the meaning and characteristics of workplace emergency capability demand, the paper defines the meaning of workplace emergency capability demand structure. The papercollects workplace emergency capability demand from documents, literature, case studies andquestionnaires. Original demand is sorted by KJ (KAWAJI) method. Hierarchical structure ofworkplace emergency capability demand is described and established; and then weight ofworkplace emergency capability demand is measured by rough analytical hierarchy process.Furthermore workplace emergency capability demand structure is given.This paper researches on workplace emergency capability supply structure. Based onanalysis of the meaning and characteristics of workplace emergency capability supply, thepaper defines the meaning of workplace emergency capability supply structure. According toworkplace emergency capability theory and management practice in and outside of China, thepaper screens out basic structure of workplace emergency capability supply and researches onhierarchical structure of workplace emergency capability supply based on DEMATEL&ISM(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory&Interpretation Structural Model). Also,workplace emergency capability supply structure is given.This paper establishes a structural model associated with workplace emergencycapability supply and demand. Integrated emergency capability is quantified based on QFD(Quality Function Deployment). In view of differences between workplace emergencycapability supply characteristics and product quality characteristics, the paper improvesdemand matrix, demand weight matrix and competitive assessment matrix of QFD model.After determining parameters and matrices of QFD model, a structural model associated withworkplace emergency capability supply and demand based on QFD is established. Aquantitative tool of workplace integrated emergency capability for enterprises is provided.This paper researches on emergency personnel capability and quantifies it based oncognitive experiments. Quantitative results of emergency personnel capability experimentsare described by classification interval form. Emergency personnel capability is divided intohigh, middle and low. Furthermore the paper converts experimental results into behavior scale,and provides a valid measurement tool for emergency personnel capability for enterprises.This paper researches on countermeasures of workplace emergency capabilityquantitative management. Considering the obstacles of transition from non-quantitative toquantitative management of workplace emergency capability, the paper analyzesimplementation difficulties of workplace emergency capability quantitative management based on perspective of management thinking, mechanism and methods. In order to solvethese difficulties, core measures are given. In management thinking, enterprises shouldestablish the concept of matching supply and demand management, and develop goodawareness of emergency personnel. In management mechanism, enterprises should establishperformance evaluation mechanism and dynamic improvement mechanism of workplaceemergency capability quantitative management. In management methods, methods ofcultivation, maintenance and promotion of workplace emergency capability are given. Inaddition, basic safeguards measures of workplace emergency capability quantitativemanagement are given.
