

Research on DC Bus Stability Control of Marine Electric Propulsion System and LVRT Technology

【作者】 吕世家

【导师】 罗耀华;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 自上个世纪八十年代以来,随着电力电子技术的发展,电机控制技术的提高及计算机的广泛应用,美英等发达国家对于船舶全电力推进系统的研究取得突破并应用于许多种类的船舶,采用全电力推进的舰船对总体设计及动力系统的优化和简化,有利于节约能源,提高舰船隐蔽性,同时可为未来舰载高能武器提供动力保障,是未来舰船动力系统的发展方向。目前国内外对此的研究取得了长足进展,其中,美国海军提出的采用直流分区配电的电力网络拓扑结构有着许多优点,本文针对船舶电力推进系统中的以下几个问题进行了研究:首先,建立了一个包括交流源-二极管整流器-直流母线-直流母线滤波器-推进变频器-推进电机-螺旋桨在内的船舶电力推进系统仿真模型,考虑了船舶操纵运动与推进系统间的相互影响,及波浪通过影响螺旋桨性能对推进系统造成的影响。本仿真模型可以用作研究船舶全电力推进系统的平台。在此基础上研究了一种功率-转速联合控制方法,以抑制船舶在波浪中航行时推进电机的功率波动。其次,对直流区域配电系统中的直流母线稳定性进行了研究,介绍了几种基于阻抗分析的对于电力电子级联系统的稳定性分析方法,推导了直流母线-滤波器-推进变频器-推进电机系统的输入阻抗及输出阻抗,分析了直流母线滤波器参数对直流母线输出阻抗的影响,研究了另外一种可用于分析直流母线稳定性的方法,这种方法与阻抗分析法相比更加简单直观,在此基础上推导出一种有源阻尼控制方法,能够在不增加损耗的情况下增加直流母线阻尼,在直流母线滤波电容不满足系统稳定性要求时仍能保证直流母线稳定,提高了直流母线的稳定性。最后,对提高推进电机低电压穿越能力的方法进行了研究,分析了引起船舶电力推进系统电压跌落的几种原因,确定应用弱磁控制可以使推进电机在电压跌落期间保持运转,介绍了在不同区域下弱磁控制的目标,分析了目前已有的一种基于定子电压控制的弱磁控制方法,考虑了非理想转子磁场定向下对于定子q轴电流最大值的选择的影响,提出了一种优于传统的基于定子电压控制的基于SVPWM矢量调节的弱磁控制方法。结果表明,这种方法针对直流母线的电压跌落具有很强的适应性且能更充分利用直流母线及推进电机剩余输送能力,并将这种方法应用于船舶在波浪中航行时的电机控制算法中。接下来应用电机阻抗分析方法分析了异步电机磁通大小对于直流母线稳定性的影响,将有源阻尼控制与弱磁控制结合进一步增强直流母线系统稳定性并提高推进系统低电压穿越能力。

【Abstract】 With the development of power electronics technology, improvement of motor controltechnology and wide application of computer, the research on Marine Integrated Full ElectricPropulsion (IFEP) system in developed countries like Great Britain and the United States hasmade a great breakthrough and applied to many types of ships since the eighties of the lastcentury. Future direction of development of marine power system is IFEP, as the ship withIFEP is helpful for simplification of the whole ship design, optimization of the power systemand enhances the marine stealth performance. Meanwhile, the IFEP can also provide powerassurance for future ship-borne high-energy weapons. The U.S. Navy has proposed a powernetwork topology which has many advantages called Multi Zonal Medium Voltage DC(MVDC) Shipboard Power System (SPS) for the next generation of their surface combatants.In this dissertation, the following issues in the marine integrated full electric propulsionsystem are studied:First of all, a simulation model based on MATLAB of marine electric propulsion systemincluding AC source, diode rectifier, DC bus, DC bus filter, propulsion frequency converter,propulsion motor and propulsion propeller has been built. The mutual influence between shipmaneuvering motion and propulsion system was considered. The effection of wave wasintroduced which is working on the propulsion system by influencing performance ofpropeller. The simulation model can be used as a research propulsion system by the fullelectric propulsion of ships sailing in the waves. A power-speed combined control methodwas studied to restrain propulsion system power fluctuations when ship sailing in waves.In the next place, Several power electronic cascade system stability analysis methodbased on impedance analysis were introduced for research on the stability of DC bus withinDC Zonal Distribution Systems (DC ZEDS). The input impedance and output impedance ofthe DC bus filter–propeller inverter–motor system were derived. The filter parametersinfluence over the DC bus output impedance was analyzed, Another method can be used foranalysis of the DC bus stability was applied with the Hurwitz Criterion, which was muchsimple and intuitive than classical impedance method, a new active damping control methodwas derived based on this criterion, this method was able to guarantee the stability of the DCbus when the DC bus filter capacitor cannot meet the system stability requirements.At last, the method can improve the low voltage ride through (LVRT) capability of thepropulsion system was studied, several reasons caused voltage drop of the ship electric propulsion system was analyzed, the weakening control method was established for keep thepropulsion motor running during the voltage drop, weakening control method widely used atpresent based on stator voltage control was analyzed after the target of weakening control indifferent regions was distinguished. Furthermore, one SVPWM field weakening controlmethod which was superior to those methods based on stator voltage control was appliedconsidered the choice of the maximum stator q-axis current in non-ideal rotor magnetic field.The results showed that this method has strong adaptability for voltage drop of DC bus andcan make full use of the remaining DC bus transmission capacity. In the next, the impedanceanalysis method was applied for analysis of the influence of asynchronous motor flux on DCbus stability. The field weakening control method was used in conjunction with activedamping control method to enhance the low voltage ride through capability of propulsionsystem and increase the stability of the DC bus.
