

Research on Education of Power View among the Rural Grassroots Cadres

【作者】 马丽娟

【导师】 祝福恩;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 习近平总书记指出,要把权力关进笼子里,正确的权力观即是笼子之一。政治权力观是人们对政治权力这一社会普遍现象的基本看法和基本观点。中国共产党作为领导人民群众全面建设中国特色社会主义的执政党,党的领导干部能否树立并坚持正确的权力观,坚持以人为本、执政为民,坚持全心全意为人民服务的根本宗旨,做到为政清廉、秉公用权,实现干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明的目标,既关系到党的建设科学化的水平,也关系到“两个一百年”目标和中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”的实现程度。农村基层干部作为党的干部队伍的重要组成部分,能否坚持正确的权力观,直接关系到党的执政能力建设、先进性和纯洁性建设,关系到农村全面小康社会的建成。目前,我国农村社会处于重要转型期,农村基层干部总体上树立了正确的权力观,但是还有部分农村基层干部在权力来源观、权力目的观、权力道德观及权力监督观等方面存在着诸多问题,严重影响了农村基层干群关系,影响社会主义新农村建设和新型城镇化建设。因此,必须切实加强农村基层干部的权力观教育活动,使农村基层干部牢固树立正确的权力观,时刻牢记全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,真正做到权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋,克服党所面临的精神懈怠、能力不足、脱离群众和消极腐败的危险。加强农村基层干部权力观教育,乃是新形势深入开展党风廉政建设和反腐倡廉建设、科学有效地防治腐败的得力措施。本研究以马克思主义和中国特色社会主义理论体系、党的十八大精神为指导,坚持理论与现实相结合的研究方针,展开对农村基层干部权力观教育的相关研究。具体地说,第一章,介绍农村基层干部权力观教育的研究背景、研究意义,国内外的研究现状,以及论文的研究思路、基本框架、研究方法和创新之处等。第二章,对农村基层干部权力观教育的相关理论进行界定,分析了马克思主义权力观与中国共产党人权力观的内容及组成,提出农村基层干部权力观教育的内涵,并指出农村基层干部权力观教育具有阶级性、主体性和长期性等特征。第三章,梳理中国共产党成立以来的农村基层干部权力观教育的理论与实践,总结出我党长期以来进行农村基层干部权力观教育的丰富经验。第四章,对现阶段我国农村基层干部权力观教育的现状进行分析,总结我国农村基层干部权力观教育取得的成绩,结合现实指出我国农村基层干部权力观教育在教育目标、教育内容、教育方法等方面存在的问题,并从农村基层干部权力观教育的组织部门、教育者以及教育对象等多个角度进行成因分析。第五章,以党的十八大精神为指导,以党目前面临世情、国情、党情为立足点,分析了当前农村基层干部权力观教育面临的挑战和新要求。并指出,只有积极应对并战胜这些新要求和挑战,才能切实使农村基层干部树立正确的权力观,在深化农村改革、发展农村经济的过程中正确使用权力,从而加快全面建成小康社会的步伐。第六章,站在实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标和实现“中国梦”的战略高度,充分认识加强农村基层干部权力观教育的重要性,提出切实可行的优化农村基层干部权力观教育的对策。通过明确农村基层干部权力观教育目标、丰富农村基层干部权力观教育内容、科学选择农村基层干部权力观教育方法、拓宽农村基层干部权力观教育载体、完善农村基层干部权力观教育保障措施等途径,切实提高农村基层干部权力观教育的实效性,以加速农村实现全面建成小康社会目标的实现。

【Abstract】 General Secretary Xi Jinping stated that we must put power into the cage of institutionand the correct power view is one of the cages. Power view refers to the basic views and basicpoint of political authority in people’s mind which exist extensively in society. Thecommunist party of china as the ruling party leading the masses to build socialism withchinese characteristics in all respect, whether the CPC could establish the correct power view,whether the CPC could adhere to the party’s fundamental purpose of assuming power for thepeople and serving the people wholeheartedly, whether the cadres of CPC could be incorruptand use power for the public, whether we could realize the target of that the officials arehonest, the government is clean and political integrity is upheld, not only related to thescientific construction of the CPC, but also related to the realization of the target of two ‘onehundred years’ and the Chinese dream of great renewal of the Chinese nation. Ruralgrassroots cadres as an important part of the CPC, whether they can adhere to the correctpower view, not only directly related to the construction of the party’s administrationcapability, advancement and purity, but also related to the construction of rural moderatelyprosperous society in all respect. At present, there are lots of problems exist in part of therural grassroots cadres, such as, how they view the power of origin, purpose, ethics andsupervision etc, which seriously influence the relationship between the masses with cadresand impact the construction of new rural socialism and new urbanization. So we muststrengthen the education of power view in rural grassroots cadres, make the cadres firmly setup the correct view of political power, keep in the mind the tenet of serving the peoplewholeheartedly, truly exercise power in the interest of the people, share the feelings of thepeople and work for the good of the people,overcome the increasingly grave dangers oflacking in drive, incompetence, being out of touch with the people, corruption and othermisconduct. Strengthening the education of power view among the cadres is effectivemeasurement to carry out clean government building and struggle against corruptionscientifically.Instructed by the scientific theory of Marxism, socialist theory of Chinese characteristicand the spirit of18th party congress, this research explored the education of power viewamong the rural grassroots cadres using the method combining theory and practice. Specifically, the first chapter of this research introduced research background, significance,research status at home and broad, research approach, basic framework, research method andinnovation of education of power view among the rural grassroots cadres. The second chapterput forwarded relevant theory and the conception of education of power view among the ruralgrassroots, analyze the content and composition of Marxism power view and the CPC powerview, maintained that education of power view among the rural grassroots has thecharacteristics of class nature, subjectivity and long-range. The third chapter sort out theactivity of the education of power view among the rural grassroots cadres since CPC wasfounded, and summarizes the experience. The fourth chapter analyzes the situation,summarize the achievement of the education of power view among the rural grassroots cadres,put forward the problems in the aspect of education purpose, content and method etc, andanalyze the causes of the education of power view among the rural grassroots cadres in theaspect of organization department, instructor and cadres themselves. The fifth chapter,instructed by the spirit of18th party congress, analyzed the changes of world, party andcountry, put forwarded the new challenge and demand that how to educate view of politicalpower among the rural grassroots cadres, and maintained that we have to meet the newchallenge and demand to make sure that the rural grassroots cadres establish correct powerview and use power correctly in the reform and development of rural economy. The sixthchapter stated we must fully recognize the importance of strengthening education of powerview among the rural grassroots cadres at the strategic standpoint of two ‘one hundred years’and the Chinese dream, and put forward the measures to perfect it. Through clearing the target,amplifying the content, choosing suitable ways, broadening the medium, perfecting thesafeguard mechanism of education of power view among the rural grassroots cadres, we canimprove the effectiveness of education of power view among the rural grassroots cadres inorder to speed up the realization of building the moderately prosperous society in all respect.
