

Research on Risk Assessment Method of Jack-up Drilling Unit

【作者】 林一

【导师】 胡安康;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 能源需求的不断增长导致油气勘探和生产作业步入更具挑战的极端地理和海洋环境,因此引起了海洋工程人员、环境、商业风险的持续增加,安全、绿色、经济已经成为海洋工程领域发展的主题。为了在目前通用的基于历史统计数据的海洋工程风险评估体系中合理引入数值分析方法从而考虑每个平台的设计特点,本文以自升式钻井平台为例开展了相关研究工作,对主要风险中的关键问题进行了数值计算,并提出了各主要风险的评估流程,总结了一些具有工程实用性的方法。自升式钻井平台在位作业状态承受风、浪、流等环境载荷作用,本文采用极值概率模型确定各环境参数和载荷的极值,并以基底剪力和倾覆弯矩为对象求解环境载荷效应,然后通过非线性倒塌分析法得到平台结构体系抗力,提出了一种基于抽样统计法,并能考虑构件损失、疲劳裂纹、材料腐蚀等因素的极端海况下结构体系可靠性计算方法。船舶碰撞载荷是一种强非线性的冲击载荷,本文考虑自升式钻井平台的结构特点,基于非线性瞬态分析方法,提出了一种考虑初始状态、自由振动和剩余强度的平台/船舶碰撞强度评估方法,并在此基础上就主要碰撞参数对结构损伤和动力响应的影响进行了分析。海底地质条件的复杂性导致平台进行插桩作业时极易发生穿刺海损事故,本文基于非线性数值模拟技术,考虑土层参数的影响,对海底均质土和成层土地基的承载力进行了研究,并以此为基础提出了一种平台插桩过程模拟及穿刺可能性预报的方法。油气处理过程中产生的碳氢化合物引起的火灾爆炸是海洋平台作业过程中的主要危险之一,本文基于DOW火灾爆炸指数法确定了平台作业危险区域及事故频率,并通过CFD方法对典型工况下的火灾后果进行了研究;基于动态仿真技术对人员安全逃生过程进行分析,并计及逃生参数的随机性提出了一种逃生死亡概率的计算方法。

【Abstract】 The increase of energy demand leads the exploration and production operation of oil andgas facing a more challenging geography and sea state, which also brings the continuousincrease of human risk, environment risk and commercial risk of offshore installations.Therefore, safety, green and economy has become the development theme in the field ofocean engineering nowadays. In order to consider the design features of each installation andthe application of numerical analysis rationally in the general historical statistical data basedrisk assessment system, a Jack-up drilling unit is chosen as an example to do thecorresponding research. Several key problems in offshore primary risk are numericallycalculated and the assessment flow chart of primary risk is put forward, based on which somesignificant methods are summarized that can be useful for the engineering application.Wind, wave and current are the primary environment loads for a Jack-up drilling unit inoperation condition. In this paper, the rational extreme probabilistic model is applied to getthe extreme environment parameters, and then environment load effect can be gained bycalculating the base shear and overturning moment. Furthermore, the structure systemresistance is acquired by the non-linear collapse analysis. Finally, one calculation method ofstructure system reliability which considers the member damage, fatigue crack and materialcorrosion in extreme sea state is obtained based on sampling statistics method.Vessel collision load can be normally defined as a strong non-linear impact load. In thispaper, considering the structure feature of Jack-up drilling unit, one approach of assessingcollision strength between Jack-up and vessel considering the initial state, natural frequencyand residual strength is put forward based on the non-linear transient analysis. Furthermore,the influence of collision parameters on structure damage and dynamic response can beanalyzed.The complexity of sea bed geography condition would lead to the punch-throughincident during the drilling process for Jack-up drilling unit. In this paper, considering theeffect of soil parameters, the bearing capacity of homogeneous soil and layered soil iscalculated based on non-linear numerical simulation method. Besides, one approach ofsimulating the penetrate process and predict the punch-through probability is proposed.Fire and explosion caused by hydrocarbon leaks is one of the major threats to offshoreexplosion and production process of oil and gas. In this paper, the operation hazard area andincident frequency are determined by Dow’s Fire&Explosion Index Hazard ClassificationMethod, and the incident consequence in typical condition is analyzed by CFD method.Besides, the human safety escape process is simulated by dynamical technology and onecalculation approach of escape fatality probability which considers the random escapeparameters is also put forward.
