

Research on Government Institutions of Marine Administration of China under Sea Power Strategy

【作者】 于思浩

【导师】 周光辉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 政治学理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 “十八大”报告提出:“提高海洋资源开发能力,坚决维护国家海洋权益,建设海洋强国”。这是党的全国代表大会报告中首次从战略的高度全面阐述海洋事业发展的总体思路。海洋强国战略对我国政府海洋管理体制创新提出了挑战。政府海洋管理体制是基于一国的海洋现状和海洋经济建设、维护海洋权益而建立的,是国家行政管理体制的一部分,是相对于海洋立法体制和海洋司法体制而言的。是指维护海洋权益和管理海洋事务的政府机关的设置、职权的划分与运行机制等各种制度的总和。由于世界沿海各国的政治制度、历史进程和发展阶段不同,地理位置和文化形态各异,世界各国的政府海洋管理体制也不尽相同。但从机构设置和权力集中程度来看,基本上可以分为三种类型:集中型、集中与分散相结合型、分散型。进入新世纪以来,随着全球化世界政治经济格局的迅速变革,我国原有的政府海洋管理体制也逐渐暴露出诸多制约海洋管理事业可持续发展的新问题、新矛盾。随着我国“维护海洋权益,建设海洋强国”战略的提出,进一步深化政府海洋管理体制改革的任务逐渐提上了日程。为此,中国政府海洋管理体制需要进行如下改革和创新:第一,完善法律法规体系,加大执法力度,理顺海洋管理体制;第二,建立适合中国特色的政府海洋综合管理体制;第三,规范和强化海洋执法队伍建设;第四,完善海洋管理体制,优化政府海洋公共服务能力;第五,推动海洋治理理念下的海洋事务管理,实现从“海洋管理”到“海洋治理”。在这方面,珠海万山海洋开发试验区先行先试,在政府海洋管理体制的改革与创新方面进行了有益的探索。

【Abstract】 Eighteen the report pointed out: to improve marine resource developmentcapabilities, and resolutely safeguard national maritime rights and interests, buildingmaritime power." This is the party’s National Congress for the first time from astrategic height comprehensive exposition of the development of marine general idea.Marine power strategy of our government marine management system innovationchallenges.Government marine management system is based on a country’s oceans and marineeconomic development status quo, maintaining maritime rights and interestsestablished,,the state administrative system is part of the legislative system with respectto the ocean and the ocean in terms of the judicial system. Refers to the maintenance ofmaritime rights and management of marine affairs, government agencies set up, thedivision of powers and operational mechanism of the sum of the various systems.Coastal countries in the world political system, history and different stages ofdevelopment, geography and culture of various shapes, governments around the worldare not the same ocean management system. However, institutional settings and powerconcentration, basically can be divided into three types: centralized, combiningcentralization and decentralization type, dispersed.Entering the new century, with the globalized world of rapid changes in political and economic situation, the government of the original marine management system isalso gradually revealed many constraints the sustainable development of marinemanagement new problems and contradictions. With China’s " preservation of themarine rights and interests, building maritime power " strategy proposed to furtherdeepen reform government marine management tasks gradually put on the agenda.Therefore, the Chinese government follows marine management system needsreform and innovation: First, improve the legal system, strengthen law enforcement,streamline marine management system; Second, to establish a government withChinese characteristics suitable for integrated ocean management system; Third,standardize and strengthen maritime law enforcement ranks; Fourth, improve marinemanagement system, optimize government marine public service capacity; Fifth, topromote the concept of ocean governance under the management of maritime affairs,from "Ocean government" to " ocean governance."In this regard, Zhuhai Wanshan Marine Development Experimental Zone pilot,marine management in the government system reform and innovation has made usefulexploration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期