

Research on the Prevention and Control of International Environmental Crime

【作者】 高玥

【导师】 张旭;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 刑法学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球性环境危机日益深化,国际环境犯罪也日趋猖獗。近几十年来,国际环境犯罪持续增长使全球环境资源的破坏程度加深。同时,国际环境犯罪的增长也进一步加深了对人类整体环境权益的侵害。因此,环境问题已成为21世纪全球关注的焦点。国际环境犯罪的防治成为国际犯罪研究领域的热点和前沿问题。加强环境立法,运用刑法惩治与预防破坏环境资源方面的犯罪已经成为各国立法的关注重点。笔者认为,对于国际环境犯罪来说,预防是比惩治更为重要的方面,是立法更应重视和关注的。本文将分为五个部分对国际环境犯罪的防治问题进行研究。第一章就国际环境犯罪的定义、国际环境犯罪的范围、国际环境犯罪的危害、国际环境犯罪防治研究的意义等问题进行讨论,以期对国际环境犯罪防治问题研究的展开有清晰地进路。到目前为止,国际社会对环境犯罪概念的研究尚未统一认识,有关国际刑法组织和国内外刑法学者只是从不同的侧面对国际环境犯罪的概念进行了探讨。因而,在现阶段研究和完善国际环境犯罪的定义并进一步在国际文件中确立统一的具有权威性的国际环境犯罪的定义是该领域重要任务之一。笔者赞同并将以国际刑法学家巴西奥尼曾在其《国际刑法典及国际刑事法庭草案》中,对国际环境犯罪的界定并以此为出发点来讨论国际环境犯罪的概念及防治问题。同时将国际环境犯罪的范围限定在环境污染和自然资源破坏两个方面。笔者认为,对国际环境犯罪的定义应这样表述:行为人故意实施破坏自然资源或污染环境的行为,造成了两个或两个以上国家的环境污染和生态环境的破坏,并且后果严重,违反了一国所应承担的国际法义务,侵犯了相关国家的环境权,依法应承担国际刑事责任的犯罪行为。第二章主要讨论防治国际环境犯罪的立法前提。从国际法的角度来看,由于世界各国已经普遍意识到环境污染对人类生存的现实危害与潜在危机,环境犯罪不但破坏本国的生态系统,而且殃及其他国家乃至危及整个地球的生态环境安全。因此,世界各国对预防和惩治国际环境犯罪给予了比以往更多的重视,并通过签订国际条约和相关法律性文件遏制国际环境犯罪行为的发生。与此同时,联合国、国际刑法学协会、欧洲理事会等国际性组织在国际环境犯罪防治方面也一直进行着不懈的努力。这在很大程度上推动了国际社会对国际环境犯罪的惩治。目前,在国际立法中尚无强制性的国际公约对国际环境犯罪进行规制,是有效防治国际环境犯罪的最大弱点。第三章主要考察防治国际环境犯罪的实践基础。近年来,国际环境犯罪出现了新的趋势,破坏臭氧物质的非法贸易的出现就是其中一种,这种非法贸易的最新表现形式是出现了买卖氢氯氟烃的非法行为,此种行为会使国际环境犯罪愈演愈烈,客观上也更加凸显国际环境犯罪的危害性日趋复杂。同时,这种新趋势又对国际环境犯罪的防治提出了新的挑战。随着国际环境问题逐渐政治化、经济化,各国把外交重点也逐渐转向环境外交。各国都普遍加强了对全球环境问题管理的职能,扩大环境管理机构的人员编制,逐步增加环保机构资金预算。由于环境问题波及范围广,需要对此类跨越国界及危害人类权益的犯罪进行惩治,就必须加强国际社会的广泛交流、协调与通力合作。所以,近些年来,国际社会成员陆续通过本国国内环境立法或者签署条约等加强地区及全球性协作,抵制环境犯罪。第四章探讨了国际环境犯罪防治的策略选择问题。笔者认为,国际环境犯罪防治应遵循以保护环境权为宗旨的环境权优先原则、以防治污染为目的的综合治理原则、以维护生态平衡为目标的生态化原则,从防治国际环境犯罪的社会对策和法律对策两个方面入手:就防治国际环境犯罪的社会对策而言,应建立全球环境基金机制、设立常设性环保协调机构、开展地域性的环境保护管理项目、建立对公众的环境信息通报制度、加强相关执法机关的协作、加强环境税收。就防治国际环境犯罪的法律对策而言,应进一步完善国际合作机制、继续深化与协调区际合作、强化国际环境犯罪防治的执法力度、制定控制非法贸易的新规范、强化《多边环境协定》的实施和监督。同时,国际组织作为超国家机构应起到积极的协调作用,使各国在行动上保持沟通。第五章在国际环境犯罪防治的视角下,分析了我国刑事立法中对环境犯罪规定的不足,提出完善的建议。在2000年颁布的《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(二)》中对于环境污染犯罪的规定与之前的立法相比较已经开始完善。2002年的《中华人民共和国修正案(四)》中,也加强了对环境犯罪的规定,对于环境造成危害的犯罪在“危害公共安全罪”的相关章节中也做了介绍。2011年2月25日通过的《中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八)》,分别对“非法采矿罪”(第343条第1款)以及“重大环境污染事故罪”(刑法第338条)进行了修订。此次关于环境犯罪的修订,体现了适度降低犯罪构成标准,从而严密刑事法网、强化对环境犯罪的有效打击的思路。不但适度拓展了环境犯罪的适用范围类型,降低污染环境犯罪的入罪门槛,而且增强了可操作性,在很大程度上保证了惩治环境犯罪的力度。由此可见,我国环境犯罪在刑事立法上的规定已然大踏步地向前推进,从而也反映出我们国家通过使用刑事手段惩处环境犯罪,进而保护环境资源的决心。作为一个发展中国家,有关环境的刑事立法在我国的发展仍然基础薄、起步晚,同时还存在很多需要完善的地方。另外,现实存在的环境损害、经济发展和环境保护的紧张关系又为我们提出了挑战。所以,我们应针对我国防治环境犯罪立法存在的环境犯罪的涵盖范围相对狭窄、环境犯罪行为类型设定相对简单、立法形式单一化、环境犯罪行为体系设置不规范等不足,拓展环境犯罪的涵盖范围、设置有层次性的环境犯罪行为类型、强调立法形式的多样化、建立科学合理的立法体系。

【Abstract】 With the global environmental crisis worsening, the international environmentalcrime is also increasingly rampant. In recent decades, the continuous growth of theinternational environmental crime has been damaging the global environmentalresources to an even larger extent. Meanwhile, it has also further infringed upon theoverall environment rights and interests for mankind. Therefore, environmental issueshave become a global concern in the21st century, so the punishment and preventionof International environmental crime have become the hot spots and cutting-edgeissues in the research field of international crime. Therefore, the national legislativefocus has been shifted on strengthening of environmental legislation, and punishingand preventing the crimes in the damage to environmental resources by means ofcriminal law. The author believes that in term of the international environmental crime,the prevention is more important than punishing in legislation and to which moreattention should be paid. This paper covers this issue in the following five sections:The first part is about the definition, the scope and the hazards of internationalenvironmental crime, and the significance of the study of crime prevention in order todevelop a clear way in its research. So far, the international community has not yet gotthe common view on the concept of environmental crime, and scholars ofinternational criminal law and relevant international organizations have only probed itfrom different sides. Thus, it’s the top priority nowadays to research and improve thedefinition of international environmental crimes and make it unific and authoritativein international documents. The author agrees to the definition of internationalenvironmental crime made by O’Neill, a Brazil expert of international criminal law, in its “International Criminal Code and the International Criminal Tribunal for thedraft”, and takes it as a starting point to discuss the concept of internationalenvironmental crime and problems of prevention and focuses mainly on the twoaspects: environmental pollution and destruction to natural resources in internationalenvironmental crime. The author believes that the international environmental crimeshould be defined as follows: those who are the perpetrators, whose behaviour hasimplemented or destroyed natural resources causing two or more countries to bepolluted environmentally and to be damaged ecologically and the consequences areserious, in violation of a State obligations under international law that should be andthe relevant national environmental rights, should bear criminal acts.The second part is about the Legislative Review on the prevention ofinternational environmental crime. From the standpoint of international law, as theworld has been generally aware that the environmental pollution has the realistichazards and potential crises to human existence, environmental crime not onlydamages the country’s ecosystems, affects other countries and even endangers thesafety of the ecological environment of the entire planet as well. Thus, more attentionthan ever before should be given to prevention and punishment in the worldwideinternational environmental crime, and through signing international treaties and therelevant legal documents to curb international environmental crime from happening.At the same time, the United Nations, the International Criminal Law Association, theCouncil of Europe and other international organizations have been makingunremitting efforts in the areas of crime prevention in the international environment.This, in a large part, pushes the international community to punish internationalenvironmental crime. At present, there is no mandatory international legislation in theInternational Convention on the regulation of international environmental crime,which is the greatest weakness to effectively preventing international environmental The third part of this paper examines the specific practice situations in theinternational environmental crime prevention. In recent years, new trends in theinternational environment crime have come into being, one of which is illegal tradein ozone-depleting substances. Its latest manifestation is illegally tradinghydrochlorofluorocarbons. Such a kind of act will intensify internationalenvironmental crime, and objectively make increasingly complex the prominenthazards in international environmental crime. At the same time, this new trend alsopresents new challenges in the international environmental crime prevention. With thegradual politicization and economization of international environmental issues, eachcountry has gradually shifted the diplomatic focus on the environmental diplomacy.States have generally strengthened the management functions to global environmentalissues, expanded the staffing in environmental management agencies, and graduallyincreased the capital budget in the environmental agencies. As environmental issueshave reached far around the world, it is necessary to punish such cross-border crimesand crimes against human interests, so we must strengthen the extensivecommunication, coordination and collaboration in the international community.Therefore, in recent years, members of the international community, one after anotherthrough setting their domestic environmental legislation or signing treaties, havestrengthened regional and global collaboration, resisting environmental crime.The fourth part is about the countermeasure choices in internationalenvironmental crime. The author believes that the international environmental crimeprevention should follow the principle of comprehensive management to protect theenvironment and the principles of ecologicalization to maintain the ecological balancefrom the two aspects; preventive social measures and legal measures. In terms ofsocial measures of the international environmental crime prevention, the mechanismsfor the Global Environment Fund should be established, setting up a permanentcoordinating body for environmental protection, carrying out the management projects for regional environmental protection, establishing a reporting system ofenvironmental information to the public, strengthening the collaboration among therelevant law enforcement agencies and strengthening environmental taxations. Interms of legal response to the guard against international environmental crime, theinternational cooperation mechanisms should be further improved, to deepeninter-regional cooperation continuously, to strengthen law enforcement efforts to theinternational environmental crime prevention, to develop new rules to control theillegal trade, and to strengthen the implementation and supervision over the“multilateral environmental agreements”. Meanwhile, the international organizationas a supranational institution should play an active, coordinating role to enablecountries to maintain communication in action.The fifth part is about the analysis, in contrast to international environmentalcrime prevention legislation, of the deficiency existing in China’s legislation for itsenvironmental crime prevention efforts, offering a sound proposal. In the “CriminalLaw Amendment (two)” promulgated in2000the provisions for environmentalcrimes, compared with the previous version, has been improved, as to the2002’s“People’s Republic of Amendment (four)”, the provisions of environmental crimeshave also been strengthened, describing the crimes in damage to the environment inthe relevant sections about the “crime of endangering public safety”. February25,2011through the “Criminal Law Amendment (eight)”, respectively, of “illegalmining crimes”(Article343, paragraph1) as well as “major environmentalpollution accident crime”(Penal Code Section338) were amendments. Theamendments on environmental crime, reflecting the modest reduction of crimeconstitutes a standard and that strict criminal, and strengthen the environmental crimeeffectively combat the idea. Not only moderately expand the scope of environmentalcrime types, reduce pollution environmental crime incriminate threshold, but alsoenhances the operability, in large part to ensure the punishment of environmental crime efforts. Thus, China’s legislation on environmental crime in the criminalprovisions already made great strides forward, which also reflects our country topunish environmental crimes through the use of criminal means, thereby protectingenvironmental resources determination. These provisions in the criminal law topenalize environmental crimes, in large part, ensure the efforts in punishingenvironmental crimes, and to some extent, expand the scope relevant to theenvironmental crime. As China is a developing country, the criminal legislation onenvironmental development in our country is still weak in the basis, and late in start,but there are still a lot of to be perfected. In addition, there exist environmentaldamages in reality, and the awkward relationship between the economic developmentand environmental prevention poses a challenge for us. Therefore, aiming at relativelynarrow scope for environmental crimes in legislation in guard against theenvironmental crime, the relative simpleness in setting the types for environmentalcrimes, the simplification in the legislative forms, and non-standard settings in systeminvolving environmental crimes, we should expand the scope covering environmentalcrimes, set types of hierarchical environmental crimes, emphasizing the diversity oflegislation, and establish a scientific and rational legislative system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期