

An Empirical Study on the Construction of China’s Regional Financial Center

【作者】 李静

【导师】 朱显平;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文以我国31个省2005-2011年的金融数据为基础,运用多种计量分析方法对我国区域金融中心的建设进行研宄。本文通过对我国区域金融中心建设现状的分析,发现我国在区域金融中心建设过程中存在定位不清晰、宏观规划缺失等的问题。为了解决上述问题,本文分别从地区金融中心的竞争力、驱动因素以及经济效应三个方面进行计量分析。基于分析的结论,结合各地区的实际发展情况,为我国区域金融中心建设提出了较为明晰的、具有较强指导性的政策建议。本文的具体内容如下:(一)本文首先对区域金融中心的相关理论框架进行梳理,从区域金融中心的构成层次和金融中心的演变两方面阐释了金融中心的内涵;从区位经济、规模经济、信息外溢和政府推动四个方面分析金融中心的驱动因素;对区域金融中心经济效应的相关机理进行概述。论文通过对我国区域金融中心建设现状的分析发现,我国区域金融中心建设过程中存在定位不清晰,宏观规划缺失等问题,阐明了本文研宄的必要性。(二)本文对我国31个省市建设金融中心的竞争力进行评价。论文选取保险业、信托业、银行业、证券业的20个具体指标构建指标评价体系。采用因子分析方法,分析结果表明,保险业竞争力较强的省份分别是:东部地区的广东省、中部地区的河南省、西南地区的四川省、东北地区的辽宁省和西北地区的陕西省;信托业竞争力较强的省市分别是:东部地区的北京市和广东省、中部地区的江西省、西南地区的重庆市、东北地区的黑龙江省和西北地区的陕西省。银行业竞争力较强的省份分别是:东部地区的浙江省和广东省、中部地区的山西省、西南地区的四川省、东北地区的辽宁省和西北地区的陕西省;证券业竞争力较强的省市分别是:东部地区的北京市和广东省、中部地区的山西省、西南地区的四川省、东北地区的辽宁省和西北地区的陕西省。综合来看,建设金融中心竞争力较强的省份分别为:东部地区的广东省、西南地区的四川省、西北地区的陕西省、中部地区的河南省和东北地区的辽宁省,对应的城市分别为深圳、成都、西安、郑州、沈阳。(三)本文对区域金融中心的驱动因素进行计量分析,以继续探寻适宜作为区域金融中心的城市和地区。论文从区位经济、规模经济、信息外溢和政府推动四个角度选取指标作为模型的自变量,以银行业区位熵和保险业区位熵表示金融中心的发展水平并以此作为因变量,选取2005年至2011年的数据进行实证分析。实证研宄结果表明,金融中心的驱动因素在保险业和银行业、东中西东北部地区均存在共性。金融中心的主要驱动因素分别是区位经济因素、规模经济因素和政府推动因素。(四)区域金融中心的选择和布局应该考虑经济增长效应的最大化。区域内金融业对经济增长贡献最大的城市或地区适宜作为区域金融中心重点建设的目标。本文构建了以银行业区位熵和保险业区位熵作为解释变量,以人均GDP增长率作为被解释变量的面板数据模型,从银行业和保险业两方面检验我国区域金融中心发展与经济增长的关系。对模型估计结果表明:金融中心与区域经济增长之间存在正相关关系,区域经济增长水平越高,金融中心的经济效应越明显。从金融中心的经济增长效应估计结果来看,东部地区的北京市、中部地区的湖北省、东北地区的辽宁省、西南地区的贵州省、西北地区的甘肃省适合建立区域金融中心。(五)区域金融中心的选择和布局也应该考虑产业结构升级效应的最大化。本文通过对我国各地区产业结构变动情况的分析发现,我国各地区的产业结构处于升级过程中,产业结构正朝着合理化的方向发展。然后,在现有文献的基础上,确定使用第二、第三产业产值之和占GDP的比重来度量产业结构升级水平并以其为因变量,以银行业区位熵和保险业区位熵为自变量,构建了31个省市的面板数据模型。结果表明:东部地区的北京市、中部地区的湖北省、东北地区的辽宁省、西南地区的重庆市、西北地区的陕西省适合建立区域金融中心。(六)本文通过对国际金融中心形成与发展历程的分析发现,形成国际金融中心的地区普遍经济发达,政局稳定,地理位置优越,拥有自由开放的市场环境,政府都大力支持金融发展。论文结合前文研宄结论,对我国区域金融中心的建设提出政策建议:长三角地区金融中心建设需要明确定位、主次分明、相互协调;北京金融中心的建设应该结合自身独特的政治中心优势,明确区别于上海金融中心;天津应充分发挥其区位优势扩大金融开放,发展离岸金融业务;珠三角地区要依托香港,积极探索金融改革和创新,重点建设深圳金融中心;中部地区应重点发展郑州作为区域金融中心;西部地区应该重点建设重庆作为西南地区金融中心,建设西安作为西北地区金融中心;大连是东北地区的金融中心,在建设大连金融中心的同时,根据哈长城市群,集合哈长金融发展现状,提出应该将长春打造为次级区域金融中心。

【Abstract】 In this paper, the construction and development of China’s regional ifnancialcenter has been researched based on China’s ifnancial data of31provinces during2005-2011,using the method of Econometric Analysis. During building the China’sregional ifnancial center, the orientation is blurry and the macro planning is lack. Inorder to solve the above problems, the quantitative analysis for analysisdrive factors、competitiveness and economic effects of the regional ifnancial centerhas been done.Combined with the actual development situation in various regions,a clear guidancepolicy suggestions was put forward for the construction of ifnancial centers indifferent regions of china. The speciifc contents are as follows:1.A review of the theoretical framework of the regional ifnancial center has beendone. The connotation of ifnancial centers were expatiated from two aspects of thenecessary and hierarchy of ifnancial centers. The drive facts of ifnancial centers wereexpatiated from four aspects of regional economy,economy of scale,informaitonspillover and the government. It is found that during building the China’s regionalifnancial center, the orientation is blurry and the macro planning is lack.2.In this paper, the competitiveevaluation of China’s31cities has been done.20specific index of insurance, trust business, banking, securities industry evaluationsystemwas selected, the results show that Guangdong> Henan、Sichuan> Liaoning andShaanxi are the most competitivere spectively in easternarea、northeastarea、northwestarea、 eastern area and western area for insurance industry. Beijing、Guangdong、Jiangxi、Chongqing、Heilongjiang and Shaanxi are the most competitivefor aiffance industry. Zhejiang、Guangdong> Shanxi、Sichuan> Liaoningand Shaanxiare the most competitive for banking industry. Beijing、Guangdong> Shanxi、Sichuan>Liaoning and Shaanxi are the most competitive for securities industry.In conclusion, Shenzhen、Zhengzhou、Shenyang、Chengdu and xian are the most competitive.3.In order to explore the suitable city as a regional ifnancial center, thequantitative analysisforthe driving factors of the regional ifnancial center has beendone. The index was selected as independent variable from the regional economy,economy of scale, information spillover and the government and the entropy ofbanking and insurance industry was selected as variable based on analysis for databetween2005and2011.The results show that, Driving factors of ifnancial center arecommon in the eastern and western regions in the insurance and banking. The mainfactors driving of ifnancial center are regional economic factors、economy of scalefactor and government factor.4.The selection and layout of regional ifnancial center should consider the maxeffect of economic growth. The city has the largest contribution to economic growthis suitable to build Regional ifnancial center.The panel data model that the entropy ofbanking and insurance industry was selected as independent variable and increasing ofGDP was selected as variable has been built. The results show that there was apositive correlation between the ifnancial center and regional economic growth,regional economic growth level is higher,more obvious economic effect of ifnancialcenter. From the results we can see that Beijing、Hubei、 Liaoning、Guizhou andGansu are suitable to build regional ifnancial centers.5.The selection and layout of regional ifnancial center should also considermaximize the effects of the upgrading of the industrial structure. The actual conditionshows that the industrial structure of different regions in the process of upgrading isright. Based on the past research, the panel data model that the proportion of the sumof the tertiary industry and the second industry and GDP was selected asindependent variable and the entropy of banking and insurance industry was selectedas variable. The results show that Beijing> Hubei、Liaoning、Chongqing and Shaanxiare suitable to build regional ifnancial centers.6.According to analysis the formation and development of London、New Yorkand Tokyo,it is found that the international ifnancial center all have developedeconomy、 steady policy、superior geographical position and freedom market environment. Finally this paper put forwards recommendations for China’s regionalifnancial center selection and layout of the policy: the Yangtze River Delta areaifnancial center needs a clear positioning; Beijing ifnancial center should be combinedwith its unique political advantage and has a clear difference from Shanghai; Tianjinshould develop the offshore ifnancial business; the Pearl River Delta region shouldrely on Hongkong,and actively explore Shenzhen ifnancial center; in the centralregion,Zhengzhou should be focus on as a regional ifnancial center; in the westernarea, Chongqing should be focus on as a financial center, Chengdu as a secondaryregional ifnancial center; in the northwest area Xi’an should be focus on as a ifnancialcenter, in the Northeast, Dalian should be focuson as a regional ifnancial center andChangchun as a secondary regional ifnancial center.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期