

Study on Innovation of the Procuratorial Management Model in China

【作者】 卓黎黎

【导师】 张创新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 行政管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 检察管理对于检察机关的意义与管理之于任何组织的价值类似,是为了确保检察机关这一组织的职能得到有效发挥,目标得到顺利实现,从而维护国家法律统一正确实施的一项重要活动。近年来,检察工作的科学管理在实践部门逐步被提到显著位置,“检察管理”这一词语在文件、报告、领导重要讲话中出现的频率越来越高,管理策略、艺术和方法也逐步作为一门必修课程出现在检察领导干部的素能培训中;有关管理方面的基本理念、制度建设、机构人员改革,以及工作机制的完善,已经成为检察机关的重要研究课题,并在实践中从上至下进行了积极地倡导和推进,相应地也取得了一些明显成效。当前,随着我国政治文明建设与司法改革的不断推进,具有中国特色的检察制度在司法价值理念、检察权配置等方面都有了新的发展,对检察管理也提出了更高的要求。但是,受中国法律传统文化、检察制度建立和发展历程、宏观社会环境及执法环境等多方面因素的影响,我国的检察管理呈现集权控制式的基本特征,凸显出理念陈旧、行政化色彩过浓、信息资源及权利义务不对称、管理方式单一、方法落后、水平低下等比较明显的弊端和缺陷,因此,创新检察管理模式是应对当前检察工作新形势的迫切需要,是完善中国特色社会主义检察制度的内在要求,也是解决检察管理工作中现实问题的必然选择。从根本上说,在我国创新检察管理模式能否成功,取决于在进行制度改造与重构时能否充分尊重司法权运作的客观规律,取决于是否实现集权控制向分权制衡的根本转变。但从目前的情况来看,基于对理念、定位、角色、法律、机构五个方面的分析考察,可以发现在中国传统文化观念的积淀与现代管理理念之间;检察机关法律监督属性与管理体制行政化之间;检察官的身份定位与独立行使检察权之间;检察官法与公务员法之间;检察机关内部的机构设置与检察官分类管理之间,存在对立碰撞所导致的五重困境,现行检察管理模式出现了目标和手段的错位,并形成了所谓“路径依赖”,凭借目前采取的管理手段,根本无法实现预期目的。基于以上分析,本文充分借鉴公共管理学、法学、检察学等相关学科的理论基础,以马克思主义方法论为指导,遵循“基础理论——现实分析——问题探讨——对策建议”的逻辑线索,利用马克思主义唯物辩证法、文献研究法、制度分析法、比较研究法、案例研究法等方法,采取定性研究与定量研究相结合、规范研究与实证研究相结合、经验研究与案例研究相结合等形式,以检察机关作为法律监督机关的属性定位以及一切检察管理活动应该遵循司法基本规律的原则为逻辑起点,主张在现有宪法和法律的基本框架内,在中国现行政治体制和司法体制的背景下,通过引入先进管理思想、整合法定检察职能、统筹已有检察资源、创新管理方式手段,构建一种促使检察权规范行使、检察资源合理配置、检察工作特征完整体现、司法属性有效实现的管理模式。检察管理是一项复杂、系统、综合性的工作,检察管理模式是对这种系统及关系的简约式描述,包含价值理念、结构体系、运行机制、方式技巧等多种要素。本文认为,当前我国创新检察管理模式从根本上是要构建一种分权制衡式的管理模式,制度设计的前提是要在明确创新检察管理模式不是“推倒重来”也不是“修修补补”、不是简单地引进先进管理方式方法、且没有法定的版块分类等问题上达成认知共识;核心要点是要严格贯彻法治原则、充分体现检察工作的基本特性、准确定位创新检察管理模式的价值目标、理性看待创新检察管理模式的预期功能、高度重视分权制衡式检察管理模式与其他制度的相容性;在此基础上,从顶层设计、权力分配、内容整合等方面明确创新的基本思路。在业务管理模式优化层面,本文主张从公共管理学的角度,立足管理流程、管理体系、管理规范以及内外部监督关系的管理等内容,从刑事案件管理模式优化、职务犯罪侦查模式优化、业务流程管理模式优化、案件质量管理模式优化、外部协作制约模式优化五个方面着手,建构一个流程清晰、制度完备、规范齐全、关系协调的管理模式。其中,刑事案件管理模式优化主要关注侦查监督、公诉和控申三个业务工作环节;职务犯罪侦查模式优化主要关注侦查一体化思路及上下级关系;业务流程管理模式优化主要关注业务工作关键点和关键部位的动态流程再造;案件质量管理模式优化主要关注影响案件质量的内外部因素及应对;外部协作制约模式优化主要关注公检法“分工负责、互相配合、互相制约”的宪法原则如何在应然与实然两个层面有效贯彻实现。在队伍管理模式重构层面,本文从管理主体、对象、方式三个方面呈现了当前我国检察队伍管理模式的基本现状,结合对存在问题的深入剖析,认为重构检察队伍管理模式,就是要落实分类管理制度、扩大检察官办案权限、落实检察官等级、完善现有职业身份保障制度。在保障管理模式改革层面,本文对检务保障管理的主体、客体、特征、价值进行了概念界定和内容解析,分析了经费、物资、信息三方面保障管理的现状、弊端和存在原因,阐述了改革我国检务保障管理模式的价值体现和基本原则,认为应该从推动建立省级财政经费保障的长效机制、进一步规范物资保障管理制度、着力提升信息保障管理实效三个方面进行改革路径设计。此外,本文还结合笔者在两个省份检察机关工作的经历,对W省检察机关和Z省检察机关创新检察管理的实践探索进行了案例分析,分别对绩效管理和标准化管理的制度背景、前期论证、可行性分析、体系框架、指标设置等逐一进行了介绍,并分析思考了这两种管理方式的运行效果、存在的优点和弊端,以及下一步努力方向。

【Abstract】 The meaning of procuratorial management for the procuratorate is similar to themanagement for any organization. It is an important activity to ensure that theprocuratorate could effectively play the function of the organization, smoothly realizethe goal, so as to correctly carry out the national law. In recent years, the scientificprocuratorial management in the practice sector gradually mentioned prominently. Thefrequency of the term "procuratorial management" in the file, reports and importantspeech of the leadership is higher and higher. The management strategy, art andmethod also gradually appear as a compulsory course in the training for procuratorialleading cadres. The basic idea of management, system construction, institutionalreform, and the improvement of the working mechanism, has become an importantresearch topic of procuratorate, and actively advocate and promote from top to bottomin practice, accordingly, have also made some significant achievements.At present, with China’s political civilization construction and the advancement ofjudicial reform, the Chinese characteristics of procuratorial system in such aspects asvalue concept in the judicial, procuratorial configuration has a new development, alsoput forward higher requirements for procuratorial work management. However, by theinfluence of various factors such as the Chinese traditional legal culture, theestablishment and development of procuratorial system, the macro social environmentand law-enforcing environment, the way of China’s procuratorial management presentsthe basic features of centralized control, and exist more obvious drawbacks and defectssuch as idea obsolete, thickful security administration color, asymmetry between information resources and rights&obligations, method single, low level. Therefore,innovation of procuratorial management mode is the urgent need to deal with thecurrent new situation, is to perfect the inherent requirement of the procuratorial systemof socialism with Chinese characteristics, is also the inevitable choice to solve theproblem of procuratorial work management in reality.Fundamentally, the success of the procuratorial management innovation in China,will be depending on whether or not fully respect the judicial power’s objective lawwhen the system innovation and reconstruction, will be depending on whether or notimplement fundamental change from centralized control to the separation of powers.But from the point of the current situation, focuses on the culture, positioning, roles,laws and institutions in five aspects, we can find that there are collision caused by thefive heavy predicament in detail which between the sedimentary deposits of Chinesetraditional culture idea in procuratorate and the modern management concept, betweenthe legal supervision property of procuratorate and the management systemadministerization, between the prosecutor’s identity and independently exerciseprocuratorial authority, between the Prosecutors Law and the Civil Servant Law,between the internal institutions in procuratorate and prosecutors classificationmanagement. So, the current procuratorial management model appeared dislocation oftarget and means, and formed the so-called "path dependence". With the currentmanagement means, could not achieve expected goals.Based on the above analysis, this paper fully referring to the theory base ofscience of public management, law, procuratorate and related disciplines, guided by themarxist methodology, follow the logical clues of "basic theory, reality analysis,problem-countermeasures", using the marxist materialist dialectics, literature research,system analysis, comparative research, case study method and so on, adoptingcombining of qualitative research and quantitative research, normative research andempirical research, empirical research and case study, etc. The logic starting point of this paper is the attribute of procuratorate as legal supervision organs, and procuratorialmanagement activities should follow the principle of judicial basic law. This paperclaims build a procuratorial management model which can make procuratorialauthority canonically exercise, procuratorial resources rationally allocation, thecharacteristics of procuratorial work fully embodiment, and judicial propertieseffectively realizing, according to the introduction of advanced management thought,the integration of legal procuratorial functions, arranger the whole procuratorialresources, and innovative management style, within the existing framework of theconstitution and the law, under the background of the current political system and thejudicial system in China.Procuratorial management is a complex, system, comprehensive work.Procuratorial management mode is a contracted type description about the system andrelationship. It contains the value concept, structure, operation mechanism, methodskill and other elements. This paper argues that, procuratorial management innovationin China is to build a kind of management mode of decentralization andcounterbalance fundamentally. The innovation is not "down to" or "tinkering", ratherthan simply introduce advanced management methods, and there is no legal sectorclassification. During this, we must strictly carry out the rule of law principle, fullyreflects the basic characteristic of the procuratorial work, accurate positioning thevalue target,rational thinking its expected function, and attaches great importance tothe compatibility of this mode with other systems. On this basis, this paper makes a topdesign, distributes the power, integrate content and so on, to clear the ideal ofinnovation.In optimization of business management mode, from the perspective of publicmanagement, based on management process, management system, management norms,and management of the relationship between internal and external supervision, fromthe optimization of the criminal case management model, the duty crime investigation mode, the business process management model, the case quality management model,the external collaboration mode in five aspects, this paper has constructed amanagement mode which have clear process system, complete specifications andcoordinate relationship. Among them, the optimization of criminal case managementmodel focuses on three business links, the optimization of duty crime investigationmode focuses on their integration of ideas and parent-child relationships, theoptimization of business process management model focuses on the dynamic processreengineering in key points or parts, the optimization of external collaboration modelmainly focuses on the constitution principle:"division is responsible for and cooperatewith each other, restrict each other", how to carry out and realize effectiveimplementation.In refactoring the team management mode, this paper presents the basic status ofprocuratorial team management mode from the management main body, object andway in three aspects. Then it rational reflects on this model, analyze the existingproblems and underlying reasons, finally points out that the reconstruction ofprocuratorial team management mode, is to implementing the system of classifiedmanagement, expanding the prosecutors’ case jurisdiction, implementing theprosecutors’ level, and perfecting the existing professional identity.In reforming the security management mode, this chapter definite and contentanalyzes the subject, object, characteristics, and value of procuratorial securitymanagement. Then analyzes the present situation, shortcomings and reasons of thethree aspects of funds, material and information management. Again, from the macrolevel, this paper expounds the value and basic principles of procuratorial securitymodel reformation. This paper think that the reform paths design should be from theestablishment long-standing mechanism of a provincial fiscal funds safeguard, furtherstandardize material support management system, and to improve the actual affectionof information security management. Moreover, on the work experience in two provinces’ procuratorate, the authorprovides a panoramic display of the performance management practice in W province’procuratorate and standardized management practice in Z province’ procuratorate.Among this, it introduces the institutional background, feasibility study, feasibilityanalysis, system framework, and the index set, etc, one by one. Finally, it respectivelyanalytical thinks their running effect, the advantages and disadvantages, and the nextdirection.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期