

The "Revolution" in Marx and Tocqueville’s Political Philosophy

【作者】 隋洪波

【导师】 张盾;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本文的目的在于探究现代革命的思想实质和理论内涵,即一种建基于“解放”叙事的现代革命究竟包涵哪些基本概念、一般原因、思想性质和实践价值。毫无疑问,这是一个需要在政治哲学层面反思和争论的问题,从现代政治哲学的高度来理解革命问题,也就是要阐释革命的本性为何,即反思革命本身的思想逻辑。马克思和托克维尔迥异的政治关怀,影响了他们对革命概念、革命原因和革命性质等一系列革命问题的思考路向和解释原则。托克维尔首先关注政治革命、革命的政治解释和自由优先的革命;而马克思则将视野转向社会革命、革命的经济解释和平等优先的革命。首先,我们考察两种革命概念:政治革命与社会革命。托克维尔赋予革命两重含义,一种“革命”是当时整个基督教世界正在经历的从旧时代的贵族制度向新时代的民主制度的历史巨变;另一种则是指这一巨变过程中的“剧变”,包括政治、社会等方面发生全面和突然的根本性变化。前一种“革命”我们可以称为“政治革命”,它的典范是美国的民主实践,而后一种则可称为“社会革命”,它的样本是法国大革命,两者不约而同表现了民主时代来临时的历史进程。青年马克思在批判黑格尔的国家理论时,认为法国大革命作为一场政治革命创造了现代国家,但是法国式政治革命最终将被实现人类解放的德国式社会革命所超越,资产阶级的公民革命将被无产阶级的人的革命完成。马克思将革命视为生产关系方式导致的阶级分裂的产物,革命通过阶级冲突而将生产方式改造为另一种生产方式。在现代世界史上,社会革命极少发生,但它作为现代性进程中一种独特的社会政治变迁模式却意义非凡。在现代世界中,以商业化和工业化为主导的社会经济变迁,和以民族国家兴起为标志的政治剧变遍及每个国家,但像社会革命那样,使一个社会的国家政权和阶级结构都发生快速而根本转变,并且在这一过程中,社会结构变迁与阶级突变同时进行,政治转型与社会转型同时展开,而且要通过剧烈的社会政治冲突来实现这些变化的社会革命却相对较少。因此这类事件成为马克思一个极其复杂和重要的解释对象。其次,我们研究托克维尔和马克思对革命原因的不同阐释:政治解释与经济解释。托克维尔所处的时代,法国在革命和专制中挣扎,旧制度的中央集权和行政集权,剥夺了地方自由和贵族自由,特权现象加剧了贵族与平民权利的不平等而导致了一场期望废除特权的“怨恨”的革命。在他看来,政治上层建筑的专制或民主,取决于环境、传统和活着的人。他拒绝政治从属于经济的观念,也拒绝将特权阶级与政治上的领导阶级混淆在一起。他认为正是旧制度阶级划分的罪恶所造成的阶级障碍,使新社会的人们重新彼此接触时充满嫉妒和仇恨,带来了法国现在的革命动荡。我们以1789年法国大革命和1848年革命为案例,力图揭示托克维尔眼中两次革命的连续性动因及其政治解释。在马克思看来,1789年的资产阶级革命只使社会的一部分获得解放,使一个特定的阶级在牺牲其他阶级的基础上建立自己的统治。1848年和巴黎公社发生的情况属于无产阶级性质的新型革命,他们的原因是历史唯物主义理论和工人革命运动相结合的直接结果,历史唯物主义内在的蕴含了一种革命的、历史的、自由的辩证法,它一方面是一种历史观,另一方面是一种革命理论。我们分别从生产方式的革命、私有财产的革命、异化劳动的革命和社会实践的革命等四个维度,对历史唯物主义语境下的革命根源,即革命的必然性和必要性进行解读。最后,我们探讨革命的两种性质:自由优先与平等优先。自由与平等都是革命所承诺的价值诉求,托克维尔的政治哲学特别关注一个从封建与贵族的社会形态向工业与民主的社会形态的转型,即人类在迈向身份平等的必然归宿时,如何才能确保个人自由人格的一线生机,从而使民主制度适应于本土的政治文化。自由的光辉和艰难是作为法国人的托克维尔对其民族政治和历史最深刻的世界体验和洞察之一,只有对平等保持一种有节制的热爱,这样的人才是真正的平等的信徒和真正的自由的信徒。马克思的政治哲学则突出强调,现代工业文明中产生的无产阶级贫困和身份不平等才是现代性的真正问题。通过考察马克思的无产阶级概念,我们阐明了革命意识如何从异化劳动的泥淖中觉悟出来,无产阶级如何在资本的统治下从自在的阶级转变为自为的阶级,以及知识分子与无产阶级的关系问题,最终内在地揭示出无产阶级革命即平等优先的革命的正当性和合理性。本文认为,在马克思的本意中革命将被视为历史的发动机和推动力,其他领域的研究都是为了揭示这种动力的根源,社会革命的重要特征是,它不仅宣布实际上只有少数人才拥有的抽象权利,而且通过渗透到人的现实生活——他的社会—经济生活实现一种普遍解放。这将是涉及社会整体的第一次革命。即使是与马克思政治立场不同的托克维尔也不得不承认,在全人类迈向民主、自由、平等的大趋势中,贫困阶级用自己的力量摆脱贫穷和低下地位的革命并未结束。

【Abstract】 The purpose of this paper is to explore the modern revolution ideological essenceand connotation, namely a based on the “liberation”narrative of the modernrevolution actually inclusion which basic concept, general reasons, ideological natureand practical value. No doubt, this is a need in the political philosophy of reflectionand debate, to understand the revolution from the modern political philosophy, also isto explain why the revolutionary nature, reflections on the revolution itself ideologicallogic. Political concern of Marx and Tocqueville different, their impact on therevolution, revolution and revolutionary concept causes a series of revolutionarythoughts and principles of interpretation problems. Tocqueville first pay attention topolitical revolution, revolution and political interpretation and the priority of freedom;but Marx put the view to the economic explanation of social revolution, revolution andequal priority revolution.Firstly, we investigate two revolutionary concept: the political revolution andsocial revolution. Tocqueville gave the revolutionary double meaning, a“revolution”was the Christian world is experiencing from the old aristocracy to anew era of democratic system history; another is that the changes in the process of "change ", including the change in overall and sudden political, social etc. hand. Beforea “revolution” of what may be called “political revolution”, it is the United Statesmodel of democratic practice, the latter is called the “social revolution”, the sample isthe French Revolution, they both showed the historical process of democratic era. Theyoung Marx in the critique of Hagel’s state theory, that the French Revolution as apolitical revolution created the modern state, but the French political revolution willeventually realize the surpass Germany social revolution of human liberation, thebourgeois revolution will be no citizen middle-class people revolution completed.Marx will be the product of split the revolutionary as production relation in class byclass conflict, revolution and the mode of production for another kind of productionmode transformation. In the modern history of the world, the social revolution, rarelyhappens, but it as a unique social and political change in the process of modernity has extraordinary significance. In the modern world, the social and economic changes withthe commercialization and industrialization led to the emergence of a national state,and political upheaval as the symbol in each country, but as a social revolution, thestate power and the class structure of a society are undergoing rapid and fundamentalchange, and in this process, social structure changes and class mutation at the sametime, political transformation and social transformation at the same time, but also toimplement these changes through the social and political conflicts of social revolutionis relatively small. Therefore such events as Marx an extremely complicated andimportant objects of interpretation.Secondly, we study Tocqueville and Marx to the revolutionary cause differentinterpretation: Interpretation of political and economic. The Tocqueville era, Francestruggles in the revolution and dictatorship, the old system of centralization andadministrative centralization, deprived of liberty and freedom of local nobility, thephenomenon of increased privileges of nobility and civilian rights inequality and led toa desired to abolish the privilege of " resentment " revolution. In his view, the politicalsuperstructure authoritarian or democratic, depending on the environment, traditionaland alive. He refused to political to economic idea, also refused to the privileged classand political leadership class confusion together. He believes that the old system ofdivision of class class barriers caused by sin, so that people of the new society to comeinto contact with each other with jealousy and hatred, brought the French revolutionaryturmoil now. We in the French Revolution of1789and the1848revolution as a case,tries to reveal Tocqueville’s two revolution of continuous motivation and politicalexplanations.In Marx’s view, the1789bourgeois revolution only a part of social liberation, sothat a particular class to establish their rule in the expense of other classes. The newrevolution of1848and the Paris commune case belongs to the proletariat, they cause isa direct result of the theory of historical materialism and the workers revolutionarymovement combination, historical materialism dialectics inherent contains a revolution,historical, free, on the one hand it is a view of history, on the other hand is arevolutionary theory. We were from the four dimensions of the revolution ofproduction mode, the private property of the revolution, the alienation of labor and thesocial practice of revolution revolution to revolutionary origin, historical materialismcontext interpretation, namely the inevitability and necessity of revolution. Finally, we discuss two kinds of Revolution: the priority of freedom and equality.Freedom and equality is the value pursuit of revolutionary promised, the politicalphilosophy of Tocqueville special attention from a feudal aristocratic society to thesocial transformation of industrial and democracy, in which humanity is the inevitableend towards the status equality, how to ensure that people from the personality of aslim chance of survival, so that the democratic system to adapt to the local politicalculture. Brilliant and difficult free as the French Tocqueville on one of the nationalpolitics and the history of the most profound experience of the world and insight, onlykeep a restrained passion for equality, this person is a true equality of believers andreal freedom of believers. Marx’s political philosophy is highlighted, the emergence ofmodern industrial civilization of the proletariat in poverty and inequality is the trueidentity of modernity. Marx through the study of the concept, we clarify howrevolutionary consciousness from the alienation of labor situation awareness, theproletariat in the capital under the rule of the class in itself into a class for itself, aswell as the relationship between intellectuals and the proletariat, the ultimate intrinsicto reveal the proletarian revolution is equality priority of the revolutionary legitimacyand rationality.This paper believes that, in Marx’s original intention of revolution will beregarded as a history of the engine and the driving force, other areas of research is toreveal the source of this power, an important feature of social revolution is, it not onlydeclared abstract right in fact only a few people have, and the real life to man--hissociety economic life to achieve a universal emancipation. This will be the first timerevolution relates to the whole society. Even Marx and Tocqueville also had to admitthat the political stance, in all human beings to democracy, freedom, equality and thetrend of poverty class, used his power to get rid of poverty and low status of therevolution did not end.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期