

Looking for the Life Meaning of Human

【作者】 姜琳琳

【导师】 高文新;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 作为人类生命特有的精神现象,信仰的源出之根是生存,信仰的存在就如人的存在一样真实。人是一个在生存的每时每刻都必须查问和审视生存状况的存在物,立足于人的存在本身去揭示信仰的本体论根基,信仰的生存论阐释就十分必要。信仰是人之精神因为渴慕崇高而对现实本我进行的自觉超越,在本质上是人寻找生命意义、探求存在真谛的特有方式。基于信仰源于人的生命存在这样一个逻辑前提,借鉴马克思主义蕴含的实践-生存思想,全文将对信仰问题的研究置于生存论的视域中,从“何为信仰”、“信仰何为”以及“信仰什么”三个角度分五个部分来探讨信仰与人的生存发展的内在联系,在寻找人的本真的、自由的、完满的生存境界的过程中彰显马克思主义信仰的时代价值。第一部分,从生存论的立场出发解答了“何为信仰”这一基本问题。随着人类生存危机的日益凸显,西方哲学从“如何认识”的不懈追问转向对“如何生存”的现实反思。生存论哲学的发展为人们突破存在危机,确证生命存在的价值,开启了新的哲学范式。探寻属人的生命意义成为生存论哲学关注的焦点问题。围绕这一问题,存在主义者开始了他们的信仰求索之路。无论是克尔凯郭尔所坚持的“似非而是之论”,还是海德格尔所期望的“此在的绽放”,抑或萨特所追求的“存在先于本质”的自由观,都是对现实生活的反思和对生命意义的追问,都给人类文明留下了弥足珍贵的精神财富。但是,这种存在主义哲学路向过于关注个体自我的感性生存,忽视了人之生存的整体性和社会性,因而无法给人的生命存在以全面完整的意义关怀。马克思主义的实践-生存思想以“属人世界”为人类生存实践展开的空间,以人的社会历史性的类生存为主要关注点,以实现解放获得自由为人类生存的最高宗旨,敞开了更为丰富的生存视界。利用马克思主义实践观所敞开的生存视界对信仰进行生存实践的理解,信仰的现实根源在于人类的生存实践;信仰的意识根基在于人类原初的生存意识;信仰的意义指向在于人类生命的自我超越。信仰是以人的生存实践为源出之根和终极价值追求的人类对有限生命向度的无限精神超越,是人类文化的、精神的、有意义的存在意愿的表达形式。第二部分,在信仰与人的类存在的具体联系中探究信仰的本质。论文以马克思关于“人是有意识的类存在物”的认识为前提,基于“人的类存在”这样一个基本事实,站在马克思主义实践观的立场上,从生存论的视角将信仰与人类文化、人类掌握世界的方式、人的完整性存在以及人类的终极关怀联系起来。信仰是人类文化的核心价值。信仰以其蕴含的价值观念为道德提供了内在支撑,信仰以内在的主动性弥补了法律的刚性缺陷,信仰以其对人的精神状态和实践活动的影响引导着科学的发展,信仰因其对人类生命意义的终极关怀赋予艺术以灵魂,信仰是人类意识的最高形式;信仰是人类掌握世界的一种永恒独特的方式。作为人类专有的掌握世界的方式,信仰的发生使得人类可以突破认识世界和改造世界的有限性,在实践生存的过程中实现精神信仰的有意识超越;信仰是人的多样性存在的最高统一。人类生命的完整性表现为一个随实践展开的多样化存在发展的动态过程,依据人之生命存在的不同状态,人类信仰也呈现出多种类型,构成了一个有机统一的信仰体系,而人的解放和全面发展就成为人类生存发展的终极价值选择;信仰是人类独有的终极性关怀。信仰从终极角度体现着人类的精神性关怀,是根植于人类的现实生活又不断超越现实的一种追求和超越过程,以信仰的方式不断探究生命存在的终极意义是人生在世的一种必然状态。第三部分,将信仰置于人类的历史发展过程中对其基本形态进行动态分析。论文以马克思关于“人的世界历史性存在”的认识为基础,充分借鉴这一思想所敞开的方法论意义,紧紧围绕马克思主义视域中人的存在所具有世界历史特质,在世界历史的广阔视野中,从历史唯物主义的角度对信仰的基本形态进行分析梳理。以人存在的历史性为出发点,信仰的基本形态可以分为原始信仰、传统信仰和现代信仰。原始社会是人类社会发展的最初形态,也是人类信仰得以形成的最初阶段,在这一阶段中,由于生产力水平的低下,人完全依赖于自然以及群体而存在,原始信仰就成为人们对抗强大自然力,维系共同体统一行为的精神力量。当人类进入阶级社会后,人与人之间的统治服从关系随着私有制、阶级和国家的出现而形成,信仰反映了这种阶级分化的趋向并服务于特定的社会需要,于是,在传统阶级社会中,不仅从原始自然宗教中羽化出人为宗教,人们也开始进行理性的哲学思考,宗教信仰和哲学信仰以不同的方式实现了对人之生命意义的精神关怀。人类进入现代社会之后,随着以物的依赖性为基础的人的独立性的发展,马克思主义信仰、人本主义信仰以及科学主义信仰等先后确立并得到了迅速发展,成为现代社会的主要信仰形态。第四部分,运用历史唯物主义的方法挖掘信仰危机的社会历史根源。人的现实生命活动是人的精神信仰生活得以形成的基本前提,真理和价值原则反映了人类生命活动的必然追求。实践生存着的人所形成的坚定信仰应是“信以为真”和“信以为值”的辩证统一,一旦当人类生命活动的真理维度和价值维度之间的平衡状态被打破,人们势必会身陷生存困惑之中,信仰危机的发生也就在所难免。从信仰主体的角度来看,信仰危机是一种主体价值选择的危机;从信仰客体的角度来看,信仰危机是具体信仰对象或信仰内容的真理性危机;从人的整体性生存来看,信仰危机是一种蕴含转机的必然性危机。抓住危机蕴含的转机促进信仰的重构的可行性方式包括以主流文化为引导,以传统信仰为依托,以多种信仰为载体。就当代中国社会呈现的信仰危机来看,信仰重构的现实路径就是要坚持以马克思主义信仰为主导,重视以儒家信仰为核心的传统信仰的社会作用,积极创设多元和谐的社会环境促进信仰的共荣发展。第五部分,将马克思主义信仰与人的全面发展联系起来彰显马克思主义信仰的时代价值。马克思主义的全部学说都可以理解为以“人的解放”为终极旨趣的有关于人的全面发展的学说。马克思主义是一种科学的理论,更是一种科学的信仰,马克思主义信仰的诞生引发了人类信仰史上的伟大变革。站在唯物史观的高度上,通过将人的本质还诸于人,坚持人是人的最高本质,马克思主义将人类解放作为自己的最高理想;通过对人存在历史形态的理论分析,马克思主义对人之全面发展的演进道路进行了理论探索;通过对人类生存发展的实践分析,马克思主义展开了实现人的全面发展的现实道路。总体上说来,马克思主义是要用自己的哲学来改变世界,开创人类生存的至高境界。因此,只要人类的自由发展没有实现,人类生存的异化状态依然存在,马克思主义关于人的全面发展的价值关怀就不会过时。中国特色社会主义是马克思主义信仰的现实性品格的具体体现,是马克思主义信仰中以人为本的“终极理想”与世界范围内社会历史性的“现实运动”相结合的产物。在当代中国,马克思主义中国化的理论进路和中国特色社会主义的现实道路相结合正在创造一种人类全新的存在状态和文明样态,为解决人类社会普遍存在的生存矛盾与生存危机做出了贡献。但是,我们距离实现人的全面发展的终极目标还有相当的距离,需要我们有坚定的信心和足够的耐心。因此我们现在能做的而且要做的就是坚定马克思主义信仰,沿着中国特色的社会主义道路昂首前进。

【Abstract】 As a unique spiritual phenomenon in the human life, the root of the faith issurvival, the existence of faith is as real as the existence of human. Man is “the beingthat must inquire and examine the conditions of existence in every moment.” Basedon the human existence to reveal the ontological foundation of faith, the interpretationof faith from the perspective of survival theory is necessary. Faith is the conscioustranscendence that the human spirit carried to the reality because of the desire to thelofty, in essence, it is the unique way people looking for the meaning of life andexploring the true meaning of existence. Based on the logical premise that the root ofthe faith is survival, according to the practice-survival thought of Marx, the paperwill study the problem of faith from the perspective of survival theory. It will explorethe relationship between faith and people’s survival and development from threeangles. It will highlight the era value of Marxism belief in search of true, free andperfect survival realm of human.The first part answers the basic problem about "what is the faith" from thestandpoint of existentialism. With the growing of human survival crisis, westernphilosophy relentless questioning "how to understand" turned to reflecting "how tosurvive". The development of survival philosophy opens up a new philosophicalparadigm, helping people break through existing crisis and confirm the value of theexistence of life. The survival philosophy focuses on exploring the life belongs to thepeople. Around this problem, the existentialists carried on their beliefs search path.Kierkegaard insisted "paradoxes" theory, Heidegger expected "this in blossom", Sartrepursued freedom of "existence precedes essence". These ideas are the reflection ofreal life that keep questioning the meaning of life, these ideas have left a preciousspiritual wealth for human civilization. However, this existential philosophy way istoo focused on the individual perceptual existence to give a full and complete care forhuman life. Marx’s practice-survival ideology regards "personal world" as the spaceof human being, concerns about people’s social class historic survival. It goes torealize the ultimate goal of human existence---the liberation of freedom, opens themore abundant living horizon. By using Marx’s practice-survival ideology, the faithis rooted in the survival of human practice; the original consciousness of faith is rooted in the survival of human consciousness, faith points to the significance ofhuman life beyond him. Faith is the cultural, spiritual, meaningful form of willexpression about human existence.The second part explores the nature of faith linking the faith and the classpresence of people. The paper takes Marx’s understanding about "the person isconscious beings" as the premise, it is based on "the existence of human", standing onthe position of the outlook of practice of Marxism, it links faith with human culture,the way to grasp the world, the integrity existence and ultimate concern fromexistential perspective. Faith is the core value of human culture. Faith providesinherent support for the moral by its inherent values. Initiative within the faith makesup for the legal rigid defects. Faith guides the development of science by its influenceon the person’s state of mind and practice. Faith gives soul to art because of itsultimate concern to human life. Faith is the highest form of human consciousness.Faith is eternal way that human holds the world. Faith makes humans break theoccurred limit in understanding and transforming world and realize conscious spiritbeyond. Faith is the highest unification of human diversity. The integrity of humanlife is a dynamic process in the practice of diversification with the development,according to the different life state, faith presents the variety of types and constitutesan organic unity system, people’s liberation and all-round development is the ultimatevalue choice. Faith is the unique human ultimate concern. Faith embodies humanspiritual care, it is rooted in the reality of human life, it is a pursuit and transcendentprocess. It is the necessary life state of human being to explore the ultimate meaningconstantly by faith.The third part puts faith in the history of human development to analysis its basicform dynamically. The paper is based on Marx’s thesis on the "world-historical humanexistence". It makes full use of the open method of this theory and discusses tightlyaround the person’s world-historical existence, it analyses the basic form of faith fromthe point of view of historical materialism in the broad view of world history. Thebasic form of the faith can be divided into primitive faith, traditional faith and modernfaith. The primitive society is the first form of the development of human societywhen the human belief can be initially formed. In this stage, people completelydepends on the nature and groups because of low productivity, the primitive faithbecame strong spiritual power that helped people confront powerful forces of natureand maintain a unified community. In the class society, rule to obey relationshipbetween people formed with the emergence of private ownership, class and nation. Faith reflected this trend of class differentiation and served the particular needs ofsociety. In the traditional class society, anthropogenic religion emerged from theoriginal natural religion and people begun a rational philosophical thinking. Religiousand philosophical beliefs cared for the meaning of human life in different ways. In themodern society, along with the material dependency-based development of humanindependence, Marxism belief, humanism belief and scientism belief developedrapidly and became the main form of modern faith.The fourth part digs the belief crisis of social historical roots by using the methodof historical materialism. Man’s real life activities is the basic premise of man’sspiritual life, principles of truth and value reflect the inevitable pursuit of human lifeactivities. The firm belief of the practice-survival human is the unity that is“believed” and “valued”. Once the balance between the truth and valuedimensionality is broken, people will be caught in the survival dilemma, crisis of faithalso can hardly be avoided. From the point of view of the subject, crisis of faith is acrisis of the subject value choice. From the point of view of the object, crisis of faithis a crisis of truth about specific object or specific content. From the view of integritysurvival of human, crisis of faith is an inherent necessity that contains turnaround. Thefeasibility way of belief reconstruction includes taking the mainstream culture as aguide, basing on the traditional belief and regarding a variety of faith as the carrier. Interms of contemporary social belief crisis in China, in order to realize the faithreconstruction, it is necessary to adhere to Marxism belief dominantly, pay attentionto the social function of the traditional belief based on the Confucian belief and creatediversity and harmonious social environment to promote the co-prosperitydevelopment of faith.The fifth part links the Marxism belief with man’s all-round development toreveal the value of Marxism belief. All Marxist doctrine can be understood as theultimate purport about "human liberation" and man’s all-round development. Marxismis a scientific theory, also a scientific belief. Marxism belief caused a great change inthe history of human belief. Standing on the height of historical materialism, Marxismregards human liberation as the highest ideal, Marxism has carried on the theoreticalexploration about the evolution of man’s all-round development, Marxism haslaunched the realistic way of realizing man’s all-round development. On the whole,Marxism is to change the world and create the highest level of human existence.Therefore, as long as the development of human freedom is not achieved and thealienation of human existence state is still there, the value of Marxism about person’s full scale development care will not go out of style. Socialism with Chinesecharacteristics is the embodiment of the practical character of Marxism belief. It is thecombination of people-oriented "ultimate ideal" and the world-wide social andhistorical "real movement" in Marxism belief. In contemporary China, thecombination between theory of Marxism in China’s approach and the reality of thesocialism with Chinese characteristics path is to create a new state of being andcivilization. It makes a contribution to the solution of the contradiction of existenceand survival crisis existing in the human society. However, there is still a considerabledistance from our ultimate goal to achieve the comprehensive development. We needto have firm confidence and patience. What we can do and should do now is to keepfirm Marxism belief and walk forward along the road to socialism with Chinesecharacteristics.

【关键词】 信仰生命意义生存论实践
【Key words】 FaithLife MeaningExistential PhilosophyPractice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期