

Research on the Effect of Enterprises Network and Organizational Learning on Technological Innovation

【作者】 王宇

【导师】 李建华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,我国经济保持了持续的高速增长,被世界称之为经济发展史上的奇迹。然后,经济大国并不等同于经济强国,“中国制造”并不等同于“中国创造”。如今,如何转变粗放式发展方式,提升产业发展质量,优化经济发展结构成为我国经济未来发展关键问题。如何提升区域发展梯度层次、推进区域经济发展梯度转移成为转变经济发展方式、优化经济总量结构的关键路径。企业作为经济可持续发展和产业战略升级的主体力量,面对动态变化的市场环境,如何全面获取和整合多种创新资源,持续实施多种模式的创新活动,成为解决上述各种问题的根本方式。企业面对全球化加剧、产品周期缩短、市场边界模糊以及客户需求多样化等动态变化的外部环境,传统的单兵作战已经不能胜任,同不同组织的成员构建资源信息网络成为新时期提升创新实力的必要选择。然而,这种企业网络需要具备哪些重要的特征?又如何能够影响企业不同的技术创新活动呢?学术界对此也存在不相一致的观点,由此本文针对这一企业实践需要解答的问题以及现有理论的缺失展开研究。本文通过对国内外相关理论研究文献资料的研讨,基于社会网络、组织学习和技术创新等相关理论研究内容,经过相关文献成果的总结归纳,依照SCP分析框架,首先对研究涉及的各个变量进行系统的概念界定和维度划分,清晰研究变量的概念基础和构成结构;其次建立动态环境下企业网络影响不同技术创新模式的理论研究模型;之后,通过探测性的深入访谈定性检验研究变量维度划分及理论关系模型的合理性,并经过研究变量设计、样本选择和数据收集整理分析,采用结构方程模型定量检验企业网络、组织学习对技术创新不同维度的影响作用关系;最后,根据实证检验结果,通过深入讨论分析,给出动态环境下我国企业提升技术创新水平的对策建议。本研究主要结论包括以下几个方面:1、清晰界定了研究变量的概念,划分了变量的维度结构。本文认为:企业网络是企业为了寻求持久的竞争优势而通过企业间的网络互动构建的长期动态组织形态,包括网络规模、网络强度和网络中心度三个重要的维度特征;组织学习是企业为了适应动态变化的外界环境、维持企业自身的竞争优势,在企业个体、团队、组织等层面利用现有经验不断创造和获取新知识,并通过共享、整合和固化的方式不断改变组织观念和行为的持续循环过程,包括开发学习和探索学习两个维度变量;技术创新是企业为了适应动态环境变化和内部条件改善,在市场导向下运用或创造新技术、新知识并实现成功商业化转换的过程,包括持续性创新和突破性创新两个维度类型。2、系统建立了企业网络、组织学习对技术创新影响的维度层面关系模型。本文认为:网络规模、网络强度和网络中心度不仅可以直接影响持续性创新和突破性创新,而且还可以通过开发学习和探索学习对两种技术创新模式进行间接影响。3、通过定性、定量检验方法,全面检验了企业网络、组织学习对技术创新的作用关系模型。检验结果显示,网络规模、网络中心度对持续性创新、突破性创新的直接影响作用不显著,网络强度对突破性创新的直接影响作用不显著;网络规模、网络强度和网络中心度可以通过开发学习对持续性创新进行间接影响,网络规模、网络强度和网络中心度可以通过探索学习对突破性创新进行间接影响;网络强度对持续性创新具有直接影响作用。4、依据我国企业实际情况提出动态环境下企业管理的对策建议。本文认为,处于动态环境中的企业应该科学构建企业网络、推进创新资源获取;增强组织学习能力、提高知识转化效率;甄选技术创新模式、提升技术创新水平。本研究依据科学的管理理论、按照规范的研究范式、遵循系统的实证过程,所得研究结论一方面能够满足本土企业构建科学的企业网络、提升技术创新水平的需求,进而将有助于国内企业尽快实现产业升级、优化产业结构,为我国实现经济发展方式转变和结构调整提供管理借鉴;另一方面,能够拓宽企业网络的研究领域,深化企业网络研究的理论应用价值,有助于明确影响不同技术创新模式的关系路径,拓宽技术创新理论研究内容,丰富企业网络与技术创新关系研究内容,也具有一定的理论研究价值。

【Abstract】 After more than30years of reform and opening up, China’s economy maintained rapidgrowth, is the world called the history of economy development. Then, economic power isnot equal to the economy,"made in China" is not equal to "created in china". Now, how tochange the extensive mode of development, enhance the quality of industrial development,optimizing the structure of economic development has become a key problem in the futuredevelopment of China’s economy. How to improve the key path gradient level, regionaldevelopment to promote regional economic development gradient transfer has become thetransformation of economic development mode, optimize the economic structure. Upgradingof enterprises as the main force of economic sustainable development and industrial strategy,in the face of the dynamic change of market environment, how to obtain and integrate avariety of innovative resources, to continue the implementation of multiple modes ofinnovation, become the basic way to solve the above problems.The enterprise in the face of globalization, short product life cycle, market boundaryfuzzy and the diversification of customer needs, the dynamic changes of the externalenvironment, the traditional single soldier combat is not competent, members with differentorganization resources information network has become a necessary choice to promote theinnovation ability in the new period. However, this kind of enterprise network should havewhat important features? How can the effects of different enterprise technology innovationactivities? The academic circles have not consistent point of view, this paper aimed at thepractice of enterprises need to solve the problem and the lack of existing theory research.In this paper, through the research on the related theories and domestic and internationalresearch literature, content related theory study of social networks, organizational learningand technological innovation based on the relevant literature, the results summarized,according to the SCP analysis framework, the concept of each variable in the study of thesystem definition and dimensions of the division, clear conceptual foundation of researchvariables and structure; secondly establish the theory model of technological innovationmodel for the impact of enterprise dynamic network environment; then, through in-depthinterviews of qualitative test of the rationality of variable dimension and theoretical model of detection ability, analysis and design, through the research variables, sample selection anddata collection, the relationship between the structural equation model and quantitativeanalysis enterprise network effects on different dimensions of technological innovation;finally, according to the empirical results, through in-depth discussion and analysis,countermeasures and suggestions to enhance the level of technology innovation ofenterprises in our country are under dynamic environment. The main conclusions of thisstudy include the following aspects:1. Clearly defines the concept of variable, divided the dimension structure variables.This paper thinks: the enterprise network is a long-term tissue morphological dynamicenterprises in order to find a lasting competitive advantage through network interactionamong enterprises construction, including the network size, network strength and networkcenter of three important dimensions; organizational learning is the enterprise to adapt to thedynamic changes of the external environment, to maintain the competitive advantage ofenterprises, in the enterprise individual, team, organizational levels using the existingexperience to create and obtain new knowledge, continuous cyclic process and throughsharing, integration and curing methods changing organizational concept and behavior,including the development of learning and discovery learning two dimensions; technologicalinnovation is the enterprise to adapt to dynamic changes in the environment and internalconditions, in the market oriented application or creation of new technology, new knowledgeand realization process commercially successful conversion, including sustaining innovationand breakthrough innovation in two dimension type.2. The system establishes the dimension relationship model on the impact oftechnological innovation of the enterprise network. This paper thinks: the network size,network strength and network center can not only directly influences the sustainableinnovation and breakthrough innovation, but also through the development of learning anddiscovery learning indirect influence on the two kinds of technology innovation mode.3. Through the qualitative, quantitative test method to test the relationship model on theimpact of technological innovation of enterprise network. Test results show that, the networksize, network centrality on direct effect of continuous innovation, breakthrough innovationeffect is not significant, the role of network strength directly influences on breakthroughinnovation is not significant; the scale of the network, the network strength and networkcenter can be a direct impact on the persistent innovation through the development oflearning, network scale, network intensity and network center can be directly to the radicalinnovation by exploring learning; network strength has a direct influence on the persistentinnovation. 4, According to the actual situation of China’s enterprises countermeasures andsuggestions put forward the dynamic environment of enterprise management. This paperthinks, in the dynamic environment of enterprise should be scientific construction ofenterprise network, access to promote the innovation of resources; enhancing organizationallearning ability, improve the knowledge conversion efficiency; technical innovation,upgrading the level of technological innovation mode selection.On the basis of scientific management theory, according to the empirical paradigm ofprocess research, follow the system specification, the conclusion of a hand can meet the localbusiness enterprise network construction, improve the level of technological innovationneeds science, which will help domestic enterprises as soon as possible to achieve industrialupgrading, optimizing the industrial structure, providing reference for the implementation ofmanagement change the mode of economic development and structural adjustment of ourcountry; on the other hand, to broaden the research field of enterprise network, deepen theresearch of network enterprise application value of the theory, the path with the relationshiphelps to clarify the influence of different technological innovation mode, expand the contentof theoretical research on technological innovation, enrich the enterprise networkrelationship between technological innovation and research content, also has sometheoretical research values.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F272.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】945
  • 攻读期成果