

Study on Japan’s International Competitiveness of Iron and Steel Industry

【作者】 孙毅

【导师】 李玉潭;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 世界经济, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 建国以来我国钢铁产业发展取得举世瞩目的成就,从1949年全国钢铁产量占世界比例不足0.1%,位列世界第26位,到如今成为全球最大的钢铁生产国和消费国。同时也必须清醒的认识到,我国钢铁产业与世界先进相比仍存一定差距,并且面临许多问题。因此,如何缩小与世界先进的差距,解决存在的问题对我国钢铁产业发展具有重要意义。战后的日本钢铁产业发展十分迅速,从20世纪50年代中期开始,不到20年的发展,便确立了其在世界钢铁产业中的领先地位,而且此后一直保持着很高的国际竞争力水平。日本钢铁产业的发展经验,对我国钢铁产业有借鉴意义,有助于提高我国钢铁产业国际竞争力水平。产业国际竞争力,是从20世纪80年开始,以经济全球化为背景兴起的新的经济学分支。在有关产业国际竞争力的理论中,美国哈佛大学迈克尔波特教授提出的“国家竞争优势”理论被广泛接受,其在进行一国产业国际竞争力成因分析时非常适用。而本课题的正是以此为主要理论依据,从影响因素入手对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力进行分析研究。本论文共分为10章:第1章是导论。阐明了本文选题背景和意义,回顾总结了有关课题的国内外研究现状,介绍了文章所采用的研究方法,论文主要内容,并指出了研究的创新与不足之处。第2章是产业国际竞争力的一般分析。本章对“产业”的内涵进行了讨论,简述产业的不同分类方法;回顾了“国际竞争力”和“产业国际竞争力”概念的提出,讨论了产业国际竞争力的内涵及对其进行衡量和分析的指标体系;界定了钢铁产业的范围和特征,讨论了钢铁产业国际竞争力的影响因素,并提出钢铁产业国际竞争力分析的框架。第3章是产业国际竞争力相关理论综述。本章回顾了绝对优势和比较优势理论、要素禀赋理论、新贸易理论等三大经济学理论体系的内容,并分别简要讨论了这些理论对产业国际竞争力研究的适用性。此后,回顾了“国家竞争优势”理论的提出,总结了“国家竞争优势”理论的核心内容“钻石模型”的主要内容。第4章是战后日本钢铁产业国际竞争力历史演进。本章以日本经济变化为主线,回顾了战后以来日本经济各发展阶段钢铁产业国际竞争力的演进情况。按照经济恢复阶段(1945~1955年)、经济高速增长阶段(1955~1973年)、经济低速增长阶段(1973~1989年)、泡沫经济阶段(1989~1999年)和2000年以后的划分归纳了日本钢铁产业国际竞争力水平的演化过程。第5章是生产要素对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力影响分析。本章对资本、技术、资源和劳动力四类生产要素如何影响日本钢铁产业国际竞争力进行了分析,得出:资本要素在产业扩张阶段具有推动作用,在其后的阶段中有保障作用;技术要素在产业发展各阶段都具有推动作用;资源要素对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力影响复杂;劳动力要素在产业发展不同阶段中的双重性影响。第6章是需求条件对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力的影响分析。本章分别讨论了内需和外需对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力的影响,得到无论是内需、还是外需,抑或是其中的某一方面都无法自始至终的影响日本钢铁产业国际竞争力的走向,甚至是起到足够重要的积极或消极的作用,须要分层次分阶段的区别看待需求条件对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力的影响。第7章是相关及支持产业对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力的影响分析。本章从钢铁产业供应链的上下游两端入手,通过日本海外资源开发、钢材流通体系、原燃料运输业发展三个方面的讨论,分析了主要支持产业对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力的影响。得出日本在钢铁产业供应链条的上下两个环节都对日本钢铁产业发展起到了切实的支持作用,体现出系统性、高效性以及很高水平的战略眼光,对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力起到十分积极影响。第8章是企业因素对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力影响分析。本章按照企业内部管理、企业间关系和大企业并购三个层次对企业因素的影响进行讨论。分析了日本钢铁企业内部的管理体制、计算机应用和企业内教育等管理手段;考察钢铁产业内部不同形态生产企业的结构、分包制以及日本钢铁企业系列化;重点关注了日本钢铁产发展过程中两次重大的企业间并购。得出企业要素推动和促进日本钢铁产业国际竞争力提升的结论。第9章是历史机遇和政府因素对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力影响分析。本章讨论了发生在日本钢铁产业发展关键节点上的历史事件及日本政府行为对日本钢铁产业国际竞争力的影响。验证了波特钻石理论中关于机会和政府因素会影响一国产业国际竞争力的论断,得出日本钢铁产业的发展与几次历史事件的密切关系,以及政府行为对日本钢铁产业的走势影响作用。第10章是日本钢铁产业国际竞争力的经验及对我国的启示。本章简述了我国钢铁产业发展的现状,指出面临的主要问题;总结了日本钢铁产业国际竞争力在产业协调竞争、产业链完善、产业结构合理和经营管理创新四方面的经验;结合日本经验和我国的现实情况,对我国钢铁产业的提出了规范市场竞争秩序、加强钢铁产业上下游产业链建设、企业联合与协调经营相结合、重视企业经营管理四方面建议。

【Abstract】 Since the founding of new China, our iron and steel industry has maderemarkable achievements. In1949, the national steel production accounted for lessthan0.1%of the world, ranked26thin the world. And now, China has been the biggeststeel producing and consuming country of the world. But we must be fully aware thatthere’s a big gap between ours and the world’s advanced, and China’s iron and steelindustry still faces many problems. Therefore, it’s significant to China’s iron and steelindustry how to bridge the gap and solve the problems.Postwar, Japan’s iron and steel industry developed rapidly. Since1950s, it hadspent less than20years that Japan’s iron and steel industry established the leadingposition in the world. Then it has been keeping a high level internationalcompetitiveness.Industry international competitiveness is a new field of economics which wasfunded in the context of globalized economy in1980s. Among the theories of industryinternational competitiveness, the competitive advantage of nations theory byMichael E. Porter who is the Harvard University Professor is wildly accepted. As thetheoretical basis of this study, it is very suitable for genetic analysis on some country’sindustrial international competitiveness.There are10chapters in the thesis.Chapter1is introduction, which concludes the background and reason of thetopic, the research status about the issue, the research methods, the main content ofthe thesis, the main innovation and insufficiencies.Chapter2is the general analysis of industrial international competitiveness. Inthe chapter, author discusses the connotation of industry, and outlines the industrial classification. Here are the reviews of the conception of internationalcompetitiveness and industrial international competitiveness, and the connotationof industrial international competitiveness and the index system of evaluation andanalysis are also discussed. By defining the scope and characteristics of iron and steelindustry, author discusses the factors of international competitiveness of iron and steelindustry, and proposes the analysis framework.Chapter3is the summary of relevant theories. Author reviews the theory ofabsolute advantage and comparative advantage, the factor endowment theory, the newtrade theory. And these theories’ applicability to international competitiveness isbriefly discussed. Then author reviews the theorizing of the Competitive Advantage ofNations, and summaries the Diamond Model which is the core of the theory.Chapter4is the evolution of postwar Japan’s international competitiveness ofiron and steel industry. According to the division of Japanese economy, authorgeneralizes Japan’s international competitiveness of iron and steel industry in theeconomic recovery phase (1945-1955), the rapid economic growth phase (1955-1973),the slow economic growth phase (1973-1989), the stage of the bubble economy(1989-1999), and2000years later.Chapter5is effect of factor conditions on Japan’s international competitivenessof iron and steel industry. In this chapter, how the capital, technology, resource andlabor affect the Japan’s international competitiveness of iron and steel industry arediscussed. The conclusion is that the capital is promotional in the expansion phase,and protective in the other phases; the technology is promotional; the resource affectscomplexly; the labor has dual nature.Chapter6is the effect of demand conditions on Japan’s internationalcompetitiveness of iron and steel industry. In this chapter, the effects of domestic andexternal demand are discussed separately. The conclusion is neither of them or somepart of either can not affect Japan’s international competitiveness of iron and steelindustry in the same way all the time. The effect of requirement need be treated hierarchically in different periods.Chapter7is the effect of related and supporting industries on Japan’sinternational competitiveness of iron and steel industry. In the perspective of industrychain, author analysis the related and supporting industries of Japan’s iron and steelindustry by discussing Japan’s overseas resources development, steel distributionsystem, and raw material and fuel transportation, and give a conclusion that both ofupstream and downstream do support Japan’s iron and steel industry systematically,efficiently and strategically, which is positive impact on Japan’s internationalcompetitiveness of iron and steel industry.Chapter8is the effect of firm on Japan’s international competitiveness of ironand steel industry. In this chapter, business management, relations between enterprisesand big mergers are discussed. Author analysis Japanese steel enterprises’management system, computer applications and enterprise education; observes andstudies structures of different forms of enterprise, industrial sourcing and series ofenterprise; focuses on twice major acquisitions. And conclude that firm factorpromotes Japan’s international competitiveness of iron and steel industry.Chapter9is the effect of chance and government on Japan’s internationalcompetitiveness of iron and steel industry. Both the historical events occurred on thekey nodes of Japan’s iron and steel industry and the government actions are discussedin this chapter. Poter’s regarding that chance and government affect a country’sindustrial international competitiveness is verified. The relations between historicalevents and development of Japan’s iron and steel industry and effects of severalgovernment actions on are found.Chapter10is the experiences of Japan’s international competitiveness of ironand steel industry and the enlightenment. In this chapter, author sketches the status ofChina’s iron and steel industry, and points out the problems; summaries theexperience which are the harmonization of competition, the complete industrial chain,the rational industrial structure, and the innovational management of Japan’s iron and steel industry; puts forward the suggestions which are regulating the market,strengthening the industrial chain development, combineding the joint enterprise andcoordination, and emphasizing management combined with China’s reality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 04期
  • 【分类号】F416.31;F431.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1815
  • 攻读期成果